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Onkel Neal
06-24-11, 01:19 AM
The Story

"I can't hold trim, Captain!" cried Petty Officer Lord Justice.

Inside the cramped control room, the men of HMS Terrific fought to keep the T3 class submarine from sinking below crush depth. The war patrol off the coast of southern Finland had been rigorous, even for Royal Navy standards. But Lt. Commander Raptor the First had pushed his luck too far when he attacked an escorted German tanker on the surface and in daylight. Without warning, six Luftwaffe He111's pounded on the cocky commander and gave Terrific a bashing. Forty feet of the hull on the port side forward buckled in to a distance of 15 inches. There was considerable leakage into the torpedo tube space, where rivets had been displaced inwards on the port side. The forward part of the main pumping and flooding line was crushed. In short, the sub was mortally wounded and only the training and nerve of the men were keeping her from sinking as they made their way back toward home.

But it was a losing battle and Chief Tarrasque advised Raptor1 that they had better face up to the situation and bring the boat to shore--any shore, before she lost all hope of positive buoyancy.

As the sub clawed its way to the surface for the last time, the lookouts scrambled to their stations on the bridge.
"Where do you reckon we are?" asked Task Force.
"I dunno," replied Pioneer, "but I suppose with our compass smashed, and no way to radio for help, we could be anywhere in the Baltic. Except the bottom and that won't be true for long."

The sub struggled on through the night. Minutes after Petty Officer Jimbuna announced that the bilge pump and both ballast tank pumps had failed again, Sub-lieutenant Mookie shouted, "Land! Eight points off the starboard bow. Fire off a flare!"

They coaxed the battered boat through a thickening fog to shore. As the bow slowly crunched onto a sand bar, the men let out a collective breath. They were safe. They clambered down the makeshift gangway to the shore and observed their surroundings.
"Damn sure is a creepy place to be marooned," said Bakkels, the sub's cook and a favorite of the men.
"I'll say," replied Takeda, an American war correspondent assigned to bring back the Royal Navy derring-do to an American public eager for good news. "Why Uncle Sam couldn't assign me to the Wahoo, I'll never know. I could be on a Polynesian beach right now, instead of the darkest corner of Finland."

"Just be happy you're on any beach at all--" said Sub-lieutenant Mookie, before freezing at the sound of a automatic weapon being cocked in the dark.


Onkel Neal
06-24-11, 03:43 AM

The men of HMS Terrific stopped in their tracks.
Out of the darkness came a figure with astonishingly good posture. And a Sturmgewehr 44 sub-machine gun.
“You are all prisoners of the Third Reich. No false moves, my comrades and I have you covered,” declared Gefreiter Tinman764. “Gemeiner Enigma, Oberon, Tyrant: check these men for weapons.”
After a thorough search, the German soldiers marched the Brits up a winding path. As the tramped uphill, an ominous, dark mass begin to take shape.
“Wha’s that then, a bloody castle?” said Seaman Vendor.

A castle indeed. It was the forlorn refuge of a mad Templar knight’s dream: massive, staring arrogantly down from a formidable system of ramparts. As they neared, a small window in the massive wooden gates opened and a man with a torch peeked through.
“Who goes there?”
“It is I, and I have some prisoners,” answered Gefreiter Tinman. “Open the door, Gemeiner AVGWarhawk, and alert the Oberst on the double.”
The wicket swung open and creaking, rusty hinges. A man with the build of an Olympic athlete stepped through, followed by another German soldier. “Prisoners? Where in God’s name did they come from?” asked Oberfeldwebel Ducimus.
“Submarine, sir,” replied Gemeiner Tyrant. “British submarine and a rather shabby one at that.”
“Why you…!” Jimbuna rushed the German private and threw a deft right cross.
“You damned English!” shouted Ducimus and he felled the sailor with the butt of his rifle. “Carry that man to the infirmary.”
“Jawol, herr Oberfeldwebel,” replied Gefreiter August. He and Oberon lifted the sailor and disappeared around the corner.
“Let’s go, and no more of that,” said Ducimus. “The Geneva Convention does not extend to this corner of the world, believe me. We could shoot you and no one would ever know.”
As they marched to the Great Hall, seaman Pioneer whispered to Task Force, “what do you suppose he meant by ‘Gen-ee-ver Convention?”
“No bloody idea, mate, he’s probably mental from being stuck in this hell-hole,” Task Force said.

They walked through the castle unto they came upon a large structure, big enough to be a barn, but with thick walls and high windows. The door opened, a Faustian figure appeared.
“Duce, send the Captain and his lieutenant in, and put the men in the stockade. Search them again, give them some water, and post two gaurds.”
“Jawol, Hauptmann Rear.”
Raptor and Mookie were led to an oak table. To the side was an impressive fireplace, blazing in the dark chamber.
“Have a seat, comrades.” A man of authority motioned them to the table. “I am the Kommandant of this pestilent rock.” He stood, clicked his heels, and bowed gracefully. “Oberst HunterIXC, at your service.”
Raptor and Mookie sat tensely.
“I have some questions for you. Questions such as, ’how did you get here?’’ And ‘were you able to get off any radio messages before you arrived?’
Raptor stiffened and began to speak…
“Ah, but I am sure I know what your answers will be. Let me assure you, I will get the answers.” He snapped his fingers and like a phantom a figure appeared from the dark. “This is Nisgeis, he is our SS liaison. He is, shall we say, a very curious man.” Hunter waved his hand. “But where are my manners, I am sure you have questions too, such as ‘where are we? And ‘why is a detachment of Germany’s finest taking abode in a castle’. I have your answers, and I can answer these questions, and other questions you never dared to ask.”

Onkel Neal
06-24-11, 03:54 AM

Castle Collinswood

Onkel Neal
06-24-11, 04:14 AM
PMs sent with assignments.
Please refer to the rules as needed. (http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?p=1688618#post1688618)


Castle Collinswood
Oberst HunterIXC (Colonel) [DEAD, killed by werewolf]
Hauptmann Rear (Captain) [DEAD, killed by firing squad]
Oberfeldwebel Ducimus (Sergeant Major) [DEAD, killed by firing squad]
Gefreiter Tinman764 (Corporal) [DEAD, killed by werewolf]
Gefreiter August (Corporal) [DEAD, killed by werewolf]
Schuetze The Enigma (Private)
Schuetze Oberon (Private) [DEAD, killed by werewolf]
Schuetze the_tyrant (Private) [DEAD, killed by werewolf]
Schuetze AVGWarhawk (Private) [DEAD, killed by firing squad]
SS Nisgeis [DEAD, killed by werewolf]

HMS Terrific
Captain Raptor1 [DEAD, killed by werewolf]
Sub-lieutenant mookiemookie
Chief Tarrasque [DEAD, killed by firing squad]
Petty Officer jimbuna
Petty Officer Lord Justice [DEAD, killed by firing squad]
Sailor Task Force [DEAD, killed by werewolf]
Sailor Pioneer [DEAD, killed by werewolf]
Sailor Vendor [DEAD, killed by firing squad]
American News Takeda Shingen
Cook Bakkels [DEAD, killed by werewolf]

Good luck!


Onkel Neal
06-24-11, 04:19 AM

Verposten X

Inside the Great Hall


Access to the Gate House

Inside the Kitchen (them Germans eat good!)


Stairs to the West Tower

Interrogation chamber and dungeon.

Minefield zones: to cross, you must declare which zone
you will take. If you step on a mine, you are dead.
Risk vs Reward.

Onkel Neal
06-24-11, 04:36 AM

The morning light creeps into the castle.

Oberst HunterIXC is chatting with Captain Raptor1 and Sub-lieutenant mookiemookie in the Great Hall. SS Nisgeis is sitting in a corner.

Oberfeldwebel Ducimus
Gefreiter Tinman764
Schuetze The Enigma
are on guard duty.

Schuetze Oberon
Gefreiter August
are in the infirmary, guarding Jimbuna, who is unconscious (but not in a coma) and in restraints.

Schuetze the_tyrant is in the Dock Guard Tower
Hauptmann Rear in North Tower
Schuetze AVGWarhawk is on leave, gardening near the castle.

In the POW Camp:
Chief Tarrasque
Petty Officer Lord Justice
Sailor Task Force
Sailor Pioneer
Sailor Vendor
American News Takeda Shingen
Cook Bakkels

DAY will last as described in the rules, but there will be NO LYNCH vote this day. Just discuss and get into character. Don't do anything crazy and break the game :88) If you're not sure, PM me.

At 4am GMT / Midnight EST / 11pm CST NIGHT will begin, so all you werewolves, Seers, and Guardians, get ready to PM me your choices at that time.

Game open!

06-24-11, 04:51 AM
Tarrasque assigns himself a bunk in the bunkhouse then returns to the wall of the POW camp.

"Of all the places to be forced to land, we end up next to a castle full of Jerries.", he murmurs to himself.

He sighs and starts mentally drawing up duty rosters for the camp.

06-24-11, 05:05 AM
*adjusts his cap*

So, Oberst...Hunter, was it? By the way you and your subordinates were talking, it sounded an awfully lot as if my men are not going to be treated fairly in accordance with the laws of war...

06-24-11, 05:24 AM
Bakkels looks out from the bunkhouse to the shore as a pale sun tries to peer through the fog. “Being held prisoner outside of a nazi infested castle in Finland. Not quite what I had in mind when I was called to arms. Still, it beats the bottom of the Baltic I guess.”

As he sees a rat the size of a small dog run across the bunkhouse, he thinks to himself: “Well at least the cooking will be done for us for a change. Although I doubt these jerries know how to make a decent sheperd’s pie…”

06-24-11, 05:43 AM
*lits a pipe*

...Laws of War? hahaha that's a good one...you're a very funny man Raptor.
You don't have to worry that much, just so you know that laws can change in a split second the soon there's mischief from you or any of your men.

but tell me...*grins* who came up with that foolish idea to attack those escorted german tankers.

06-24-11, 05:57 AM
That is unfortunate. I was hoping you Germans would be more civilized, but I guess one cannot expect too much...As for the tankers, I suppose that was not the most brilliant attack I have ever performed. I'm hardly alone when it comes to mistakes, though, whose bloody idea was it to put troops on this godforsaken island? I hear you're getting trashed pretty badly on the Eastern Front, surely you people would be more useful there...

Hold on one second...

*turns to Mookie*

Sub-Lieutenant, I want you to gather the crew in the POW camp, I need to speak to them.

06-24-11, 06:26 AM
*overhears what Raptor1 said
*wonders what Raptor1 will say to the crew*:hmmm:

looks toward the pow camp

06-24-11, 06:28 AM
*double checks the safety catch of his rifle*
"Damn this fog and damn this English crew. They scared me half to death appearing out of nowhere like that, " he mumbles. "Spies, I'll bet. Herr Nisgeis will find out."

06-24-11, 06:41 AM
This godforsaken place as you put it is of importance of the Reich and that's all you need to know my friend.

Gefreiter, escort the sub-lieutenant to the camp if you please.

06-24-11, 06:46 AM
*raises eyebrow*

Of course it is. One more thing, we had to leave behind many of our personal items in the submarine. If you don't mind, I'd like to send some of my men down to retrieve them.

06-24-11, 06:54 AM
This godforsaken place as you put it is of importance of the Reich and that's all you need to know my friend.

Gefreiter, escort the sub-lieutenant to the camp if you please.

"Jawol Herr Oberst! Please come with me sub-lieutenant, I will show you to your men."

06-24-11, 07:01 AM
Actually I do...can't risk have any of you grab hold of the weapons that might be stored in that submarine and use it against us.

I'm sure Nisgues agrees, pretty sure he'll also be the one boarding it first to investigate.

so It'll be taken care of by us and don't worry we'll drop of the equipment and stuff that we have no use for but you might in the camp.

Lord Justice
06-24-11, 07:06 AM
* L J paces up and down in the bunkhouse still contemplating the situation, then with a smile* " Fine mess we are in here men, still at least we are alive."

06-24-11, 07:06 AM
I suppose that is acceptable. Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to see my crew.

*leaves and heads for the camp (Escorted by someone, I guess?)*

06-24-11, 07:07 AM
"Damn Jerries. There's not enough of us left to run a decent watch system as it is, without them hospitalising Jimbuna".

*Still cursing, he heads off to spread the good news that sleeping all day is no longer an option.*

Lord Justice
06-24-11, 07:14 AM
" Hey Bakkels, I am sorry to say my good fellow, but the only thing you will be cooking up in the next few hours is a ****! " * Whilst attempting to check the men's morale. *

06-24-11, 07:24 AM
I suppose that is acceptable. Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to see my crew.

*leaves and heads for the camp (Escorted by someone, I guess?)*

"Captain, please join your 1st officer and come with me. Gemeiner The Enigma, please lead the way to the English crew. I will follow behind."

*Switches the rifles safety catch to "fire"*

"Nothing silly please, gentlemen."

06-24-11, 07:24 AM
*Sports Lord Justice*

"PO, a word. I've put together a watch system. Unfortunately it'll have to be a 6 on, 6 off, as we don't have enough senior rates or for that matter personnel. You'll lead the second watch with Task Force and Pioneer. I'll have the first watch with Vendor, Takeda Shingen and Bakkels.

"For the moment it'll be just make-work I'm afraid, but as soon as the officers return, no doubt there will be other plans."

