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Old 02-02-15, 03:45 PM   #1
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Nuke ColdWarSubSim (Working Title) [UPDATE] First prototype demo

Update: January 2016

June 13 - Updated the link below to the development thread, this one is old and dead.
Development is offically restarted click here for details

Looking at the end of January to take this out of mothball and back into active development. I'll be cooking and posting .exe's regularilly.

Trello Board, Vote for Features and see progress:
The Trello board above is the quickest way to give input to what you want in a subsim game or dont want, or make a post for more influential ideas and suggestions.

We are looking at the first week of April for a tech demo release goal, and a last week of April deadline.

We are still looking for artists, modellers, and C++ programmers. Even if you don't know c++ as long as you know how programming languages work (statements, functions, types, etc) you would be a useful team member and we can discuss profit splits

Email: (Feel free to email about anything)
Skype: blendertek (Im in the MST time zone (UTC -7:00 hrs) pacfic +1 central -1 eastern -2, but feel free to IM me for any reason at anytime)
Steam: Ssa_nsomnia (Feel free to add me to chat if you dont have skype)
Homepage (for now):

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The project is mothballed until I find a team member or get my coding skills up a bit.

I came across this.

By the time I'm ready to start work on this project again: I think that will be an AMAZING place to start. Underwater fx, Beaufort scale for easy scaling of waves, full weather system, buoyancy system, boat wake waves and prop wash, the list go on and on.

Check out page 3 for some more details on us making the switch, the GitHub is only up to date for models and may be up to a day behind.

Old info for now:
Been around these parts for a few years, but obviously not an active poster. So for about the past year I was working on a new U-Boat sim using the Unity game engine (same as WoTA is using) but when I realized he has been working on it since 2010 or so I decided no sense "competing" if you will, and I was having issues with water physics. So over the past month or two I've changed my game design ideas completely to be a cold war sub sim as everyone says that's the one game missing from the genre.

Heres the github where all details will be centralized from me and any future team members, as well as all reference info and research as I come across it for anyone who wants to help/become a team-member on an unpaid/paid/partnership basis.

I'm a hardcore sim fan, started with plane sims and then heli and space sims, then I learnt javascript, then I learnt proper 3D modelling (I've been using sketchup and autocad for years and years and years now) and consider myself a very proficient modeller and animator, then I learnt C# and now starting on c++ for contingency. The only other members of my team is a very well versed C++ programmer and 2 graphics designers, were all local friends. I'm hoping eventually when I get this idea to take off somewhat to get some more people on the team over the internet.

Being that Unity doesn't really support c++ unless you use wrapper librarys, and also Unity is a lot harder to allow modding (Theres LUA and IronPython interpretor plugins but its much easier in c++ and UE4 to allow game modding I've read) I've started learning it (I work from home so I have unlimited time for my projects more or less). So that If we decide to go to Unreal Engine 4 I'll be able to do some coding when needed and convert my current scripts from C# to c++. For the time being though I'll continue on the design and ideas aspect and modelling, since that stuff doesnt matter what engine or programming language you use.

For now I'm just (re)laying out game details. When I first started my U-Boat sim game I first got all the historical data,drawings, videos, etc I could find and engrossed myself in it and then wrote/drew out the game logic and then started building and coding, and then started making it look pretty. (Well never got to the last step really, hit a road block with the water physics like I said)

So this morning I started all over and started designing some dateline charts (I'm very visual) which I will then serialize to text files to be used within the game. The same way that SH5's .upc files use date codes to determine when technology/upgrades is available (IE
[UpgradePack 24]
Info=Material: Sound absorbent rubber|Thickness: 4 mm|Echo reflection reduction: 15%
Notes=Alberich consists of a layer of synthetic rubber sheets glued to the body of the U-boat using special adhesives, much like an outer skin. In addition to its sound absorbing properties, the coating also acts as a sound dampener, containing the U-boat’s own engine noise.

