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Old 01-16-21, 06:59 AM   #1
LSH2020 Manager
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Default SH3.EXE Patch - Resolution 1920x1080px FOR ALL - Request

Hi SH3 Friends

With this request it is important to me to address one of the "basic problems" of SH3.EXE in 2021.

The SH3.EXE has already been patched several times with a great deal of effort and expertise.

By NTCORE (4GB patch), by HSIE/STIEBLER and by TYCHO.

All these SH3.EXE patches (in combination) are the basis why we can still legally play SH3 today.

Now I would like to address a new SH3.EXE patch project here and ask for your help!

From my point of view, there is a need for another SH3.EXE patch that enables a modern screen resolution of 1920x1080 pixels for all SH3 players!

The SH3.EXE should be checked for the so far limited window size>output size (1024x800px) and if possible be patched to 1920x1080 pixels.

If we could work this out together, the problem of SH3 displaying on 1920x1080px - for all SH3 GUI - would definitely be solved.

Unfortunately, I myself have no expertise on topics like: "dissambled", "C++", "assembler", "JAVA/DELPHY/Phyton" or "machine languages".

But I am sure that there are still people here who have the necessary expertise to patch SH3.EXE one more time!

Who here is willing and able to patch SH3.EXE to a new HD quality?

I look forward to receiving feedback here - or by email to

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Old 01-18-21, 06:58 AM   #2
LSH-2022 Liaison Officer
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I'm watching the developments of this new project with a keen interest hoping that the Subsim Members that have the necessary skills step upto the plate touch base with Ariel (Urmel) and take SH3 LSH2020 to the undiscovered country of 1920 x 1080 resolution and higher
2021 could be a very good year for Subsims lots of things to look forward to

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