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Old 11-21-14, 03:25 PM   #151
Growing Old Disgracefully
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Hi Remon

Unless someone knows different it is just one of those things that happen in the game and I am not aware that it is a mod issue.

The last time I saw this happen was sinking a docked ship on the Baltic mission.

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Old 11-22-14, 01:36 AM   #152
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Thank you!

Yes, this is the first mission, Poland.
I would like to know how I can adjust the power torpedo explosion. If in stock version SH5 it not, then it's a bug in the assembly used modes.
I find it difficult to translate and read the all forum. This question may already be considered here?
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Old 11-22-14, 04:28 AM   #153
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Hi Remon

You can use this mod to make the torpedoes more powerful.

One Ship, One Torpedo v1.00

There are 2 versions.

Version v1.00 is the more powerful one of the 2 and is the one I use.

Do not give any bonus points to your torpedo man as you will find your torpedoes will start missing the target.

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Old 11-22-14, 11:47 AM   #154
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Thank you very much for the link!
Currently I replaced the mod "FX_Update_0_0_22_Torpedoes (modified for torpedoes failure patches)" on mod "FX_Update_0_0_22_Stock_Torpedoes - MagDet range 3m (modified for torpedoes failure patches). All is - OK.
But there is one but.
I would not want to lose the effect of a small jump up in the explosion of the ship's magnetic torpedo under hull ship.
Be sure that I to try the modes of your link and see.
Sorry for bad english.
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Old 11-22-14, 03:21 PM   #155
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Hi Remon

The mod you started with was not a stock mod.

Your new mod is a stock mod.

Anything else you need help on just let me know, ok.

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Old 11-22-14, 04:11 PM   #156
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Default How To Change Your Game Play Settings in a Mission (Paths Only)

7th January 2023

How To Change Your Game Play Settings in a Mission (Paths Only)
This Tutorial will show you how you can make various changes as and when you want to while in a Mission/Patrol when not in the Bunker.
You can make one or any number of changes as long as each file shows the same changes have been made.
The Tutorial is structured so all the changes follow a logical sequence from first to last so there is less chance of confusion taking place.

1st Path > Documents > SH5 > data > CFG > GamePlay Settings

2nd Path > Documents > SH5 > data > CFG > SaveGames > 00000000 > GamePlay Settings

3rd Path > Documents > SH5 > data > CFG > SaveGames > 00000000 > UPC Initial > GamePlay Settings

4th Path > Documents > SH5 > data > CFG > SaveGames > Last Save Game Number by Date & Time > GamePlay Settings

5th Path > Documents > SH5 > data > CFG > SaveGames > Last Save Game Number by Date & Time > UPC Initial > GamePlay Settings

Full Tutorial
How To Change Your Game Play Settings in a Mission > Pictorial

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 01-07-23 at 09:28 AM.
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Old 11-27-14, 06:12 AM   #157
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Sorry that I did not respond immediately. I must check all out. And so in a row:
1. I am remove all
2. I download Links
3. I load the game with YUPLAY. Version 1.15. Update to 1.2 via YUPLAY not. Was looking at his forum, but did not find. I downloaded from the Internet and updated. Long fussed with modes. Finally all uploaded
All is okay, pushing with preservation minor problems. 5 let torpedoes. Marriage. Undermining the normal fashion - OK. But mod "one ship, one torpedo v1.00" on the fan. A very strong effect. I will still try and see.
Thank you very much, Remon!
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Old 11-27-14, 09:51 AM   #158
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Hi Remon

Good to see you are ok

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Old 11-30-14, 03:32 PM   #159
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Default The RAOBF Wheel In Silent Hunter 5 > 3 YouTube Tutorials + Instructions

Last updated 16th March 2019
The RAOBF Wheel In Silent Hunter 5 > 3 YouTube Tutorials + Instructions

My step by step Tutorial is based on Stoianm’s 3 parts in game YouTube videos.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

1. Essential Requirements (Already in TWOS & sobers mega mod)

Before you can use the RAOBF you need to have enabled the following mods.
A version of TDW’s NewUI
Manos Scope Mod.

2. The RAOBF Wheel Its Components And What They Do.
The RAOBF Wheel comprises of 3 Rings with 4 sets of numbers and 3 markers.


Mast Height is counted from the Vertical Scales.
Ship Length is counted from the Horizontal Scales.

For reading and setting the range.
The range numbers are equivalent to 100 x metres.
RAOBF 10 = 1,000 metres.

Optical Mast Height (Waterline to top of the mast)
Optical Length (Bow to Stern)
Used for setting the numbers that the mast height reaches on the Vertical Scales.
Used for setting the numbers of the Ships Length on the Horizontal Scales.

