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Old 10-25-21, 08:11 AM   #2821
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Getting ready to feed the fascist authoritarian Democrat voters a.k.a. the Blue-anon cult, even more conspiracy theories and theatrics.

Underlying so much of the anger and resentment surrounding 1/6 is the complete dissonance between the narrative fed to the citizenry by Democrats and their media allies on the one hand, and the legal realities on the other. It must be infuriating and baffling to a large sector of the population to have been convinced that what happened on January 6 was an unprecedentedly dangerous insurrection perpetrated by an organized group of seditious traitors who had plotted to kidnap and murder elected officials, only for the Biden DOJ to have charged exactly nobody with any criminal charges remotely suggesting any of those melodramatic claims.

This was the same frustration and confusion that beset a large portion of liberal America when they were led to believe for years that Robert Mueller was coming to arrest all of their political enemies for treason and criminal conspiracy with Russia, only for the FBI Superman to close his investigation without charging a single American with criminal conspiracy with Russia and then issuing a report admitting that he could not find evidence to establish any such crime. How to keep the flock loyal when the doomsday prophecies continue to be unfulfilled, as the World-Ending Date comes and goes without so much as a bang, let alone an explosion?

Adam Schiff's new book — which essentially claims that Mueller is senile and was suffering from pitiful dementia — is obviously intended to provide some solace or at least a framework of understanding for disappointed liberals to keep the faith, but deep down, they know what they were expecting. The endorphin-producing fantasies on which they fed for years — of Trump and Trump, Jr. and Jared and Bannon and Ivanka being frog-marched out of the White House by armed, strapping FBI agents — were way too viscerally arousing for them to simply forget that none of it happened.

A repeat of this disorientation and disillusionment when it comes to 1/6 could be quite dangerous for Democrats. It could be devastating to the media outlets which survive on serving the Democrats’ messaging and feeding dramatic conspiracy theories to the beleaguered liberal flock. In the days and weeks following 1/6, liberals really thought that dozens of members of Congress — from Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz to Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene — would be not just expelled from Congress but summarily imprisoned as traitors by a newly righteous Justice Department. They were led to believe that, with Bill Barr out of the way, Trump and his mafia family would finally pay for their crimes.

Instead, they have been served a tepid, cautious, and compartmentally conservative Merrick Garland who seems barely able to send the Evil Insurrectionists — many of whom are just hapless and impoverished lost souls — to prison for more than a few months. The harsh reality is yet again destroying their cravings for promised vengeance and retribution, and something must be done, lest the cult loyalty be lost forever.

That is, at bottom, what the 1/6 Committee is really for. The House Democrats have smart lawyers who are fully aware of all the above-discussed case law and other limitations on congressional power. That is why they purposely structured their third-party subpoenas to ensure nobody can challenge them in court: they know those subpoenas vastly exceed the limits of their authority and cannot withstand judicial scrutiny.

This congressional committee is designed to be cathartic theater for liberals, and a political drama for the rest of the country. They know Republicans will object to their deliberately unconstitutional inquisitions, and they intend to exploit those objections to darkly insinuate to the country that Republicans are driven by a desire to protect the violent traitors so that they can deploy them as an insurrectionary army for future coups. They have staffed the committee with their most flamboyant and dishonest drama queens, knowing that Adam Schiff will spend most of his days on CNN with Chris Cuomo comparing 1/6 to Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust; Liz Cheney will equate Republicans with Al Qaeda and the Capitol riot to the destruction of the World Trade Center; and Adam Kinzinger will cry on cue as he reminds everyone over and over that he served in the U.S. military only to find himself distraught and traumatized that the real terrorists are not those he was sent to fight overseas but those at home, in his own party.

