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Old 01-25-21, 11:01 PM   #1
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Default Severomorsk Patrol Log

At 0700 this morning 25th January 2021, the Udaloy class destroyer Severomorsk slipped her moorings in her namesake port and headed to sea.

The Udaloy is a large anti-submarine destroyer measuring in at 512ft long, 57ft wide has a draft of 21.5ft and fully loaded like we are this morning she comes in at 8,500tons.
Therefore, maneuvering her in port is not that easy, especially this morning when your dealing with traffic outbound from Murmansk.

We left port in a line of ships and a submarine, these vessels were outbound for exercise in the Barents Sea, the Delta IV was outbound for a systems test and would be my opponent later on.

Proceeding upriver at a steady clip of 10 knots we pass by several inbound ships and overtake an outbound freighter, we pass by the lighthouse and all is well until I get cut off by the Stereguschiy class corvette, luckily I slammed the Severomorsk full astern just in time.

My next lucky escape came when over taking the freighter clearly that captain didn’t like it and proceeded to come too close again avoiding collision by running full astern.

We passed by the base of Gadzhievo and in port was a Sovremenny class DDG, nothing untoward as the second light house was coming up and there on it is open water.
The key thing to note about this transit is that its very shallow in spots so 10 knots is the limit until you can get out to Kildin Island.

When I reached open sea at 1100 I sped up to 15 knots and the helicopter was already overhead, with the Delta IV acting as my test platform I tasked the KA27 to lay a buoy pattern.

At 1123 I was ambushed by a drone and a SU24 which were taken down at 1125 (simulated), more good news came at 1128 the buoys the Helicopter has laid detected the Delta IV, so I closed the distance and used my hull sensors to obtain a lock.
This exercise is only to test the sensors, so no firing was done and the Delta IV went off on her merry way as did I and at 1220 we both broke away leaving the Exercise area.

At 1517 the Severomorsk entered into Norwegian Economic Exclusion Zone waters, a cruising speed of 21 knots has been established the weather is fair slightly overcast sea state 2.
At 2037 some 18nm from the coast of Norway at Tromso the OOW spotted a cargo ship heading north bound at 3nm from us.

The Severomorsk is heading due south west at 21 knots and is due to make the Straight of Dover by Wednesday 27th January at around 1400 which will put her on time for her next tasking.

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Old 01-26-21, 06:22 PM   #2
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Old 01-28-21, 07:49 PM   #3
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Tuesday 26th January finds Severomorsk off the coast of Norway heading due south west. the tranquil cruise at 21 knots puts us right into British EEZ waters at 1015.

Heading into the North Sea there’s not much to report its pretty barren calm cold and clear sea state 2, the odd fishing trawler and the occasional aircraft pass by.

Over night we maintain a due south course at 21 knots and run down the coast of the UK.
At 1105 we are met by the British type 23 frigate HMS Richmond which will shadow us through the English Channel.

As we near the straight traffic increases and we reduce speed to just 12 knots, maintaining this speed through the straight until we exit.
There are two lanes in the dover straight the British side is West to East and the French side East to West, naturally we are in the West bound lane.

In front of us is a car carrier behind us is a container ship the type 23 keeps close by our port side matching our speed.
at 1217 we are fully committed to transiting the straight, running north to south are the ferries crossing between dover to Calais and Dunkirk there are also fishing vessels dotted around, this makes for a very arduous transit as we have to keep all eyes on the water.

1345 we exit the straight and finally pick up more speed to 21 knots again, we had already signaled the type 23 which promptly follows suit.

Severomorsk is now heading for the Western Approaches and the Bay of Biscay.

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Old 01-30-21, 10:45 PM   #4
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The Udaloy class destroyer Severomorsk is well underway to her first major tasking transiting the bay of Biscay and the Portuguese coast very quickly at 24 knots.

Nothing out of the ordinary to report during this transit the odd fishing boat and cargo ship sailed by in the distance weather was calm and clear all the way down however;
0250 on the 29th January we picked up that a Dutch frigate was in the area and subsequently they began to trail us towards the Straight of Gibraltar.

As Severomorsk began to slow down to make the initial transit speed of 12 knots, the Dutch frigate came close by around 2nm behind us, at this point there is not a lot I can do as in front of me is a large container ship, but this was to be a relatively fast transit at 20 knots.

We noticed the Dutch frigate would yo-yo closing then falling back during the transit, I decided I did not want this vessel too close to me so I increased speed steadily and altered course slightly to port increasing from 20 knots to 22knot then 25 knots 27 knots and then 30 knots.
I passed by the container ship on her port side, we noticed the Dutch frigate had sped up as well to 28 knots.

Rather annoyed by this action I passed the container ship and at a safe distance crossed in front from port to starboard coming along side the landward side of the channel. I then made at flank speed for the exit to the straight, I put the crew to action stations and readied a helicopter on deck.

