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File Name: Open Horizons II v2.5 (140.86 MB) Download
Author: Trevally. (Uploaded by Trevally.)
Date Added: 08-07-11
Downloads: 45834
Grade: A+
This campaign mod aims to make your SH5 experience more enjoyable. The war has been extended to 1945 with the addition of two new campaigns and many new units. See the main OHII thread for more info.

PATCH for Open Horizons II Full v2.5 - Patch 1 to fix patrol messages by Sober

See thread here

This mods early development was by Trevally and Zedi with the kind help and contribution of many friends around subsim: TheDarkWraith, Reaper07, SteelViking, Uekel, Rongel, Stormfly, AOTDMadMax, stoianm, Obelix, TheDivingDuck, Gap. There are many contributor to this mod, if I left out anyone is not intentional and I apologize in advance for this. Also many thanks to Ruby2000 and Ustahl for testing the mod while under developement, they helped a lot in tracking down problems and have them fixed.

Changed mod name because some of the german players found a bit weird the naming "Das Campaign". This mod is a improvement over my first attempt to create and extended campaign, Open Horizons.

====================================== EDITED BY TREVALLY ===========================================
Updates 07/08/11 v1.0

Added new terrain for Kiel harbour by Sober
Added new flags by Rongel

Updates 17/8/11 v1.1

Merged tearrain addon by sober anf thfeu58 into full and base
(Kiel harbour and canal, plus Brunsbuttle gates and harbour have been added or enhanced with the great work by thfeu58 and sober.)
fixed MN campaign
fixed Coastal Waters campign (missing map id)
added buoy fix by sober to full and base (buoys will not show through objects)
added ship dds fix by sober to full and base

Updates 23/08/11 v1.2

Added rongel fix for flag.dat
Fixed errors in defside.cfg
Added flag.dat fix by TDW
Fixed coastal waters - points and brief
(TDW) changed Mines and sub nets so they can not be heard by hydro
Fixed enviro layer for new mines subnets
Fixed errors in roster
add campaign immage to main menu

Update 05/09/11 v1.3
re-worked scapa for better fps
fixed subnets in scapa flow (thanks again TDW)
Rongels frozen flag fix
fixed silent (hydro) coastal ships
made fishing boats and tugs silents in hydro and no hydro line on map

Update 02/10/11 v1.4
Fixed missing engine sound - Thanks Stormfly for the fix
Fixed museum ctd due to zombie ships - Thanks Rongel
Added Rongels new Coastal Boat within Fishing layer and playerbases
Fixed Western Approaches campaign points.
Fixed coastal Waters to give more time at start of Operation Weserubung
Fixed issue where most side missions were partol x. Now we have intercept, spy, recon, commando and supply.
Added Rongels Fix to ship kasagisan where graphics and lighting are improved - also its flag is unfrozen.
Added Rongels fix for his coastal boat where damage will now be shown.

Update 15/11/11 v1.5
Fixed errors in mission CFG (click click)
Added Uekel fix to frozen flags
Changed scapa mission start date and fixed BB game entry date
Added map marker to HappyTimes SS mission
Fixed errors in base where TDWs validator would show errors for PTElco and Mine_Chain
Added Rongel fix - graphical update that fixes graphical bugs, All ships now use 1024 x 1024 textures, black textured ghost ship, a crash in museum with one Z-ship and few other small tweaks.
Fixed Rommel supplies and OP in campiagn Battle of Med
Added cerberus wonderful ship mod - Thanks Cerberus
Added the OHII campaign radio messages
Fixed Arctic convoy campaign victory conditions
Fixed Op Drumbeat Blitz mission
Fixed The Final Year objectives
Fixed airbase layer in the Med campaigns
Fixed campaign Battle of Med where there was a chance that convoys/traffic would get stuck and backlog - resulting in new ships spawning but none leaving (causes ctd after time (100+ ships))
Added Rongels new ship fixes - mostly dealing with ships draft values, removed the occasional bug where ships are half submerged in harbours. There is also included TDW's shader that gives caustics to both sides of the imported ships.
Fixed Scapa Flow in the Coastal Waters campaign - removed spawn nodes and added direct spawn ships by date. Adjusted spawn area and fixed paths for DDs to match.

