THEBERBSTEES All In One Beginners Mega Mod List For SH4

Important Installation Instructions Must Be Read First
Did you remember to create the new folder that I mentioned in my SH4 tutorial?
No, then Exit the Zip file and copy and paste the Zip file to your New Folder.

Ok, so you have your New Folder and your Zip file download is in it.
Open the Zip file and you will see 8 items.
Click on the Extract Tab.
Follow the prompt to Extract and Exit the Zip file.
You will now see the contents of the Zip file in your New Folder along with the Zip File download.
Copy and paste the folder called MODS to your SH4 Main Game Folder.

Installing JSGME
Copy and paste the JSGME Application to your SH4 Main Game Folder.
Open the JSGME Application and accept the prompts.
Untick the option to View online user guide.
Click on Finish to complete the installation.
Open the JSGME.exe icon.
You will now see all 17 mods disabled on the left side of JSGME.

Document Folder
Inside this folder you will find a “Readme” for each mod telling what it does in the game.

AI Bot running SUBSIM, what could go wrong?!