But the manipulative political design of this spectacle should not obscure how threatening it nonetheless is to core civil liberties. Democrats in politics and media have whipped themselves into such a manic frenzy ever since 1/6 — indeed, they have been doing little else ever since Trump descended the Trump Tower escalator in 2015 — that they have become the worst kinds of fanatics: the ones who really believe their own lies. Many genuinely believe that they are on the front lines of an epic historical battle against the New Hitler (Trump) and his band of deplorable fascist followers bent on a coup against the democratic order. In their cable-and-Twitter-stimulated imaginations, shortly following this right-wing coup will be the installation of every crypto-fascist bell and whistle from concentration camps for racial and ethnic minorities to death or prison for courageous #Resistance dissidents. At some point, the line between actually believing this and being paid to pretend to believe it, or feeling coerced by cultural and friendship circles to feign belief in it, erodes, fostering actual collective conviction and mania.

And when fanatics convince themselves that their cause is not only indisputably just but an imperative for survival, then any doubts or questions about methods and weapons can no longer be acknowledged. The war they are fighting is of such overarching importance and righteousness that there is no such thing as unjust or excessive means to achieve it. Just a cursory examination of liberal discourse is enough to see that they have long ago arrived at and flew past this point of sectarian zealotry. And that is what explains their overwhelming support for state and corporate censorship of the internet, increasing reverence for security state agencies such as the CIA and FBI, love for and trust in corporate media, and a belief that no punishment or level of suffering is excessive when it comes to retaliation against their political enemies, including but not only those who participated in any way in the 1/6 protests.

This is, after all, a movement that has long opposed the death penalty and whose more left-wing factions spent 2020 rioting in cities to protest police violence and chanting "Defund the Police!," yet their only lament about Ashli Babbitt seems to be that she was the only pro-Trump "fascist" shot and killed by noble police officers on that day. They have pranced around for decades as criminal justice reformists, denouncing harsh prosecutorial strategies and judicial punishments, yet are indignant that people who put their feet on Nancy Pelosi's sacred desk or vandalized the sacred halls of American power with their dirty and deplorable presence are not spending decades in a cage. They spent 2020 depicting police officers as racist savages, only to valorize the Capitol Police as benevolent public servants whom only barbarians would want to harm, then gave them an additional $2 billion to intensify their surveillance capabilities and augment their stockpile of weapons. Their fury that Trump officials did not end up spending decades in cages due to vague associations with Russians is exceeded only by their rage that pro-Trump protesters at the Capitol are being sentenced to months rather than years or decades in prison.

A political movement that operates from the premise that its cause is too important to be constrained is one that inevitably becomes authoritarian. That such authoritarianism is the defining feature of American liberalism has been evident for several years. And an investigative congressional committee that they control, aimed squarely at their political enemies, accompanied by demands that anyone resisting it be imprisoned, can only lead to very dark and dangerous destinations.
Guardian of the honey and nuts

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Last edited by Rockstar; 10-25-21 at 08:56 AM.
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Old 10-25-21, 08:50 AM   #2822
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As I said awhile back there is much he says I do not agree with. But then there’s this, Jimmys on a roll here.


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Old 10-25-21, 04:42 PM   #2823
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Flanked by life and the funeral pyre. Putting on a show for you to see.
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Old 10-25-21, 04:47 PM   #2824
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^ Sad I do not have Cola and chips at home for the moment. ´cause your statement will result in a long heated debate.


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Old 10-26-21, 06:44 PM   #2825
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Why Markus? Everyone knows Trump was the best!
Dave is just reminding everyone of this fact!

Sub captains go down with their ship!
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Old 10-27-21, 07:11 PM   #2826
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
You probbaly know that in germany red socialists, green socilaists and liberal socialist negotiate a coaltion govenrment. Part of that includes a proposal by the green and liberal socialists that 14 year old kids shall be allowed, with a simple act at the registration office, to choose theio gender freeely, and to switch it as often as they want. Parents, according to this proposal, shall have no right and say in this.

After the already deletion of "mother" and "father" in official and media language, they also now want to eliminate the verbal reference to parents and parenthood, too. There shall only be "Erziehende", that emans "educating persons".

Its unclear whether this gets passed, since the majority of society still has some sane senses left and strongly dispises these language policing polcies and gender madness. But it illustrates where the ideological "elites" want the course to plot. They are a miniority, and still since years brutally enforce their minority priviliges and minority opinons onto the majority. And the ajroity? Lets it happen, does not seriously resist. So, compassion is not really appropriate. Victims that reject to defend themselves, are victims I refuse to pick their fight for them.

