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Old 03-18-13, 07:06 AM   #1
Onkel Neal
Born to Run Silent
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gear Info: Downloads, Bonus Mods, Avatars, Signatures, Uploading Images, multiple accounts

Downloads, Bonus Mods, and Daily Download Limit

If you have received a message Sorry! You have exceeded your daily allowed download amount it is because one of two things:

You have hit download limit for the day. We have a limit because with hundreds of members downloading every day, it can get pretty expensive for us.
Look to the top right of the forum, see those names? Those are the guys who recently donated to keep Subsim rolling.

You can donate a small sum here
and instantly have access to 25, 60, even 100 downloads a day! Plus get the Bonus Mods and choose your custom avatar. To get the Bonus Mods & become a
SUBscriber & member of the Subsim Navy, there are several levels of membership available, as low as $5 for 3 months! That's the cost of a Starbucks
coffee or a pack of smokes.
Your donation goes to pay for the server at Liquid Web.
A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 15 years. Thanks for the support!


If you have been a member a long time, and you've never posted or have not posted in a long time, your account may be in Limbo. Solution: make a post
somewhere in the forum. This post will be placed in the moderation que, and after 24 hours or less the forum will automatically enable downloads for you again.
We have to do this to prevent spammers from joining, waiting a few months and then bombarding the forum with ads for Vi-a-gra, etc. When you sign up to
Subsim, we encourage you to be an active member of the forum community. That means making at least 1 post and introduce yourself. You, you're an
interesting guy--you like submarine games, history, and computers. We want you to be part of the Subsim crowd.


You can download 25, 45, even 100 regular downloads daily, as well as gain access to the bonus mods, have a custom avatar and profile pic, and more album
uploads. You are supporting the Subsim website and that's something to be proud of!

Click here to join and get your Bonus Mods!

After you have donated, you should see a new forum at the top of the page:
SUBSIM SUBscribers Lounge - BONUS MODS. That is where you go to collect your Bonus Mods.

This is where the Bonus Mods be, skipper.

This website hosts thousands of mods for over 170,000 registered members. To keep Subsim running, there are a few Bonus Mods (less than 10) that are
available to supporters of the website. These include GWX Gold, We Dive at Dawn for SH4, PhilippThomsen/Sober Mega Mod combo pack of all the favorite
Silent Hunter 5 mods, Narwhal Mod, several Tanksim mods, Pacific Aces, & a few more. Once you donate, your name will appear in the Donor's Corner at the top

Note: one donation allows you access to all of the Bonus Mod files.

Once you make a donation and become a SUBscriber,
your Bonus Mods will be visible here.
If you have a question or issue that needs my attention,
please post here.

If you are not a SUBscriber and you have a question, OR you have donated but cannot find the SUBscriber Forum, please post here in this thread.

Onkel Neal

Subsim attack sub fridge magnets.


Si tu has recibido este mensaje lo sentimos, tu has excedido tus descargas diarias permitidas, entre otras cosas por alguna de estas tres cosas ( razones)
1.- Tu eres un miembro nuevo y tu no has posteado, los mie.mbros nuevos con 0 post, estaran limitados a 3 descargas diarias, solucion:hacer un post con una
introduccion en el foro, aqui en esta seccion, despues de una hora o menos el foro automaticamente habilitara las descargas.

2.- Tu eres un miembro antiguo, pero no has posteado, o nunca has posteado durante mucho tiempo. solucion:hacer un post en alguna seccion del foro, y
despues de una hora o menos habilitara las descargas nuevamente.
3.- Tu has alcanzado el maximo de descargas permitidas por dia,nosotros tenemos un limite, por los cientos de miembros que descargan cada dia, esto podria ser
caro para nosotros.Busca en lo alto y derecho de la pagina y encontraras el boton de donar.Tu donacion paga los servidores y softlayer. Una pagina web, con
gran uso y bastante ancho de banda, necesita un servidor poderoso, para mantenerse en linea, dia tras dia durante 15 años.

Gracias por el apoyo.

Las descargas aqui estan disponibles y gratis, pero el ancho de banda, no seta sin limites y eso no es gratis.
Descarga algun mods y vuelve mañana y ven por algo mas.
Cuando te inscribes en Subsim,te animamos a ser un miembro activo de este foro comunidad, esto significa hace al menos 1 post hecho por ti mismo.
Tu, tu eres un tipo interesante te gustan los juegos de submarinos, historia y computacion, nosotros queremos que seas parte de la multitud de Subsim.

Onkel Neal


Wenn Du eine Nachricht erhalten hast "Sorry! Du hast Deine täglich erlaubte Downloadmenge erreicht" liegt das an einem der drei folgenden Gründe:

1. Du bist ein neues Mitglied und hast noch keinen Beitrag geschrieben. Neue Mitglieder mit 0 Beiträgen können auf bis zu 3 Downloads pro Tag beschränkt
werden. Lösung: einen Beitrag irgendwo im Forum schreiben, wie z. B. einen Beitrag hier in diesem Abschnitt, um Dich vorzustellen. Nach etwa einer Stunde
wird das Forum automatisch Downloads aktivieren.

