Silent Hunter III Mods Tutorial

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This thread will compile the links to the threads with the essentials and the great-to-haves. It won’t include everything, and you can search for the rest in the downloads section; but it will include the most popular mods.

Silent Hunter III Modding Tutorial


– S3D – Silent 3ditor (Skwasjer)
– JSGME (JSCones)
– Menu & GUI guide (scudder)
– Menu renumbering tool (H.Sie)
– SH3 Commander (JSCones)
– “Just follow orders” (rudewarrior)
– Hardcode fixes (H.Sie)
– Add-on for hardcore fixes (Stiebler)
– SH3Patrol v4 (Stiebler)
– Superturms (Aces)
– New 3D Interiors (Flakmonkey)



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