I just stand, watch in awe and cannot comprehend how stupid a people can be if the herd is just big enough.
Skybird, Folk's like us will get swept aside in this new world. The Families who have survived after WW2 into the present that have achieved wealth and power into the present will never give it up. Look capitalism worked for the richest families in America till 9/11... For Them it was oh my god! Ya see they didn't' hit the beach in Daytona Florida now that would be in my neighborhood
and would require a serious response. What happened was the ruling Political families got a wake up call. 20 yrs later they have now among themselves they have decided. YA know we cant fight The Red's and the Muslims. This is the only planet that we know we can live on.So let the Americans be the first to create a world of equality and repentance. And now we have a new fight we reproduce like rabbits and the rabbits are eating all the resources. How in the hell will our families survive across the planet. Answer among them, you know there is a Virologist in America and with the collusion of the Chinese and the World Health Organization we can change the entire future of this Planet. And institute a new World order. You see Skybird our present and future is tied to our dark past as humanity without it as a point of reference. How in the hell will all these old families and the new ideologies survive ? We our 1 as we watch our history and culture be destroyed even though we were born after the war and across an ocean. All you and i have are the memories of our youth. Live long and prosper my friend.
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Old 10-27-21, 11:35 PM   #2827
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Originally Posted by Cybermat47 View Post
Literally none of that impacts us, though.

There are much more important issues in the world than getting upset that someone with a penis lives the life of a woman.

Are there some people who push that onto kids? Yes, but you’ll find that there are trans people who agree with us that doing such things is wrong.

Transgender people wanting the freedom to harmlessly live their lives in a certain way is one issue.

People pressuring children into having a certain gender identity is a different issue.

A male student at the centre of a bombshell case out of Loudoun County, Virginia has been found guilty of a May sexual assault on a female student in Stone Bridge High's girl's restroom. A father revealed his young daughter had been sexually assaulted in the girl's restroom at her school by a male student "in a skirt."
On June 22, Scott Smith attended a school board meeting in order to challenge Loudoun County officials on their proposed policies that would enshrine the ability for students to use whatever bathroom they desired based on gender identity alone. Well this father was arrested and has now set the stage for all parents. If you resist having your daughter's mauled by young men wearing skirts you can go to jail. I must say this now. If i have a daughter a niece or my wife. That is raped by a gender fluid person and a judge let's them go.I will let justice take its course in a court of law.

Last edited by Gorpet; 12-05-21 at 10:18 AM. Reason: Inappropriate post.Removed the offending language.
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Old 10-28-21, 01:38 AM   #2828
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Old 10-28-21, 11:04 AM   #2829
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Originally Posted by Gorpet View Post
I must say this now. If i have a daughter a niece or my wife. That is raped by a gender fluid person and a judge let's them go.I will become Tony Montana and the first people i visit we'll be their family. So say we all. Had to take out his to make it all inclusive.
Nice. So instead of just being raped, your daughter/niece/wife will also be treated to knowing that you took violent revenge in their name upon innocent people, and then they will get to watch you being convicted and sent to prison for it.
And of course if relatives of any of your victims thinks like you do then your daughter/niece/wife might just get a similar visit while you rot in your jail cell.
Great plan

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Old 10-28-21, 11:30 AM   #2830
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I've heard it so many times-It has to do with their childhood and how they have been raised by their parents, that makes the man.

But can we make it this simple ? Is it always the parents fault that a man become a rapist/other dreadful things ?