The basic idea in my head though is both US and Russian campaigns (obviously start with the US campaign and the Russian one can be way in the future cause there is much less info (and desire) for Russian cold war subs. Similar to SH5 in that you can walk around the ship, passive/active abilities and all but with the heavier simulator aspects of SH3/4 (choosing/promoting your crew). I also plan to have the ability to have full control over each sub IE. diveplane control, ballast and trim control, rudder control, independent engine control etc). You start out with a post war diesel-electric and when nuclears become available you can choose that campaign path or continue with the ship you've "built" through upgrades, experienced crew etc. Once cruise missles and ship to ship and ship to air missles become available they will be useable and once longe range cruise missles and say ICBMS become available by date you'll be able to use them when the campaign permits (ie message from Atlantic Sub Command: Korea is getting hot we need a missle fired to these co-ordinates on this date at this time, please get within firing range and fire 2 missles at the targeted area).

Lots of fun ideas planned (towed sonar arrays, fast attacks, boomers, missles etc) who knows how far a few people can go with 1 working full time and a few more part time. Look how far WoTA has come. Any game ideas are welcome, as well as C&C of course.

As with WotA I will probly be releasing just a simple version with one playable sub (probly a post war GUPPY conversion) to toy around with and then go from there. I dont intent on any mobile game and even OSx and Linux are probably gonna be a no go. I'd rather spend the time instead working on the win version. I like to release alphas and test stuff alot so expect updates as this takes form. No idea on a name yet as im still in the core design stages. Also I'm definitly going to incorporate optional voice control ala skwas/miltons voice control for SH5 since Microsoft has a beautiful API that works well with Vista onwards, so that would totally throw that version to Win only.

So this morning I started. After an hours work once I got bored of learning more c++ I got my first visual graph I can refer to which I'll be filling in more and more and more and more. Heres where I got (getting the date line even was the major chore I like nice visual stuff im a visual designer/learner).

a link to the PSD, its extremely well organized. If you feel like filling in more dates on major sub commissionings/decommissions/other sub based major events you'll earn a spot in the credits menu

I'm going to be creating graphs for each class of boat, each type of equpment (sonar, radar, sound coating, electrolysis machine, compressor, reactor, diesels, battery types, weapons) etc. and then go from there. When I get bored of going through data I'll be working on my models, however good game design is 1. hash out a basic idea 2. build the game logic (since its all going to change anyways) 3. refine refine refine 4. replace placeholder items with real models, textures, shaders etc. 5. refine refine refine.

Any links to detailed drawings of major sub classes (or even minor) and equipment would be greatly appreciated. I have hundreds of drawings of a type vII uboat down to the windlass gearing and every single steam and water pipe but theres not many books with such info to cold war era subs. I'll be modelling everything imaginable because that's what I do best. I dont know what I'm going to model first, but when I do I'll post some progress, however like I said, making pretty models is pretty much the last step of proper game design, its more for "wow this looks like its going somewhere".

Last edited by nsomnia; 06-14-16 at 09:00 PM.
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Old 02-02-15, 09:55 PM   #2
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Figure I might as well model the USS Nautilus first cause it looks like a diesel and its so historic and would be a good starting point, but found some pictures of the rector and general compartment setup. Gonna start modelling tonight or tomorrow.
Found some photos but they are REALLY hard to come by. A lot of guess work and research is going to be needed.

The metal and glass/plexi setup around everything in the museum peice really makes it hard to see everything. I wish I had agood map of the ship too some nice blueprints.

Time to go do some "research" aka spend the rest of the night watching every video on youtube with nautilus or 571 in the title. Heh heh
Good photo of all the nuclear subs and the number in each class with hull length. I wont be using all of them obviously, but this is a nice graphic depicting which ones to focus on.
good picture of "Torpedoman Greenhill (TM3) routines the torpedoes as the Nautilus (SSN-571) makes her way to the polar ice cap in 1958." lots of details to enjoy modelling.

At least some details of what the obs scope looked like. "Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, USN, a former submariner himself, inspects periscope in the Nautilus (SSN-571), world's first nuclear powered submarine during orientation cruise 24 June 1957 off California coast.
Fleet Admiral Nimitz, who was Commander-in-Chief Pacific Fleet during World War II, had his first submarine command in 1909. On the Nautilus cruise, he was qualified as a nuclear submariner and manned bow planes during a dive."
Some details of the conn "The watch crew in the control room of Nautilus (SSN-571) maintains exact course and depth while the boat passes under the polar ice cap in 1958."

