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Old 06-08-09, 12:49 PM   #1
Paul Riley
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I seem to have developed quite a serious problem with the game,GWX3GOLD AND stock!

I really dont know how to begin this
About 1hr ago I was happily looking at the nav map (GWX3GOLD) and decided to pull the stopwatch up from the bottom of the message bar (I like to have it at the bottom below the message bar instead of the default top) and time a ship I had just spotted.Then I noticed something very odd,instead of dragging the stopwatch up as I had done so many times before I seemed to be dragging the entire message bar up!.This strange bug? was about the same width as the message bar,and at first I actually thought it was a sort of ruler or something.Another weird thing about it was that there was a texture on this 'bar' and it was as if I was looking down at my feet at the nav table,displaying 2 shoes,and part of the floor.I then thought to myself,somehow the game has managed to lock 2 screens somehow and cant get rid of it,I really dont know

I then reluctantly did a fresh install,removing all traces from my PC of the entire game,yes losing my 1st career in GWX3GOLD , to see if that would correct the problem.I enabled no mods,just a fresh install.As soon as the game booted up I went straight to the nav table,and guess what,it was still there.I also noticed that when in any other screen,either inside the UBoat or on top the message bar was now transparent,where it had been solid before.At this point I was starting to get worried.

I decided then to do another fresh install,only this time just using the stock game.After all the neccessary procedures,I again went to the nav was still there...only this time the message bar was white ...and the transparent message bar in other screens.

Conclusion - to be frank i'm really worried,I have no idea what has caused this,and whatever it is it seems to have affected the stock game too! Some of you may be thinking "is that it?,a little glitch like that?" , but the fact remains,it should NOT be there.I am a bit p####d off to be honest,and wondering at this point if all these glitches and problems are worth it,as before I had none of this ,and I really want to get into the meat of GWX3GOLD.

Have any of you heard about this?,and if there is a way to make the message bar solid again how do I do that?I am actually thinking that somewhere on my PC there are still traces of the old install,but I dont know where,I have exhausted all the usual places like,Temp files,clear Reg files,remove career folder in My Docs etc.

Played With: GWX3 + Commander 3.2
Realism: 85% Ironman
Best Patrol: 10 merchants + HMS Nelson for 68.056 Tonnes
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Old 06-08-09, 01:03 PM   #2
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It's an old bug in the GWX GUI. It's no big deal - I mean, it doesn't cause anything else bad to happen. To fix it, either drag the image back into place or just save, exit, reload.

However, your seemingly failed re-install does sound worrying.
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Old 06-08-09, 01:13 PM   #3
Paul Riley
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I could bloody kiss you mate,and no,i'm not bent!
Really though,this is encouraging news!
Could you give me a bit more info on this bug,mainly what causes it?.Is that texture of the shoes normal?,as far as the bug is concerned?And the transparent message bar,all normal? (bug wise I mean).

Well,i'm gonna keep at this for a while,and see what happens.As you said though,worrying about the fresh installs

I almost forgot,as far as the install procedure,can you give me the correct order of install of all the components?for the record,this is how I have been doing it -

1- install stock game
2- patch to 1.4
3- run game for 1st time to create default 'player' folder
4- install JSGME
5- install GWX3G main files
6- install Commander 3.2
7- install Commander files for GWX3

Try and keep me posted on this if you wouldnt mind
Played With: GWX3 + Commander 3.2
Realism: 85% Ironman
Best Patrol: 10 merchants + HMS Nelson for 68.056 Tonnes
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Old 06-08-09, 01:27 PM   #4
Paul Riley
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Just done another fresh stock install,and the bloody white bar is still in the nav map,and the bar is still transparent in all the other screens!
What COULD be doing this?!
I mean,is it even POSSIBLE to actually affect the core SH3 files on the original disc?! this is the only explanation at this rate!
Played With: GWX3 + Commander 3.2
Realism: 85% Ironman
Best Patrol: 10 merchants + HMS Nelson for 68.056 Tonnes
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Old 06-08-09, 01:39 PM   #5
Maverick Modder
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It's so long since I played stock, but... isn't it actually supposed to be white in stock? I'm pretty sure it is, now that I think about it.

The draggable image is something the GWX guys added to the GUI (it just looks better than the white space) but in the menu file someone put draggable=true instead of draggable=false, that's all.
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Old 06-08-09, 02:13 PM   #6
Paul Riley
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You know what OLC,I am asking that myself right now,"hang on,isnt that space supposed to be white in the nav map?" , and "isnt the message bar supposed to be transparent (I seem to have convinced myself that the bar should be solid black) anyway in the other screens?" , and "is that texture of the feet and the floor in the nav map MEANT to be there?".
You mention the drag on/off command,so I assume we can lock the bar then?.

I think I know what has happened here,I have given myself the jitters.By moving the bar earlier by accident it shocked me,and now I am looking for faults in the message bar,plus I was totally unaware you could move the textured bar in the first place.

So,seems like all is normal?

On with a new career then,only this time I will be starting 1st Sept,screw the shakedown!

Thanks for the support on this OLC,you know I came this close --> . <-- to giving in on the game phew.
Played With: GWX3 + Commander 3.2
Realism: 85% Ironman
Best Patrol: 10 merchants + HMS Nelson for 68.056 Tonnes
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Old 06-08-09, 02:52 PM   #7
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LOL,GWX has lots of wee quirks,for instance it took me nearly a year to find the "Convoy Chart" and the Net and mine charts!Dont give up.One thing,always use the roll back option in SH3 Commander.
GWX 3.0 GOLD,SH3 Commander.
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Old 06-08-09, 04:08 PM   #8
Paul Riley
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Thanks andym,

I always use the roll back option.You mention the pull out charts,well only last night I found out about the round protractor like tool up in the top right corner,it was by chance I pulled that out.If only I/we had read the manual fully,laziness I know

Just going back to my earlier scare now before I close this,can you just tell me,you know the message bar at the bottom of your screen?,is it transparent and not solid? (I cant remember now for some reason if it should be).I seem to have got this 'solid message bar' stuck in my head for some reason

Played With: GWX3 + Commander 3.2
Realism: 85% Ironman
Best Patrol: 10 merchants + HMS Nelson for 68.056 Tonnes
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Old 06-08-09, 06:36 PM   #9
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It's definitely transparent.
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Old 06-09-09, 03:42 AM   #10
Paul Riley
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Thanks for that OLC,really helps.
I seemed to have had a "bee in my bonnet" for some reason,thats all.
Played With: GWX3 + Commander 3.2
Realism: 85% Ironman
Best Patrol: 10 merchants + HMS Nelson for 68.056 Tonnes
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