View Full Version : SH4 Mods Workshop

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  1. [REQ]Submarines on the surface dont sink
  2. Warships retextured 1.3 - will it be expanded?
  3. confused about TMO, RSRD, and Op. Monsun
  4. All in one
  5. a bit of a dilemma
  6. the best mods?
  7. RFB Install Help
  8. [REL] Silent Fire Elite 1.5.0
  9. Nautilus -model Harper Goff-
  10. SH4 v1.5?
  11. [RFB]Help me please!
  12. [REL]Pacific Environments 3.2
  13. Question regarding editing dds files (Textures)
  14. Water colors reflect the Merchant and ......
  15. Add Shortcut for Attack Map
  16. "Attitude Skins"?
  17. [REQ] Re-enabling the Type XVIII in Operation Monsun
  18. Which Version Of SH4 Are You Using?
  19. dissappointed there is no japanese campaign
  20. [TEC] Ambient Occlusion Tutorial
  21. [WIP]Playable Battleship Yamato
  22. help
  23. [REQ] GUPPY mod
  24. Disable the Stopwatch
  25. need help changing the captains desk photos
  26. Crew suffocated despite surfaced (CO2 bug)
  27. [REQ] Playable Elco PT
  28. recognition manual CTD
  29. Question regarding compatibility and order of install of TMO, RSRD & OM and PE3
  30. Snaptrap's Sub Skins
  31. {REQ} Better Scopes for SH4 1.5!
  32. ZBrush 3.1 Tutorial
  33. Just want to make sure this is clear
  34. [REQ] Convert SH4 Nuclear sub for SH3
  35. [REL] Captain Cox Redux – Better Scopes
  36. Silent Service 2 Historical Missions
  37. [REL]Yamato Battleship
  38. [REQ] Declaration of war
  39. No creaking in S-boat
  40. Queston Silent 3ditor
  41. Are solid transparent windows possible?
  42. Resizing The Sub Marker
  43. What's the matter? [smoke particles & wind]
  44. Problems with transparency in modified files...
  45. [REQ] Japanese subs
  46. [REL] Modified XVIII
  47. compass backwards when engines are in reverse
  48. Rotating radar at operator's station
  49. Tutorial for Applying Maps to Textures??
  50. RFB error massage
  51. [WIP]Elco PT-boat
  52. Deck gun rate of fire..
  53. [REL] Sliding Speedcharts (Knots to Minutes/Hours) for Navigation Map
  54. [WIP]Preliminary Ship-vs-Speed formula
  55. req: u-boat load screen
  56. Question: Is this installation correct?
  57. Are Campaign Patrol Missions date dependant???
  58. Mod Promo Videos
  59. Lookking for a mod...
  60. Recommended Mod Combos
  61. Question concerning RSRD Campaign...???
  62. Is SH4 U-boat Mission "skipping" ranks?
  63. [TEC] Green Periscope Lines
  64. The new RFB!
  65. Idea to fix missing eyes?
  66. In-game recognition manual
  67. RFB and NSM for 1.5
  68. [REQ] Automatic Update For US Boats
  69. [REL] Operation Monsun v200
  70. officers
  71. Typhoon?
  72. [req] Silent 3ditor question
  73. Bearing in degree true?
  74. Destroyer MOd?
  75. messages
  76. On manual targetting how do I compute target speed?
  77. [TEC] changing 40mm/37mm to deck gun for AI?
  78. [REQ]
  79. (REQ) Fort Drum for SH4 1.4 & 1.5
  80. view mod
  81. playing sh4 or sh3?
  82. what mods on sh4
  83. Are we getting any german language in u-boat missions with subtitles?
  84. Question About RSRD
  85. Exploison Graphics
  86. Jap Destroyers
  87. need help installing RFB
  88. [REL] sobers compass grey_scale_SH4
  89. In 1.5, which file...?
  90. Real 3D limber holes in Fleet Boats? Possible?
  91. [REL] Pre Pearl Harbor Career Start
  92. Larger Interface, Tools, dials, buttons? 1920x1200
  93. Based on this info...
  94. Weird toolbar buttons with RFB 1.5
  95. [Req]
  96. KMS tirpitz
  97. what sub is this
  98. modding the contower
  99. [TEC]Is is possible to add particle effects/sounds?
  100. Real Medals for 1.5?
  101. can you change the speed of external camera?
  102. Is It Even Possible?
  103. Nitaka yamani noboore
  104. very strange plane damage ???
  105. [TEC] Changing a city into a Naval Base
  106. Huge save files
  107. 3d glitch
  108. Sh4 and the replay.tmp file...
  109. [WIP] Mast Height and Draft Mod for RFB
  110. ROW PE or Enviremental 45
  111. Weather Observation
  112. im confused
  113. can you remove the AA gun crosshairs
  114. End of War scenarios for celebration...
  115. [REQ]Particles tutorial?