Another one of the torp room
Crews mess
diving station
Both scopes. That'll be fun to model might start there
some sonar equipment

Any interior pics of the Nautilus (not the WWII namesake) would be greatly appreciated! Particular specific equipment IE compressors, backup diesels, batterys, any mechanical system, I'm a master hard surface (mechanical stuff) modeller.

Last edited by nsomnia; 02-05-15 at 11:17 AM.
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Old 02-03-15, 01:18 PM   #3
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Starting modelling of SSN-571 today. This post is just a placeholder for the future. Ive got around 300 pictures, 95% from the museum. The museum website also has panoramic virtual tours of the main areas so that will help in getting everything placed right after using high res individual pictures to model each part.
Where to start where to start. The control room seems fun, complicated and work from the center outwards?

Edit: Im starting with the diving valve controls and HPA manifold in the contol room. There is actually little information about this sub since it was the only one in its "class". The manifold system in the conn room seems similar to late WWII class subs, if only I knew the exact systems used on the boat then I could find more pictures on them. The only system we know about is the compasses, the reactor and really thats about it more or less Might be changing my mind about the first sub to model.

She must have used alot of equipment from the Tang class and the Sailfish class must have also.

Edit 2: Well I spent 30 minutes being bored modelling a HPA handle. 1 item down, 10,000 to go. (or who knows, theres so little documentation on this ship)

Got a bit more when I woke up before I take off for an hour the rest of this valve bank will be easy now, fairly low tri count too, might have another modeller on board.

Last edited by nsomnia; 02-04-15 at 12:15 PM.
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Old 02-04-15, 11:27 AM   #4
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Anyone have any ideas for a working game title, so I can start a GitHub project? So far I have "Silent Water Red" but I think it came to mind because I live near a town called Red Water.

4 water choices so far, no sky-boxes and the sub is just a placeholder with no buoyancy scripts on it or anything just to "look at"

1. Ocean4 (Free, comes with the Pro version of Unity, can be modified to your own needs, at the expense of time and effort)

2.Community Ocean Shader Modified (Free, very adjustable and easy to modify and the community is always adding new features)

3. Triton (Very Expensive)

4. My own modification of #1 or #2

5. My own complete written system

6. Somehow get the source for #3: Triton (its closed source 100% as far as I know but if im gonnalay down 500 bucks for a water system I should get the source, I could always use .net reflector to unpack the .dlls but im pretty sure that would be illegal to sell) and modify it to my needs.

Got a bit more done on the HPA manifold after answering business emails and before lunch (about 45 mins). Next up, some electrical lines and more valves and some covers and then the dive valve lever block.

I was talking to a guy on youtube and he said a sub sim based on the cold war would be very boring I agree. This game will be historically accurate in regards to equipment and dates and such but youll actually be at war with Russia and vise versa in the russian campaign and youll need to destroy Russian merchant shipping, warships and subs.

Do you guys really care about small updates or should I keep it to bigger overall ones. Cause these only take a couple minutes to post.

Edit: I FINALLY found some makes and models of some equipment on her! Thank god for flickr!

Edit2: Did 2 more hours work on the ballast/snorkel controls. I'm slowly teaching myself to model like a game modeller again ie: dont model every single nut and bolt to 100% accuracy just make it look half decent. Then progress will get faster. Soon it will look like the control room.

I found the emails of 126 crew members and im emailing them all today asking for any information they might have.

This post reserved for future updates.