AOB to scale 90° (see Note 2 and Note 3)

3 > Explaining The RAOBF Wheel’s 3 Markers
Black Marker 1 > Zoom x 6 in the Periscope.
Black Marker 2 > Normal Periscope view 1.5 (see note 1)
Red Marker > Speed Knot Marker

4 > How To Set Up The RAOBF Wheel For An Attack

Calculations must be done in real time but Pause Game can still be used at any time.
The RAOBF MIDDLE RING can still be moved with the Game Paused. (see Note 4)
The U-boat must be at zero speed.
If using Real Navigation now order the Navigator to update your position.
Mark out i.e. 355° on the Navigation Map.
Raise the Attack Periscope.
Change the magnification to Zoom x 6 whenever possible.
Make sure the TDC is switched on.
Press the L key to move the XO TDC out of the way.
Lock the Target using the Spacebar.
Click on the Torpedo Man (WEPS Officer)
Click on the Follow Target Icon.
Click on the Torpedo Attack Icon.
Click on the Identify Target Icon i.e Liberty Cargo.
Note the Bearing to Target i.e 63°
Click on the Chart Toggle Icon.
This will bring out the Recognition Manual (SOAN).
Find the Target in the Rec Manual.
From the Rec Manual we need to know two pieces of information.
Mast Height i.e 26.2 metres.
Ship Length 140.9 = 141 metres.
Close the Rec Manual using the Toggle Icon.
Press the RAOBF button.
This will centre on the Target.
Pause Game can be used at any time.
Count the number of Horizontal Lines 7.1 + 7.1 = 14.2
Count the number of vertical lines i.e 4.2
Turn off Follow Selected Target Icon from the WEPS Officer.
Note the Bearing 56° that refers to two markings just taken.
If using Real Navigation draw out 56° from the U-Boat’s heading with the Protractor.
Using the MIDDLE INNER RING turn it until 4.2 is under the Black Marker 1.
Now go to 26.2 on the OUTER RING.
Now look at the MIDDLE OUTER RING and you will see that the 25 is close to the 26.2 showing on the OUTER RING.
25 x 100 = 2,500 metres.
The Targets Range is 2,500 metres.
If using Real Navigation draw out 2,500 metres and mark with an X.

5 > Next Step Finding The AOB
Using the OUTER RING we note where the ships length (141) is on the Ring.
Moving the MIDDLE OUTER RING we move the Range on the Ring showing
25 = 2,500 metres to the 141 on the OUTER RING.
To get the AOB we need to count the optical length of the Target.
These are the Horizontal Lines to the Left and Right of the Centre Vertical Line.
This has to be counted out from the Centre Line both to the Left and then to the Right and does not include the Centre Line.
i.e 7.9 left + 7.9 right = 15.8
Looking at the MIDDLE INNER RING 15.8 shows the AOB is 43° on the AOB INNER RING.
Now take the Protractor if you are using Real Navigation and draw out 43° from the Range Line to the Mark X and past the U-boat.
If using Map Contacts you will already be able to see the Target so you just need to draw out the Targets Course with the Ruler to past the U-Boat.
Now using the Protractor check and make sure you have noted the AOB.

6 > Next Step Finding The Targets Speed
Remove the RAOBF by pressing its button.
Cancel Follow Target from the (WEPS Officer).
Reposition the Periscope so as to allow the Targets Bow to cross the
Periscopes Vertical Line.
Bring up the Stopwatch.
When the Targets Bow touches the Vertical Line start the Stopwatch.
When the Targets Stern touches the Vertical Line stop the stopwatch.
Time showing on the Stopwatch i.e. 46 seconds.
Press the RAOBF button.
The Seconds are counted from the MIDDLE OUTER RING.
Go to where 46 Seconds are showing on the MIDDLE OUTER RING and move the ring so it lines up with 141 on the OUTER RING (141 = ship length)
Look at the Red Marker to its position on the MIDDLE INNER RING.
The number showing is the Targets Speed in Knots i.e 6 Knots.
Remove the RAOBF by pressing its button.

7 > Next Step Moving To The Firing Position
Close the TDC
Using the Protractor draw a 90° Firing Position from the Targets Course Line.
Using the Compass or Rudder move the U-Boat at Ahead Slow so it is at 90° and then order All Stop.
Now is a good time to set up the number of Torpedoes you intend to fire.
Do not forget to set the Torpedoes Depth as you will not see the Hull diagram in time.

8 > Next Step Manually Enter The Data
Turn the Periscope to show 0°.
Lower the Periscope so it cannot be seen while you enter the data.
Select Heading to View.
Click the TDC button to Manual input.
Enter the Speed i.e. 6 Knots.
Measure the Range from the U-boat to the 90° position on the Targets
Course Line i.e. 1,700 metres.
Enter the 1,700 metres on the Range Dial.
Enter AOB as 90° Port.
Set the Button back to Manual Off.
The Gyro Angle needs to show 0° in both dials by moving the Periscope.
The Periscope Bearing now shows a Firing Position of i.e. 8°.
Fire the torpedoes when the Target enters 8°.

