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File Name: Speech Recognition for SH5 - NewUI-english (8.88 MB) Download
Author: skwasjer/MiTon (Uploaded by MiTon)
Date Added: 03-10-11
Downloads: 2584
Grade: A
Speech Recognition for SH5 – v1.4 - by skwas
Speech Recognition for SH5 - v1.4 - MiTon's Edition - v0.4 - english

Speech Recognition for SH5 - v1.4 - MiTon's Edition - german

Developed in 2010 by skwas, a game enthusiast and ubergeek )
edited my MiTon


This mod enables speech recognition for SH5, allowing you to use a microphone to dictate commands to your crew ...

I made it just to sugar the waiting time for KarlKoch's very advanced version.

Since English isn't my mother tongue, it won't be free of errors, so feedback is welcome (contact: and via PM ).

To structure the orders, I tried to stick to the commands in the officers order bar in TheDarkWraith's NewUI.

If you have issues with looped orders see: from post #253

You can find the German version of Speech Recogniton for SH5 here:

If you need more, or other phrases for your Speech Recognition, there is a tutorial included.
Have a look in Documentation\CustomizingTutorial_english.pdf

Happy sailing!


• skwas for Speech Recognition for SH5 and his assistance
• KarlKoch (for his working the advanced version and help)
• minsc_tdp, for SH4Speech.
• TheDarkWraith for his assistance, great UI-Mods and The MegaMod - Magnum Opus
• And the folks at and

v1.4_MiTon's NewUI Edition – v0.4 -27.04.2011
  • added several commands from KarlKochs advanced Version (Start_stop_stopwatch, advanced salvo selection, Select_and_fire_torpedo
  • reworked most TDC and torpedosettings commands matching KarlKoch's implementation (TDC manual input will be set on and off by script)
  • fixed bug in "Set_rudder"
  • added compatibility for TDW's NewUI 6.5 Speech Recognition Settings
  • usedTDW revised version v0.3 as base for v0.4
  • grammar and command tweaks
  • some bugfixes

v1.4_MiTon's NewUI Edition – v0.3 - 11.04.2011
  • fixed open/close tube commands
  • fixed and reworked commands for torpedo settings
  • reworked "fire torpedo"
  • added commands to toggle/turn on/off SpeechRecognition
  • added commands to "Follow_target" on/off
  • added commands to "Report_position_celestial"
  • added commands to Report_position_dead_reckoning
  • added commands to "Report_last_position"
  • altered command "decks awash" to use new scripted command "Decks_Awash_Depth" / default is 7.5 meters / can be changed in Speech / search for decksAwashDepthToSet = 7.5
  • added commands to turn SpeechRecognition on/off
  • added commands to "Toggle_determine_contact_speed"
  • added commands to toggle GUI visibility
  • added command to toggle circle
  • added commands to toggle NavMarker
  • added commands to toggle SuperMarker
  • added command to toggle Marker
  • added command to toggle Ruler
  • added command to toggle Eraser
  • added command to toggle Protractor
  • added commands to toggle MapTools Helper
  • added command to toggle/show/hide RAOBF
  • added command to toggle/show/hide AttackDisk
  • added command to toggle/show/hide ScopeSettings
  • added command to toggle/show/hide Torpedo Extra controls
  • added commands to switch TDC Dials Modes
  • added command to toggle/show/hide Essential controls
  • added command to toggle/show/hide Chalkboard
  • added command to increase Chalkboard count
  • added command to toggle/show/hide Automation
  • added command to toggle/show/hide Radiotraffic
  • added command to toggle/show/hide ships journal
  • added command to toggle/show/hide charts
  • added command to toggle/on/off Torpedo autoloading
  • added command to show fuel indicator / if essential controls aren't shown, this command will make them visible
  • added command to show battery indicator / if essential controls aren't shown, this command will make them visible
  • added command to show compresser air indicator / if essential controls aren't shown, this command will make them visible
  • added command to show CO2 indicator / if essential controls aren't shown, this command will make them visible
  • added new phrases to "Toggle_activate_damage_control_team"
  • added new phrases to "Guns_controls
  • added new phrases to "Systems_control"

