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Old 01-25-17, 10:45 AM   #1
Raven Morpheus
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Support Slight problem with Enigma messages

Hey all

I've been playing SH5 again, I'm using the Wolves of Steel mod, however I'm noticing something odd with the Enigma messages I'm receiving - it appears the Germans developed a time machine because I'm getting messages from 5 days ahead of my current date!

It's not a problem with decoding the messages though, I'm just wondering why they're coming through from the future?

Another thing I'm noticing is that in one session if I've already decoded a message and then I go to decode another all I get is gibberish, I have to exit the game and start decoding all over again - so how do I reset the enigma machine without exiting the game?

Also, I was told to patrol AN5517. I can see where AN55 is on the map, but how do I tell where 17 is?

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Old 01-25-17, 11:09 AM   #2
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If you look at the real date the message was received it is 11th January 1940
The Enigma message received is dated 7th October 1939
Make sure your Enigma Machine is set to the date of the message received.
In this case 1939.

For further messages just reset your Enigma Machine.
Check this out.
Post #169 How To Use The Kriegsmarine Grid Numbers

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Old 01-25-17, 11:30 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER View Post
The Enigma message received is dated 7th October 1939
Make sure your Enigma Machine is set to the date of the message received.
In this case 1939.
That's the date of encryption actually...

Regarding messages from future/past...It has to be like that because those are predefined messages which game can call anytime and SkyBaron's enigma requires some date of encryption. This is only true for combat orders...Other scripted campaign messages will have correct format. In short, nothing to worry about, just always use date of encryption from the message it self and you're golden...

It is also recommended to check some documentation before you post a question...That's universal forum rule...
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Old 01-25-17, 11:57 AM   #4
Raven Morpheus
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Ah OK so I need that "maps" part for the charts list, from Sjizzles charts mods. I haven't got that installed at the moment, mainly because I didn't even know that particular chart existed.

How do I reset the Enigma machine between messages though, I can't find anything that tells me that (sorry if I'm overlooking that somewhere) - do I just set all the dials to A before changing them and removing/replacing all the plugs?

Last edited by Raven Morpheus; 01-25-17 at 12:07 PM.
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Old 01-25-17, 12:03 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Raven Morpheus View Post
Ah OK so I need that "maps" part for the charts list, from Sjizzles charts mods. I haven't got that installed at the moment, mainly because I didn't even know that particular chart existed.
All necessary charts are already there...
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Old 01-25-17, 12:08 PM   #6
Raven Morpheus
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Those aren't on my list when I open the charts. The files are in the game's folder structure and were installed when I installed TWoS but they don't appear to be working in-game.

How do I get them to appear in the charts menu?
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Old 01-25-17, 12:20 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Raven Morpheus View Post
Those aren't on my list when I open the charts. The files are in the game's folder structure and were installed when I installed TWoS but they don't appear to be working in-game.

How do I get them to appear in the charts menu?
How about to scroll that mouse a bit... Did you check any of available documentation at all?
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Old 01-25-17, 01:35 PM   #8
Raven Morpheus
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Yes I have. That is why I'm asking - because I have not found what I'm looking for in the documentation.
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Old 03-15-17, 11:43 AM   #9
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Default Enigma messages comes translated

Why that? I know how to decipher them but they are in both format: translated and encoded. I want them just in original format so it will be harder for me to understand what BdU wants from me. Maybe I've checked something at campaign start and forgot about it?
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