Note 1 > If the Target will not fit in Zoom x 6 then you have to use the standard optical of 1.5
To get the Mast Height count the Vertical Lines as normal and then use the Black Marker 2 position.

Note 2 > If the Target will not fit in Zoom x 6 then you have to use the standard optical of 1.5
Count the Horizontal Length as normal then multiply the total by x 4 and then use the MIDDLE INNER RING.

Note 3 > The INNER RING AOB scale only shows up to 90°.
If the Target is heading away then you need to take the INNER RING away from 180°
So the sum for example could be 180° – 51° = 129° AOB

Note 4 > A change has been made to later interfaces that is not shown in Stoianm’s videos.
Now when the RAOBF button is pressed a two position switch becomes visible.

Note 5 > Up Position > The MIDDLE DISC can only be rotated by using the Mouse Wheel.

Note 6 > Down Position > The MIDDLE DISC cannot be rotated and is locked in position.

Note 7 > I can also recommended Trevally’s RAOBF tutorial.
Trevally Tutorial - All v0.2 (for OHIIv1.3) (Already included in TWOS and sobers mega mod)

Note 8 > Trevally's RAOBF thread link.

Courtesy acknowledgements to Stoianm, Trevally and vdr1981.

If you shade this Tutorial and then copy and paste it to your PC Notepad you can then edit it.

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 05-18-20 at 09:42 AM.
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Old 12-04-14, 10:16 AM   #160
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Default TDW’s Generic File Patcher Steam Installation Instructions By sirrawsrsalot

Last updated 28th July 2018

Note > If you cannot open the application it will need to be set to run as an administrator.

I have hi-jacked this post in the interest to mention another STEAM work around option that has been successfully used on SH3 and SH4 for some time by installing an XP Virtual Machine.
The XP Virtual Machine is now being recommended to SH5 players to get around the incompatibility with TDW’s Generic File Patcher by using a non STEAM SH5.exe.
From the link below you will find instructions how to install it and be able to select your Windows OS for the XP Virtual Machine.

Check out the New Additional section if you are still having problems after using this tutorial.

sh5.exe genericpatcher to work with steam.


First off, I'm new to these forums so I'm really sorry if I'm being redundant with this information.

I'm really sleepy after a day of work and I just wanted to write down the steps, but I thought that perhaps somebody would like to try this already so instead of cleaning up the steps and keeping the steps for myself another couple of days I'll just publish this rough draft and let you guys have any eventual laughs due to my mistakes.
I will try to clean it up by tomorrow evening or so.

I do appreciate that this is not fun for anybody, so please only do this if you know what you're doing until enough people can confirm that this actually works or if I'm all wrong and making a fool out of myself.

This is kind of like a science experiment, I have results I want you guys to try to reproduce. Thank you for helping me out:

Go download "silent_hunter_5_col_1.02_eu.exe" from:

Download & Install:

Right click on the "silent_hunter_5_col_1.02_eu.exe" you downloaded in step 1. choose "UniExtract to Subdir", choose "isxunpack extraction" under "Extract Method".

Step 3 should have resulted in a folder called "silent_hunter_5_col_1.02_eu"

Download & Install the "InstallShield_Cabinet_File_Viewer"

Start program and go to File => Open => "silent_hunter_5_col_1.02_eu\Disk1\data1.hdr"

6. Alternative steps by kajonas

This method works beautifully. It uses the Install Shield Cabinet File Viewer
iscab.exe command line utility as an alternative to the iscabvu.exe file extraction method (assumed above).

Assume an initial directory structure as follows:
(where %Downloads% can be anything, any path)

CD to your "silent_hunter_5_1.02_eu\Disk1" directory

Run this command
..\..\InstallShield_Cabinet_File_Viewer\iscab -i"allmyfiles.ini" -lx

Make a copy of allmyfiles.ini --> allmyfiles_edit.ini
delete everything in this file except for the following:

[ISCAB Info]


Run this command
..\..\InstallShield_Cabinet_File_Viewer\iscab -i"allmyfiles_edit.ini" -x

You should find the file sh5.exe extracted in the current directory

View => Components

Click on "Game" and then "Files", find sh5.exe in the list.
save it on your desktop.

Start up Steam, right click on "Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic" => Properties => local files => Browse Local files.

Find the sh5.exe file in the list and rename it to sh5_steam.exe.

Go to your desktop and rename the sh5.exe file which you extracted from the ubisoft patches cab file to sh5_patched.exe and copy it into your silent hunter 5 folder where the sh5_steam.exe you renamed file resides.

Copy the sh5_patched.exe file so you have 2 of them, and rename one of them sh5.exe


Now you should be able to run the genericpatcher and update your sh5.exe file and when you launch it from steam it wont make a difference since steam is actually only launching uplay, and uplay does not seem to care if you're running a modded file or not.