  116. Filter Night Blue for Map (S-18)
  117. [REL-UBM] Playable USS Fletcher Destroyer
  118. RFB/RSRDC and "large" files...
  119. unsinkable jap subs
  120. Gauges Wrong
  121. How to re-position the Recognition manual
  122. [REQ] NAV Station Compass Fix
  123. How to start near your patrol location like in SH1!
  124. I 52 model in stock anyone ?
  125. SSN 21 seawolf model 3ds
  126. FOX News Traffic - what is it?
  127. [WIP] Help with 3d model
  128. RFB 1.5 not really doin it for me
  129. [REQ] New ship classes
  130. “Divide by 0”
  131. [REQ] larger spashes
  132. [TEC] Playable Ship Builders unite
  133. [REQ] Smaller Radar Blips
  134. Battleships and Destroyers
  135. photoshoping dds files
  136. could someone mod an IJN submarine Tender ?
  137. Which File Has Torp Description Info??
  138. B-24 Trademark 'liberated'
  139. (TEC) What happened to ship damage ?
  140. (TEC) What happened to my deck gun crew?
  141. Does someone could do that?..... (please!)
  142. Torpedo fire controll panel
  143. Scuba diving deck watch?
  144. Help with models/materials import
  145. Enlisted ranks
  146. Can Someone Explain This Please?
  147. Lightmap textures ?
  148. can anyone make glass in 3ds
  149. [REQ] Wrong main gauges in type XVIII control room
  150. what happens when you torpedo a Sen-Toku sub
  151. rsrdc campaign help ?
  152. [WIP] Playable Iowa - Tech problem
  153. Ohio
  154. best mod to reduce jap air
  155. [REL] Silent Skins U-9D2 & U-18
  156. red pencil?
  157. pinged by enemy ships
  158. [REQ] New playable U-Boats
  159. help!
  160. Porpoise drivers..........(TMO...)
  161. My mods order check!
  162. how do you change ships draft?
  163. [Help!] Changing recharge rates...
  164. No Ammo For Deck Gun & AA
  165. Deck Gun Files, Rate of Fire
  166. what should i use to make a ship???
  167. looking for more landmarks
  168. [help] IJN Campaign
  169. radio question
  170. RFB problems, please help, Sir.
  171. Hydrophone in SH4 1.4
  172. [Req] Ship movement
  173. [REL]Corrected German Flak sights
  174. Alarm call TOO short
  175. Ship Damage Indicator
  176. Torpedos passed through ship
  177. How do you give a recon plane to the IJN Jyunsen B sub ?
  178. A Mission Idea for Playable Battleship Yamato
  179. IJN Submarine crew
  180. Raingear
  181. Looking for two mods
  182. playable aircraft carrier???
  183. Bug found in thomsen his soundmod?
  184. [REL] sobers RFB1.5 hud mod
  185. IJN uniform mod needed
  186. Flying sea plants!
  187. Thx to all your Modders
  188. Mods Configuration
  189. important question!
  190. Need an Ogg file Converter Steer
  191. Sub Avaliblity
  192. [WIP] playable IJN Kaichu type submarine
  193. SH4 Commander???
  194. [Req]Periscope Pictures
  195. Am I allowed to call this Uberboot...
  196. how do you increase the torpedo load
  197. Looking for camera mod
  198. [REL] AI Sen Toku (I-400 class)
  199. is the medal mod out?
  200. Torpedo tubes green when tube open
  201. need 140 mm gun for my Jyunsen B
  202. installation order?
  203. TMO problem
  204. Kaitens
  205. "Niitakayama nobore 1208"
  206. [help] Crewmembers
  207. [REL] sobers RFB1.5_ env_grx_mod
  208. how do you open equipment files?
  209. how do you make freecam get closer to things?
  210. [REQ] Playable Planes for SH4 1.5
  211. snaptrap member has been gravley injured
  212. i need help with ship waterline color
  213. Newbie Mod Questions
  214. guns not appearing!
  215. 1942 and no new objectives!
  216. on re-encoding radio/grammaphone audios
  217. Need mines for IJN subs
  218. Russian Borei class sub
  219. Having a problem
  220. [REL] Spax's German Speech Sound Fix
  221. [TEC] "CaptainRoom"
  222. [REL] Jyunsen B, Kaichu and kaidai IJN mod
  223. whats the install order for RSRDC?
  224. Looking for a sound mod
  225. Sound mod!
  226. mod for waves at 0 wind?
  227. circular mod install order?
  228. what effects will changing ship drafts have?
  229. what controls damage a ship gets?
  230. [TEC] Submarine depth controls
  231. Campaign difficulty editing
  232. what file contains a ships hit points?
  233. [REL]HMS subamrine Truant playable mod
  234. How do I know mods are installed??
  235. in ubm v1.5 my german 9d2 boat always starts out too deep
  236. aren't all ship waterlines supposed to be red?
  237. [???] Would this DC have caused damage in reality? (pic inside)
  238. been gone for a week anything new happened?
  239. [REQ]Can't D/L from Filefront
  240. Help with disapering ability icons
  241. [???] Will this mod list work?
  242. Tails for map in RFB
  243. help with fixing the shokaku sinking charactoristics
  244. [WIP]F4U1 Corsair
  245. Ducimus, could you take a look at this thread please.
  246. USS Batfish Radar and CR pics
  247. Installing Trigger Maru Mod
  248. Map incorrect at near full zoom!!
  249. This modding stuff....
  250. Transfers...Boat Upgrades..........????