Due to being in the straight we are not allowed to conduct flyops so the plan was to exit the straight and leave the helicopter behind to warn off the Dutch frigate and gather some intelligence.
I passed by a car carrier on my port side we made a safe passing nothing there to report and exited the straight of Gibraltar at 0210 still doing flank speed.

I made a new plan as the Helicopter one wasn’t going to work, knowing where I was going and it wasn’t too much of a huge ask I remained at 30 knots for the duration of my transit of the Moroccan EEZ before entering into the Algerian EEZ.

At 1500 I slowed to 5 knots and entered into Algerian territorial waters with a container ship ahead of me I took onboard a pilot and proceeded into the anchorage.

The task was to anchor in the naval base of Algiers alongside the flagship Kalaat Beni Abbes, here I will refuel and re store the ship before the next phase of the mission.

Stay tuned.
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Old 01-31-21, 09:11 PM   #5
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January 30th 2021 the Severomorsk finds herself at liberty in the port of Algiers.

The night before we pulled along side the Algerian navy’s LPD Kalaat beni abbes and let some of the crew have a run ashore, we also need to take on more fuel and stores ready for tomorrow and our big day.

To increase Russian – Algerian ties we have agreed to take part in a small exercise, the objective to operate as part of a task group to focus our main forces against a multi layered threat, Visibly the Severomorsk is the only participating Russian platform but, we are being joined by the Northern Fleets Kastroma a Sierra class SSN and the Black Sea Fleet Kolopino a Kilo class SSK.

The fleet will consist of 1 LPD (flagship) and 3 escorts (2 FFG’s and 1 corvette) as the main fleet which will be Algerian.
The Severomorsk will link up with a Nanuchka corvette and provide forward support and be detached from the main fleet creating a pincer type plan into the Exercise area.

Opposing us will be 5 barges which will represent large surface targets, although they are unpowered they allow us to use live weapons, also opposing us will be drones armed with missiles representing fighter attack aircraft, small fast attack craft will also intercept us and try to cause damage, and finally 2 Russian and 2 Algerian submarines will allow us to conduct ASW tasking.

The balloon went up early at 0500 when we made for sea and at 0510 both helicopters were tasked to conduct flight ops, mainly transit and conduct Remo sweeps.
By 0530 the fleet entered into the exercise area and we began our tasking, Severomorsk split from the main group and headed east with the helicopters laying buoys we put ourselves in position ready to operate for ASW.

The first kill came at 0632 when helo 2 attacked a barge with a KH32 Uran scoring a hit sinking it, all went quiet and we ran between 3-5 knots for a good couple of hours.
At 0838 radar picked up two drones and we promptly shot them down using our SA-4 missiles, and at 0921 another drone was intercepted and shot down.

Not four minuets later at 0925 Helo 1 was engaged in tracking down a submarine, to assist and keep the helo with weapons it was decided to use a ship launched SS-N-14 Silex missile, at 0945 the target was prosecuted.

Helo 2 was squarely on the hunt for another submarine and at 1120 identity was confirmed, this was a submarine not participating in the war game, she was identified as an Italian type 212 submarine, she was subsequently driven away.

Helo 2 finally made contact with the correct submarine a Kilo class at 1217 and engaged the target ruling her sunk then it went strangely quiet.
At 1517 a swarm of drone appeared, and over the horizon five fast attack craft appeared, drones were engaged rapidly and between Severomorsk and the nanuchka we took down 3 of the drones, main gun fire from the 100mm took out 2 fast attack craft but we also lost helo 1, and the nanuchka was ruled sunk, using the SA-4 I managed to sink 2 more fast attack craft and the other was taken out before the nanuchka was ruled sunk.
At 1534 the Severomorsk was engaged by an unknown submarine at fairly close range (7nm) we hadn’t detected them, to mess up their sensors I fired a full spread of 3 port and 3 starboard torpedoes turned and ran at flank speed before looping round and coming back slow.

Helo 1 was ready to engage the enemy submarine but in the haste of firing off all my torpedoes I inadvertently blinded myself with the remaining sonobuoys, this meant the second wave of torpedoes being fired at me I did not hear until they were close at 1607 the Severomorsk was ruled Sunk and at 1935 returned to port along with the task group.

Overall the mission was a semi success the main tasking of taking down drones and fast attack craft was completed successfully with no loss to Severomorsk, the ASW tasking was to allow the Algerians some experience in the art of anti-submarine warfare.

Severomorsk is now refueling and at 0400 will be leaving port heading east into the Mediterranean and onto her next tasking.
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Old 02-04-21, 08:03 PM   #6
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Severomorsk has left Algeria and headed deeper into the Mediterranean, her route will take her well past NATO lines especially Italy which as we found out from the exercise has sent a submarine after us.
In reality the Severomorsk is heading for somewhere the Italians can’t follow without showing themselves.