Im assuming its legal because we are just getting the patch ubi made, so we are not cracking anything. It might go against steams EULA though... but then again I'm not so sure about where things stand in regards to the legality of modifying binary files on a whole. anyway hydrophone works, yay.


...seems like we should be safe.

When things go wrong

If you get an error when trying to run "InstallShield_Cabinet_File_Viewer", please try downloading whatever file its saying that you're missing from here:


Then extract the cab file and copy the file into your C:\Windows\SysWOW64 [windows 7] or c:\Windows\System32 folder, [for older versions of windows]

Start your terminal (run => cmd.exe) and type
cd<push spacebar>C:\Windows\SysWOW64 or c:\Windows\System32<push Enter key>

The prompt should change to: C:\Windows\SysWOW64 or c:\Windows\System32

Then type:
regsvr32<push spacebar>mscomctl.ocx <push Enter key>

Oh right, so the reason I wanted you to make a backup of the sh5.exe file is two fold, one is so that you can go back to the steam version if you think my idea is stupid. second, sometimes steam will overwrite your .exe file, its not happened to me yet, but i know that if you run "validate my files" it will see that you have modified your file and assume it is broken because its not the same size it knows it should be and overwrite it. So you should be covered in both cases.

Last edited by sirrawrsalot; 07-22-2014 at 02:02 AM.

Courtesy acknowledgments to sirrawrsalot and Kevinsue

The above instructions by sirrawrsalot have been taken from the original Post #1 with an additions from Kevinsue to make this now work fully.

New Additional Information
Courtesy acknowledgement to arnesw
Courtesy acknowledgement to AADrcw

Help with missing mscomctl.ocx

kiinteistoesijoitus used a XP virtual machine solved his Windows OS 7 Steam SH%.exe problem
Courtesy acknowledgement to kiinteistoesijoitus

Courtesy acknowledgemen Alternative steps - starting at step 6 by kajonas

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 07-28-18 at 04:33 PM. Reason: addied option by kajonas
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Old 12-05-14, 02:37 PM   #161
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Default An Easy Way Into Real Navigation > New Version

New Version Tutorial 24th July 2018

An Easy Way In to Real Navigation!

I have produced this Tutorial as a way of introducing Real Navigation to Players where previously it may not have been considered due to its presumed difficulty.

This Tutorial reduces many of the aspects as you will see from the pictures and dialogue.

Mega Mods are deliberately designed at higher levels of game play focusing on realism wherever possible with Real Navigation at their core.
This level of difficulty does not suit every player, but there is no doubt that Real Navigation does enhance the game and additional skills are needed and need to be learned.

TDW's Options File Editor Viewer (OFEV) contains all the Real Navigation patches and it is here in the first part of this Tutorial that I will show you how to use these patches to your advantage while you are learning.
Once you have established an understanding you can change any settings of the patches back to default or somewhere in between.
If you find Real Navigation is not for you then all you need to do is disable the Real Navigation Mod in JSGME and you are back to where you started.
You do not even need to change the OFEV settings again.
To make changes in the (OFEV) you will need to disable the mods in JSGME first.
No disabling needed if TWoS is used from version 2.2.6 onwards.

The only Tool you will need and essential for Real Navigation if you have not already got it is the multipurpose Equatool Large Style.
Download link.
Not needed if you are using one of the Mega Mods

EQuaTool – Elite Quality Map Tools For SH5 v. 01.01 by AvM.
Picture 1 > Large Map Tool.

For those Players using their own mod lists The Real Navigation Mod is included in both version of TDW’s NewUI mods 7-5-0 and 7-4-2 downloads.
For correct installing see my SH5 Tutorial Posts 7 or 25.
Enabling the Real Navigation mod In JSGME adds Real Navigation to your game.

Picture 2 > The Navigation Officer has active icons relevant to Real Navigation.

if you are using the 7-5-0 version when using your own mod list you will need to make a change in TDW’s Generic File Patcher (GFP)..
Picture 3 > Enable Real nav menu.txt entries in the SH5.exe patch.

So what are the differences that I am showing in my “An Easy Way In to Real Navigation?”

1. Timing > The time it takes to plot a position on the map.
The timings have been significantly reduced to give quicker map fixes.

2. Accuracy > The accuracy percentage is where the plot on the map shows to where the U-boat should be, but may not necessarily be.
The accuracy percentage has been significantly increased to show where the U-Boat is on the map at any time.
This allows you to press the Navigator’s Icon “Report Fix (Lat & Long) via Dead Reckoning” to update your Navigation Map position at any time with a high degree of accuracy.
The automated positional fixes are every 2 hours and your own map fixes can be shown by pressing the described icon at any time.
Dead Reckoning is shown by the letter D after the map fix.
Picture 4 > Dead Reckoning Icon.