v1.4_MiTon's NewUI Edition – 0.2.02 -12.03.2011
  • spelling errors in SHSpeech_Command file: "officer" keyed in as "onficer" fixed
  • added rule <rule id="TDC"/>
  • added rule <rule id="AOB"/>
  • added more variations to <rule id="X0">
  • added more variations to <rule id="NO">
  • added more variations to <rule id="SO">
  • added more variations to <rule id="RO">
  • added more variations to <rule id="LE">
  • fixed some letft <items> in Command.xml
  • added more phrases to "save_fuel"
  • reworked some sonar grammar and commands
  • reworked some TDC phrases
  • reworked rudder and course controls
  • added "one third" and "two thirds" for speed control
  • all commands referring degrees can now be called without degrees
  • phrases added to "AOB"
  • phrases added to "gyro angle"
  • phrases added to "patern angle"

v1.4_german_NewUI – 0.2-04.03.2011
• added custom or altered commands
• added some commands for NewUI, like Enhanced Recognitionmanual and Teleporting
• Tutorial for customization included (english and german)
• edited rearranged the comments in SHSpeech_Commands.xml and SHSpeech_Grammar.xml
• translated and edited SHSpeech_Commands.xml, SHSpeech_Grammar.xml
and SHSpeech.xslt
• added grammar.dtd to folder data\Sound\Speech

v1.4 – 29-03-2010
• Renamed Page Voice Recognition.ini to Speech Recognition.ini
• Renamed Page Voice to Speech
• Moved XML-files to game data folder Data\Sound\Speech
• Added XSLT-stylesheet so you can view all supported commands by opening SHSpeech_Commands.xml in a browser.
• Lowered default confidence level to 0.87
• Added Microphone-icon to test application
• Added support for floating point values (max. one decimal), f.ex. 3.6 meters
• Fixed: when ordering ‘set pistol to magnetic’ you’d get a confirmation, but the pistol setting did not actually change.
• Added numerous commands. See ‘Supported Voice Commands’-shortcut for a complete overview.
• Included source code

v1.1 – 1.3
• Updated test application only.

• Initial release



* Windows Vista
* Windows 7
* english language pack must be installed!!!
See Windows Update to install a language pack. Alternatively, check these links:

And if you can't install a language, check out this important post by Ernesto78 (it worked for several guys!):

IMPORTANT: Any older platform may likely NOT work and could cause CTD’s.


Chose your version and install, like any other mod using JSGME, and simply run the game.

NOTE: Likely NOT compatible with UI mods…!
For adding SpeechRecognition to other UI mods read:

Version for TDW's NewUI and MO included.



Currently there are over 7200 phrases recognized (countless variations with numbers not included).
These are used for 333 commands.

Open the file Data\Sound\Speech\SHSpeech_Commands.xml in a browser.



Do not redistribute or reuse this mod without my permission.


Source code is included in the Documentation\Source code folder. You will need Visual Studio 2008 (C#).



German feedback thread:

alternate download link

Link to subsim radio thread of the original english version:
Speech Recognition for SH5 - NewUI-english by MiTon on 03-10-11

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Become an officer in the Subsim Navy here and have your download limit increased to 25, 35 or even 60 a day! Click here to join.

A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

03-15-11 at 03:30 PM
Fantastic mod!!
04-27-11 at 10:32 AM
Love it !!!
07-19-11 at 11:30 AM
Good work I'll go throught and see if I can provide a french translation of that mod
06-16-12 at 09:08 PM
Great Mod..I have used similar in other games..( PilFus ) Makes game play so much more fun..Great work..
07-20-12 at 08:25 PM
hey guys, i got bit of a hiccup, i installed this mod as instructed and enabled it with the generic mod enabler and started the game... i didnt see any mic in the top right corner of the screen to make anything enabled...any suggs?
07-25-13 at 11:57 AM
i need a tutorial
02-23-14 at 09:46 AM
great mod thnks
02-17-15 at 03:02 AM
I got it running and WOW...