Got bored of modelling and did some UI work: systems overview revesion 1 (This is essentially a canvas, thats what the system is called in Unity and then I overlay the buttons, toggles, sliders etc overtop of it)

Edit 3: If anyone knows about any of this equipment that sticks out at them feel free to let me know, I got lots of research to do. From my other posts:

The fuel supply was rated for 1 year but lasted 18 months (reported as 2 years), she had a jukebox, projector, coke machine, ice cream machine, automatic dishwasher, EM log "Sword" to get the ships speed, test depth of 700', typical 3000psi HPA system standard of late WWII boats, 24 knts submerged and 21-22 surfaced due to her old style bow, Kodak made a special periscope camera for her, 3 "Rev 0" alarms, some course indicator called "us navy BuShips; dead reckoning equipment no 750425; dead reckoning analyzer indicator class II; mark 3 mod 0 serial no <unreadable> contract no <unreadable> inspector <unreadable>; ARMA corporation; Brooklyn, N.Y.", C-1376/BPS antenna control the rest is unreadable except navy dept - BuShips western elctric company", AN/BPS-5A Radar <XXX> again all unreadable, C-3723(or 8)/BPS all unreadable, AM/SPA 48 something to do with the scope reads "before periscope maintenance insure the following switches are secured and red tagged 1. main power (radar dist pnl) 2. own ships head (IC/ACO swbd), 3. target bearing information (FC SWBD), 4. sync power (radar room fwd bulkhead)", fuses for: ships entertainment system (bet thatd be fun to pull during movie night!), ECM leak detector, AN/BPS-5A mast cont and h-something (hoist i think), salinity ind pnl, C.L.P.ILLUM, peris <unreadable> and <unreadable> solver , MAC stabilized platform and MAC indicator panel, TL dead reckoning and BRH-7<unreadable, sticker maker sticker>, mk 10X XX test resXrt, AN/WR<x> 57N7<unreadable> s0<unreadable>, Position Keeper Mk 1 mod 1, converter Mk4 mod 0, (wthe last 2 with their voltage readable), Firing Panel Off-on-Off, 24 VDC Off-PK, <unreadable> panel mark 21: mark xx mod 10 mark xx mod 0, mark xx, rel at indicator mk 10 mod 0, <lots and lots of unreadable>, intercom system from conn room: 1. torp room 2. CO stateroom 3. crews mess 4. unreadable 5. ships unreadable 6. wardroom 7. control room 8. attack something i dont think center, 9. radar room 10. radio room (9 and 10 may be reversed) 11. sonar room 12. unredable 13. unreadable maybe navigation 14. unreadable 15. something room. 16 unreadable, we have a OR-133(V)/URN Receiver-computer group supply 15v 400hz part of receiving set omgea an/brn 6 of receiving set omega an/srn-17, of navigation set omega an/arn-99(V) manufactured for navy dept naval electronics system command by contractor northrop corporation electronics divison, a nice plaque above the sonar indicator and handle that i havnt found a clear picture of that the museum has labeled sonar receivong set an/xxx-xx, a handle that says something MBT blow then indicates 3 positions something / neutral / air to stbd, a handle that says 10 LB blow 5A and 5B (10 lbs.... thats not alot of air) with positions open/shut, a label that says low pressure blower motor controller "Fast", AN/BLR-10A CONTR. AMP, SG-333, AN/BLA-2C, AN/<unreadable>, LS(5?)-474-v something planes something radio the last few things all beside the sonar unit, recorder-reproducer set recorder-reproducer sound RD246/UNQ-7B blah blah blah unreadable navy dept BuShips, below those tapes, SK-250 MAINTENENCE KIT (P/O AN/WLR-10(V)1) LOCATED INSIDE, by the drivers we got a ton of control panels i cant read, museum labels "general announcing panel" which is the AF AMPLIFIER TYPE TC-20, Got a nice pic of the Sperry gyrocompass control panel and below it the MK 21 auxillery compass, radio-room/ESM room doesnt have alot readable, got nice pics of the trim pump control switch, the trim tank manifold, the HPA manifold and diving/other levers (people say hydrualic controls but I think they are air) which im modelling currently, by the trim tank controls there is two switches one that has 2 positions slow and full and the other etst and no idea, the antenna mast hoist control manifold has 5 handles with positions hoist/neutral/lower labled VLF LOOP (very low frequency), BRA-9, BRA-19, ECM D/I, BRD-6. UHF IFF (ultra high frequency something something somehting) and I got a good picture of the mast position indicator with buships number and EB Div plan No., as well as radar mast lights, collision alarm: 9000-s6504-74055-rev 2 off/on, diving alarm: 9000-s6504-74055-rev 2 off/on, yellow colored alarm (battle stations?) 9000-s6504-74055-rev F off/on, emergency alarm off/on same serial number rev 2 looks like. the high pressure air manifolds youll all see soon enough when I have it done modelled, i got a photo of the xmas trees for the hull openings, vents, floods, valves and hatches, and snorkel ctrl pnl , wayyy too many lights to write, we ghot a mk 19 mod 31 gyro compass contro panel with the mark 24 mod 0 auxillary compass, and of course the AN/WQC-2 communicatinos set sonar with RT-67G/WDG-2 receiver-transimtiter sonar lots of buttons lights and stuff, another picture that has more fuses for the periscope illuminatinom, edm leak detector and a few others, general announcing control panel has at least 30/40 switches and some rotating switches the AF amplifier type IC/BGL-2S, the loudspeakers are dynamic type LS-305/S1C made by Jensen manufacturing co contract no. N126-090805, The nav center "radio direction finder set - an/brd-6b, a loran c receiver set - an/wpn-4 and a loran a receiver set - an/upn-2a, manual plot on the mk-19 plotter, the icecream machine was made by scottsman,

