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Old 07-24-24, 12:14 AM   #1
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Default Lost crew voices with GWX onealex mod

I got back into sh3 recently and set up the onealex mod. Everything works great except the crew are silent! I've had this problem since installing. I saw some threads saying this could be related to sh3 commander TC settings but I reset to defaults to no effect.

I also tried installing the thomsen sound pack to see if it would overwrite some of the crew voice back in. it seems to have added some of the new effects but the crew still wont talk!

any tips would be much appreciated, the games not the same without my chief engineer yelling at me.
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Old 07-25-24, 10:20 AM   #2
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Run the game

Set the OPTIONS to German speech

Thomsen's Sound Pack is already included and tweaked for OneAlex. I don't recommend activating it. Conflicts MIGHT occure. There are a few things you have the delete in Thomsen's anyway.

From the read-me included with the download

User must have license copy of Silent Hunter 3 to be honest with developers.
There should not be files from another version of SH3 on the PC (for example save folder in My documents etc through which conflicts arise) before the installation.
Game installation:
1. Unpack the archive.
2. Set Windows 7 compatibility for SH3.exe, JSGME.exe, SH3Cmdr.exe and choose run these programs as administrator.
3. Launch the game using the SH3.exe shortcut to create a save folder.
If you already have another version of SH3 on your computer then you need to use the MultiSH3 program, which will make a separate save folder for GWX Onealex Edition (instruction for using the program is in the Documentation folder).
4. Set English language, German speech and English keyboard in game parameters.
5. Exit the game.
6. Activate mods at will.
7. Start SH3 Commander.
8. Check "Rollback automatically after exiting SH3", as well as select the necessary options for the game.
9. Launch the game by clicking on Launch SH3! (blue tick).
10. Play.
In the future, run the game only via SH Commander.
ONEALEX 1.53 ARB / NYGM "ENHANCED Steel Coffin Edition" v6.2 DGUI / CCom12 DGUI / WAC 5.2 DGUI / Toyotagt86 v2.3 ARB / GWX3 DGUI

Last edited by Doolar; 07-25-24 at 10:39 AM.
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Old 07-25-24, 06:40 PM   #3
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Thank you sir!!!
Not sure how I missed that but it did the trick. My type 9 was starting to feel a bit lonely
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Old 07-25-24, 08:11 PM   #4
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No problem, There are about 2 or 3 things in the read-me that are important and easy to miss. That is one. Glad you got it fixed.
ONEALEX 1.53 ARB / NYGM "ENHANCED Steel Coffin Edition" v6.2 DGUI / CCom12 DGUI / WAC 5.2 DGUI / Toyotagt86 v2.3 ARB / GWX3 DGUI
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