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View Full Version : Mission Editor Tutorial

05-23-07, 05:52 AM

I've created a new tutorial for the use of the Mission Editor. Here it is:

http://www.24flotilla.com/html/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=21835 (http://www.24flotilla.com/html/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=21835)

At the momment it is only available in spanish, but the 24th Flotilla Translator Office will work on it, and it will be in english.:know:

06-04-07, 06:20 PM
Where is the translator on your site.

06-05-07, 08:58 AM
Try this: Transelated to English (http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.24flotilla.com%2Ftuto riales%2Fedit-sh4%2Ftut-editmis-SH4.html&langpair=es%7Cen&hl=en&safe=off&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&prev=%2Flanguage_tools)

06-05-07, 07:40 PM
So let me get this straight. I need to be a programmer or have alot of computer savvey to use the mission editor.

I say this because I printed out the manual " a waste of ink and paper I might add " and tried to add a simple harbor dock and a few ships. I had the manual in hand and followed it step by step and no luck a half a dozen times. I wish i could make this work so i could do this stuff myself.

06-06-07, 07:08 AM
You don't need to be a programmer, but the knowledge does help. But you do need to be somewhat technical. And tackle one thing at a time. Start with just adding a US Sub and checking the 'Human' checkbox so you play that sub. Add a few Jap Ships. Edit the Mission Parameters, and Mission Language Title/Briefing. Make sure you name the Folder the .mis file is in, and the XXXXX.mis file the same. Give it a test and if that works, backup your folder for a save. Then try adding some new stuff, mines, subnets, ect... and test it again.

In general, I don't find it that hard. I have not gone through this tutorial yet, so I cannot comment on that. But I started the way I described above and was ok. When I couldn't figure something out I searched then posted in this forum and got an answer.

Help this helps.

06-08-07, 03:49 PM
Thx Snacko Will keep trying.

It's not like it's going to blow up.:rotfl:

06-12-07, 12:23 PM
Try this one, it its a bit more step by step


06-17-07, 11:48 PM
:) I also want to make clear I was not meaning Beltza's mission editor was a waste of ink and paper I was meaning SH3 M.E.

btw where is SH4 mission editor manuel located ?

Looked through all folders and didn't come across it.

Gee Whiz all I want to do is put some docks to look like a historical shipyard with a few merchants in Seattle, Washington.

And as an Easter Egg put the Space Needle up on a hill to see how long it takes for someone to find it. hee hee.:D

I just printed this manual so will see how it goes.
But would still like to know where the manual is hidden at.

Thanks All :)

06-18-07, 06:47 AM
btw where is SH4 mission editor manuel located ?

Looked through all folders and didn't come across it.

Gee Whiz all I want to do is put some docks to look like a historical shipyard with a few merchants in Seattle, Washington.

And as an Easter Egg put the Space Needle up on a hill to see how long it takes for someone to find it. hee hee.:D

I just printed this manual so will see how it goes.
But would still like to know where the manual is hidden at.

Thanks All :)
SH4 does not come with a Mission Editor Manual. Go figure that one out! :x

The game automatically puts many harbors in the game automatically. So if you put your docks in a harbor like Seattle, it might already have docs,and you may be placing yours over the games docks. This won't cause the game to error and crash, but will be screwed up. Read this to see how to actually 'see' the in-game bases while your working in the mission editor: http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=116127

Read this to see how to place your own bases/harbors:

I doubt the game has the space needle as a separate object. I have not seen it. When placing the 'New Location' objects (cities/harbors/other stuff) I have not seen it. But there are some objects that are specific cities, and maybe it is in a city for Seattle if that exists. But again, I have not seen that. San Francisco only had the Golden Gate Bridge, not the TransAmerica building or Fishermans Wharf or Alcatraz.