06-24-11, 07:28 AM
*is led to the POW camp*

So, Gefreiter, how does one end up being assigned to a place like this? Must be an awfully boring post...

06-24-11, 07:34 AM
"What happens here is no concern of yours, Captain. Please keep moving and stop speculating before I begin to suspect that you really are spies."

06-24-11, 07:38 AM
Sure, sure. Bloody Krauts...

*stays silent until reaching the camp*

Lord Justice
06-24-11, 07:38 AM
*Sports Lord Justice*

"For the moment it'll be just make-work I'm afraid, but as soon as the officers return, no doubt there will be other plans."" Okay sounds fine, consider it done chief."

06-24-11, 08:07 AM
*reaches the camp and enters Bunkhouse A*

Mr. Bakkels, please stand guard at the door and make sure the Jerries aren't listening to us.

06-24-11, 08:19 AM
*Checks the rounds in his Luger.*

"This one looks like he could be trouble.*

06-24-11, 08:29 AM
Sub Lieutenant (bah, Neal...you had to make my rank one of the words I cannot spell to save my life!) Mookie plops down on one of the bunks. He takes the cigarette from behind his ear and lights it in one singular motion. As he takes a drag he contemplates the situation that he and his shipmates find themselves in. As he exhales, he leans back on the bunk with a sense of resignation.

"Bloody hell....it doesn't sound like these Jerries are going to be rolling out any welcome mats for us. That Oberst fellow sounded downright savage...psh....'Laws of War' indeed. He acted like it was his personal tankers that we attacked. What else did he expect us to do? Invite the crews over for dinner?

In any case, we'll have to set up a watch system. Something about this place just feels off. I don't know what these Jerries are doing here. Damn strange place to put a garrison."

06-24-11, 08:43 AM
((I'm assuming Mookie gathered the crew in Bunkhouse A))

*turns to speak to the entire crew in Bunkhouse A*

Right, Gentlemen, we have been captured. That is unfortunate, but we must make the best out of this situation. I have spoken with their commander, and these Jerries seem to be a particularly unreasonable bunch, so keep from angering too much or they might get trigger happy. However, do your best to not cooperate with them unless absolutely necessary.

As Mr. Mookie notes, this is an awfully strange place to put a garrison, so I want everyone to report anything strange they see to the officers. Our primary goal will be to escape this place, something which we will do as soon as an ideal opportunity presents itself. I want everyone to be on the lookout for where the Krauts are receiving their supplies from; I don't see an airstrip, so it probably comes by sea. Sub-Lieutenant, I want you to see what you can about making a map of this place based on the reports of everyone, that will help us greatly. Besides that, we'll wait and see what we can find out.

Task Force
06-24-11, 08:46 AM
"yea, there's something strange about these krauts. But, theyre krauts, who knows what they are thinking."

06-24-11, 08:54 AM
*standing outside the bunkbuilding*

Damn this place gives me the creeps. It's cold, wet, desolate. Actually I'm not so sure if I can tell the difference after all between the bottom of the Baltic and the place we find ourselves in now.

*Leans through the door*

"Captain Raptor sir, I take it you already made arrangements for the HMS Nelson to come blow up this castle and pick us up?"

06-24-11, 08:55 AM
Sub-Lieutenant, I want you to see what you can about making a map of this place based on the reports of everyone, that will help us greatly. Besides that, we'll wait and see what we can find out.

Aye sir. We know the castle's to the west. Chief Tarrasque, take Mr. Pioneer and scout the south of us. Report anything of interest...anything that will be of use in an escape attempt. Lord Justice, take Task Force and see if you can get a handle on what lies to the south of us. Bakkels and I will head north and scout the woods. Captain, would you and Takeda like to see if you can make it to the other side of the castle to see what's over there?

06-24-11, 09:03 AM
Unfortunately, Mr. Bakkels, the Nelson was unavailable. We'll have to rescue ourselves.

*turns to Mookie*

Yes, I was about to head there myself, I thought I saw something strange on my way here. Hopefully the Germans won't mind us doing a little sight-seeing. Mr. Shingen, come with me, this might prove interesting to your readers in America.

*leaves and heads for a position from which he can see the other side of the castle*

06-24-11, 09:12 AM
Well lieutenant Mookie, I don't like scouting without my rifle one bit, but the island seems pretty desolate so aside from the Krauts we probably don't have anything to fear. Let's check out those woods.
*lights a cigarette*
By the way, lieutenant, you know that joke about the marine and the sailor? They are standing in a public toilet. The marine finishes first and washes his hands. The sailor just walks to the exit. So the marine says: "Hey, in the marines they teach us to wash our hands after taking a piss!" To which the sailor replies: "Yeah? Well in the navy they teach us not to piss all over our hands."

06-24-11, 09:26 AM
*Nods at Mookiemookie*

"Aye Sir. I've taken the liberty of setting up a watch system already. It's not ideal, but due to our limited personnel and senior rates, it's the best in the circumstances."

*Hands S/Lt Mookiemookie a scrap of paper with the watch system pencilled in.*

"Mr Pioneer, you're with me. Let's see if we can find anything of use."

Takeda Shingen
06-24-11, 09:28 AM
Takeda follows behind Captain Raptor, unsteadily and clumbsily trying to keep up with the sure-footed military professional.

'Sir, I have to say that this has been a lot more action than I wanted to see. I mean, captured by the Jerries (you do call them Jerries, right?) and now in a prisoner of war camp in this godforsaken corner of the world. Its, well I'd say its, it could be, or maybe, look, it's not that I am not excited about the job. Oh hell, I'm not excited about the job. I wanted to work for the 'Post, but the patriotic thing was to write for Stars and Stripes. I thought this was going to be a desk job, you know, cushy and light......maybe see some dames in the evening.........you got a girl sir? Hm? 'Cause I heard that soldiers bond over this sort of thing in hard times. I bet these are hard times. You know, really hard times, I mean we're prisoners. Prisoners. And I got into this line of work because I wanted to write color pieces for the 'Post. You read the 'Post, don't you? Of course you do, Everyone reads the 'Post. Does your dame read the 'Post too? Maybe you read it together. It's really good to read it together. Good reading. Good writing. And I'm a pretty good writer. I can write a yarn that will make you think......well you'll say........um.........that was a good yarn. I could show you! Maybe I can write the camp newspaper. I can...oh, wait my typewriter is back on the sub. Hey, slow down. I'm doing my best to keep up here. If I didn't know better, I'd say that you were trying to get away from me, but I do know better. You're a good man, sir. A very good man. I am lucky to be here. And I bet your dame at home is lucky too. If I was to.......'

Takeda stopped short as he and the Captain reached their destination; the far side of the castle before them.

'Golly. What is this place?'

06-24-11, 09:38 AM
*marches on without talking*

Shut up...shut up...shut up...

*reaches the end of the camp*

...looks like a bloody closed gate. Damn those Jerries. Let's go back inside...

06-24-11, 10:07 AM
*Has summoned the Oberfeldwebel Ducimes, Gefreiter Tinman764 and Gemeiner The Enigma*

Meine Herren,

Make sure these nosy Brits stay out of the castle unless they've been brought in with an escort...find a Brit nosing around on their own give him the appropiate welcome and bring him before me or Nisgeis. Understood?
Ow and could someone inform Gemeiner the tyrant to shoot any brit on sight when getting to close to their submarine.

that would be all

06-24-11, 10:21 AM
"Javeol Oberst HunterIXC"

Departs to resume guard duty, and decides to inspect the POW camp. While coming up on the POW Camp, hear's alot of talking in Bunkhouse A.

*Bursts into the bunkhouse*

"QUIET! There well be no colaborative talk here! You have no chance of escape. So If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night I swear by God and sonny Jesus you will all visit the infirmary. Every last Mutterficker in here!"

*Departs Slams door behind him*

06-24-11, 10:23 AM
*Has summoned the Oberfeldwebel Ducimes, Gefreiter Tinman764 and Gemeiner The Enigma*

Meine Herren,

Make sure these nosy Brits stay out of the castle unless they've been brought in with an escort...find a Brit nosing around without an escort give him the appropiate welcome and bring him before me or Nisgeis. Understood?
Ow and could someone inform Gemeiner the tyrant to shoot any brit on sight when getting to close to their submarine.

that would be all

Very good, Sir.
*half turns to leave, then faces HunterICX.*
"sir, forgive me if I'm out of turn, but has the possibility of these British being spies been considered? I strongly suspect this is more than a coincidence."

06-24-11, 10:26 AM
*Heads back inside bunkhouse #1*

"Damn Jerries. Locking us up inside here. Where would we go?"

06-24-11, 10:26 AM
*watches Ducimus leave the Bunkhouse, then waits a minute and speaks*

See, men, these are the sort of Huns we have to deal with here. Maybe they stuck them out here because they can't be trusted with any real assignment...

06-24-11, 10:29 AM
Very good, Sir.
*half turns to leave, then faces HunterICX.*
"sir, forgive me if I'm out of turn, but has the possibility of these British being spies been considered? I strongly suspect this is more than a coincidence."

They might be Gefreiter, but that's why we have our comrade of the SS here Herr Nisgeis he's an expert on this and we'll soon find out what he has found as soon he has investigated their submarine.

Now be on your way *salutes*

06-24-11, 10:31 AM
*Departs Slams door behind him*

Lieutenant Mookie looks around at his shipmates wide eyed. "Not too friendly that one, eh?" he says in a hushed tone. "Caught like mice in a trap."

06-24-11, 10:32 AM
"Does seem a rather small garrison from what we've seen of it so far Sir. Heck, there's almost as many of us here.

Raises the question though sir. Why are they here? I'm sure there must be more important places to garrison than this patch of land"

06-24-11, 10:44 AM
Indeed. And if there is something important enough to guard here, why bother using such a small garrison? It doesn't make any sense...

06-24-11, 10:46 AM
Hauptmann Rear returns from his inspection of the North Tower and smartly salutes Oberst HunterICX :salute:

"Mein Oberst, during my inspection of the castle perimeter I have noticed a section of the walls in the North Tower are crumbling! Permission to take a couple of men with me to begin sealing the breach?

Protecting the castle from spies seems to be of the utmost importance now the English scum are here, but the process may take some time sir"

06-24-11, 11:05 AM

Yes, it'll take too much time Hauptmann..and with our new guests we can't afford more men to be of duty to do something about that breach. As I told the others when you find a Brit inside the castle on their own make sure he'll regret his move and bring him to me or Nisgeis.

06-24-11, 11:12 AM
*stands on the eastern guard tower facing the POW camp.*
of all the places these people could have ended up... it's not right. Perhaps I should ask our SS fellow if he needs some help later

*he lights a cigarette and continues to observe the camp*

06-24-11, 11:17 AM

Yes, it'll take too much time Hauptmann..and with our new guests we can't afford more men to be of duty to do something about that breach. As I told the others when you find a Brit inside the castle on their own make sure he'll regret his move and bring him to me or Nisgeis.

Understood sir. Perhaps you would like me to inspect the armoury or check on the men? Or perhaps I could force some prisoners to fix the breach?

*cracks his knuckles*

06-24-11, 11:20 AM
Now you mention, check if the armoury is properly locked and then return to your post in the Northen Tower.

06-24-11, 11:24 AM
At once, sir :salute:

Lord Justice
06-24-11, 11:29 AM
Lord Justice, take Task Force and see if you can get a handle on what lies to the south of us. Bakkels and I will head north and scout the woods. " I will do sir, once they let us stretch our legs a bit." * Sports Takeda * " Hey pencil boy, did you you know I was area districts champion at the boxing before the war, you might want to add that! " Come to think of it, I wonder how my punching buddy Jim is fairing up?

06-24-11, 11:43 AM
Well, I think I need to rest a bit before dealing with the Jerries again...if that's even possible with these wretched bunks. Mr. Mookie, work with Chief Tarrasque and set up a decent watch system.

*lies down on his bunk and tries sleeping*

((I'll have to be off for today, but hopefully I'll be back before the night is over.))

06-24-11, 11:50 AM
Lieutenant Mookie looks around at his shipmates wide eyed. "Not too friendly that one, eh?" he says in a hushed tone. "Caught like mice in a trap."

*continues his patrol rounds, looking about the POW camp, inspecting everything, and calms down a bit. Decides t o steps back into Bunkhouse A*

*Opens door*

"Surprised to see me again, yes? Your talking about escaping? I KNOW you are! I would be doing the same.


" Let me assure you ladies, there is no chance of escape. Where would you go? Huh? Have you thought of this? There IS nowhere to go! There is only HERE. And HERE will be kept orderly! ANY Insubordination will NOT be tolerated, AT ALL. Do as you are told, and you will have no problems."

*turns to leave, shuts the door behind him*

06-24-11, 11:57 AM
Damn, that really is one annoying guard. Easy barking and yelling at us when we have no guns.
I wonder what those Germans have planned for us. If they are here guarding something secret, then they must be really unhappy with us crashing their private little island. And they might be eager to get rid of us. One way or the other...

I sure hope when they clear the ship they don't take all the booze for themselves. You can't deny a cook his drink! Probably will keep it all for themselves. Greedy bastards....

06-24-11, 12:00 PM
From the eastern guard turret, Tinman watches as Ducimus lectures the prisoners.
Even from this distance the Oberfeldwebel's voice can be clearly heard.