This is a nice mod. The level if immersion is total. It makes it much easier to control just about every aspect of operations in the boat. This is a fantastic mod. It totally changed the game for me.

Thanks again..
03-30-15 at 06:51 PM
what about french version ??
09-05-15 at 12:07 PM
well this is always my last resort but here we are... so. My issue is that i have installed the mod, put it in JSGME, changed the text in the document which is something ive been reading thats very important to do, tested the mod by running the speech recognition test file that is in the folder (i was unsure if i had the language pack or not) and yet i still can't get it to work in game. I cant even get the microphone to pop up in the corner of the screen like everyone says should be there. So here i am, after hours of trouble shooting, finally asking for help. PLEASE help me!
12-09-16 at 09:15 AM
Hi does this have problems with windows 10 64bit language packs
12-09-16 at 09:18 AM
installed it as instructed but when testing it say's listening but shows no commands my mic is working ok just getting nothing anybody help.
12-25-16 at 08:50 PM
08-03-17 at 05:21 PM
Can't get this to work. I'm using windows 10 64bit. I'm using JSGME to install mods. I'm trying to get it to work with NewUIs_TDC_7_4_2_TheDarkWraith. I've tried installing both in different order, but NewUIs_TDC_7_4_2_TheDarkWraith works ok and I get the mic icon top right and able to click activate speech recognition, but does not work. Even the Speech Engine test in the downloaded folder does nothing.
My mic is working perfectly well as I'm using it with Voice Attack no problems.
Please someone help me to get this working.
05-17-18 at 02:36 PM
It wouldn't work for me on Win10x64 either, I discovered that Windows smartscreen had blocked the files because they came from another computer. You have to right click each file of the mod and go to properties, then on the security tab there is a checkbox to unblock the file. After I unblocked all the files it seemed to work fine. I also set the SH5.exe to win7 compatibility and to run as administrator just in case.
05-17-18 at 05:07 PM
You also have to enable the speech recognition in the NewUI menu on the right side of screen.
06-24-21 at 08:48 AM
When I activate the mod in JSGME, I can see the microphone on the right side of the screen, however, nothing is recognized when I enable it. The tester engine in the game files recognizes my voice commands but not in game....

any help?
09-06-19 at 05:04 AM
I cannot run this mod with TWoS, I get CTD upon loading a game pls help.
My OS is Win 10, may this be a problem?
12-06-19 at 02:46 PM
Same problem here.
instaled mod via JGSME
testing app works and says "listening" but when i seek nothing happend
in game i see mic icon and i have turn it on but game do not response for commands
speech recognition works in windows i have instaled EN also and set as default

08-23-21 at 05:05 PM
No problem with TWoS 2.24 and the new ui folder when installed via the twos jgsme.
09-02-21 at 02:08 PM
Works in Windows 10 after I changed recogniser to English (United States).
09-02-21 at 02:11 PM
Works in Windows 10 after changing recogniser to English (United States).

Additionally, may help to set compatibility to windows 7 and run as administrator. Also unblock the exe and dll from smartscreen (right click, properties, unblock).
11-25-21 at 02:36 PM
I'm having problems getting this mod to work with silent hunter 5
11-25-21 at 03:06 PM
Works in Windows 10 after changing recogniser to English (United States).

Additionally, may help to set compatibility to windows 7 and run as administrator. Also unblock the exe and dll from smartscreen (right click, properties, unblock).

what does this all mean can someone do a step by step on youtube for those of us who arnt very tech minded?
11-25-21 at 07:42 PM
were is the reconiser?

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