2. Du bist schon lange Mitglied, hast aber noch nie einen Beitrag geschrieben oder lange Zeit keinen mehr geschrieben. Lösung: einen Beitrag irgendwo im
Forum schreiben. Nach etwa einer Stunde wird das Forum automatisch Downloads aktivieren.

3. Du hast das Download-Limit für den heutigen Tag erreicht. Wir haben ein Limit, weil es mit hunderten von Mitgliedern, die jeden Tag herunterladen, ziemlich
teuer für uns werden kann. Schau einmal auf den Spenden-Button oben rechts im Forum. Deine Spende trägt dazu bei, den Server bei Softlayer zu
bezahlen. Eine Website dieser Größe verlangt viel Bandbreite und braucht einen wirklich leistungsfähigen Server um Tag für Tag online zu bleiben, und das seit
15 Jahren. Vielen Dank für Deine Unterstützung!

Downloads sind hier erhältlich und kostenlos, aber die Bandbreite der Website ist nicht unbegrenzt und nicht kostenlos. Lade heute ein paar mods herunter,
morgen kommst Du wieder und holst Dir ein paar mehr.

Wenn Du Dich bei Subsim anmeldest, bitten wir Dich, ein aktives Mitglied der Forengemeinschaft zu sein. Das bedeutet: Bring Dich ein und erstelle mindestens
einen Beitrag, um Dich vorzustellen. Du bist ein interessanter Typ - Du magst U-Boot-Spiele, Geschichte und Computer. Wir möchten, dass Du ein Teil des Subsim
- "Haufens" wirst.

Onkel Neal

Old download information thread

Last edited by Onkel Neal; 11-23-20 at 09:44 AM.
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Old 03-18-13, 07:13 AM   #2
Onkel Neal
Born to Run Silent
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Forum Ranking System

Neal Stevens
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 12:21 pm

Ostensibly, it would appear that the ranking system is based on a plain post count, and I allow some to believe that because if they knew the true method it would make their heads explode. Let me give you the bare outlines of the actual Subsim High Intensity Tallying method to determine the Captain Ranking System (CRS).

As you may have heard, I live in Texas and I work for the petrochemical (oil) business. One of the other substantial industries in the Lone Star State is the aerospace industry. Now it happened that one fine Saturday morning about eight years ago I was playing a round of golf with a couple of NASA engineers (rocket scientists) who are buddies of mine, Bob and Jack. I had just started the Radio Room forums online and apparently one of the engineers noticed my mind was elsewhere (I was two over par on the eighth hole).

"Neal," Bob asked me, "what's got you so worried this fine Saturday morning?"

I explained how Subsim Review had this new communications medium called an online forum, and how it was pretty clear to me that we would soon have over 20 users and there was no way to tell the wise old salts from the scrubs. Jack, the other engineer, chuckled and exchanged a glance with Bob. "That's easy," he said.

"Maybe for you," I replied. "You're a rocket scientist".

"No, really. We can help you out here," said. Jack. "How much of your college relational physics do you remember?"

I scratched my head.

"It can be done this way," said Bob. "All you need to do is develop some IP-based cache triggers that use floating algorithms to determine the naval and submarine material content of each user. Simply add this to the user registration process; it will be transparent to the end user. When he signs up, your server will run an antecedent probe of the user's system, establish his browsing and buying patterns. This will gauge how many historical and naval websites he visits, how many subsim games he buys from your store, when he made the last donation to, how often he posts in the Radio Room, stuff like that."

"Yeah," said Jack. "And the application will take this information and run it through a linear matrix, you could call it a marine matrix--" both guys snickered, some private joke or scientist humor, I guessed "--and this will give you a sound basis with which to rank the members of your forum. You can give these ranks traditional naval names and terms, such as lieutenant, petty officer, captain, etc."

"And if the matrix senses paradoxical flux from a particular user, you know, when he is talking out his a**, it will assign a temporary degradation in rank, such as a punishment or probationary rank, like a shore leave, the brig, or getting stuck in an Aussie cathouse and missing the tide."

So, that's pretty much how it worked out. There was more to the discussion but I'll skip the technical details. Hope that helps!

Old forum ranking system explained thread
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Old 03-18-13, 07:14 AM   #3
Onkel Neal
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How to make a photo album and post images in Subsim



Avatars and Signatures

If we did not ask for a donation to make special avatars, I would have 20 people a day asking me to change them (some probably several times).

Why a donation? Why standard avatars? Well, in short because...

This forum uses a system-default ranking and avatar scheme, which means the ranks are set and avatars are bestowed according to rank. Why? It's easier, cleaner, and looks more uniform than 15,000 assorted images, some of which would undoubtedly be weird, funky, or borderline porno. And since we are a naval-themed forum...we like doing things in a military manner.