"That's it, let the bastards know who's the boss here", he mutters and flicks the stub of a cigarette over the castle wall.

06-24-11, 01:32 PM
Now you mention, check if the armoury is properly locked and then return to your post in the Northen Tower.

Rear strolled across the courtyard from the Great Hall to the Armoury. The door was made from heavy steel to prevent unwarranted access, and this was the only way in or out. The door seemed firmly closed and the large padlock was securely locked. He pulled a small black key from around his neck and inserted it into the padlock. Pulling this to one side, he opened the armoury door and had a brief glimpse inside to make sure everything was in order.

There was a standard selection of single-shot rifles and a few submachine guns, but the majoriy of the room's contents was ammunition. Towards the back of the room lay some barbed wire and other materials for the construction of static defences for the castle.

Satisfied that the armoury was in order, Rear made sure the armoury was properly locked again and replaced the key around his neck. He then returned to the Northern Tower as Oberst HunterICX had ordered.

Lord Justice
06-24-11, 02:30 PM
Lieutenant Mookie looks around at his shipmates wide eyed. "Not too friendly that one, eh?" he says in a hushed tone. "Caught like mice in a trap."Nah don't let them get to you sir, lets just play along for now. Tell you what though, when the old gal was shot up bad and we dipped below, trying to keep her steady was like pulling at my first loves panties. * proceeds to laugh * Sir, did you notice anything of interest when you and the captain were away?

06-24-11, 02:57 PM
AVGWarhawk thinking out loud but in a whisper

"Granted I'm on leave and tending to my favorite past time of gardening, I would have thought I would have been called back for duty with the new guests on this miserable rock. I was not much for the war but felt my duty to Germany only to find myself dispatched to this island."

Tends to the soil and plants.

"There was mention that we Germans eat well on this rock and it is true, but only due to my gardening of vegetables. Fortunate the climate allows for good growing."

Pulls a weed or two. Inspects a potato plant.

"If was not for my special garden of roses this island would ruin the spirits of even the best man! I was very fortunate to get the hybrid rose my father Anton created. The Schultheis Rose! Her beauty is my only rememberance of home."

Looks off into the distance thinking of home.

"Well, our new found friends in the POW camp will get our leftovers as dinner. The usual gruel. Enough to keep them happy but not enough to keep us from breaking them!"

06-24-11, 02:59 PM
Not much. The castle walls look stout enough, aside from one of the northern turrets being in tumble down shape. Dense forest to the north. They have us hemmed in good, I'd say.

06-24-11, 03:06 PM
Tinman looks down from the top of the southern turret towards the sound of whispering.
"Gemeiner AVGWarhawk, I can hear you mumbling to yourself again!" *smiles* "Why don't you make yourself useful and make sure the prisoners have water... in the unlikely event that they don't turn out to be spies, I think we should treat them in accordance with the rules of war, yes?... I'm sure the Oberst would agree."

Or we could save the food and water and just shoot them now...

06-24-11, 03:12 PM
Tinman looks down from the top of the southern turret towards the sound of whispering.
"Gemeiner AVGWarhawk, I can hear you mumbling to yourself again!" *smiles* "Why don't you make yourself useful and make sure the prisoners have water... in the unlikely event that they don't turn out to be spies, I think we should treat them in accordance with the rules of war, yes?... I'm sure the Oberst would agree."

Or we could save the food and water and just shoot them now...


Rollng eyes

Under my breath:

"Private Gardener I'm am. Now I'm the waterboy? Make myself useful? Why I outta... What next, lick ya boots? That will be the day."

Laughs to self.

Turns to get water to the prisoners.

"Personally I would shoot them and save myself the trouble."

06-24-11, 03:40 PM
*Oberon starts whistling Westerwald whilst sitting on a chair watching Jimbuna.*

Lord Justice
06-24-11, 03:49 PM
Not much. The castle walls look stout enough, aside from one of the northern turrets being in tumble down shape. Dense forest to the north. They have us hemmed in good, I'd say.Damn, what about troop numbers? They seem so disciplined, I wonder what regiment they belong!

06-24-11, 03:51 PM
Nisgeis strolled up to the base of the Southeast guard tower and slowly, without a sound climbed the steps upwards to the ramparts. He saw Gefreiter Tinman764 leaning on the stonework, with his back to him, looking out towards the southeast to the point where the Britisher’s submarine was moored. Soon, he thought, he will be inside there examining every scrap of paper, every scribble, every printed word and every system in the sub.

His eyes flicked back to Gefreiter Tinman764 and gave him a thorough inspection. Examining the Gefreiter’s posture, a series of scenarios played out in his mind. A kick to the back of the legs to get him quickly on his knees and then a quick twist of the head to snap the neck, yes, that would be good. Silent and "hands on". His leather clad hands clenched into balls and then relaxed.

Perhaps a quick hoist to the belt, which would send the Gefreiter over the wall and plunging to his death. With luck the Gefreiter would not die instantly and would twitch for several moments before passing on, but would he have time to get down there before the end? It would mean crossing over to the main gate and out to the base of the tower, which would take some time. Ah, to gaze into the eyes of a man who is dying is a wonder in itself. What secrets are revealed to them in their last moments? When will one of them finally give up their secrets to me?

He glanced around, to see who was watching. The East Turret was a fairly well hidden, the parapets obscuring the view from the ground and therefore most of the castle, but it was still somewhat exposed. It would not do to have a prolonged struggle up here. Nisgeis’ eyes settled on the holster on Gefreiter Tinman764’s hip. The fool hadn’t even buttoned it closed and the belt it was attached to was slack about his waist. It would be no trouble to lift the revolver out without him noticing. But where was the fun in that? It was hardly a subtlety either. Perhaps if Tinman764 got in his way, or if he needed a diversion later, yes, that could be a useful strategy. A gunshot would be very noisy and would cause a lot of commotion, drawing attention away from whomever. A prisoner escaping grabbed his revolver and shot him with it, yes that would work well. Poor Tinman764 put up a brave struggle, the report would read, but the vile Britisher overpowered him and shot him through the head. Flowers to his grieving widow or girlfriend. A hero to Germany. A diversion. A pawn.

He smiled to himself. He had spent a few seconds analysing the potential attacks and was pleased that his first instinct was the right one. It always was. Quick, quiet and hands on.

Nisgeis considered retreating down the steps to make a more audible approach. He had spent considerable time and effort in cultivating a reputation as a somewhat capable - not too good, not too bad, yet clumsy officer. It wouldn’t do to get a reputation for stealthy approaches after all that careful work, but on this occasion he decided the wind could provide reason enough for Tinman764 to not have heard him approach.

“Good Afternoon!” Nisgeis called in an affable voice, slightly louder than necessary. “Very Windy, ja?”. “Not the weather for flying a kite in no?”.

“My dear Tinman, I really must talk to you about something, if you have the time to spare from your duties. I would be in your debt for the duration if you had a few moments of your precious time to spare to listen to me.”

“Now, I hear you have been talking to the Oberst about a Britisher spy?”

06-24-11, 03:59 PM
Walks up to the POW compound fence.

"You there!! Don't stand around looking like you want to escape. Come get this water and tend to your men!"

Drops the pails inside the POW compound.

"If ya thinking of escaping good luck to you. If the guards don't get you the cold waters will certainly put an end to any escape plan."

Turns and walks away.

06-24-11, 04:05 PM
*accidentally gulps down a mouthful of cigarette smoke in supprise*

"Herr Nisgeis," I splutter between stiffled coughs. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you approaching".
how the hell did he get so close to me without my noticing? And why are his eyes smiling at me?
"Sir, I merely raised the opinion that the enemies finding of our castle was somewhat... hmm ... mysterious. I don't believe it could be a coincidence. Cigarette?"

06-24-11, 04:10 PM
Jimbuna comes round to conciousness and is immediately aware of a sharp pain in the back of his head and of someone whistling a tune that sounded German in origin.

He tries to move a hand to feel what must be a bruise or cut on his head but realises he is bound to whatever he is lying on, not only that but so is his other hand and both legs.

Not wanting to let his enemies know he has regained consciousness he keeps his eyes closed and recaps what he believes has happened....he can recall the submarine being badly damaged from an air attack and he and the crew working feverishly to keep her from sinking, then finding land before being captured by the Germans. He can also recall swinging a punch at a German (Tyrant) and receiving an agonising blow to the head (cheers Duci) and nothing else after that.

With these thoughts in mind he moves his his head very slowly towards the whistling and slightly opens one eye...what he sees is a surgery or small infirmary of some kind and two Germans (August and Oberon) sitting at the far side of the room on either wall facing each other.

One thing struck jimbuna as being slightly odd about these two Germans...instead of sitting there looking at the prisoner they had obviously been tasked to guard they appeared to only have eyes for each other and were staring at one another in what looked like jimbuna to be in an affectionate way.

Jimbuna gave a wry smile to himself thinking 'thank God I'm strapped backside against the table' then fell back into unconsciousness.

Lord Justice
06-24-11, 04:20 PM
Walks up to the POW compound fence.

"You there!! Don't stand around looking like you want to escape. Come get this water and tend to your men!"

Drops the pails inside the POW compound.

"If ya thinking of escaping good luck to you. If the guards don't get you the cold waters will certainly put an end to any escape plan."

Turns and walks away. * On looking around, most of the crew from HMS Terrific are sleeping. L J walks over to the door and looks out the bars. * hmm... this little jumped up low ranked soldier hasn't a clue. " Be a good fellow and unlock the main bunk house door. "

The Enigma
06-24-11, 04:25 PM
*Has summoned the Oberfeldwebel Ducimes, Gefreiter Tinman764 and Gemeiner The Enigma*

Meine Herren,

Make sure these nosy Brits stay out of the castle unless they've been brought in with an escort...find a Brit nosing around on their own give him the appropiate welcome and bring him before me or Nisgeis. Understood?
Ow and could someone inform Gemeiner the tyrant to shoot any brit on sight when getting to close to their submarine.

that would be all

Zum Befehl Oberst HunterIXC :salute:

Enigma returns to his post and resumes his staring into the fog.
He started thinking about his beloved wife and hometown.

"Scheiße, wehre ich nur wider da heim. Meine Hildegard fehlt mir ja richtig."
This place is the worst place to be, despite of the food and the Bavarian beer.

The reminder of the beer brought his thoughts back to yesterday evening

Eh,eh when I think back to yesterday in the canteen, Ducimes had more then
enough of that beer.
He couldn't hold his liqueur no longer. The looks on the face of HunterICX,
when Ducimes peed into the corner where Gefreiter Tinman764 was sleeping. Eh eh eh.

The blowing of the wind makes Gemeiner Enigma shiver. Or is it something else causing this feeling.....???

06-24-11, 04:44 PM
*For lack of more productive activities, Tarrasque leaves the bunkhouse. Pretending to jog, he takes the opportunity to eye up the strength of the fence.*

"Must be a weak patch somewhere."

06-24-11, 04:52 PM
Hey Oberon. Lets just shoot that fat old Britisher on the table and say he was trying to escape.

06-24-11, 04:54 PM
"I think Herr Nis-Ni...Herr Bob would have a few issues with that, sir. He is rather hairy though isn't he? I guess these unterseeboot men don't get much chance to care for personal hygiene."

The Enigma
06-24-11, 04:59 PM
When Enigma turned around, he noticed that one of the POW's was jogging.

Dummköpfe, alles Dummköpfe.
They will learn soon that being here at the castle will suck out all of your energy. No need to take a hike just for fun.

Gemeiner Enigma started slowly walking along the fence while keeping his eyes on the POW.

06-24-11, 05:02 PM
"Ah you are most kind. Thank you. A smoke is the only pleasure I have been able to enjoy lately, but perhaps that is about to change?" Nisgeis said as he accepted an offered cigarette and light from Tinman764. He smiled broadly, but with cold eyes.

“Now, of course I am merely a humble servant of the great German war machine and I know as much as you, perhaps even less, I am sure. You are a man who likes to keep himself informed after all and it is all I can do these days to keep abreast of the rapidly changing political situation at home. However, let us take a few facts into account and see if we can make sense of them.”

“We know that we are on a secret base in a remote part of the world, which for all intents and purposes does not exist. We also know that a submarine full to the brim with the latest technology from the enemy just happens to land a hundred yards from an observation tower in a base, that you will recall, does not exist.”

“This submarine was, shall we say, performing an attack of ‘dubious’ merit. Namely, an attack on a heavily defended convoy during broad day light so close to an enemy coast that any major damage would have invited disaster and scuttling of the boat.”

“Yet, no scuttling took place.”

“When a sub that should have sunk arrives at a base that does not exist, people are expected to ask certain questions. It’s natural. We all know that.”

“But, surely you can see how discussion of a Britisher spy does not do our cause any good? There is of course no Britisher spy, but you can of course see how his position could be exposed merely by mentioning it to the prisoners. To have such an influence on a mission, the rank achieved must have been high. It would be a shame to nullify his patience with our impatience.”

“I’d like you to refrain from discussing further about Britisher spies and how they communicated with the task force that attacked them. Oberst Hunter IXC will be able to extricate them after a fashion, one at a time without arousing suspicion, if he is clever, which I believe him to be. Pass the word to the rest of the men that no one is to mention Britisher spies.”