Update 27/12/11 v1.6
Fixed end dates for campaign AC
Fixed end dates for campaign DW
Added armed merchants to kill count in Coastal Waters for missions where war ships are counted
Fixed airlayer for the black pit and distant waters
Added Uekels improved buoys
Fixed bug where large icebergs were running aground in shallow water
Fixed flotilla dates for Mare Nostrum
Fixed rommels supplies in battle of the med - where there were no attacks on the convoys you must protect.
Re-worded objectives for Operation Weserubung to make them clearer.
Added new ships (base and full) to Germany - clones GR2 type
Added new planes (full and ships) to USA and Germany - .dat type. Big thanks to TheBeast and AOTD_MadMax who Modified/Imported to SH5 from SH4.

Update 11/02/12
OHII v1.7
Fixed traffic layer for happytimes, Arctic Convoys and Black May (base only)
Added Baltic Operation to Coastal Waters
Changed dates for objective in the black pit - TotWP=Sept42 to Dec(mid)42 - BS start moved to Dec42
Increased tonnage for obj TotWP to 110,000t
Added Wolfpacks to TheBlackPit TotWP - 3 set of missions
Updated Radio messages for updates to black pit
Adjusted mines and nets and added more DDs to Scapa in CoastalWaters
Fixed ships running into piers in Brest (theblackpit only)
Added Uekel's historical buoys - thanks again Uekel for all your help

OHII v1.8 26/03/12
Fixed error in messages for patrol12 in TotWP
Removed spawning in Scapa during Raid mission
Attached DDs to BB group for scapa raid
Adjusted text for Baltic Operation in CoastalWaters
Fixes speed nodes in common layer for MN, DW, WA
Fixed ship hitting pier (Kiel) in playerbases MN, DW, WA
Set U-boat to campaigns when using silentotto and campaign progress
CW - typeA
HT - typeB (if enough kills in type A)
MN & WA - typeC
TP - typeC41
Set Flotilla to start in Kiel for 1 day before switching to Med (16/3/41) MN
Fixed date for flotilla switch in DW to leave Toulon 16/9/42
Changed start date of BS GSR WS in WesternApproaches to 20/3/41 but only after passing the Training mission prior to getting type C
Added new objective to WA - 20/3/41 to 28/3/41 - Training Drills - 1 point
Added KSCSN3SA1 to Venezuela roster (this make MO and OHII work together without class errors
Set flotilla stitch to Kiel in TurningPoint (switch back after getting new boat) and added Training Mission prior to getting C/41
Stopped uboat (for re-supply) from moving during theblackpit TotWP mission10.
Also made supply an objective of the style "drop of supplies" and made AI U-boats start from further away and more staggered arrival when attack starts.
Added tankers to South America Supplies in DistantWaters campaign
Fixed all missions in DistantWaters where they were very very wrong
Fixed playerbases.mis for OHII base in campaigns CW and TBP
Added Rongels lights to HOSP ships - thanks Rongel
Added Rongels fix to NMFMPC_Z full and ships only

Update 20/05/12
OHII v1.9
Added new campaign Monsun Gruppe
Credit to:-
AOTD_MadMax New plane Catalina
HanSolo New smoke for imported ships
Whole Japanese Navy and airforce
New Piers
New Fishing Ports
New Villages
New Churches
and a whole lot of help
Gap - For keeping me within historical reality

Update 05/08/12
OHII v2.0
Added Barrage Balloons to harbours
Added Whales by Ref/Bigboywooly and upgraded/imported with new look and sounds by Gap
All campaign objectives remade to remove focus on tonnage - now focus is on patrols
Fixed issue with base for campaign TP
Fixed mod to work with TheBeasts great equipment mod
Added new boat type IX (stats only) for use in Monsun Gruppe by FromHell
Made more use of the linked campaign objectives - No more long waits to next objective
Made the Bay of Biscay hell from 43
Added lots more air all over from 43
Added speed fix by Uekel
Added block ships to ScapaFlow (type 1+2)
Added actual convoy info to radio messages
Lots of other small bits and bobs

