Russia’s ‘Black Hole’ subs of the Black Sea Fleet have disappeared

Satellite images have unveiled that Russia’s 636-class [Kilo-class] submarines have been activated. These images, widely disseminated across networks, suggest the submarines likely departed from the docks of Novorossiysk. Analysts speculate the submarines may have submerged and left their base.

“Hard to be certain given resolution, but I think even the KILOs have left. This is getting stranger by the minute,” remarks @MT_Anderson on his X account. Interestingly, it’s not just the submarines that have been activated. According to additional satellite imagery, the entire warship contingent of the Russian Black Sea Fleet appears to be in combat mode, with reports indicating at least 24 Kalibr missiles were simultaneously launched by three missile-carrying corvettes.

Some of these vessels are positioned in the main channel of Novorossiysk, situated between 500 meters and 2.5 kilometers from the naval dock entrance. The sailing pattern seems to be a strategic mix of tactical dispersion and overlapping anti-aircraft sectors. “Navy has changed its pattern in Novorossiysk, moving warships from berths in the naval base to positions in the bay. Other ships sailing to Crimea in formation…,” writes H I Sutton on his X account.

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