“Oh, but my firend, too much of this oppressive work… Tell me… you have a wife? Girlfriend? What are her favourite flowers?”. Nisgeis drew a last drag on the cigarette given to him by Tinman764, let it drop to the floor and without a thought ground his heel into it, until it was dead.

He then turned and strode off towards the prized British submarine to search it from Bow to Sterm thoroughly.

Task Force
06-24-11, 05:08 PM
*sitting in the bunkhouse

Hmm... (says to himself) what can one do in a pow camp...

Well, lets see, nothing. Not even a damn stack of cards! Hmm, and the blank walls. Cant even play I spy... wait... i just said spy, probably not the best thing to say around our new kraut friends. hmm...

*thinks to himself
Best to probably go to bed, who knows what will happen next. (Laughs) one of those krauts might go crazy an... Naaaa....

06-24-11, 05:10 PM
* On looking around, most of the crew from HMS Terrific are sleeping. L J walks over to the door and looks out the bars. * hmm... this little jumped up low ranked soldier hasn't a clue. " Be a good fellow and unlock the main bunk house door. "

"Not today mate as they say in your tiny island of a country. Best you stew with rats."

06-24-11, 05:25 PM
"Ah you are most kind. Thank you. A smoke is the only pleasure I have been able to enjoy lately, but perhaps that is about to change?" Nisgeis said as he accepted an offered cigarette and light from Tinman764. He smiled broadly, but with cold eyes.

“Now, of course I am merely a humble servant of the great German war machine and I know as much as you, perhaps even less, I am sure. You are a man who likes to keep himself informed after all and it is all I can do these days to keep abreast of the rapidly changing political situation at home. However, let us take a few facts into account and see if we can make sense of them.”

“We know that we are on a secret base in a remote part of the world, which for all intents and purposes does not exist. We also know that a submarine full to the brim with the latest technology from the enemy just happens to land a hundred yards from an observation tower in a base, that you will recall, does not exist.”

“This submarine was, shall we say, performing an attack of ‘dubious’ merit. Namely, an attack on a heavily defended convoy during broad day light so close to an enemy coast that any major damage would have invited disaster and scuttling of the boat.”

“Yet, no scuttling took place.”

“When a sub that should have sunk arrives at a base that does not exist, people are expected to ask certain questions. It’s natural. We all know that.”

“But, surely you can see how discussion of a Britisher spy does not do our cause any good? There is of course no Britisher spy, but you can of course see how his position could be exposed merely by mentioning it to the prisoners. To have such an influence on a mission, the rank achieved must have been high. It would be a shame to nullify his patience with our impatience.”

“I’d like you to refrain from discussing further about Britisher spies and how they communicated with the task force that attacked them. Oberst Hunter IXC will be able to extricate them after a fashion, one at a time without arousing suspicion, if he is clever, which I believe him to be. Pass the word to the rest of the men that no one is to mention Britisher spies.”

“Oh, but my firend, too much of this oppressive work… Tell me… you have a wife? Girlfriend? What are her favourite flowers?”. Nisgeis drew a last drag on the cigarette given to him by Tinman764, let it drop to the floor and without a thought ground his heel into it, until it was dead.

He then turned and strode off towards the prized British submarine to search it from Bow to Sterm thoroughly.

"Roses..." he says to the vanishing figure of Nisgeis. "Um.."
*Lights another cigarette*
Surely when an SS officer confides so much to 1 person.. that must have a meaning.... right?
"Scheiße", mutters Tinman - I forgot to ask him if I can take part in the interigations!
Ok, so he doesn't want the others talking about English spies... I must make sure they don't - but he told me about it, so that means he must trust me with this information.
It's about time something interesting happened on this rock!

*Heads down to the Dormitories, finds some paper and a pen and in large letters posts a sign outside the door to the dorm - *


That should do it!

Lord Justice
06-24-11, 05:27 PM
"Not today mate as they say in your tiny island of a country. Best you stew with rats."Then I can not fetch the water! * about-turns and goes for a kip! *

06-24-11, 05:35 PM
Rear settles down with a book in the North Tower, wishing that the Oberst had granted him a few POWs to start rebuilding the exterior wall...

He wonders which soldiers will be on kitchen duty tonight - none of the lower ranks were particularly good cooks and he hadn't had a good meal for weeks.

"I'll make sure that damn English cook Bakkels isn't going to be let near our food any time soon. No man that smelly should be in charge of food!"

06-24-11, 05:52 PM
As I turn to leave the POW compound I see Nisgeis and Tinman on the rampart. Both smoking. Tinman looking a bit nervous. I wonder what that is all about. Oh well, off to the dormitories. Time for a shower as I'm a might bit sweaty from my gardening. Besides, I'm on leave. I should go into town and tie one one. Oh strudel, I'm on this wretched island. Go to town. Tie one on. Yea....sure.

Lord Justice
06-24-11, 06:17 PM
*For lack of more productive activities, Tarrasque leaves the bunkhouse. Pretending to jog, he takes the opportunity to eye up the strength of the fence.*

"Must be a weak patch somewhere."* L J cant sleep, goes to the bunkhouse door and its slightly ajar * Good grief, I am more tired than I thought. * opens the door and steps into the fenced compound* Hey there is the Chief, what's he up to! " Chief, just going to take the water inside and I shall join you in a mo. "

06-24-11, 06:23 PM
After grabbing a couple bits of bread from the cookhouse, Tinman strolls back over to the dorm - stopping briefly to ensure the poster is still clearly visible.
No beer today, not after last night.. god I stunk! It's been a long day and I'm sure I wont be missed... I have a feeling I'm going to need to stay fresh for whatever these damn Englishmen have in store for us.

*Climbs into his bed and falls asleep*

06-24-11, 06:50 PM
Thirty seven, thirty eight, thirty nine.

Thirty nine steps. There are thirty nine steps between each pole holding the wiring of the compound. Half of thirty nine is....

Pioneer does the maths quickly in his head.

Nineteen and a half. Nine and a half feet is the halfway point between each post.

Pioneer walks back alongside the perimeter fence, mentally counting off the paces again.

Sixteen, seventeen eighteen.

He scrapes his feet along the soil, a red plume of dust rises as he toe digs in and a red stain taints his black boots. He stops, and looks back to the south where the closest turret stands. He turns further, the north turret is away. He finds the halfway point of the halfway section of the wire compound away from the castle.


He looks through the fence and beyond the cleared grass, there is something out there, on the edge of those trees. And he smells water, water being washed downstream through some rocks. The fresh smell and the cool of water.

He has found where the weakest link, where the fence will give the most rise, if he had to go under.

He touches his pockets where his possessions use to be, they are gone. He looks to the sky and back at his shadow. It is late afternoon, night is coming. Darkness will fall.

06-24-11, 06:52 PM
Upon arriving to the dormatories


"This man is completely off his rocker! English spies? These men came by uboat! Not many spies in the forward battery let alone any other compartment in the boat. I'm thinking the beer has really gone to his head! Besides, he smells of pee. Perhaps there was something said on that rampart after all. I think this island has made everyone mad!"

06-24-11, 07:11 PM
"No need. I'm going to get my head down"

*Tarrasque heads to his bunk and closes his eyes.*

Lord Justice
06-24-11, 07:40 PM
Yes I really must follow suit. Hmm I have an idea which may help me sleep. * After quick observation of the sleeping crew inside, and Pioneer out In the compound * I must be quick, ugh uh shuffle shuffle uh ahh ! Time for bed. * With a satisfied grin petty officer L J eyes lids roll shut. *

Takeda Shingen
06-24-11, 07:44 PM
Takeda nervously eyes the rafters from his bunk. Thinking to himself; his mind raced over the events of the past day.

'I'll never get to sleep tonight. I'll never get used to this. These guards, this restrictive talk, the cruelity. It is obscene. It is inhuman. I just want to get out of here. 'Guess none of that matters. I'll die here. I'll never see home again. Never....'

06-24-11, 08:06 PM
In my bunk thinking of the days events and home:

"Time for some shut eye and dreaming of home. Thankfully I have the garden to keep my sanity. Mom and dad, "Go join the army. See the world." What were they thinking? Here I am seeing the world! Sure, in my 4 square miles of not much to look at. Surrounded by not much to look at water. Add Nisgeis and his nutty SS ideas. The man just looks diabolical! Throw in Tinman who is apparently spooked yet one who sends me to get water for thankless POW like he is about something. I don't get it nor will I. Perhaps I will make some small talk with the POW tomorrow if I can. See what is going on in the outside world. After all, a gardener who is just above worm grade does not get much information about the outside world. Mostly I hear how crappy my meals are. I'm a private. I don't see much advancement on this rock. Private Gardner at your service. Fetch water for the POW's. So and so would agree to kiss their liver lilly arses. Meh, they can hug my ripe tomatoes. I have really grown a great distaste for this island. If I keep on I will only grow more angry with my situation. Yes, perhaps tomorrow I will talk with our POW. "

Rolls over disgruntled.

06-24-11, 08:50 PM
Hauptmann Rear puts down his book and stretches (loudly). Time to grab something to eat from the kitchens. He tries to find an on-duty soldier to cover the wall and turrets overlooking the POW camp, but the castle seems almost deserted.

10 minutes later Rear gulps down the last of the sausages and mashed potato dinner. Suddenly his stomach growls and it seems this meal has decided to pass right through...time to run past the POW camp to the privy.

Curse AVGWarhawk and his goddamn potatoes. This might take a while :Kaleun_Sick:

06-24-11, 09:07 PM

06-24-11, 09:38 PM
*goes inside

damn its cold out there

06-24-11, 10:09 PM
*taking a sip from his hipflask*

Ah that's bettter. Look at those Germans watching us. They seem even more nervous then we are. And we're the ones being held captive. Can't blame them though; they hardly have us outnumbered. Hah! If only we had some guns we'd be showing them... Hm nature calls... Ah man, those privy's don't really look inviting, but I"ve gotta make some room though, my flask isn't even half empty.

*Walks to the privy's in a not-so straight line and relieves himself*
Ok, time to hit the sack. Maybe I'll come up with a brilliant plan to....

*hears a noise from the woods, runs/stumbles back to the bunkhouse*

Ok ok, take it easy. No reason to loose your marbles. It's an island for god's sake, nothing to worry about accept those Krauts.

*Empties his flask*
W-Well I'd better get all the shleep I can. There's probably *hip* going to be enough aczion tomorrow....

06-24-11, 10:46 PM
Darkness falls as I continue to walk the perimeter. Occasionally I drag my foot across the soil, digging through the soft earth crust. It looks like sand - I guess that is to be expected on an island. I'm thinking tunnel.

A cold chill begins to blanket the isle. The shadows of the castle reach across the compound. The sun is behind the turrets and walls, but not yet down.

"They put the compound in the wrong spot." I think. A look around sees few lights. It feels colder, like death is hanging over.

Pioneer walks into the bunkhouse and flops down on his space. He curls up the Watchmans jacket tighter to fend off the cold.

Onkel Neal
06-24-11, 11:42 PM
It is Night

The sun crawls behind the ominous forest and night descends on Verposten X. Oberst HunterICX, Schuetze the_tyrant, & Hauptmann Rear dine on a rich feast in the Great Hall, leaving only Schuetze Oberon on guard in the East Turret.

Gefreiter August, Oberfeldwebel Ducimus, Gefreiter Tinman764, &
Schuetze The Enigma have turned in early.

Schuetze AVGWarhawk stands watch in the dock guard.

Seaman Jimbuna is alone, in the infirmary, bound securely.

No one has seen SS Nisgeis since the afternoon.

In the camp, Captain Raptor and his men troop into Bunkhouse A. Sailor Pioneer announced that he has found an old latrine trench running under the fence.

"The bunkhouses shield it from the view of both the tower, so a man may be able to crawl through the trench to the privies and escape," he said.

"There's no where to escape to," countered Chief Tarrasque. "If you haven't noticed."

"All the same," mused Captain Raptor, "it may be useful to reconniter the grounds and get to know the terrain better. One man won't be missed and he could be back in the camp by night. Any volunteers?"

The Enigma
06-25-11, 12:20 AM
The Enigma called it a day and went to bed.

Aaaah, glad to have those damned boots removed, what a relief.
Hitler should send me a pair of his boots,
I'm sure those are hand made.....

*Hildegard was machst du den jetzt? Ist alles noch OK bei dir?*

After a short period, The Enigma felt asleep. A light snarl was send into the deep dark night

06-25-11, 03:21 AM
"Schuetze the_tyrant, you are lucky that we allow you the privilege of dining with the officers tonight. Pass me the salt please.

Oberst HunterICX, the armoury was in order during my inspection earlier. On a side note I also found some rather toxic potatoes in the kitchen that I thought Nisgeis might like to use during interrogation.

Also, with your permission, I would ask you to reconsider the decision you made earlier and allow some prisoners to seal the breach in the North Tower... Ducimus could oversee this perhaps - the British pigs seem scared of him haha! I feel this is an important issue still because who knows what sort of beast could crawl in through there"

06-25-11, 03:29 AM
*Starts snoring very loudly, then rolls over and jerks awake.*

"What the! ...Must have been a bad dream."