This way, the "old hands" who have been around a while will have some distinction with nobler avatars and higher ranks. The "newbies" will start out with young sailor avatars and work their way up to the more warlike, martial visages. Along the way, a user may get a "shore leave" rank or something similar, as well as having to work their way through some "unpleasant duty" ranks. Eventually, you too may be a Commander or an Ace of the Deep.

From time to time, Special Ranks are given to users who perform some extra duties, such as making really useful mods, taking an assignment such as writing a game or book review, or posting a string of exceptionally witty or interesting posts.

For a small donation to the website, you can get a special rank and your own avatar.

The donation is helpful, needed, and it gives special rank some meaning: you're not just another sailor here, you're a supporter.

Forum Admin

Donation page

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How to upload images


Last edited by Onkel Neal; 11-23-20 at 09:31 AM.
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Old 03-18-13, 07:18 AM   #4
Onkel Neal
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Avatar...signature...what's it all mean??

Signature: you can add this in your Profile:

A friendly reminder, please keep your signature images to a reasonable size, no larger than 220 high, 640 wide. Max file size is 200KB. Sigs that are political or religous in nature may only be displayed in General Topics. Only naval-oriented sigs are allowed in the naval and game forums.

Avatar, that's determined by your rank and forum activity, deeds, etc. To get a custom avatar, make a donation to the website

To make a small donation to the website,

You can upload your signature pic here, and the go to the UserCP, add it as a sig.

Just click the icon and add the image URL. That should do it.


SUBSIM - 26 Years on the Web

Last edited by Onkel Neal; 03-28-13 at 09:41 PM.
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Old 03-28-13, 09:40 PM   #5
Onkel Neal
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Making a donation with Paypal but no credit card

Simply log into your Paypal account, click on the Send Money tab and send to:

Be sure to send an email to this address: and include your Transaction ID and forum nickname.

Thanks! Your account will be upgraded for access to Bonus Mods and increased downloads and photo uploads. Please allow the system manager 6 hours to make the changes.

__________________________________________________ _______________________________

Or...You may donate via Amazon with an e-gift card

Be sure to change the amount to your wishes and send the card to

Please don't forget to include your Subsim forum name. I will manually upgrade your account.

THIS IS FOR USA If you are in Europe or other non-American areas, be sure to use to make it work. Thanks!


Last edited by Onkel Neal; 01-18-21 at 11:02 AM.
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Old 06-04-13, 07:36 AM   #6
Onkel Neal
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Multiple or duplicate accounts

Per the Forum rules:
Multiple accounts are not allowed at Subsim. We do not want people clogging the registration with multiple accounts, we do not want people posing and posting as different members. You sign up one time. If you need help getting back in to your account after a long absence, contact the Admin. There is a daily check for users with multiple accounts--the accounts are deleted and the user may be banned.
FYI: The forum software does have a detection system that can pick up people who have more than one account and alert the moderators. So, please don't use two or more accounts to pose as different people.
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Old 07-12-13, 09:09 AM   #7
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Hi, I am new to the forum and to subsims in general, well war combat sims really, and I want to make a donation, but I am using a prepaid CC that I use to pay for another game, so I only have around 5 dollars on it, though I should be able to get the $5 dollar one time payment, just the paypal system won't accept my card because it is a temp card and not attached at all to my ID, is there some kind of work around for these cases? Thnx
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Old 07-13-13, 07:06 AM   #8
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I don't do paypal but have wanted to donate for quite some time; is there another way?

PM me if you prefer.
Serial pest

Last edited by troopie; 07-13-13 at 07:11 AM. Reason: clarification
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Old 07-13-13, 07:28 AM   #9
Onkel Neal
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Thanks for asking, for small donations like that without credit card, you can PM me. Be sure to include your Subsim forum nickname.

SUBSIM - 26 Years on the Web

Last edited by Onkel Neal; 07-23-20 at 08:39 AM.
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Old 07-13-13, 08:21 AM   #10
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Awesome! Thanks.
Serial pest
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Old 10-29-13, 08:09 PM   #11
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Default Não sei como doar

como faço para doar .... se possível me ensine passo a passo
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Old 01-05-14, 04:48 PM   #12
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Uff, I finally succeeded in creating a PayPal account, hope it works out allright. Eager to make a donation next week
"Hindsight is notably cleverer than foresight."

Chester W. Nimitz
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Old 11-23-14, 12:49 AM   #13
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I have PayPal account with card associated a and I using it regulalry couple years without problems,but refused my card and said:"You cannot complete this action on the card you have selected. Please select another card.Whatś wrong?
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Old 02-01-15, 01:43 PM   #14
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Hey guys, dont know if this is the right place to ask.
What's SUBSIM Fridge Magnet?
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Old 02-01-15, 03:47 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Sittingwolf View Post
Hey guys, dont know if this is the right place to ask.
What's SUBSIM Fridge Magnet?
A thin magnetic picture to stick on to your refrigerator, sometimes to hold bits of paper up too, sometimes just to look pretty.

Like this -

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