You also have the Navigator’s Icon “Show last fix on maps” which can also be pressed at any time.
This puts a circle around the last fix.
Very useful when using the TAI Map.
Picture 5 > Last Map Fix Icon.

The TAI Map does not show any permanent fixes but places a temporary fix that lasts for a few seconds before disappearing.
To get around this you can use the Pause Key to lock the fix while you mark it.

You still have the Automated “Report Fix (Lat & Long) via Celestial Reckoning that updates your position at certain times of the day and night.
The 5 Celestial checks in the day occur every 4 hours and show the letter C after the map fix number:
1) Pre-dawn (Twilight)
2) Ante Meridian (AM) Sun.
3) Noon Sun
4) Post Meridian (PM) Sun
5) Post Sunset (Twilight)
These Automated map fixes depend on the prevailing weather conditions.
Picture 6 > Celestial Map Fix Icon.

When fully surfaced you can also get a Weather forecast at any time.
This will show in the Message Box.
Picture 7 > Weather Report Icon.

TDW’s Options File Editor Viewer (OFEV)
The changes needed for this Tutorial are made in the Real Navigation Tab by amending the patches showing there.
The Real Navigation patches picture shows there are a total of 8 patches.

Patch number 4 is automatically enabled Blue by default so you can see your boat on the map.
Picture 8 > Real Nav Tab Patches Menu.

Each relevant patch change setting is illustrated with its own picture so you know exactly what to change.
To change a setting click on the first set of numbers.
This opens a box where you will see the existing setting.
Change the setting to the one showing in the picture.
Click on the Accept button.
Each patch is done the same way by replacing the existing data by those shown in the relevant picture.

All calculations are randomly done so it is unlikely that the maximum will ever be used unless the circumstances due to injury to the Navigator if he is unfit at the time to make any calculations until he has recovered shown by his icon regaining its original color.
Picture 9 patch 1 > The maximum number of meters the Navigator can make could be up to 5,000 away from your actual position.
Set at > 50.00 Meters

Picture 10 patch 2 > The minimum time it takes the Navigator to calculate the current position.
Float time set at > 5.00

Picture 11 patch 3 > The maximum time it takes the Navigator to calculate the current position.
Float time set at > 10.00

Picture 12 patch 4 > The default enabled patch will automatically show your U-Boats position on the map after each calculation has been made or if you want to confirm your last position.
Disabling this patch will never show your position anywhere on the Maps.

Picture 13 patch 5 > The time it takes the Navigator to show the calculated position on the map.
Float time set at > 5.00

Picture 14 patch 6 > The maximum error shown as a % is used between the existing fix and where the new fix will be placed.
Set at 1%

Picture 15 patch 7 > The minimum time it takes Navigator to plot position bases on Dead reckoning.
Float time set at > 2

Picture 16 patch 8 > The maximum time it takes Navigator to plot position bases on Dead reckoning.
Float time set at > 4

When you have finished making your changes in the OFEV:
Go to > Save
Select > File
Enable the mods in JSGME if using your own mod list.

When your game loads you automatically get map fix number 1 which is a Celestial fix (C).
This is an accurate fix of where the U-boat is in Nautical Time.
This fix cannot be deleted.
Picture 17 > Default Map Fix .

Picture 18 > You now need to set up the Real Navigation script time which is based on either Nautical or G.M.T. time as showing on the Time Clock.

Picture 19 > Click on the Automation Icon (2 wheels)
Click on Real Navigation from Categories.
Click on Position on Patrol.
In the Available Scripts column there are 6 Time Positions each lasting 4 hours = 24 hours.
You will only see 5 of them at any one time so you need to scroll down if you need to use the 6th one.
Click on the Script that is within the Nautical Time Clock.
Press the Right Arrow Button (Add) showing.
This will now show in Red in Activated Scripts.
Press the Red Activated Scripts and you will now see it has a black band round it.
Go to Commands and press the First Button > (Start)
You will notice that the Automated Scripts has turned green and has now been activated.
You do not need to make any changes during this gaming session.
Press the Automation Icon or X to Exit Automation.

Picture 20 > The Navigator will now make a new calculation on the Navigation Map as map fix number 2.
The distance between Map fix 1 and 2 if any is the distance you have travelled from Map fix 1.
You can delete Map fix 2 but not Map fix 1.

Picture 21 > All Map plot fixes have details that can be seen by hovering the mouse over the map fix.

To set a precise course always get a Positional Fix from the Navigator first unless you are in the Bunker.
Use your mouse wheel to expand the map over the fix you want to plot the course from.
Click on the Ruler Tool
Put the Ruler on the centre of the X.
Left click to lock it.
You can now draw a line out as far as you want.

Picture 22 > Set your course from the bearing the tool is showing.

You can use the arrow keys to hold and draw out the Ruler’s Course Line.
Holding the left mouse button down you can move the Ruler’s Course Line from one map fix to another.