*Lays head back down and snoring starts again.*

06-25-11, 03:51 AM
Mein Gott, I swear I can hear those prisoners snoring all the way from their camp! Englisch schwein have no manners even when they're asleep

06-25-11, 04:26 AM
*Wakes up with a start*

huh? ah damn, it must have been a bad dream again... these dreams....
oh well, no use trying to get back to sleep now. What is the damn time? I need a coffee.

*Changes into uniform and walks over to the kitchen, still only half awake*

I hate this place... I hate it! 8 months I've been here... 8 months! I don't even know what this place is or what I'm doing here! Guard this, do that! ha!
Now there's some REAL work to be done with these Englishmen, I can finally show these officers that I'm not just here to guard!
What was that dream I was having anyway?... No, it's gone... like always - but I know it isn't pleasant.
And those woods to the north! Hell! What is in those woods? The noises I hear from there... does anyone else hear them? I don't know... I dare not ask though... "Ha! Gefreiter Tinman is afraid of the woods!" yes, sure... best not to mention the noises...

*Sits down in the kitchen with a hot mug of coffee and lights a cigarette*

I wonder what is in that submarine.. maybe I will try and look around it today, see if I can find clues or whatnot... maybe an encoding machine or...or maps or plans.. is this a scout party for an invasion force? ha! The British are welcome to it!
I shouldn't have returned that rifle to the armory... I think I will need it soon.

*A hand instinctively reaches for the handle of the holstered pistol at his side*

NO! Where is my pistol? I've dropped it somewhere! Someone took it!? HELL!

*frantically starts searching around and retracing his steps for the lost pistol*

06-25-11, 05:34 AM
*after a long moment of silence*

Hauptmann...let's not worry about that breach too much.
Maybe later but for now we have more important matters at hand.

*leans back and lits his pipe*

Schütze Tyrant, have you seen our friend Nisgeis? Has he begun his inspection of the submarine yet?

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 06:34 AM
* L J Slowly awakens, lying back on his bunk begins to go over events in his mind * " I wonder how the old gal is? (HMS Terrific) I hope she is not to spent! If it were not for her last blast of breath and my hard fought attempts, we would all be dead! What thanks do I get? nothing! The higher officers just want to dish out orders and draw up guard duties, perhaps I should have enlisted in the army, a frikin guards regiment!! Still, for the time being orders are orders, a chap ought to look good in front of the men and all that :O: Also that Jerry, water boy, I may have caught his eye, poor sod though, probably wants away from here like us, he is young, serving his country and doing his duty, though somewhat arrogant. God knows how long he has been here, he should be with some young girls enjoying the spoils of war. Well from now on I think it best to just blend in, to try not get noticed, until we all work out some kind of escape plan. As for my morale, I have an idea, I shall speak with our American guest in the morning... * Falls back asleep *

06-25-11, 07:41 AM
In the camp, Captain Raptor and his men troop into Bunkhouse A. Sailor Pioneer announced that he has found an old latrine trench running under the fence.

"The bunkhouses shield it from the view of both the tower, so a man may be able to crawl through the trench to the privies and escape," he said.

If the Jerries let us out of here for some sort of work detail in the morning, we may be able to scout this out a bit better.

All the same," mused Captain Raptor, "it may be useful to reconniter the grounds and get to know the terrain better. One man won't be missed and he could be back in the camp by night. Any volunteers?"

*raises his hand* Anything that could be used to improve our situation, no matter how slightly, is worth investigating.

The conversation eventually fades and gives way to snores as the men nod off to sleep. Mookie's sleep is fitful, despite his exhaustion from the day's activities. Every small noise sets him on edge and startles him back awake. "A feeling on oppression and uneasiness hangs over this place.", Mookie thinks to himself. "What exactly is going on here?"

The Enigma
06-25-11, 08:01 AM
The Enigma suddenly raises out of his bed

Well, where am I??, What is this place??
Ach ja, jetzt weiß ich es wieder.
This is my duty at Castle Collinswood.
Awe-full place to be.
But for the 'fuhrer' and the third reich we do everything.

Man was habe ich eine Durst.
Let's see if I can find something to drink.
I better don't alarm the other guys, if I wake up Oberst HunterIXC I will
surely have another night-guard duty. OMG, everything else, but not that!!!

Ah, da ist the kitchen.
Hey, the light is turned on.

The Enigma lurked into the kitchen and sees Oberst HunterIXC smoking his never ending pipe.
He enters the kitchen and shouted:

Heil Hitler Oberst HunterIXC!!!
Sie sind noch wach (are you still up)?
Is there something wrong?

06-25-11, 08:07 AM
HunterICX i haven't seen him yet, I wonder where he is....
he should be back, after all, who wants to stay outside?

The Enigma
06-25-11, 08:15 AM
Hallo The Tyrant, you are awake too?
I didn't notice you, I'm still a bit sleepy, came just out of my bed to get something to drink.

What's going on??

06-25-11, 08:22 AM
*Oberon shivers in the East Turret, he checks his MG-42 for blockages again and uses his binoculars to scan the POW camp.*

"Ja, put the little Schuetze up in the tower on his own whilst you all gorge yourself on food...Sieg heil..."

06-25-11, 08:23 AM
*muttering to himself and still desperately searching for his lost pistol Tinman enters the kitchen*

"ah... good morning"

*he turns and leaves the kitchen quickly*

I've searched the entire castle, I better check around the area to the POW camp.

06-25-11, 09:13 AM
*muttering to himself and still desperately searching for his lost pistol Tinman enters the kitchen*

"ah... good morning"

*he turns and leaves the kitchen quickly*

I've searched the entire castle, I better check around the area to the POW camp.

Hauptmann Rear exits the Great Hall and catches Tinman rushing through the courtyard in the direction of the POW camp.

"Halt Gefreiter! Just where do you think you're going at this time of night?"

06-25-11, 09:16 AM

At ease Schütze, nothings wrong just waiting for Nisgeis to report back in as I suppose he's searching the submarine thoroughly.

*when drinking from his cup of coffee he sees how Gefreiter Tinman enters and turns around immediatly*


*and follows Hauptmann Rear shortly after he left the kitchen*

06-25-11, 10:00 AM
*Stands to attention and salutes Hauptmann Rear*

"Sir! I er, nothing sir, I just was going to check to make sure everything was in order, sir."

*Tinman does his best to cover the empty holster on his right hip with his arm.*

"Herr Oberst!" *Salutes again* "Good morning to you, sir!"

To Hauptmann Rear - "With your permission sir, I will go and check on the POW camp?"

06-25-11, 10:11 AM

You know how much I hate having my men wandering about where they shouldn't be especially during the night...you dissapoint me Gefreiter.

Hauptmann, take him to the great hall and question him what's he doing and why he is out of bed. When your satisfied with answers take him back to the dormitories and report back to me...he's been acting quite strange since last night

*turns around back to the kitchen*

06-25-11, 10:19 AM
The walls of the bunkhouse feel cold against hi back as he slithers along, in the shadows, and away from the sight of the towers. He steps out towards the fenceline, where the earth drops down leaving the gaping wire several feet exposed and no longer buried. He drops down to the ground, a puff of soil exploding into his face.

Don't cough.



Did anyone hear? He turns while still laying prone looking for the lights to swing back. They never do.

They can't see me. He inches forward and looks ahead at the trench which goes under the wire.

"What lays beyond" he nutters under his breath, quieter than the cough, and slips beneath the fence and beyond the compound, unseen in the dark of the night.

06-25-11, 10:19 AM
"Follow me, Gefreiter."

The Hauptmann enters the Great Hall and sits down behind his desk.

The Enigma
06-25-11, 10:24 AM
The Enigma opens a bottle of beer

Ahhh, das Schmeckt gut. Burrrp

What shall I do, return to bed or just wait until it's time to get up?
Nah, let me first finish my drink....

06-25-11, 10:30 AM
"Follow me, Gefreiter."

The Hauptmann enters the Great Hall and sits down behind his desk.

*Follows Hauptmann Rear and stands to attention infront of the desk*

06-25-11, 10:36 AM
"Gefreiter, you are lucky that it is I questioning you and not Nisgeis...do you know what the SS do to men that abandon their duties?"


"Now tell me honestly where you were going and what you were doing, and you may find that I am lenient."

Onkel Neal
06-25-11, 11:01 AM
Day begins

Captain Raptor awoke to find weak sunlight streaming into the bunkhouse. Groggy from lack of coffee, it took him a second to realize where he was. He sat up and counted his officers.

Sub-lieutenant mookiemookie
Chief Tarrasque
Petty Officer Lord Justice

All accounted for, he pulled on his boots and walked over to Bunkhouse B. Along the way he encoutered Pioneer just crawling back under the fence and kicking dirt into the furrow to hide the trench.

"What did you discover, sailor?"

"Not much sir, I had difficulty getting my bearings. But I did learn the castle is inpenetrable, except for the north turret. It seems there is some damage to that part of the castle wall and a man could literally climb over a large pile of blocks and enter the castle."

"Good, that could be useful later on."

"Also, it appears we are hemmed in from the north by a thick forest...I didn't enter the forest, sir...I, eh, I was afraid I might get lost in there." Pioneer suppressed a shudder.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea. We don't need any of our men lost in the woods, or you could fall and injure yourself. What else?"

"On the west side of the castle, the ground is prepared in such a way, I am pretty sure there are mines there."

Raptor rubbed his chin. "Very well, warn the other men, if we escape, we don't want to lose anyone to mines. The Krauts must be hiding something on the other side of that minefield. Who knows, this could be a secret weapon testing base... that would explain a lot."

"Yes, sir".

"Ok, sailor, go wash yourself, you smell like 30-year old kippers. I'm going to check on the men in Bunkhouse B. Then it's time to request a chat with the Commandant, we're prisoners but it's time we received soap, reading material--" He broke off, interrupted by a scream from Bunkhouse B. They ran into the sleeping quarters.

Sailor Task Force was sitting in his bed with the blanket pulled up to his nose, his eyes large and staring, only the tips of his boots showing. American Newsman Takeda Shingen was stading by Bakkels bed, silently looking down at a mass of blood and gristle. He looked up at Capt. Raptor in shock.


Raptor was unable to speak, but only for a second. The scream brought he men from Bunkhouse A. "Chief, get over to the fence and get the Jerries' attention, get that Commandant over here. One of his men climbed in and murdered a good man in his sleep. I want some answers now!"

Sailor Vendor somehow managed to sleep through the entire episode.

06-25-11, 11:10 AM
"Gefreiter, you are lucky that it is I questioning you and not Nisgeis...do you know what the SS do to men that abandon their duties?"


"Now tell me honestly where you were going and what you were doing, and you may find that I am lenient."

Abandoning my duties!? Who the....

"Sir! I have to report that I have..." he can feel his cheeks glowing, "Sir, I have misplaced my sidearm, I was searching for it."

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 11:12 AM
" What's all the ... Good God! Who,what, Captain?

06-25-11, 11:21 AM
*Looks sickened. He's seen many horrors in this war but this...*

"Aye Sir."

06-25-11, 11:21 AM
Abandoning my duties!? Who the....

"Sir! I have to report that I have..." he can feel his cheeks glowing, "Sir, I have misplaced my sidearm, I was searching for it."

"God damn it, Tinman. Normally I would have you disciplined for such an offense...but we need as many men as possible now those british hunde are here. Come with me to the Armoury and I'll assign you another weapon."

Rear stands up and heads for the courtyard.

06-25-11, 11:29 AM
*is lead out into the courtyard towards the armory*

06-25-11, 11:34 AM
*hears a commotion from the POW camp and spots the men from Bunkhouse A running to Bunkhouse B*

What the?


*hits switch to Alarm bell*


Takeda Shingen
06-25-11, 11:38 AM
Horrified, Takeda runs from the bunkhouse. Sprawling upon the ground, he vomits until dry. He spoke outloud, to no one in particular.

"Oh my god, what was that. Did you see that? What could do that? Maybe a shrapnel bomb? I didn't hear the explosion, but maybe it was a bomb. A boobytrap. Do you think they boobytrapped the baracks? Maybe they're having fun with us. Or maybe one of them came in that night with some attack dogs. How did I sleep through that? I didn't think I'd get to sleep at all, but I did. How did I? How......"

06-25-11, 11:41 AM
*Freezes in his tracks at the sound of the alarm*
"Sir?" He stares at Hauptmann Rear waiting for an order.

06-25-11, 11:43 AM
Jimbuna started stirring, he wasn't sure if he heard a scream or had simply imagined it...he opened his eyes and looked around the room...it was the same one he remembered from last night but there was a subtle difference...there were no longer any guards watching over him/themselves.

'This is my chance to escape' he thought but try as he might he couldn't free any of his wrists or legs from the restraints holding him down...'Probably tightened even more by those nancy boys last night' he thought to himself.

'Only one thing for it' he thought and promptly shouted out "Guard!!"

There was no response but his head started throbbing unmercifally as if to remind him all was not well with it physically.

He shouted out again and again until eventually, after was seemed an age, the infirmary door was unlocked, the door swung open and Oberon appeared at the entrance.

"What is it you want Englander?" Oberon asked.

Jimbuna "Do me a favour Adolf, Hermann, Heinrich or whatever name you go by old chap and unshackle me and let me return to my countrymen"

Oberon thought for a while and asked "Will you behave?"