Heading East we pass by the French La Fayette frigate plus several cargo ships and some patrol craft over fly us nothing major to report, we keep to a steady 15 knots before passing Malta to our port side.
During the evening a heavy swell came up roughly 2.5 meters sea state 4 wind speed around 30-40 knots, we slowed to 10 knots to maintain safety.

Severomorsk arrives the following morning at the anchorage just outside the Suez Canal at 0330, she is on the early morning south bound convoy and will transit with other cargo ships down to Lake Victoria.

On the passage down we are escorted by a Egyptian KA52 helicopter which is also running a circuit with the North convoy, which is mainly cargo ships with the exception of HMCS Halifax (hence the helo presence), a Halifax class frigate heading into the Mediterranean.

After passing the northbound convoy we were released from pilotage and allowed to travel independently, we travelled through the Babel Mendeb with no incident passing the coast of Yemen and out into the Indian Ocean.

The Severomorsk has new tasking and that is to work with CTF150 currently being headed by the Germans, we will conduct Anti-Piracy patrol off the gulf of Aden until relieved by another unit.
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Old 02-05-21, 09:11 PM   #7
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Severomorsk has left the red sea and is now operating in the Gulf of Aden and off the Somali coast as part of the CTF150 task group which is currently being led by the Germans.

During the morning of the 4th February we received a call from a Panamanian flagged container ship Baltic star who was being attacked by Somali pirates.

Baltic star was over 40 miles away so we kicked our engines up to flank speed to close the distance as well as put the helicopters in the air.
What was happening was truly shocking and something not seen before this was a coordinated attack by not 1 or 2 skiffs but 5!

Both KA27 helicopters carried KH-35 Uran missiles so they are well armed to deal with the situation, upon overflying the pirates one helicopter was shot at and damaged.
The KA27 immediately returned fire sinking the vessel with its Uran missile before training on another and firing on that one too.
While you may have thought the pirates wanted to escape they kept attacking the container ship meaning to board it, this would have made getting them captured harder if we had to send the special forces onto the ship.

I ordered the second KA27 to engage both Uran missiles were fired sinking 2 more skiffs, with one remaining skiff left it had decided enough was enough and headed back towards the Somali coast, and right into the path of the Severomorsk.

Unwittingly the Skiff tried to out run us and cut us off however our 7,500ton destroyer does not exactly stop on a dime, and we accidently made contact with the skiff causing it to take on water.
We reversed engines and backed away before sending over an armed boarding party to arrest the survivors.

Both helos were on station above the container ship, once we had arrested the skiff crew we proceeded to check out the container ship which thanked us for our assistance, she was damaged but able to make her own way to clear waters.

The Severomorsk is now heading back to the scene of the other skiffs to find survivors and we have recalled the helicopters.
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Old 02-07-21, 10:06 AM   #8
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After the events of the 4th the Severomorsk has been riding out a storm, given there's no pirate activity in the heavy weather the crew has tended to
maintenance duties.

Severomorsk is continuing on patrol with CTF150
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Old 02-07-21, 12:13 PM   #9
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Awesome topic Kapitan!
I've always enjoyed this AAR type threads.

Thank you for all the work you've put into this
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Old 02-14-21, 01:05 PM   #10
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Over the last 7 days the Severomorsk has been patrolling quietly off the coast of Somalia in the gulf of aden, there has not been much going on only a few contacts, so we have been running only at 10-12 knots and conducting flight ops with the two KA27’s.
Weather has been pretty good nothing really of note sea state 2 and puff clouds although there has been a few swells and wind over nights.

On Wednesday during flight ops we picked some suspicious vessels and our KA27 went in to have a look, it appeared four vessel closing in on a freighter which was around 35 miles away from us at the time.

The KA27 was ordered away from the ships in order to keep the element of surprise and we kept in line with the broadside of the freighter to mask our rapid approach.
Breaking out behind the freighter the exposed vessels soon turned and tried to run, maxing out at 30 knots we fired our main gun to stop them, they continued on and eventually the helicopter engaged one vessel sinking it.

Our guns took out 2 more, before making for the mother ship which is a fishing trawler, we seized and arrested the vessel then promptly sunk it.

Yesterday it was time to refuel so the Severomorsk headed for the RAS box to the north near the Yemen coast, approaching the French tanker we saw that we were not alone.
The Japanese ship of the Abukuma class was breaking away port side after completing a refuel she too is part of the CTF150 group and is patrolling due north of us some 200nm away.

it doesn’t take long to refuel us so we come along side at 0615 and begin the transfer, yes it may seem odd that a Russian vessel is refueling from a NATO vessel but it does happen!

Our new orders are to remain on station until Monday of next week when we will be relieved by another incoming vessel.
The next tasking will be to return to the Mediterranean and begin heading home.
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