Picture 23 > Planning a long course with the Ruler.
The line of white X marks shows the different time fixes as the boat follows its course.

Picture 24 > Reaching the patrol area.

Navigating in Shallow Waters and Tight Situations

Pictures 25 > Setting the first course for the lead approach.

Picture 26 > Plotting the shore distances with the Compass so the boat does not run aground..

Picture 27 > Active Coastal Battery on the Port side.

Picture 28 > Active Coastal Battery on the Starboard side.

Picture 29 > Mine off the Port Bow, manually change course.
The UZO will give the number of degrees away from 0 degrees so you know how much Rudder to give.
You now have the option to use the Navigator’s “Return to course” icon to pick up your original course if you want to or plot an amende course..

Picture 30 > Shows the plotted course between the two islands and new course ordered.

Check out my SH5 signature for related tutorials.

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 07-23-18 at 03:57 PM. Reason: Text enlarged
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Old 12-06-14, 01:16 PM   #162
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Default Changing The Crew Voice Files From English To German

Changing The Crew Voice Files From English To German

Go to > Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\data\LngGameData\Voices\German
Select the > German Folder

Copy the > data Folder
Go to > Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\data
Paste the > data Folder.

Option > Enable German voices as a Mod.
Download link.
German U-Boat Crew Language Pack By Venatore > Enable JSGME

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 01-18-18 at 04:08 AM.
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Old 12-07-14, 01:02 PM   #163
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Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER View Post
Last updated 16th July 2014 3.29pm

I wanted to be able to produce a mod list for the SH4 beginner that has a lot more interest than ‘Stock’ but was not as advanced as some of the other interfaces available.

After all it is no good trying to run before you can walk.

Webster’s GFO v1.5 interface takes ‘Stock’ to a much higher level and when you add SCAF v1.5 (Ship Centered Accuracy Fix) and Max Optics the game is a pleasure to play.

All ‘Webster’s mods come with good documentation and explanations.

Scaf also comes with the Max Optics and includes Medal Fixes. It is well documented and explains fully what has changed and how it works.

Mod List Correct Order afaik

Game Fixes Only Mod v1.1

New Orders Bar Menu

Webster's No Crew Fatigue

Webster's Improved US Torpedo v2

Magnified Hud Dials for v1.5_Large

Bigger Better Protractors

Extra Allied naval bases for Stock SH4 + UBM v3.0

Webster's Ship Manoeuvring Fix

3000 Yard Bearing Tool (1920x)

Ship Centred Accuracy Fix (SCAF) for SH 1.5

MaxOptics3 for SCAF 1.5

Webster's New sonar view for v1.5

Eye Patch for Stock

Sobers Compass Mod Version Colour

Webster's Eliminate Floating Plankton

Webster's Upgraded Deck Gun v1

Remove Grain Effect

Ship Centered Accuracy Fix with Max optics

Link to download

Scaf is available in a number of different interfaces other than GFO.

It is extremely accurate when using the ‘Stadimeter.

The ‘Recognition Manual’ uses a unique hot spot system to show where to place the stadimeter for each individual ship.

Check out the ‘Readme’ that comes with the mod.

So here could be your first mod soup.

This can also be used with ‘Auto TDC’ by un-ticking the box ‘Manual Torpedo Target Option’ in ‘Game Play Options.’

Here is my ‘Tutorial’ to go with this Mods List For Beginners.

Post #108 The Silent Hunter 4 Beginners Guide To Simple Manual TDC And How To Use The Position Keeper <> Step By Step Instructions.


Just wondering bout this mod soup and am wondering why there's no ENV mod in it.
Arn't there any ENV mods around cause stock colors are... just stock.

I don't need them myself, I play TMO with a couple of other mods... just wondering.

PS_ This is a great TUT on how to's, very inlightening read
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Old 12-07-14, 01:36 PM   #164
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Hi HertogJan

This mod soup is to get someone who has not played or only played with Stock to be able to start with something that works and importantly reliable.

GFO is a big improvement on Stock.

I played a lot with it in my early SH4 days as I was learning the game so that is why I recommended it.

As most of the mods are Webster's and others are mentioned in his GFO readme you know that you are in safe hands.

I agree with you that the Real Environments Mod + GFO Patch could have been added but at the time I decided not to include it.

If someone who is interested in this reads Websters GFO documentation then they will see that there are other alternatives available also.

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Old 12-07-14, 02:00 PM   #165
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Default Having Difficulty With Manual TDC After Using Auto TDC?

Last updated 21st January 2018
SH5 Tutorial > Did You Use Auto TDC Previously And Now Finding It Difficult With Manual TDC?