Jimbuna "Of course I will, the other day was simply a misunderstanding"

Oberon "I'll seek permission from an officer"

Jimbuna "I'd be awfully obliged"

Oberon swung on his heels and as he was about to lock the door behind him he said "My name isn't Adolph, Hermann or Heinrich either".

Jimbuna waited until his departing footsteps subsided before murmuring to himself "I was probably right the first time...it'll be Nancy then"

Jimbuna lay there awaiting a response from the German officer and wondered to himself 'Did I imagine that scream earlier?'

06-25-11, 11:44 AM
"What now?! Grab the first weapon you see and be quick about it, Gefreiter!"

Rear takes the padlock off the door to the armoury

06-25-11, 11:48 AM
*Oberon runs down the hallway, he stops and darts into a doorway and then comes out with a German Shepherd dog on a lead*

"Come Harras, we must find Oberst Hunter!"

Task Force
06-25-11, 11:49 AM
*At the POW camp

AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! yells Task Force, finally getting courage to run out of the bunk! What the hell is that! *i yelled

What kind of! WHAT KI...! GAaa It dose not even fit description. What could do this to him.

06-25-11, 11:50 AM
*Runs into the armory*

The 1st weapon I see... It was an MG42.. no...

*Picks up an MP40 and 3 magazines from the table, stuffing them into his pocket and runs back out of the armory*

"Ready Herr Hauptmann!" he says, loading a round into the chamber.

06-25-11, 11:54 AM
*Oberon runs outside, Harras suddenly pulls Oberon over towards the POW camp whilst barking all the time*

"Harras! Verdamnt hund! What are you doing?! Nein!"

06-25-11, 11:54 AM
''SCHÜTZE!!! WAS IST LOS!!!'' *shouting to Oberon while running out the Gatehouse loading his luger*

06-25-11, 11:56 AM
*Runs into the armory*

The 1st weapon I see... It was an MG42.. no...

*Picks up an MP40 and 3 magazines from the table, stuffing them into his pocket and runs back out of the armory*

"Ready Herr Hauptmann!" he says, loading a round into the chamber.

"Get down to the prisoner camp as fast as you can! Los! Los! Los!"

The Hauptmann makes sure the armoury is relocked and turns to follow Gefreiter Tinman, secretly hoping there was an escape attempt so he could carry out some target practice with his Luger

06-25-11, 12:07 PM
''SCHÜTZE!!! WAS IST LOS!!!'' *shouting to Oberon while running out the Gatehouse loading his luger*

"Herr Oberst! There is a commotion in the Prisoner camp...oh, and the restrained prisoner is awake, sir! Harras! Down boy!!"

06-25-11, 12:10 PM
*Follows Oberst HunterIXC through the gatehouse and down towards the POW camp. As he rounds the eastern turret it's clear to see there is alot of activity from inside the camp. He can also see a German soldier with a dog but is too far away to tell who it is.*

*At the top of his voice* "Stand away from the fence, English!!"

*as he continues to run he raises the rifle and aims in the general direction of Bunkhouse B where most of the activity see to be*

06-25-11, 12:14 PM

Clear everyone from that Bunkhouse except the Captain!


06-25-11, 12:19 PM
"Yes Sir! Oberon, show that dog of yours into the hut and get those people out, I will cover the door and move people to the other bunkhouse. Anyone resists, let the dog off. Go!"

06-25-11, 12:26 PM
"Raus! Raus! Get out you English dogs!"

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 12:28 PM
" Steady on old bean"

06-25-11, 12:55 PM
"Achtung! Out! Everyone out! Schnell!!"

*Harras barks furiously at them*

06-25-11, 12:57 PM
The shrill is not heard as the dirt is washed out of his hair in the shower.

The vibration of pounding feet shakes the showerhead off the piping and streams into his face, stinging his eyes.

He grabs for the faucet, spinning them closed as though he were back on board in a drill. The commotion in the bunkhouse shakes the walls, as he hand dries himself and climbs back into his clothes. The bunkhouse is full of both sides when he arrives, and his view is blocked as the sailors are herded outside.

06-25-11, 01:00 PM
((Gah, of course I'm late...))

*snaps out of his shock and turns to the doorway as his men are cleared from the Bunkhouse*

Takeda Shingen
06-25-11, 01:03 PM
Eyes the dog as he is shoved out the door. Takeda thinks to himself.

"Maybe that's the dog. It must be! That guy must have let that dog in earlier and is now back to terrorize us!"

06-25-11, 01:09 PM
*shouts into the building from the doorway*

"Gemeiner Oberon, is the Captain in there? Make sure you get everyone else out"

*Grabs a passing British sailor on the arm and shoves him towards the other bunkhouse*

"Move! Why are you all so ****ing dazed?!"

06-25-11, 01:10 PM
*Meanwhile Jimbuna is still restrained in the infirmary listening to the commotion outside*

Thinking 'this officer whoever it is must have some Dutch ancestry in his blood...never could make a decision when the balloon goes up'.

06-25-11, 01:13 PM
Walking back from the enemy submarine, Nisgeis heard the alarm ringing from the castle. "What now?" he wondered. He strolled through the castle gates and observed the direction of those running back and forth and deduced the commotion was within the barracks.

He walked strolled in that direction until he found Oberst HunterIXC. Had the Britishers already found the tunnel under the wire? Perhaps he had underestimated them.

"Ah, my dear Oberst, what is all this excitement about? There has been an escape? Such daring! Such Preperation and on the first night too!"

The Enigma
06-25-11, 01:18 PM
Schuetze The Enigma hears the crying and sound of running shoes.

What dammit ist los?
Are those Tommies causing us trouble?

runs back to his quarters, rushes quickly into his uniform, snaps his MP40 SMG and hurries towards the POW camp

Was geschieht da (what's going on)?

The Enigma
06-25-11, 01:24 PM
While looking at the pale faces of Schuetze Oberon and Gefreiter Tinman764 I
suddenly feel very scared. Goose skin and shivering along my spine

Oberst HunterIXC, Hauptmann Rear redet mit mir, was ist den geschehen??

Why is everybody looking so scared?

06-25-11, 01:24 PM
*Harras growls at Takeda.*

"Harras! Stop that. I'm sorry, he's usually very good. I don't know what's got into him..."

*He spots the bloody mess that was once Bakkels.*

"Oh...that might explain it..."

*He turns to Oberst Hunter*

"Herr Oberst...I think we might have a problem..."

06-25-11, 01:28 PM
*Meanwhile Jimbuna remains strapped to the infirmary table*

06-25-11, 01:31 PM
*Hears Oberon calling and looks inside the building*

"My god," he breathes.
"Oberst HunterIXC! Come quickly! Something has happened!"

06-25-11, 01:33 PM
Calm down men! keep those brits in check!

Guess you just can't wait to hunt one if they do now can you my friend.

No, our Schütze reported screaming from one of their bunks...my guess they've spotted a mouse..*chuckles*

*looks towards the captain*

Now Dear captain, would you inform me and my friend Nisgeis why you and your men started to act like a bunch of weicheiers all of the sudden!

The Enigma
06-25-11, 01:36 PM
Because nobody is answering The Enigma, he enters the Bunkhaus and
discovers the bloody formless heap.

Oh Mein Gott, das ist ja schrecklich (thats awefull)...

The Enigma quickly steps outside and pukes on his boots

06-25-11, 01:36 PM
*shows the Oberst inside*

Because of this. Perhaps you would care to explain why one of my men was murdered like this?

EDIT: Sorry, misunderstood the other post.

06-25-11, 01:42 PM
What do you mean murdered!

*walks by the Captain and enters the bunk*

-stares at the remainings- *scheisse*

Ow Dear....Nisgeis it seems one of our guests has made quite a mess in here care to take a look?

06-25-11, 01:42 PM
Hauptmann Rear enters the bunkhaus and notices the blood-stained sheets of one of the beds

"What's this? One of the little British girls has had her first period?"


The Enigma
06-25-11, 01:46 PM
Hauptmann, das sind keine Witze (nothing to joke about).

That Tommy has left the building (forever).

06-25-11, 01:47 PM
didn't I ask of you to keep the rest of their crew in check? what part of that didn't you understand?

06-25-11, 01:53 PM
*Spots Harras eating something*

"Huh? I didn't give you any sausages toda-oh..erm..."

"Excuse me Herr Oberst...I'd better put Harras back in his kennel...I think this is a bit too much excitement for him..."

06-25-11, 01:55 PM
Well, Herr Oberst, care to offer an explanation...?

06-25-11, 02:00 PM
*Tinman runs to the back of the bunkhouse and vomits. Looks towards the prisoners still moving towards the other building and picks up his rifle*

"Schnell! Move!"

What the hell is going on? Did these English really murder one of their own?

The Enigma
06-25-11, 02:03 PM
@ Tinman764:
Ich weiß es auch nicht, koempel (I don't know either)

I believe he was the cook. He must heave done a terrible job to butcher him
like this.

06-25-11, 02:04 PM
“Incredible! It would take a great deal of strength to smash his rib cage like that. The human body is much tougher to break than one might imagine.”

Nisgeis knelt down by the body.

“Hmmm, yes. He appears to have slash marks starting here and presumably ending where his bowels used to be. Ah, I see they are now over in that corner. Trying to escape?”

He looked up and smiled “They won’t be of much use to him over there.”

“Throat swiped? No… there are no slash marks on either side of the neck. Something else. A bite perhaps? His throat was ripped out? Ah now I see a puncture wound just here do you see? Just under his jawline.”

Nisgeis took a finger and inserted it into the wound. “Fairly deep too. Perhaps a bear.”
He withdrew his finger and sucked the blood off with his mouth. “There’s a strange taste there… it reminds me of something...”

Nisgeis moved the shattered organs about in what remained of the chest cavity and reached under lungs, searching for any clues.

“Well, all of his organs appear to be there and as far as I can tell, they are smashed, but of the right weight for a man of his age. Whatever did this does not appear to have partaken of his flesh.”

Nisgeis stood up, blood dripping from his upper arms and hands and pooling on the floor. He rubbed his chin absent mindedly, smearing blood over himself in the process. He looked up at Raptor1.

“Now, Captain. Something I really must ask. Do you really have to manouver your entire boat in order to aim your torpedoes? This seems so inefficient!”

06-25-11, 02:05 PM
*Glares at the guards and clenches his fists*

"Damn murdering Nazi bastards. What the hell did Bakkels do to you?"

06-25-11, 02:07 PM
*charges in the room*

*Glares at the guards and clenches his fists*

"Damn murdering Nazi bastards. What the hell did Bakkels do to you?"

Now now, take it easy *strokes gun*

The Enigma
06-25-11, 02:08 PM
Rising my weapon towards Tarrasque;

Halt deine klappe (shut up)!
You are not in the position to talk like that.

06-25-11, 02:09 PM
*Takes Harras back to his kennel. Stops by at the infirmary on the way*

"Herr Englander...it would seem that one of your crew is a murderer...they have killed your cook. Herr Oberst Hunter is somewhat busy because of this...can I get you a drink?"

*Harras licks Jims hand and accidentally gets blood on it*

"Oh...nein...Harras! Excuse me...I will wipe that up."

*He gets a cloth and cleans Jims hand*

06-25-11, 02:10 PM
*Meanwhile Jimbuna remains strapped to the infirmary table*

Leaves the dormatories rubbing eyes in the bright sunlight. Slept all night but feeling quite tired. Making his way around the compound AVGWarhawk listens in and witnesses all the commotion.

"Amongst all the commotion, something about blood, dog, shrapnel and someone ripped apart perhaps it is a good time to get aquainted with one of the POW. Yes, I think the one strapped down would like a nice chat. Easy to handle and probably quite talkative by now. If anything he could probably use the bathroom if he has peed himself already"

Walks to the POW compound.

Enters the compound basically unnoticed and seeks out the sailor strapped to the table.

Upon finding said sailor,

"You there, what is your name?"

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 02:12 PM
* looks around but can not see the sub- Lieutenant, or Chief, so resumes command whilst the Captain is in the other bunkhouse * " On me men! Listen up, here's the deal. Jerry's running round like blue arsed flies. Yes we are all shook up, but keep it together men, it will sink in soon but right now I need you guys to switch on and stay with it, don't let them see any weakness got it "

06-25-11, 02:13 PM
Well...it is a piece of Work Nisgeis won't you say?
clearly the guy takes great pride in murdering someone like this whith such brutality...I would have loved to see the last look on his face.

Anyway....clean up this mess will you Captain? and when do you find out which of you bloodthirsty brits had taken his grudge against the cook you'll inform me...yes? can't have him go away unpunished now can we *smiles*

Ow...I heard your friend in the infirmary just woke up...he'll be on his way soon here...so you might want to hurry with cleaning this mess up!

Hauptmann! get them to work!
Schütze (*points to Tyrant*) get some buckets and mobs from the castle!

*leaves the camp and heads back to the castle*

06-25-11, 02:18 PM
Rising my weapon towards Tarrasque;

Halt deine klappe (shut up)!
You are not in the position to talk like that.

"Gemeiner! Lower your weapon!" Strides over to The Enigma and Tarrasque. "If there are to be any reprisals for over this it will be ordered by the Oberst. Until then we must let these murders contemplate their fate."

*Turns to Tarrasque*

"Cleaning up your evidence no idoubt! You don't want use finding out you're on a spying mission so you kill your spy, correct? You disgust me!"

