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Old 01-10-11, 04:11 PM   #181
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Yes, Magnum, The look of the ships in your picture is impressive, but if you can edit one of the ships of SH5 you will realize the great modeling work behind them.

Note that SH5 ships have to move, to split into different parts when sunk, etc. That is not an animation, but every detail and truly original piece of ship is modeled as a separated 3D object.
I don't know the Mafia-2 program but I suppose that their vessels are largely only about texturing work.

I really love the graphics engine of SH5, but, of course, who has the opportunity to stand next to one of these giants, in a real port, to breathe the smell of fuel and admire closely one of these wonders, should not limit himself to watch a 3D replica of them on his computer screen.

Ships have always seemed work of Titans to me.
(Nevertheless, you're right; These ships impress).
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Old 01-10-11, 04:16 PM   #182
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Too bad that MB-ruler doesn't work with multiple screens. At least not my setup with three screens of different size. The base of the ruler ends up way of screen, rendering the ruler impossible to move.
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Old 01-10-11, 04:28 PM   #183
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@ Walle:

Can't help; I have two monitors of same size and resolution, and it works like a charm to me.
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Old 01-10-11, 06:30 PM   #184
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I have been wrong with AOB of HogIsland in my previous post.
I did wrong use of RAOBF rings.

The new measurement of this ship give me very precise results.
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Old 01-10-11, 06:43 PM   #185
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Originally Posted by toniloCoyote View Post
I have been wrong with AOB of HogIsland in my previous post.
I did wrong use of RAOBF rings.

The new measurement of this ship give me very precise results.
Thanks ToniloCoyote

Makman has informed me of a testing method that is fast to do.
Hope to have some results soon
Trevally Mods for SH5
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Old 01-10-11, 08:32 PM   #186
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I hope so. This one is too time-consuming and fault-prone.
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Old 01-11-11, 03:35 AM   #187
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Originally Posted by toniloCoyote View Post
I don't know the Mafia-2 program but I suppose that their vessels are largely only about texturing work.
M2 is a game where scaling is incredible perfectly done. Everything, from objects to the smallest living being have a perfect scale. Those guys built a whole town (a virtual replica of NY) with every detail worked out at maximum. The ships are also worked out in max details even they are not accesible. But from outside, they look like a real deal. And those are only cargo ships, imagine how a BB would look like :P

The docks are really impressive, with hundreds of workers who load/unload the ships, shipyards, crates .. is what we can't even dream to have in SH. If these guys could take over SH and add it to their game, we could have the ultimate sim. Just imagine coming home from a long patrol and then take your car and hit the pubs or just simply go home. Im getting wet only thinking about
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Old 01-11-11, 11:33 AM   #188
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Ohh i remember playing Mafia 2, what a game!

That reminds me of my absolute dream-game/simulator. The "simulate everything"-simulator. I remember when BF1942 was released, how exited I was about the fact that you could actually control the ships, use the guns on the destroyers, fly the planes, drive the tanks, and so on. But the maps were too small, and no one would actually really use the ships the way they were supposed to.

Now, instead imagine taking a submarine simulator, a tank simulator, a driving simulator, a flight simulator, and so on, and put them all together. And there is only one arena to play on (the virtual world), and only two different sides to play on. And the graphics should be something like in Just Cause 2..Thinking about THAT make me wet

And if you're the strategic game kind of guy, fine! You'll help lead the battle from
the HQ, using reports from the ppl "out in the fields" and up in the air for enemy locations e.t.c.

Sorry for OT
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Old 01-11-11, 05:46 PM   #189
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Originally Posted by Trevally. View Post
The Red Marker.

Start timing as ship touches the centre scope line.
Do not move scope.
You must be at 0 knots

I missed this since I did not follow this thread as ofthen as a week ago. If your periscope is pointed along the Sub/U-boat's centerline then you can have any speed. In other words turn towards it (or away) and have periscope at 0 (or 180) degrees. Though uboat rolling due to waves might cause problems with this method.
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Old 01-11-11, 06:51 PM   #190
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In order to confirm to some extent the measures of the masts I've been doing, I followed the Makman's trick (although without taking photos or counting pixels, but watching through the OBS and letting this task to MB-Ruler).

Although the results of measuring through the periscope (in this case, the OBS) are inaccurates, since the process is affected by many factors (inaccuracy and numeric rounding of the 3D projections over a plane, the roll of the ship, deformations due to the proportions of the screen resolution, etc.), is very interesting to be able to confirm, for example, that Makman and I had reason to assume that those vessels with Draught value = 0 were using their origin point as a waterline.