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Old 10-28-21, 03:55 PM   #2831
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Originally Posted by Gorpet View Post
A male student at the centre of a bombshell case out of Loudoun County, Virginia has been found guilty of a May sexual assault on a female student in Stone Bridge High's girl's restroom. A father revealed his young daughter had been sexually assaulted in the girl's restroom at her school by a male student "in a skirt."
On June 22, Scott Smith attended a school board meeting in order to challenge Loudoun County officials on their proposed policies that would enshrine the ability for students to use whatever bathroom they desired based on gender identity alone. Well this father was arrested and has now set the stage for all parents. If you resist having your daughter's mauled by young men wearing skirts you can go to jail. I must say this now. If i have a daughter a niece or my wife. That is raped by a gender fluid person and a judge let's them go.I will become Tony Montana and the first people i visit we'll be their family. So say we all. Had to take out his to make it all inclusive.
I think the school systems are showing the deep motivation to indoctrinate our kids to the new woke gender pronoun be whatever you want to be. The fact a school board would cover up a rape to protect the "cause" is concerning if that's what happened and appears so. The fact all these hypersexual porn books being allowed in kid's libraries, 90% based on homosexual or trans sex acts is very telling. I don't buy most trans just want to live their lives, I think the entire gay agenda has gone from equal rights to totalitarian control of children's minds and scares me to think what all the motives are.

You see my dog don't like people laughing. He gets the crazy idea you're laughing at him. Now if you apologize like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.
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Old 10-29-21, 10:09 AM   #2832
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Papers please! Seems our neo-liberals nazis love the big government surveillance systems.

Never let a crisis, created or otherwise, go to waste.

‘Cloak and dagger’ military-intelligence outfit at center of US digital vaccine passport push


… Led by German economist Klaus Schwab, who says he is leading a “Fourth Industrial Revolution” that is changing the way people “live, work, and relate to one another,” the WEF is an international network of some of the wealthiest and most politically powerful people on the planet. Based in Davos, Switzerland, the WEF positions itself as the thought leader of global capitalism.

In January 2021, several WEF partners, including Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce, and other mega-corporations announced a coalition to launch the Vaccine Credential Initiative (VCI), which aims to institute QR code-based vaccine passports across the US.

The stated goal of the VCI is to implement a single “SMART Health Card” that could be recognized “across organizational and jurisdictional boundaries.”

In the US, some states are already deploying digital SMART Health Cards developed by the VCI. These SMART Health Cards have laid the basis for a de-facto national standard for vaccine credentials.

A non-profit established by the Rockefeller Foundation and called The Commons Project is leading the lobbying push for digital SMART cards through the VCI it co-founded. And Commons Project CEO Paul Meyer happens to have been cultivated by the WEF as a “young leader.”

As one of the public faces of the VCI, Meyer markets the campaign’s agenda in the language of progressive inclusion, hammering consistently on themes like “empowerment” in public communications.

“The goal of the Vaccination Credential Initiative is to empower individuals with digital access to their vaccination records so they can use tools like CommonPass to safely return to travel, work, school, and life, while protecting their data privacy,” claimed Meyer.

In a press release announcing the formation of the VCI, MITRE echoed Meyer’s woke language, declaring that it had joined the partnership “to ensure that underserved populations have access to this [digital vaccine] verification.”

But what is MITRE, and why might an organization known for mass surveillance and military technology be at the center of an initiative that offers the possibility of unprecedented monitoring of the global population?
So the article states “In the U.S. some states” lol they wouldn’t happen to be neo-liberal, blue-anon, covidian cultist states filled with those angry woke totalitarian voters now would they?
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Last edited by Rockstar; 10-29-21 at 10:37 AM.
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Old 10-29-21, 10:47 AM   #2833
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"However vast the darkness, we must provide our own light."
Stanley Kubrick

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David Bowie
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Old 10-29-21, 12:29 PM   #2834
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“The government is not now, nor will we be supporting a system that requires Americans to carry a credential,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters at a briefing on Tuesday.

“There will be no federal vaccinations database and no federal mandate requiring everyone to obtain a single vaccination credential.”’
Thing is, she was most likely just defending members in both houses of government who are exempt from the mandates they impose on the public.

Speaking of no federal mandates, didn’t we hear that before from Liberal Democrats? The holier than thou self proclaimed know-it-all totalitarian fear mongers pin people down force them to accept their rule or isolate them from food, wages, and freedom. That’s call coercion. Coerce definition is - to make (someone) do something by using force or threats. See more meanings of coerce. How to use coerce in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of coerce.

Guardian of the honey and nuts

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Last edited by Rockstar; 10-29-21 at 02:54 PM.
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Old 10-29-21, 05:24 PM   #2835
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Despite the distraction machine evident in this thread ....

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