View Full Version : Adding torpedoes

03-18-18, 04:32 AM

I cant figure out how to add wire guided torps to Foxtrot class sub, anytime when i launch a torp the wire breaks. Any help?

08-27-18, 02:13 AM
That is probably because that class of submarine does not have wire guidance for its set of torpedoes load-out. If so, if I am not mistaken, if you look in the weapons text file, find the torpedo you are interested in modifying then look for the line "WireBreakOnLaunchProbability=" and change the number after the equals sign to a number which reduces the probability of the wire breaking on launch.

08-28-18, 03:17 PM
That is probably because that class of submarine does not have wire guidance for its set of torpedoes load-out.

Project 641 can use wire torpedoes TEST-68 http://sovpl.forum24.ru/?1-1-1535478016761-00000269-000-240-0#183.001
4 stern tubes and 2 low bow tubes.