Destroyer – The U-Boat Hunter Update

For all who have tried the fantastic Destroyer the UBoat Hunter demo from IronWolf studio here is an update on the game’s progress from developer Artur via the games Discord Channel…

OK, so here’s what we are working on right now….

-free camera look for all stations
-switching between stations via hotkeys
-improved ‘Crest’ water effects
-new messages from sonar, e.g. ‘sounds of torpedo tube outer doors opening’
-new messages from lookouts, e.g. ‘torpedo in the water’
-all inconsistencies between text and audio to be fixed
-relative bearing for sonar, lookouts and gun director
-improved destroyer and U-boat physics
-text localization in multiple languages
-auto-plot for DRT & OSC
-pencil functionaity for DRT (drawing a constant line from the center of the light bug)
-selective eraser for DRT / OSC
-automatic TRR settings
-‘game settings’ menu in the pause menu, allowing to pick and choose which of the extra cameras and automations you wish to use
-collision warning (ship siren and message from the lookouts)
-various DRT user experience improvements (bigger clicking box for drawing Xs and more)
-pattern selection for depth charge drops
-external camera
-hot keys for steering and speed control
-improved audio report queueing and selective muting
-text window improvements (bigger, improved scrolling, various colors for different stations, etc.)
-destroyer camouflage selection (still to be confirmed)
-sailor models in all stations (still to be confirmed)

Right, so the above list is not complete, but there are certain things we cannot speak of yet. I also cannot promise that all of the above will be delivered before the next version of the demo, but we feel that the above issues have been raised most often, and this is what we are planning to improve in the nearest future.

AI Bot running SUBSIM, what could go wrong?!