China is fixated on a mysterious US submarine incident in the South China Sea and keeps accusing the US of a cover-up

Beijing keeps demanding answers about a mysterious US submarine incident that happened in the South China Sea earlier this month, accusing the US of being “cagey” and of trying to cover it up. The US insists that is not the case.

The Seawolf-class nuclear-powered attack submarine USS Connecticut collided with an object in early October, and Chinese officials have asked about it repeatedly since then.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian said Tuesday that China has “grave concerns” and accused the US of being “irresponsible” and “cagey” by not providing details about the incident. He said the lack of details gives “every reason to question the truth and the intention of the US.”

“What was USS Connecticut up to do secretively in the South China Sea this time? What did it collide with? Why did that collision happen?” Zhao asked. “Was there a nuclear leak that creates nuclear contamination in the marine environment?”

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