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 02:18 PM
Chief there you are, come over take a seat, lets try calm. * Trying not to shake with anger, the boxers rage starting to surface but not, not in front of the men *

06-25-11, 02:19 PM
*comes back with buckets and mops*
:xnow we have to clean this up

06-25-11, 02:20 PM
*Takes Harras back to his kennel. Stops by at the infirmary on the way*

"Herr Englander...it would seem that one of your crew is a murderer...they have killed your cook. Herr Oberst Hunter is somewhat busy because of this...can I get you a drink?"

*Harras licks Jims hand and accidentally gets blood on it*

"Oh...nein...Harras! Excuse me...I will wipe that up."

*He gets a cloth and cleans Jims hand*

"I'd love one but I'd prefer to be unshackled so I could lift the glass/cup to my mouth myself. What's happened ouitside?"

Leaves the dormatories rubbing eyes in the bright sunlight. Slept all night but feeling quite tired. Making his way around the compound AVGWarhawk listens in and witnesses all the commotion.

"Amongst all the commotion, something about blood, dog, shrapnel and someone ripped apart perhaps it is a good time to get aquainted with one of the POW. Yes, I think the one strapped down would like a nice chat. Easy to handle and probably quite talkative by now. If anything he could probably use the bathroom if he has peed himself already"

Walks to the POW compound.

Enters the compound basically unnoticed and seeks out the sailor strapped to the table.

Upon finding said sailor,

"You there, what is your name?"

"I'm the 1940 hide-and seek champion....simply hanging about and hoping I'll not be forgotten. Got a cigarette?"

Well...it is a piece of Work Nisgeis won't you say?
clearly the guy takes great pride in murdering someone like this whith such brutality...I would have loved to see the last look on his face.

Anyway....clean up this mess will you Captain? and when do you find out which of you bloodthirsty brits had taken his grudge against the cook you'll inform me...yes? can't have him go away unpunished now can we *smiles*

Ow...I heard your friend in the infirmary just woke up...he'll be on his way soon here...so you might want to hurry with cleaning this mess up!

*leaves the camp and heads back to the castle*

*pleased yer balls are in a bag or you'd probably forget them too* :03:

06-25-11, 02:21 PM
"I've just come from aboard a submarine. If I wanted the man dead, I would have had plenty of opportunity then. No doubt it's some Nazi's sadistic idea of a game."

*His face is getting angrier and angrier.*

06-25-11, 02:22 PM
*clutches his fist until it turns white*

Bloody undisciplined murderous barbarian savages!

*slams his hand against the wall*

Damn them. Mr. Justice! See what we can do about burying poor Mr. Bakkels. The Krauts might have abandoned civilization but we most certainly shall not.

The Enigma
06-25-11, 02:22 PM

Zum befehl Gefreiter Tinman764.

The Enigma lowered his MP40 and stepped back while keeping his eyes on Tarrasque

Takeda Shingen
06-25-11, 02:25 PM
Glares at Lord Justice.

"Calm? On me?!?! Steely resolve?!?! Jesus Christ, a man was murdered. Not just murdered, mind you, eviscerated. Eviscerated in the middle of the night, asleep in his bunk with no witnesses; not even the others in the same bunkhouse saw or heard anything Now, maybe this is a normal occurance in the Royal Navy, but 'State side, we tend to think that this is slightly unusual. Somebody here is a murderer, and we need to know who it is. Now."

As Takeda hissed the last word, he slowly glanced around the room, eyeing each member of the crew with caution.

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 02:29 PM
Damn them. Mr. Justice! See what we can do about burying poor Mr. Bakkels. The Krauts might have abandoned civilization but we most certainly shall not.Right you are sir, but the men don't seem to want to leave there room!! We need a shovel, or entrenching tool.

06-25-11, 02:30 PM
*Glances at the panicking correspondent.*

"Calm yourself Takeda. Justice will be done. The Kraut bastard will hang for what he's done."

*Under his breath...*

"Damn journalists. Next thing he'll be suggesting we let the Nazi's struss us up 'just incase one of us did it'"

06-25-11, 02:32 PM
"I'd love one but I'd prefer to be unshackled so I could lift the glass/cup to my mouth myself. What's happened ouitside?"

*Oberon looks uncertain.*

"I'm sorry my friend, I would get in a lot of trouble if I took those off...and with the SS around..."

*He shudders*

"A lot of trouble is A LOT of trouble."

*He sighs*

*To himself in German*

"I miss the days before this new commandant took over and the SS arrived..."

06-25-11, 02:33 PM
Don't we have something around here we can improvise with? I shall not have Bakkels remain like that...

Takeda Shingen
06-25-11, 02:34 PM
"Yeah, justice will be done. Either that or we all end up like Bakkels, in which case, I guess it won't matter."

Takeda stares at the blood-stained floorboard of Bunkhaus B.

06-25-11, 02:37 PM
Damn, which way did Nisgeis go? Ah, there I see him walking away.

*Hurries after the SS officer*

"Herr Nisgeis, excuse me sir. Do you mind if I walk with you? Cigarette? I know I need one after seeing that!" *Lights a cigarette with a shaking hand and tries to grin*
"I was wondering if you needed any help with the submarine, sir? I did as you asked yesterday, but after these events I think it should be very clear that we are dealing with.. you know..." Tinman leans forward, "spies" he hisses.
"If I can help or if you need someone to help with the interigations or anything... well..." *smiles and nods* "just ask."

His arms and face are covered in blood! How did I not see that earlier?

"You have some blood over you Herr Nisgeis, would you like a towel?"

The Enigma
06-25-11, 02:39 PM
Since everybody seemed to calm down a bit, Schütze The Enigma wonders if he should return to the castle.
he wonders if the killing has something to do with the 'verbotene wald' and the strange noises coming from it.


Changed my msg to keep the story flow upright

06-25-11, 02:39 PM
*Speaks to The Enigma*

"I presume you will have the common decency to provide us with tools and the opportunity to bury our dead?"

06-25-11, 02:39 PM
The room is crowded with both sides standing arround, side by side. Them with weapons, us with ingenuity. Pioneer moves in close behind the guards. His hand darts as he barely touches the guard with his back to him.

A pen.

Pioneer slides over a foot and brushes past another as his hand dives in.

A folded piece of paper.

Another one as Pioneers heads towards the door.


He steps out of the door and adjusts his jacket to stuff the pen inside a hidden pocket. Behind the bunkhouse, looking into the sky, hands inside his jacket pocket the fingers unfold the paper. He looks around, there was nobody present, they are still inside. In front of the fence he looks down. It's handwritten and in German - some names and some numbers. It look linear - a list? A schedule? A shipping list?

The Captain will know, if I can pass it off to him. He'll be busy with the corpse now...it will have to be Mookie.

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 02:46 PM
*In a quick deft boxing style movement L J side steps the remains and tears at Bakkels bed sheets, and covers whats left of the body of his old mate*

The Enigma
06-25-11, 02:47 PM
*Speaks to The Enigma*

"I presume you will have the common decency to provide us with tools and the opportunity to bury our dead?"

*narrows his eyes*

Tools, tools???

You must be joking. All you will do is using them to get out of here.
No, mein freund, you will bury him with your bear hands.

And since you will never leave this place, you have plenty of time to arange a funeral.

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 02:51 PM
* spits on ground*

06-25-11, 02:56 PM
*Stares consideringly at the Nazi. He's not that big and he perhaps won't get his weapon aimed in time...*

The Enigma
06-25-11, 03:01 PM
Seeing the angry face of Tarrasque and guessing what he is up to,
The Enigma raises his MP40 again and points towards the Tommy.

Don't even think of it. I gladly blow your guts out.

06-25-11, 03:04 PM
"You have some blood over you Herr Nisgeis, would you like a towel?"

"Ah yes, Tinman, my good friend. I had barely noticed. Thankyou for your kind consideration of my needs. If it were not for your keen eye, I might have committed a terrible faux pas and arrived in the mess hall in an unpresentable state."

Nisgeis glanced over to Tinman. "Tell me, what happened to your side arm? Have you misplaced it?"

06-25-11, 03:07 PM
*Turns away in disgust*

"Lord Justice. Grab the ratings, I want to have a word."

06-25-11, 03:07 PM
"I'm the 1940 hide-and seek champion....simply hanging about and hoping I'll not be forgotten. Got a cigarette?"

"I see..a smart one are we Mr. Hide and Seek Champion. Cigarette? I hear in the future it is said these are bad for you. I do not smoke as a result. So what is your name? I do not need rank. All submariners are rank. (snickers) I do not need your serial number because I will not be ordering parts for you. Sometimes some friendly chit chat gets what one desires. My these restraints look tight. Again, name sir?"

Stares intently...:stare:

06-25-11, 03:09 PM

"I er, yes sir. Let me run ahead of you and get some towels and things ready for you in the dorm. Maybe I can look around the submarine later, yes?"

Without waiting for a response Tinman runs ahead toward the dorms.

That man is starting to frighten me with his observations and manner!

06-25-11, 03:10 PM
*comes back with buckets and mops*
:xnow we have to clean this up

"Schützen what are you waiting for? Assign a prisoner to clean up that mess before it starts to stink. Oh and keep an eye on that ugly one - their 'Chief' "

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 03:17 PM
"Lord Justice. Grab the ratings, I want to have a word."Chief, * walks on and approaches the ratings * "Vendor, Taskforce, Pioneer, Takeda, the Chief would like to speak with us, hussle up".

The Enigma
06-25-11, 03:27 PM
Leaving the Tommies, He went back to the gate of the POW camp.
Here he discovered that nobody was on guard.

Was ist das? Keiner hier. Das ist eine schone Bescherung. Wen das Hauptmann
Rear entdeckt, sind wir dran (What's that. Nobody guarding the place? If
Hauptmann Rear finds out, we are doomed.)

I better stay here and watch those damned English prisoners.

The Enigma closes the gate and stands guard

06-25-11, 03:27 PM
*Oh FFS!!!*

Listen to the first couple of lines WON'T SOMEONE?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S9ecXWCBCc :damn:

06-25-11, 03:27 PM
After laying out some towels for Nisgeis, Tinman heads back down to the POW camp - still carrying the MP40.

I saw something in there that didn't add up and I want an answer from 1 of those British officers...

06-25-11, 03:29 PM
Nisgeis intercepts Tinman on the way to the POW camp, still dragging on the cigarrette offered to him.

"Of course, you know what a serious offence it is to lose one's side arm. In times of war it is punishable with swift and decisive action, to set an example to the other men, so they do not become slack. There is only one solution that I can see."

Nisgeis's hand fell to his hip and his thumb flipped up the pocket of his long leather coat. In one fluid motion he reached into his pocket and drew out his revolver.

He smiled at Tinman as he raised the pistol and said "You must of course take mine! You are a most dependable officer and a moment's slip should not count against you."

"By the way, I did not have chance to answer you about your request. I can only assume that my direct question embarassed you and for that I am so very sorry. I do not believe the spies should be removed at present."

"Oh yes, I believe that our two spies have brought oh so much more than a little boat from England. They have brought something... indescribable. Something... Unique. A real super weapon."

"Perhaps it would be most wise to leave our undercover men in the Britisher's midst, so they can report on the new develeopments. What say you? You have a wise head on those shoulders?"

"Perhaps you have thoughts on who Oberst HunterIXC should like to interrogate tonight? I could use a... layman's perspective on matters."

06-25-11, 03:30 PM
As he walks passed the chaple he hears shouting from inside.

"What the hell is this noise? Oberon, why is this prisoner still here? The Oberst ordered him to be moved to the POW camp. Move aside."

*Unties Jimbuna from the bed*

"Stand up tommie and come with me,"

*Leads him to to the POW camp where we are interceped by Nisgeis*

"Tommie, stand here and dont move while I talk with the officer."

(edited to fit)

06-25-11, 03:31 PM

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 03:33 PM
* sports Chief and ratings * " Okay we are all here ( I think) what now? we need to find out how PO Jim is and get him back, pronto". :salute:

The Enigma
06-25-11, 03:34 PM
The Enigma hears the desperate cry coming from the chapel and he smiles.
They obviously are giving that poor Tommy a special treatment.

06-25-11, 03:35 PM
"Ja wohl Herr Gefreiter, my apologies Mr Englander. I will get you a cup of tea..."

*dashes off to the kitchen.*

06-25-11, 03:35 PM
*Addresses the ratings*

"Right you lot. Clearly Mr Bakkels has met an unpleasant end. It's not something new. We're at war for god's sake. We're the Royal Navy, not a bunch of girl guides out for a sunday picnic. These things happen.

I need you to stay alert. Stick to your assigned watches. Report anything unusual you see or hear to myself or the officers.

Those Kraut bastards will no doubt try to kill another one of us. That is not going to happen.

Do I make myself clear?"

06-25-11, 03:36 PM
As he walks passed the chaple he hears shouting from inside.

"What the hell is this noise? Oberon, why is this prisoner still here? The Oberst ordered him to be moved to the POW camp. Move aside."

*Unties Jimbuna from the bed*

"Stand up tommie and come with me,"

*Leads him to to the POW camp*

*crossed posts....thank you sir*

Jimbuna follows Tinman to the POW camp and wonders 'what freakin incompetent leaves one of his men?'

