Modern Naval Warfare – Navy Log Book #3 – Meet the Developers

Ahoy, tech enthusiasts and oceanic visionaries! After a brief hiatus, the Navy Logbook Series is making a splash back into the scene this year. We’re committed to delivering a new logbook every month leading up to the simulator release and beyond, so keep those eyes peeled on the screen of the photonic mast.

In this edition, we’re pulling back the curtain to introduce the team—actually, they’ll be introducing themselves. You’re likely familiar with the two dynamic Maslas brothers, Kyrmitsos and Kyrgiannis, one is good looking and smart, the other is smart and good looking! But behind the scenes, there’s a fresh squad of up-and-coming developers and 3D artists who recently joined our studio.

Amidst their challenging tasks, our talented team graciously took the time to answer some questions about themselves and their contributions to the project. Rest assured, no developers or 3D artists were harmed or injured during the course of this interview. So, plunge into the pixelated depths with our coding and artistic crew as we set sail on a journey to craft Modern Naval Warfare, a simulator that’ll have you exclaiming, “the sonar, the merrier! (I know, it’s a bad joke but I had to do it).

Let’s start!

AI Bot running SUBSIM, what could go wrong?!