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Old 06-13-14, 07:27 PM   #2266
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Oooh baby! now I'm really confused, Katze!

So TheBerbster said they don't normally radio in by default, but activating the patch allows them to. You say opposite. I'd prefer that you were right. hehehe (sorry Peter! ).

When I'd use my deck gun, I'd usually aim for the command deck first. As you described it, this patch gives us incentive to take out the radio AND it has the chance to work if the patch is enabled. I think this is what I initially thought it did, but second guessed myself. More so with the explanations. Maybe I will activate the patch next time I'm in port, then.

oops! Stanley Cup game is on .. gotta go!

go Kopitar go!!!
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Old 06-14-14, 06:49 AM   #2267
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Shaefer commenting on Scapa

I was allso somewhat baffled that no ships came looking for me, I felt like this was a little "cheaty", sinking all those ships for free.

I was sure that I would get hunted in a situation like that, inflicting such a heavy loss upon the British Navy.

I am sure though, that the brits will have more than one opportunity to settle the score later.

Originally Posted by sober

Radio patch enabled . Enterered scapa for a raid . 2 torps fired and now there are destroyers actively searching

I wonder if Shaefer had the patch anabled while he recorded his last video

Courtesy acknowledgement to shaefer, gap and sober for the info

Last edited by THEBERBSTER; 06-14-14 at 10:49 AM.
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Old 06-14-14, 06:55 AM   #2268
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Have a look at the file Patchers 5 and 6 again in the descriptions.
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Old 06-14-14, 10:52 AM   #2269
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Originally Posted by 7Infanterie19 View Post
Oooh baby! now I'm really confused, Katze!

So TheBerbster said they don't normally radio in by default, but activating the patch allows them to. You say opposite. I'd prefer that you were right. hehehe (sorry Peter! ).

When I'd use my deck gun, I'd usually aim for the command deck first. As you described it, this patch gives us incentive to take out the radio AND it has the chance to work if the patch is enabled. I think this is what I initially thought it did, but second guessed myself. More so with the explanations. Maybe I will activate the patch next time I'm in port, then.

oops! Stanley Cup game is on .. gotta go!

go Kopitar go!!!
If you want to see how it all developed you can find it in the sh5 patcher thread starting here:

  • TDW wanted to get Carriers to launch aircraft as they were getting the contact sighted info but not launching.
  • After fixing that he worked on getting airfields functioning as well so that when you were sighted by a freighter, for example, the airfield would scramble aircraft after getting the report.
  • The discussion then started about whether all contact messages could be routed through radio equipment ( EG: check unit has a working radio)
  • This then lead to the reworked destroyable radio / antenna zones and the 'units must use radio patch'.
Even before the destroyable zones patch was created, the ships would send contact reports, and destroyers in range would respond.
If the carrier and airfield patch was enabled then carriers and airfields would respond as well. That was all developed before the ability to destroy the unit's radio equipment (at which point the patch forces the check for 'working radio equipment' before sending out the report.)

As for the other discussion about Scapa Flow, it's a known issue that the 'docked' dummy ships don't wake up during an attack and that the active Destroyer AI gets locked up when they get in shallow waters and the collision avoidance routine kicks in.

Last edited by Katze; 06-14-14 at 01:23 PM.
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Old 06-21-14, 07:29 AM   #2270
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Default Ship Inertia

I was wondering what IRAI_0_0_41_Inertia_Damage does and if I have to install TDW_Ship_Inertia_1_1_0 as well. The reason I ask is because I am also using RPM Hydrophone v2.2.1 and in the text it says:

* SHIP INERTIA 1_1_0 is TOTALLY INCOMPATIBLE with this mod as it leaves many merchant sound speeds below 10 and 9 knots. If installed, uninstall it first or overwrite my mod above. Preferably uninstall.

So if I follow this instruction does it negate the first two MODS?
"Water is pointed"
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Old 06-28-14, 10:25 AM   #2271
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For two posts above:

Thanks Katze! Between what you and Peter wrote back to me, I'm going to eventually enable this.