and lastly the scopes and sensors from aft to fwd in the mast
snorkel, IFF/UHF omi-directional antenna, VLF loop, BRD-6B detections and determines directino of enemy radio/radar transmissions, BRA-19 retractable antenna for transmission and receivning medium and high frequency radio signals ESM/DF electronic support measures detects and terminse directors of enemy radio/radar transmissions, BPS-5A general and tactical search radar for surface searrch, torpedo firing control, and detection of low flying aircraft, BRA-9 retractable antenna for transmitting and receiving medium and high frequency radio transmissions, type 2f perisscope any height attack scope for daytime use, type 8B scope can be used at niht includes internal radar radio and esm stub-antenna, at-441/MRC emergency whip antnna for med/high freq. radio signals navaid beacon light the ships bell and the ships signal whistle.

Last edited by nsomnia; 02-06-15 at 09:07 AM.
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Old 02-06-15, 09:15 AM   #5
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My c++ books arrived today. Whats the first line in the best one: "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead! - Adm. Farragut"

A sign? Too bad I wont have time to read them cause im sticking with Unity.

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Old 02-06-15, 12:26 PM   #6
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A Mr. G. Clancy is going to mail me copies of some construction prints from General Electrics Electric Boat division. This is why I reach out!

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Old 02-06-15, 02:37 PM   #7
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I'm fond of the community water, pending where you want to go with the game. As far as I understand, the community water is also mobile ready, and received a good update with a plugin that goes into the Unity editor.
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Old 02-06-15, 06:45 PM   #8
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Your correct more or lessm even if we have no plans to go mobile. Plus I designed my own water system but could never get the water physics right hence why Id prefer to get something mostly built like that that I can build on.

After 3 hours, we have a nice compass that I dont have to buy.

Taking a break from modelling, in contact with a ton of 571 vets who are getting me some drawings so I'm waiting to talk to them more before I model too much and have to step backwards. I'd rather work on stuff that wont change. Tonight/Tommorrows project: Get the map system working in-game. Thats one thing I never started in my U-boat version. Shouldnt be too hard to code its 2D and the new UI sytem in Unity although I JUST learnt it after knowing OnGUI() function for so long, its pretty powerful. I also have some nice binoculars for the later periods of the game but I should easily be able to edit it for 50's/60's period look. (ie no laser rangefinder and multiple zoom levels and night vision lmao)

Edit: Got some extremely hi-res drawings, and some hi-res layouts of all the FWD compartments from a vet. crew member. Amazing hunting, time for more work!
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Last edited by nsomnia; 02-07-15 at 01:19 AM.
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Old 02-07-15, 05:28 AM   #9
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After spending the evening watching Run Silent Run Deep again I broke it up by coding a bit... 5 lines worth. The map function starts... it zooms at least.

Just a simple orthographic (2d) camera that changes size. I'm thinking of using a Vector3 (x,y,z) using the x,y to pan and and z axis to zoom.... start with the basics then refine is my process though, if it works dont break it. It'll be a long time before I can get a map system like SH where when you zoom in a level the map gets more detailed. At least not without some very ineffecient code and some HUGE images. After getting the 3d sub layout of ssn571 from an old crewmember however you guys will have a pilotable nuclear sub soon!