06-25-11, 03:37 PM
*returns with a cup of tea*

"Here you go Mr Englander. I'm sorry to hear about your cook....Mr Englander? Where did he go?"

*Looks around, shrugs and starts drinking the tea himself.*

"Should have put more sugar in this..."

06-25-11, 03:38 PM
Nisgeis intercepts Tinman on the way to the POW camp, still dragging on the cigarrette offered to him.

"Of course, you know what a serious offence it is to lose one's side arm. In times of war it is punishable with swift and decisive action, to set an example to the other men, so they do not become slack. There is only one solution that I can see."

Nisgeis's hand fell to his hip and his thumb flipped up the pocket of his long leather coat. In one fluid motion he reached into his pocket and drew out his revolver.

He smiled at Tinman as he raised the pistol and said "You must of course take mine! You are a most dependable officer and a moment's slip should not count against you."

"By the way, I did not have chance to answer you about your request. I can only assume that my direct question embarassed you and for that I am so very sorry. I do not believe the spies should be removed at present."

"Oh yes, I believe that our two spies have brought oh so much more than a little boat from England. They have brought something... indescribable. Something... Unique. A real super weapon."

"Perhaps it would be most wise to leave our undercover men in the Britisher's midst, so they can report on the new develeopments. What say you? You have a wise head on those shoulders?"

"Perhaps you have thoughts on who Oberst HunterIXC should like to interrogate tonight? I could use a... layman's perspective on matters."

undercover men? our spies?
"Sir, you mean to say we have spies inside the englishmens crew?" incredible.. german spies are the best in the world, no doubt about it!
"Anything I can do to help, Herr Nisgeis! I will be honered! If you will excuse me, I have to escort the prisoner to the camp. And thank you for the pistol, sir! I am in your debt!".

*Continues to escort Jim to the camp*

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 03:39 PM
*Addresses the ratings*

"Right you lot. Clearly Mr Bakkels has met an unpleasant end. It's not something new. We're at war for god's sake. We're the Royal Navy, not a bunch of girl guides out for a sunday picnic. These things happen.

I need you to stay alert. Stick to your assigned watches. Report anything unusual you see or hear to myself or the officers.

Those Kraut bastards will no doubt try to kill another one of us. That is not going to happen.

Do I make myself clear?"Crystal, but chief we need to see the Captain and get the PO out, bury Bakkels, something is in the wind and we need to act fast!

06-25-11, 03:39 PM
*walks over to the rest of the crew*

Ah, Mr. Tarrasque, you have already gathered the crew. Excellent. Are you finished?

06-25-11, 03:40 PM
*Snaps to attention.*

"Yes Sir!"

06-25-11, 03:42 PM
"Ah gut. Gefreiter Tinman I see you have found yourself a sidearm! Oh and even better you brought a prisoner to clean up the remains of the british cook. Bring him inside and stand watch while he mops up the mess"

06-25-11, 03:44 PM
"Ha! there you go Tommie, from the infimary to the body bag... get cleaning - there are even mops for you to use"

06-25-11, 03:45 PM
*Jimbuna stands amongst the ranks of his shipmates and thinks to himself......'hard to find a CO that can't take into consideration ALL of his crew'.

06-25-11, 03:45 PM
"again with Tinman. I'm speaking to the Englishman tied to the table and Tinman unties him. The both exit the room like I do not exist. Perhaps I am just the gardener afterall. No worries....I think Tinman will bury himself by the way Nisgeis handles him."

Back to gardening....and observing...(sly smile)

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 03:50 PM
* L J interjects, * I will clean up, this man has head wounds and is not fit! besides it is my detail" Herr Tinman he would like a sailors burial but under the cicumstances I think it would be appropriate for me to bury him in the woods if you please. * stands to attention to give Tinman some athority and respect!

06-25-11, 03:52 PM
*Oberon has finished his tea and looks across at the POW camp.*

"You know, everyone of those members of that boat were up and running around except for one. One man snoring in his bunk..."

*He slings his K98 over his shoulder and walks down to the POW camp.*

"Herr Uboat Kapitan...a moment of your time if I may."

06-25-11, 03:53 PM

*moves to address the crew*

Well, it seems the Germans are even more psychotic than we once suspected. I'm shocked that anyone can murder Bakkels so brutally, but clearly everything we've been told about the Germans is true. We must find a way to escape this madness as quickly as possible, before those barbarians kill more of us. We'll have to see if we can use the breach in the fence to escape at night, maybe to the woods. Has anyone seen anything that can be of help...

EDIT: Stops talking as Oberon enters.

06-25-11, 03:53 PM
*Tinman walks up to Hauptmann Rear and salutes*

"Sir, it was very strange in the room this morning when the.... remains were discovered. There was an Englishman from the submarine, asleep in his bed as if nothing was happening. Would you like me to find out his name and the reason he was not woken by the noise sir?"

06-25-11, 03:53 PM
*turns towards Oberon*

Yes, what is it?

06-25-11, 03:55 PM
*Oberon pauses.*

"Sorry to interrupt, and sorry to hear about your man. It was quite a brutal attack...however...isn't there someone missing from this line-up? I'm sure there was more of you yesterday...Herr Cook notwithstanding."

*He refers to Vendor*

Task Force
06-25-11, 03:56 PM

*moves to address the crew*

Well, it seems the Germans are even more psychotic than we once suspected. I'm shocked that anyone can murder Bakkels so brutally, but clearly everything we've been told about the Germans is true. We must find a way to escape this madness as quickly as possible, before those barbarians kill more of us. We'll have to see if we can use the breach in the fence to escape at night, maybe to the woods. Has anyone seen anything that can be of help...

EDIT: Stops talking as Oberon enters.

Indeed, we must try to get out. I fear it we don't get out we will all end up like whats left of Bakkels over there. Sadly i haven't found anything of use.

06-25-11, 03:56 PM

*turns to Tarrasque*

Why is Mr. Vendor not here?

06-25-11, 03:58 PM
* L J interjects, * I will clean up, this man has head wounds and is not fit! besides it is my detail" Herr Tinman he would like a sailors burial but under the cicumstances I think it would be appropriate for me to bury him in the woods if you please. * stands to attention to give Tinman some athority and respect!

"You will both clean the mess and you will do it here, inside the camp." *Glances towards the woods*
"The woods are not... safe, I think. Now, hurry up - we aren't here to watch you all day!"

06-25-11, 03:59 PM
Chief, * walks on and approaches the ratings * "Vendor, Taskforce, Pioneer, Takeda, the Chief would like to speak with us, hussle up".

*Looks oddly at Raptor1*

"With all due respect sir, he's standing right there."

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 04:01 PM
"You will both clean the mess and you will do it here, inside the camp." "Look here Charlie, there is no need to be so pushy, I don't mind doing it myself.

06-25-11, 04:02 PM
*Tinman walks up to Hauptmann Rear and salutes*

"Sir, it was very strange in the room this morning when the.... remains were discovered. There was an Englishman from the submarine, asleep in his bed as if nothing was happening. Would you like me to find out his name and the reason he was not woken by the noise sir?"

"You show good initiative, soldier, but it is of no concern at the moment. It's not like he's going anywhere. Let the british attend to their own men while we make sure Lord Justice cleans up the bunkhaus properly. He thinks that Jimbuna has suffered some minor head trauma, and by the way that prisoner is shouting hello to everyone I'm inclined to agree."

Hauptmann Rear motions to Lord Justice to start cleaning

06-25-11, 04:03 PM

*turns to Tarrasque*

Why is Mr. Vendor not here?

*Jimbuna is standing next to his crewmates 'AT LAST' and overhears the conversation*

'Good point ya Nazi bastids' he thinks to himself.

06-25-11, 04:06 PM
Look here Charlie, there is no need to be so pushy, I don't mind doing it myself.

*Raises the MP40 and aims it at Lord Justice*

"You haven't seen pushy yet, my friend! You - " points at Jimbuna, "join your men in the other hut and report to your captain that you have been medically treated and looked after well!"

*Turns back towards Lord Justice*

"On you go then, Tommie. Get cleaning."

06-25-11, 04:11 PM
*Looks oddly at Raptor1*

"With all due respect sir, he's standing right there."

Clearly he is not. We shall have to find him.

*turns towards Oberon*

Is there anything else you need?

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 04:11 PM
You - " points at Jimbuna, "join your men in the other hut and report to your captain that you have been medically treated and looked after well!"

*Turns back towards Lord Justice*

"On you go then, Tommie. Get cleaning."* worked a charm, but was not easy, L J starts to clean up remains of his once good friend *

06-25-11, 04:14 PM
Clearly he is not. We shall have to find him.

*turns towards Oberon*

Is there anything else you need?

"Nein, Danke..."

*He salutes Raptor and then leaves the POW camp.*

"Very odd..."

*He heads to the kitchen to get himself some breakfast and some bacon for Harras.*

The Enigma
06-25-11, 04:16 PM
step step step
The Enigma is still on watch. To overcome the boring job, he starts walking
along the fence, checking if it's all in good shape.

06-25-11, 04:17 PM
"You missed a spot tommy. I want this bed spotless before lunch."

Lord Justice
06-25-11, 04:25 PM
"Ya ok" * Cleaning up Bakkels was not easy, L J was hoping his fellow crew members were coming up with something constructive, whilst Tinman and Rear were watching the glory of a dead Brit *

06-25-11, 04:26 PM
Nisgeis knocked on Oberst HunterIXC’s door and opened the door when invited in. He closed the door behind him, removed his cap and threw it onto the Oberst’s desk. He ran his long fingers through his hair, staining his white hair and making it slightly pink. He perched on the corner of the desk and drew a long breath in.

“So, our chicks have come home to roost HunterIXC. But, we have more than we expected. A prize within a prize.”

“I’m sure you know what significance this could have for our work here? Ah, of course you do, you would perhaps have seen the opportunity first.”

“The question is though how to deal with the situation. That amount of rage I have never before seen – and no feeding. Incredible aggression! This is a pure killing instinct. We must possess it!”

“Obviously whatever it is has come here on board the submarine. No signs of entry or exit suggest that the… entity was already within the walls of the POW camp when the attack took place. Something has to have changed though to somehow activate the entity's killing instinct. A creature like that on board that little submarine would breeze through it like a hot knife through butter. There must be some reason why it has only shown itself here.”

“Perhaps the fetid air? A high concentration of CO2 perhaps controls the creature’s blood lust? Perhaps the food? A change of diet has activated the animal aggression?”

“Ah, but we can only guess until we determine enough to ensnare the entity and start proper testing.”

“I believe we should stamp our authority on the situation and wrong foot the Britishers. They are in new surroundings and they rely much on the familiarity of their command structure. I suggest we remove that familiarity, so that the snake is less likely to bite, I suggest we cut off its head. We can trump up some evidence if you think it necessary. We could say that Bakkels was a spy and he was murdered to quiet him. This would of course take the heat off our own undercover men as well as throwing suspicion on the Britishers. Whatever the rebuttal, the fact remains that the magnificent creature that attacked Cook Bakkels did not force entry into the camp or attempt to leave after the attack and this, the Britishers cannot argue with. If Captain Raptor1 were speedily charged and summarily executed for murder, then the POWs would be much easier to handle and their prize more easily extracted. What do you say? I am sure the men would sanction such a course of action, if it were deemed necessary for the security of the base. We are of course a long way from home. We also lack superiority of numbers. The men must surely know that the only way to security is to diminish the number of POWs we have.”

“Whilst I am here, who do you recommend is interrogated next?”

06-25-11, 04:28 PM
"Apologies Sir, I must have been mistaken. I have no idea where Mr Vendor is."

*Turns to other ratings*

"Has anyone seen Mr Vendor recently?"

06-25-11, 04:32 PM
Vendor? I haven't seen him. Perhaps this beast has claimed a second victim? This is not the work of some German guard with a chip on his shoulder. I dare say this looks animalistic. The Jerries would just as soon put a bullet in your brain and call it a day. Legendary German efficiency and whatnot.

What manner of beast was let in here? And why do we have no witnesses to the attack?

06-25-11, 04:34 PM
Beast? I'm not sure where you got that idea. Clearly the logical explanation is that one of the psychotic Jerries entered and used explosives or heavy implements to murder Mr. Bakkels...

The Enigma
06-25-11, 04:34 PM
*walking along the fence*
Hey that's not right. It looks like the fence here is a bit broken.
Someone has altered it. I need to report this at once.

The Enigma turns around and walks towards the office of Hauptmann Rear

06-25-11, 04:36 PM
"Ya ok" * Cleaning up Bakkels was not easy, L J was hoping his fellow crew members were coming up with something constructive, whilst Tinman and Rear were watching the glory of a dead Brit *

"Ok Tommie, your finished here. Return to your men. ah! leave the mop where it is please... thank you."

(edit to fit)

06-25-11, 04:36 PM
Beast? I'm not sure where you got that idea. Clearly the logical explanation is that one of the psychotic Jerries entered and used explosives or heavy implements to murder Mr. Bakkels...

But sir, if it were explosives someone would have heard it. If it were heavy implements, why wouldn't they have just simply shot him? And what did Bakkels do to single himself out for retribution? It seems damned odd, sir. Damned odd indeed.

06-25-11, 04:37 PM
"Sir? Permission to fall out the men?"