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Old 07-29-14, 08:46 PM   #2272
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Originally Posted by Sartoris View Post
Do share your experiences with escorts once you play more with your new campaign, I'd really like to hear if the tactic of going deep and remaining silent works for you. The last time I attacked a convoy from the inside that tactic failed miserably...

The other day, I decided to poke the hornet's nest with my stick. It was January 1940 in-game time. Hell, I sunk carriers in those circular task forces before, so no big deal, right? Tell that to the 8 or 10 escorts who hunted me relentlessly after I hit their carrier, and that didn't care that I was sitting as still as a pin at 145m deep (the deepest I could go at that spot), silent running and all stop - at TC 1 (forget about going TC 2 or higher as it only seems to amplify their accuracy). They knew exactly where I was as well as how deep, and their dcs easily reached that far. The result: An iron coffin. I reloaded and waited and hoped for a break. This time, I got to breathe for a few minutes, maybe because of the reload, I dunno. As they cork-screwed outwards to about 3000m or 4000m, I decided to try going 1 knot, silent running, following what was suggested earlier and in other threads. I may as well have gone flank speed, seeing that the escorts and their uber skills heard me from 3 or 4 km away as if I was surfaced and going flank speed right beside them, consequently pouncing on me like rabid dogs. They were so hungry to get to me that they were even shooting dcs at each other. It was insane. I watched it from the external camera and couldn't believe my eyes. The result: Dead, of course. So, I reloaded again. New tactics. Dead. Reloaded. New tactics. Dead. Reloaded. Tried Stoianm's tactics from the thread I mention later on in this post. Dead. Reloaded. "Hey! They're leaving! Where are they going?" Now they didn't even care about me and moved on. And so did I, happy to be alive even though I had to reload many times, but unhappy in the thought that if I were using the dead is dead mod, I'd have to start all over, sailing out of Memel again. It scares me to think about those missions we used to get that specifically say to hunt down those capital ships. I imagine potential suicide unless I'd be lucky to get a good 10th reload again. I would guess full suicide if you use sober's dead is dead mod.

I am seriously not having that much fun anymore. Have we tweaked too much to achieve a more realistic, historical experience at the expense of a more realistic, historical experience? (Yes, I wrote that correctly.)

It must sound like I'm whining, and I apologize, but that's how I feel, and maybe that's just me, but I should be happy playing this game like I used to be, even if I'm not a full-on, uber, 110% realism, real-nav, super skilled player, right?

From the knownfacts.tsr file where all those loading screen tidbits come from:

"Fact45=In the early stages of the war, Allied Mk.VII depth charges had a maximum explosion depth of around 91m. After capturing
U-507 the British were astonished to see that the German U-boats could go 100 m deeper than their depth charges could reach."

According to Wikipedia - - the Mark 9 was introduced in the spring of 1943 and could reach depths up to 180m, with later versions reaching depths up to 300m. That's over three years (and five campaign stages) of a bit of a safety net to hide in before things got way too hot to handle for the uboats.

TheDarkWraith, in your post in the "evading escorts" thread, you wrote:

"IRAI currently is a compromise because of the GR2 limitation. The compromise is that it's set to be for the later years of the war. I had to do this so that in the later years of the war the AI is difficult. Once the GR2 limitation is broken and I can clone the sensors for the ships I can make dumbed down versions of those sensors for the earlier war years. I can also then clone the DCs so that their depth range is shallower in the earlier years. Until we can break the GR2 limitation I made the mod the best that I could."

Considering that thread is 3 years old and that escorts are now easily crushing us (me) at 145m, I take it that the GR2 limitation hasn't been broken yet?

I just can't wrap my head around the idea of having five campaign stages set at the same difficulty as the final two stages in order to allow the final two stages to be as challenging and difficult as they should be, at the expense of the five early earlier campaigns, especially since many of us never even reach the end, considering restarts due to various reasons, such as mod upgrades, real life, etc.

