View Full Version : Depth Weapons & Aircraft Clarification

01-08-18, 03:24 PM
I have some questions related to depth weapons and aircraft. First is there a way for aircraft to carry missiles, like harpoons on the P-3's or guns to simulate rocket pods?

Second, is a more complicated question regarding depth weapons, starting with these entries from the modding guide.

Angles of each mortar fired from mount.

What are the angles relative to, left and right of target barring, elevation of launcher mount? More info would be helpful.

Arbitrary velocity.

Arbitrary sink rate.

Regarding Velocity and SinkRate what exactly is meant by arbitrary?

For my own personal mod I took the in flight speed of the RBU-6000 (300 m/s) and divided it by the stock DepthWeaponVelocity of that weapon (10) to get "1=30 m/s". Then I recalculated the Velocity and SinkRate of all guns, mortars, and depth bombs using that data point to convert weapon.

Third, I have created a large number of depth weapons for testing. The depth bombs, US Mk 54 and UK Mk 11 for example, when carried by aircraft work as do the guns I have added.

However when I try to set up a mortar system to behave like classic depth charge projectors or depth charge racks they do not engage. I passed under the test ship's hull bow to stern offering it the ability to make a perfect depth charge attack. Over the side torpedoes, sure, depth charges no.

I also set up a Mk108 Weapon Alfa Anti-Submarine Mortar with RUR-4A Mk 2 rockets (range 250 to 975 yards) and it refuses to engage. I was deliberately making circles around the ship in optimum weapon range at periscope depth with the active sonar on. Is it impossible for surface ships to use mortars at ranges less that 1000 yards?

Any ideas?