

The Missing Pieces

  Some quests fit in multiple campaigns, or are not in the ‘cricical path’. Note that these are not tested.

  • The map and the dagger. At Shark Island you will be asked (was it by Tommy Barkhead?) for help in finding a map of ‘our part’ of Skull Shores. This quest is easily forgotten as you busily go about the critical path. The word (I haven’t tested) is that if you go to Tel-Kerrat, Galien Braciaux will sell you a dagger that you can then take to a governor of a French island (Isle d’Orange?) who likes artifacts. He will then give you the map.
  • The marrying Priest. One of the reported options involving the romance with Jacqueline de Bijou is to elope and find a priest to do the wedding. Try the French island or Oromy.
  • The Old Woman’s Ring. On Isle d’Orange is an Old Woman who has lost her ring. If you go after meeting her to the taverne in town, the barkeep tells you the woman’s story, involving her son being lost in a failed French military mission attacking Spanish Isla Ballena. Go there, talk to the tavern owner, and then you’ll find a woman named Fransesca outside, who has the ring. Now, as they would say in the Archipelago, she’s not the brightest candle in the chandelier, so save before you negotiate with her, but she’s not a good bargainer. Take it back to the Old Woman, and follow through.



Introduction - The Man himself brings you up to speed on the how's and why's of the Sea Dogs Walkthroughs.

English Walkthrough - The game starts in the English island of Highrock. Take the guv'nor's Letter of Marque and sail under the Union Jack. 

Pirate Walkthrough - Too cool to sail for the civilized nations, eh? We like your style. Hoist up the Jolly Roger, matey, and let's sink some English!

Spanish Walkthrough - What brings someone to take on the allegiance of a hated nation? A desire for vindication? The desire to hunt for the individuals responsible for a crime (and not blaming the entire nation)? Perhaps a little too much rum?

French Walkthrough - Maybe it’s the idea of the wine, or the food, or the idea that like them, you think you’re better that anybody else (J ), but you’ve decided to head on out to Belflor to get yourself a French Letter of Marque!

Missing Pieces - Some quests fit in multiple campaigns, or are not in the ‘cricical path’.

Places and People - Who-boy, there's lots of folks in the Archipelago to keep up with. Sailor Al has sketches on all of them here.

The Cheats! - Any real guide to a computer game will have a section on cheats.

The Fifth Campaign - The Fifth Campaign is… that of a free trader at sea!

The Stores a guide to lucrative trading.

The Game Editor! - That’s right, mateys, there be an editor hidden in the game!


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