Edit: What do you guys think about pie menus on certain items? I was organizing my assets folder (assets are pre-made things you can add to your games, there is over 900 folders and 10,000 files I gave up early) but found a pie menu asset, so I saved this under my ideas folder

"pie menus context sensitive on items?

click on batterys get pie menu to check voltage cross cells etc
click on switch get pie menu for on off that triggers animation
click on tube get pie menu open tube flood tube
click on ballast tank #4 valve get pie menu flood in 100L flood in 500L flood in 1000L max flood purge 100L purge 500L max purge etc."

Today (Yep. When you work from home, Saturdays are work days too), I'm going to work on the pressure hull now that I have drawings and layouts. Get the ship layout setup and to scale. I use kit-bashing heavily (ie. I'll model a single box and use it for panels and siwtches and such or I'll model and hatch and use it over and over and over, I'll model stairs and use them all over, I'll model a switch and use it for 100% of the switches and eventually make a few different variations in later versions of the product)

At this rate I expect to have the first sub pilotable and explorable in 30-60 days with the amount of people I have working with me. Once I have the exterior hull, the interior basics, the sails bridge and basic code (ladder script (already done), simple boat movement script (being worked on), player movement script (already done), and some basic UI elements (working on it), and at least 50% of the interior textured (not started but I have thousands upon thousands of texture files): then I'll release the alpha beta alpha beta demo alpha demo version 0.00000001 .exe for you guys to mess around with.

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Last edited by nsomnia; 02-07-15 at 11:34 AM.
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Old 02-07-15, 04:36 PM   #10
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Spent some time doing some measuring on the plans given to me by a vet (half of them, everything aft of the central ops compartment (so reactor aft) is off limits to the public) but through some careful measuring I came up with a total length of 318 ft 5 inches. Pretty damn close to her reported 320 feet length!

The pressure hull I calculated as 257 feet 6 inches though. That leaves 70 feet shared forward and aft as empty space. That seems excessive.

Well heres the outline of her pressure hull and decks. Now I can start "outfitting" her.

Edit: Spend a couple hours this morning getting reference measurments for the control and attack rooms. Started fitting in main areas. The Attack centers office is smaller than my closet!

Edit2: Done working for a sunday (9 pm)

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Last edited by nsomnia; 02-08-15 at 10:45 PM.
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Old 02-08-15, 10:52 PM   #11
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Hi nsomnia, This looks like a great project and I'm following your updates with interest. Take care.
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Old 02-08-15, 11:54 PM   #12
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Default welcome back!

zakarpatska! after a silent run!

"Only two things are infinite; The Universe and human squirrelyness; and I'm not too sure about the Universe"
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Old 02-09-15, 02:49 PM   #13
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Good to hear you guys are at least hoping it comes together.

Compartment is coming together. Some pipes, scopes, nav tables, some equipment in the control room and she will be ready to pilot, abeit with only one compartment. Estimated time to release for you guys to play in the one compartment: 2 weeks.

Current Project [ Operation Trident (Working Title: Project RedWater) ColdWar Subsim] :: Development Log w/ Dwnloads

Last edited by nsomnia; 02-10-15 at 02:05 AM.
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Old 02-10-15, 12:25 PM   #14
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Got the opportunity to test a map asset (an asset is basically pre-made software you insert into your game) that I may buy to save myself coding a whole map system from scratch, thus fast tracking the alpha release.

Day 4 of modelling is about done. Might get a bit more done tonight but I really need to work on the stuff paying my bills!

Created a GitHub today cause I may have some 3D modellers helping out:
feel free to read the readme if your interested in helping or some more details about our vision.
Current Project [ Operation Trident (Working Title: Project RedWater) ColdWar Subsim] :: Development Log w/ Dwnloads

Last edited by nsomnia; 02-10-15 at 10:29 PM.
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Old 02-11-15, 10:25 AM   #15
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Very cool, I'd like to help out where I can as a part-time member.
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