Update 22/04/2013
Added flag fix for russian ships by Rongel
Fixed missions within campaign WA
Fixed common layer - all campaigns
Fixed Willemstad and Oranjestad
Fixed many ports in SA, USA, Canada, UK, Denmark, Sweden and Spain
Fixed all request mission problems (all campaigns)
Fixed the pen where a uboat would scrape your paintwork
Added new port in Spain Cadiz and Las Palmas
Added new ability to resupply your boat from German supply ships docked neutral ports (Ferrol, Vigo, Cadiz & Las Palmas)
Fixed BlackMay cfg error where "TurningPoint43_Defeat" was required to start campaign
Updated the zone.cfg with the new one from TDWs "FX_Update_0_0_21_TheDarkWraith"
Reworked the Baltic objectives to cover the attack on Danzig
Added Type II uboats to campaign
Removed the stock scapa mission

Update 12/05/2013
Added updated names.cfg to roster - thanks to Choum for finding and fixing the missing names
Fixed ctd with type II boats
Fixed ctd with sinking Polish ships
Fixed errors around Danzig Bay
Reworked the opening objectives of the war
Added new first base - Memel
Added the new Gryf mine layer (by Gap)
Many thanks to Gap who is always on hand to help and to Volodya and Mike for testing
Fixed lots of ther stuff that I have not listed

OHII v2.3
Added Serge65 fixes for aeroplane guns - Thanks Serge
Added war start radio messages as campaign messages
Added Rongels fixes for PT boat burning, rendering NMFMPC_Z and some terrain. - thanks Rongel
Added Sobers terrain fixes from v2.2 - Thanks Sober
Fixes bad spelling in Baltic area
Added more risk to the Scapa raid
Added some lithuania ships to Memel adjusted the jumpers
Increased fps when in wilhelmshaven
Removed convoys leaving Kiel when player in port (TG, MN, WA & TP)
Greatly reduced traffic leaving Kiel when player in port(TG, MN, WA & TP)
Added Rongels fix for Taihosan
Fixed the full speed issue with single ships
Fixed the South African flag is upside down when viewed in-game. thanks to Katze for the information
Fixed typo in Distant_Waters\MissionBriefingText.tsr
Fixed mission markers for Soviet Waters in Arctic Convoys
Removed the old and added the new balloons - thanks Gap, privateer and Targor
Added more whales
Reduced fps hit from mines
Added Cybermats Expanded Navies - thanks Mat

Stopped using parts - v2.3 and onward will be full only

update v2.3.1
this part update is to fix some ctd issues
it also contains some updates that were planned for v2.4
full list of changes will be listed in v2.4 when it is finished

update v2.4
OHII v2.4
Added Gaps fix for sound files and some unit IDs that were causing ctd with some mods
Added Serges fix for air units and their guns where IDs were causing ctds with some mods
Updated RUS airbase to:-
The Yak-1 entered service on late 1940 - early 41
MiG-3: entered service on April 1941
La-7: entered service on mid-September 1944
DB-3: in service since 1936
KOR-1: introduced on 1938, retired 1942
MBR-2: in service since 1935
Added new Rus_airbases - Thanks to Volodya for the base info and Serge, Gap and Vlad for plane start dates
All patrol missions back to sink missions so that the mapmarker will work again

added ID fixes by Serge
fixed issue with aeroplanes causing ctd when seen
added Gap's better dolphins
removed GrafZeppelin and used Bogue as clone
Added fix by sober to fix sobers chimney smoke
Added SkyBarons Leigh Lights
Added Illystrators fantastic MarineQuadratKarte mod - please see extra readme.txt in the docs
"Hi, Captains!
MarineQuadratKarte - mod for navigation map.
The release consists of MarineQuadratKarte and additional mods.
Who uses mod IO-StrategicMap, installation of additional mods - Not required. I recommend installing mod ShapeTextures_NO.
Who not uses mod IO-StrategicMap, installation of additional mods - Required.
Mod MarineQuadratKarte install through JSGME in any order. Or a direct replacement Folders "Maps". First save Stock Folder "Maps".
Install OHII and any additional mods supplied in this pack AFTER StrategicMap.
Best Regards!
Reworked (with Serge - thanks Serge) all sink missions to patrol missions using the MQK system