Here is a Step by Step Tutorial to help you succeed.
I guess if you are looking at this you will have previously been playing with Auto TDC and having the desire to progress to Manual TDC things are just not working out as you expected them to.
This Tutorial has been designed simply so as to give you the confidence to move forward and get the reward and enjoyment as to one of the ways of using Manual TDC.
First of all I am assuming that you did not have problems hitting Targets when using Auto TDC.
If you did then stop here as it could be that you have a game issue that needs to be sorted first.
Send me a PM explaining what is happening and we will try and sort it out together.

In this Tutorial we will not be using the XO Manual TDC.
We will not be using the Stadimeter.
We do not need to Identify the Target although you can if you wish.
All our data will be entered Manually into the TDC so you will need to be able see all of the Dials.
You can use the L Key in the Periscope Station to move the XO TDC to the lower right corner and out of the way.

The next point is, are you using Stock/Vanilla or a mod interface such as one of TDW’s New UI’s 7-4-2 or 7-5-0?
I will try to cover both as we go along.
The Stock player will not have the benefit of having the WEPS Officer/Gunner Icon for additional assistance.

Ok, so you have spotted a Target on your Navigation Map travelling from right to left (Port).
What do we need to do to get a suitable Firing solution?
1. The Targets Speed. (This is important, and we will use the 3 minutes and 15 seconds method to find it.)
2. The Range or Distance to the Target.
3. The Chronometer/Stop Watch.
4. The Bearing we will use to Fire at the Target. (This will always be 10° either side of 0/360°)
5. The AOB (This will always be 80° Port or Starboard depending on the Targets direction)

How do we already know how this is?
0/360° = 90° U-Boat Heading.
0° + 10° = 80° Port.
0/360° = 90° U-Boat Heading.
0/360° - 10° = 350° = 80° Starboard.

Measurements are taken from the Middle of the U-Boat.
Tool Markings can be made on the Navigation Map or the TAI Map.
If using the TAI Map then use the TAB Key to size the Map correctly.

First we need to get the Stop Watch. (O Key Stock/Vanilla)
All new Tool Marks can be done with Game Paused.
Adjustments can only be done with the Game UN-Paused.

