View Full Version : What are these Renown factors?

03-04-09, 02:49 PM
In the [Renown] Section of an unmodified Basic.cfg are these three entries (in addition to seven others which I think I understand):


Can anybody please tell me what they are for?


Laufen zum Ziel
03-04-09, 03:11 PM
I belive but not positive that the 1st one is your reknown for completing your grid assignment. 2nd is the renown necessary for promotion & 3rd one the same.

The reknown (100) for compleating your assigned patrol has been removed from GWX 3.

You get no reknown for completing your grid patrol so you can go to better hunting areas without penality.

03-05-09, 01:37 AM
I belive but not positive that the 1st one is your reknown for completing your grid assignment. 2nd is the renown necessary for promotion & 3rd one the same.

The reknown (100) for compleating your assigned patrol has been removed from GWX 3.

You get no reknown for completing your grid patrol so you can go to better hunting areas without penality.

Sorry, LzZ. I don't think so.

The one for completing your grid patrol is


which is related to


which is what you get if you reach your assigned patrol grid.

I'm reasonably certain that the promotions of your character are controlled by the lines

RankLevel1=5000; SCORE
RankLevel2=15000; SCORE

Anybody else?

I do know that SH3 Commander modifies both *RankRenown lines in its Static settings.cfg to be 1/10 of their stock values

;The below lines allow player to set U-boat emblem at start of career

I wonder if they have any function other than controlling when you can add an emblem. Why would there be two values for one function, and why would they be named this way?

03-05-09, 07:29 AM

I'm pretty sure it means you get that much renown when you actually return to port manually, instead of teleporting yourself back to port (from wherever on the world) when you want to finnish your patrol.

03-05-09, 11:33 AM
The renown for returning to port has never worked IIRC

03-05-09, 12:25 PM
Since I always return to port manually, and only get 0, 500 or 700 points, I guess I can confirm that one never gets the 100 points.

Sailor Steve
03-05-09, 12:34 PM
I also always return to port manually, but I have to confess I have never once looked at my renown.:zzz:

03-05-09, 01:20 PM
The renown for returning to port has never worked IIRCOops, I forgot to mention that. But I never did it for the renown anyway. Who wants to miss hearing the band play on the dockside as you finally run in from a very eventfull patrol.