OH II Full
This is the full version of the campaign with all added extras
Open Horizons II v2.5 by Trevally. on 08-07-11

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A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

07-08-15 at 05:28 PM
Awesome mod
12-30-11 at 02:44 PM
how do you install this mod,where is the info.thanks
12-28-11 at 12:19 PM
Thanks, very good mod,more realist.
01-04-12 at 02:39 AM
This is a very good mod, but i have a small problem. When i try to upgrade my u-boot, i see only a white screen. Someone can help me about this.

08-12-11 at 02:19 PM
:r ock::roc k: EPIC MOD DUDE !!! Everything is perfect but i've got a question - how do I read this urgent message Beside this everything is awesome Keep up the good work
08-16-11 at 10:12 PM
my flag is not movable except germany, what's the problem?
08-16-11 at 11:57 PM
Amazing!! Respect!!! A lot of work is done here...

I can only say that I recommend this mod... it is well done!!

Many are involved in this mod, it rocks!!

This could be something that Ubisoft theirself could have Release, with some profit for both Ubisoft and the team behind this..
08-17-11 at 06:08 AM
Hello very good, is half megamod ........ great job, Thanks to all for this present MODERSA.
08-25-11 at 08:09 AM
Jeez, some people are so ungrateful, sounds about 10 years old lol.
08-25-11 at 08:45 PM
thank you for your efforts..
09-16-11 at 11:57 AM
10-07-11 at 08:12 AM
i want to delete my added sentence but i cant
and may i one question?
i installed OH v1.4 , but it's still frozen flag
it's only my problelm ? or
10-08-11 at 08:29 AM
thank you for your mod, keep good working
10-09-11 at 03:37 PM
thank you!
10-09-11 at 04:09 PM
i want to delete my added sentence but i cant
and may i one question?
i installed OH v1.4 , but it's still frozen flag
it's only my problelm ? or
I will delete them for you Imy
10-20-11 at 03:55 AM
merci beaucoup
12-27-11 at 06:12 PM
merci beaucoup nice job
12-27-11 at 06:11 PM
merci beaucoup nice job
11-01-11 at 05:03 PM
This is a brilliant mod. Thank you
11-10-11 at 06:52 PM
New to Silent Hunter V. Waited till it was off line SP. Eager to try this out, as I'm a big fan of SH 3, not much SH 4.
11-24-11 at 02:49 PM
12-02-11 at 06:11 PM
Nice one mate Maybe I'll start to play SH5 yet
12-04-11 at 01:02 PM
thanks alot
12-05-11 at 04:45 AM
great mod that makes sh5 be very cool to play
need to find more time to enjoy all this great work
you guys make for comunity
thanks alot
01-15-12 at 06:17 PM
браво за мода,голяма работа сте
02-12-12 at 11:58 AM
Thank you!
04-05-12 at 05:21 AM
Thank you OH Mod excellent work.
04-26-12 at 08:44 PM
I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED HELP MAJOR GLITCH so i got this mod onllly this mod and when i see the other ships they are all gray I WANT THEM TO WORK!!!!!!!!!! I rlly want to see this hospital ship and stuffz :C

05-23-12 at 01:33 PM
muito bom gostei,vou instalar ainda hoje
05-25-12 at 11:57 AM
I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED HELP MAJOR GLITCH so i got this mod onllly this mod and when i see the other ships they are all gray I WANT THEM TO WORK!!!!!!!!!! I rlly want to see this hospital ship and stuffz :C

Update your game to v1.2

DownloadsII 5.1.0 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
Graphics by Danlisa

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