Keep the Game Paused if you need to.
Delete Tool Map marks using the Eraser.
Take the Tool and enter again on the Map.
Next Pause Game.
Take the Ruler Tool and draw out a Line from the Targets Stern through the Bow to a position that you will be able to take up a 90° position to with your U-Boat.
This Line will be known as the Targets Course Line or (TCL)
Take the Protractor Tool and on the (TCL) draw out 90° with the length coming out long enough for you to put Way Points on to it.
The Protractor Arrow on the (TCL) Line always points away from the Target.
Take the Ruler Tool and from beside the 90° Line on the (TCL) draw out 1,200 metres.
This is the point that you need to be stopped at 0 Speed.
For All Stop use the @ Key.
Now place your Waypoints so the last one finishes at the 1,200 Metre mark.
Use the Mouse Wheel so you can zoom out for accuracy.
You will need to select a Speed that will get you there as quickly as possible but you do not want to over shoot the 1,200 metre mark ,so reduce your speed as you get closer.
Our aim is to Fire Torpedoes from around 1,000 metres so the 1,200 metres gives us 200 metres to play with as we will most likely need to make some positional adjustments to get the 90° required accuracy.
Start the Stop Watch.
Take the Marker Pencil Tool and place an X on the Targets Bow or Middle.
Un-Pause Game.
When 3 minutes and 15 seconds have passed Pause Game.
Take the Marker Pencil Tool again and place another X on the Targets Bow or Middle.
Take the Compass Tool and measure the distance between the two X’s.
We will say that this is showing 800 metres = 8 knots.
So we know the Targets Speed is 8 knots.
Remove the Stop Watch.
It is important that the Target does not see you as you will lose the opportunity and the Target will start to take evasive action.
Dive to Periscope depth when you get to the 1,200 metre position.
Go to your Navigation Map and in the Top Right Hand Corner is a Triangle Tool that you can Toggle which will Open and Close the Navigation Map Bearing Overlay Visibility Compass this will then place itself on the Centre of the U-Boat.
If you go to Your TAI Map do not open it fully.
In the Bottom Right Hand Corner is a Triangle Tool that you can Toggle which will Open and close the Navigation Map Bearing Overlay Visibility Compass this will then place itself on the Centre of the U-Boat.
Notice that each segment is 100 metres working itself outwards to maximise at 1,000 metres.
You can Toggle click it On and Off at any time when you need to remove it from over the U-Boat.
For the Tutorial we will call this the Attack Compass
Delete any remaining Waypoints.
Bring the Protractor Line to behind the U-Boat on the 180° degree line.
Go to the TCL line and is it still showing 90°?
Adjust as necessary with Game Un-Paused.
Now look at your 0° line on the Attack Compass.
This needs to be exactly placed in line with the 90° degree Protractor Line.
Ok so we need to make an adjustment.
Press the C Key to open the Compass or click your Mouse in the middle of the Compass Bar.
At the bottom of the Compass is a small bar (sometimes not easy to see)
Click on the bar and the Rudder will show.
Go to Slow Ahead and click on the Rudder’s degrees.
Red degrees to go Port (Left)
Green degrees to go Starboard (Right)
If you positioned your Waypoints correctly on the Protractor Line then you should only be looking at a few degrees of adjustment or less.
While the adjustment is taking place also look at the Protractor Line behind the U-Boat and reposition back on to the 180° degree Line.
Recheck your 90° Line on the (TCL)
Use the 0 ins Key or # Key to go to Rudder Amidships.
Use the @ Key to go to All Stop.
If you are happy with the result and the U-Boat is no longer moving then take the Protractor Line from behind the U-Boats Stern and place in the Middle of the U-Boat.
Take the Ruler and place the Line also on the Middle of the U-Boat.
Press the C Key to close the Rudder.
Raise the Attack Periscope a little at a time until you can see the Target on the TAI Map.
During all this time of course the Target has been closing.
Pause Game.
Check now whether the (TCL) needs to be redrawn?
The answer is probably yes.
Delete the (TCL) using the Eraser Tool.
Draw out a new (TCL) using the Ruler Tool.
You will probably notice that the Targets Heading is still the same.
The new (TCL) could be closer or further away from the U-Boat.
Delete the 90° Line by using the Eraser Tool.
Delete the Ruler Line by using the Eraser Tool.
Take the Protractor Tool and from the Middle of the U-Boat draw along the 10° Line until you reach the new (TCL).
With this Line in place it should show 80° AOB.
Use the Mouse Wheel to zoom for accuracy.
If it does not then Un-Pause Game.
Adjust the Protractor Angle to 80° and then Pause Game again.
Take the Ruler Tool and from the Middle of the U-Boat take it down along the 10° Attack Compass Line to the (TCL).
We will say that the Range is now showing 1,050 metres.
Looking at your Attack Map Compass we will say that your 80° AOB is showing between 10° and 11°.
Go to your Attack Periscope and place the Bearing between 10° and 11° degrees.
Click on the TDC Manual On/Off button.
Enter the Speed 8 knots.
Enter the AOB 80° Port.
Enter the Range 1,050 or 1,100 metres)
You will see the Periscope Bearing Dial showing between 10° and 11°.
Click on the TDC Manual On/Off button again.
All your Data has been entered.
Now look at the 2 Gyro Angle Dials.
The Left Dial is the U-Boat
The Right Dial is the Target.
Adjust the Periscope Bearing until both Dials are pointing upwards to show 0°.
We will say that this has moved the Periscope Bearing to 12°.
Set up your Torpedoes to Impact.
Set the Speeds to Fast
The Depth for Merchants about 5 should be ok.
Now if you move your Periscope out to the right you should be able to pick up the Target.
Use the Mouse Wheel to change the Periscopes Magnification larger.
Use the Space Bar to Lock the Target.
If you look at the Dial settings you will see that they have moved to correspond to the Periscope Bearing.
If you look at the Range Dial you will see that this is still set to 1,050/1,100 metres and has not moved.

Optional > If you using one of TDW’s NewUI’s 7-4-2 or 7-5-0
Click on the WEPS Officer/Gunner 3rd Icon from the Left.
To Identify the Target Press the 1st Icon on the Left.
Back to the main Icons pressing Icon 4 will Lock the centre of the Periscope on to the Target and you will see the Periscope Bearing move as the Target moves.
You can use your WEPS Officer/Gunner at anytime that you can see the Target on the Map.
You now also have the benefit of seeing the Hull diagram on the Torpedo Depth Gauge.
You can change the depth if you wish to.
You Fire your Torpedoes when the Crosshairs on your Periscope are on the 12° Bearing.
This should correspond with the Target on your TAI Map passing through your Protractor Line.

Stock /Vanilla
Set the Periscope Bearing on 12°
Check the Gyro Angles are at 0°.
Lock the Target with the Space Bar as the Bow enters the Periscopes Crosshairs
Fire your Torpedoes.
When the Target is coming from Left to Right (Starboard) you Line up on the 350° Attack Compass Line.
So what we have set up in this Tutorial is a 90° AOB fast shoot.
In theory if you shoot Torpedoes between 350° and 10° with the correct Range and the U-Boat Heading is at 0° then you should be successful.
With Escorted Convoys you carry out the same procedures with the exception of your Range that you will need to adjust.
I would suggest this should be between 2,000 and 4,000 metres.
This will give you time to slip away from the Escorts as they will be looking to search the 90° area.
Please note some Keyboard actions shown in the Tutorial may differ between Stock/Vanilla and TDW’s NewUI.

If you shade this information and then copy and paste it to your PC Notepad you can then edit it.

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 01-21-18 at 04:10 PM. Reason: Repositioned text
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