TheDarkWraith, as a possible solution, I ask: (if possible) can you please create two suitably named versions: IRAI Early Years (Coastal Waters to the end of The Black Pit/Distant Waters), and IRAI Late Years (Monsun Gruppe/Turning Point), with each having the appropriate settings applicable to the specific periods, and that we can enable/disable in their respective periods? It would allow things to still be more realistically tied to how it was for each period, and so that we (I) can still have fun and maybe survive to get to the later years. And if you want more variety, then maybe even add a third version - IRAI Mid Years - with settings between the other two.

Thanks for listening.
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Old 08-04-14, 03:04 PM   #2273
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Hi guys,

I have installed this mod. Sadly I still get hydrophone contacts when I'm surfaced. And the ships are really far away! Up do 60Km!!
Did I something wrong?
In the first posting is something writen about add-on mod for no hydrophone on surface but where is it?
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Old 08-04-14, 04:22 PM   #2274
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In the first posting is something writen about add-on mod for no hydrophone on surface but where is it?
TDW Addon Mods v1.1.0

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Old 08-04-14, 05:50 PM   #2275
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Originally Posted by Dragon81 View Post
Hi guys,

I have installed this mod. Sadly I still get hydrophone contacts when I'm surfaced. And the ships are really far away! Up do 60Km!!
Did I something wrong?
In the first posting is something writen about add-on mod for no hydrophone on surface but where is it?
Insane as it may sound .. any cloud saves from ubi . will inject a former saved game that can corrput your mOD .. I am in the offline mode and now I dont get any saved games from Ubi , Although it says saved game . its waiting to upload them to the cloud on ubi . you can disable this feature and you will not get corrpution from Ubi cloud that "WILL Cause problems for your Modded SH5"...

I will also say being a veteran of Sh5 , Realistickly that TWOS is a great mod . after My last deployment I tried to go to using Sobers Mod list , which is very stable , However , Sobers has mod list to his liking and how he plays the game . I will attest that this mod Is exccelant In comparision too previous mods . Alot great minds in the community have made SH5 awesome . I could not play this game other wise if it was not modded . I have made a folder on my drive that has a clean install of Sh5 . so if problems arise . I have a copy in which I do not have to re-install from the digital gold edition from amazon . There is alot of information about setting this game to your liking through out this BBS ..

Also You might get a huge surprise when you upgrade too TDW generic patch1.0 .1.65.. .. No More ahh ! .. Just great !! Thanks TDW !! .. Alos you may want to check your options py . Options that are discrbed at the begginging of this post . You may have that option checked as true .. Sail On !!

Fries EgGS on virtural Frieghters Sail On !!
Captain AJ

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Old 08-04-14, 11:54 PM   #2276
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Echolot, thank you. I wonder why this is not linked in the first posting... or did I miss something?

Kimurajin, I did not know that the cloud can corrupt the savegames. Nevertheless I already played in offline mode.
Is it possible to delete ALL savegames at once?
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Old 08-05-14, 02:36 PM   #2277
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OK, I installed the addon "no Hydrophone on surface" and it seems to work. But my hydrophone guy still can hear contacts in ca. 60Km distance!
Isn't this unrealistic?
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Old 08-08-14, 02:24 PM   #2278
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Hello friends!
I'm sorry for my question
What is the latest version of that mod?
I mean IRAI. Is it 0.41?
If no, may i asked you about some help-
Can ypu give me download link for new version?

I'm sorry for my English. I hope you will understand me.
Thanks you very much and be happy
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Old 08-08-14, 06:04 PM   #2279
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A warm welcome ‘JacobLost’ to the Subsim family.

You will always find someone here to help you.

Link to my SH5 – SH4 posts:
Step By Step Tutorials & How To Do It

Also Included Are Some Useful Download Links

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Old 01-18-15, 06:30 PM   #2280
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Captains, please tell me. Responsible for what events IRAI_0_0_41_Inertia_Damage ???
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