I think the test results confirm our assumption.
How have these tests been done?

1 - I have created a mission with two ships, one with a known draught value (NBB_Duilio) and another with a 0 value in its draught field. I've placed both of them at exactly 1Km from U-Boat and at 90º and 270º AOB, respectively. These values have been confirmed by the measuring tool of MissionEditor and by MB-Ruler (Note how useful this tool is for building missions).

2 - Looking through the OBS, I adjust the scale of MB-Ruler with the visual length of the boat, and I introduce the value of the length of the 3D model (from my list).

3 - Based on that scale, I measure the height from water level to the top of the mast, by means of MB-Ruler.

Be aware that in the case of NBB_Duilio the ship is too big to test it with x4 zoom and so, at x1 zoom the ship appears too small, and it's harder to measure, but the important thing is the measurement of NAMC_Penguin, because this ship has 0 as draught value in its .sim file.

Test Parameters:
- SH5 as in stock, with NO MODs.
- Screen res. 1280 x 960 (4:3)

Distance: 1Km - AOB: 90º
OBS Zoom: x1
3D Model Length: 239.135
Draught value in .sim file: 10.5
Calculated Mast Height: 47.92
Mast Height resulting from visual Test: 48.57 (diff. about 65cm)

Distance: 1Km - AOB: 270º
OBS Zoom: x4
3D Model Length: 156.103
Draught value in .sim file: 0
Calculated Mast Height: 34.99
Mast Height resulting from visual Test: 35.272 (diff. about 28cm)
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Old 01-11-11, 07:17 PM   #191
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I think the test results confirm our assumption

Good work ToniCoyote

For the 400m scale from the mission editor, is it correct at 400m.
I know the ingame map scale is not true.
Trevally Mods for SH5
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Old 01-11-11, 09:30 PM   #192
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@ Trevally:

Yes, I know that ingame map scale is not true (what is true in SH5 measures?), but MissionEditor scale is real.

Your Script (Range_AOB_info) says that Duilio is at:

1003.33 m.

and your script also confirm the AOB (about 89.9, I don't remember).

I'm doing more testing with different aspect ratios to check possible .cam divergences. Also, I'm afraid because you all are basing your work on my measurements and I don't want to fail. I'll send you the results soon.
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Old 01-11-11, 09:57 PM   #193
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@ Walle:

I forgot to say you that MB-Ruler wont work if you have SH5 in full screen mode. You must set it to Windowed mode, and at least one side of this window must be less than your desktop size (this is required by SH5, not by MB-Ruler itself).

Last edited by toniloCoyote; 01-11-11 at 10:36 PM.
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Old 01-12-11, 10:13 AM   #194
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Oh, I never got so far, I couldn't move MB-ruler from outside screen. I can see maybe 3-4 cm of the rightmost "corner" on my main screen, and 2-3 cm of the top on one of my secondary screens.

The thing is that i use my HTPC since my gaming 'puter is broken for the time being. Prolly need a new mobo or RAM, not sure which. On the front of the HTPC there is a 7" LCD running at 800*600, my monitor is 19 inch and 1280*1024, and then there's my TV, 42" and 1920*1080 (when I think about it, I don't think the TV was activated). The small screen is (virtually) located to the upper left of my main screen, the TV to the right of the main screen. But when MB-ruler starts, it ends up to the lower right of my main screen, with just parts of it sticking into the main and the small screen. And to move the MB-ruler, it has to be grabbed by the center I guess, since grabbing the corners will only rotate it. But I can't grab it by the center since it's off screen and the mouse pointer can't go there.

I could of course disable the secondary screen, but the problem is that everytime I do that, I get major issues when I wan't to activate both the small screen and the TV. I dunno why, I think it's some compability issues with the ATI-software and Vistas (running Vista Ultimate) display settings. Everytime i change anything in the ATI-software having to do with resolution, display modes, e.t.c, everything gets messed up. The screens change resolution, the native resolutions for the screens vanishes from the list of resolutions, extended desktop get's deactivated, and so on..

I really should get the other 'puter back up and running though...running SH5 on a Radeon 3400 with 256 MB vid memory isn't really a blast

Ok, I didn't intend to write a novel on that..oh well
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Old 01-12-11, 02:42 PM   #195
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Originally Posted by Magnum View Post
Just imagine coming home from a long patrol and then take your car and hit the pubs or just simply go home. Im getting wet only thinking about
Magnum, come to reality.
In case your dream come true, I advice you to go home and take a shower before going to pubs. When one comes from a long patrol, one can recharge a lighter with his breath.
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