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Old 01-25-20, 12:11 PM   #946
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^ capitalism as we know it sems to be at an end. The zero interest politics are dangerous, and it seems all are planning to get on with it

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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Old 01-27-20, 11:00 AM   #947
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Lets go digital, everything and everybody must become digital, digital is cool, digital is SAFE!

Another expample of why this lesson should be learned, but no doubt nobody will learn it and give so many reasons for why not learning it.

News is that the full database of the federal state of Berlin's Superior Court of Justice (Kammergericht) most likely has been stolen in a cyberattack.

Personal data of witnesses. ID's of informants, and police undercover agents. Process informations. Evidence. Files. Status of researches and examinations. Everything.

Digital, digital, lets go digital, di-gi-tal...
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Old 01-27-20, 02:07 PM   #948
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Yesterday there was a report about what companies do with Whatsapp data alone, unbelievable. Millions of data only for one person, easily identifiable back to home, birth, location, diseases.. and all passwords.
We can of course be sure that all is being safely stored away. Here, and there, and in a million other places

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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Old 01-27-20, 03:42 PM   #949
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The tracking data (mobility tracking) of a smartphone of just several hours is needed to identify its owner as reliable as fingerprints. Via this data and IP-data storage, any person can be linked to datasets collected or logged in other contexts that were rendered anonymous initially and by intention, but the anonymity cna be reverse-engineered automatically and easily nowadays.

There is no data deletion, never.

There is no anonymity, ever.

Nothing gets ever forgotten, never.

All is permanent, forever.

Only a fool thinks this is harmless fopr he has nothking to hide. The most celver answert to this most stupid reaction was given by Snowden himself when comparing it to saying something stupoid like not caring for free speech because one does not have somethign to say.

Germany' health minister, Jens Spahn, tried to turn humans into state-owned organ banks from birth on, surprisingly was stopped in the Bundestag short of the finshing line. He next filed a law that threatens doctors with punishment if they do not hand over all patient records to business analysts for "research" projects. He claims it is save because the databse is protected (exlcuzding business comapony access...) and becasue it all is data in anonymous format. He also included in the law that pöatients hall have no right to object, and if they object, their esitence shall be ignored. Doctors' confidenmtilaity? Gone, killed and assassinated. Like bank confidentiality.

Why is it that we are haunted time and again by the most uscrupolous, incompetent idiots willing to maximse damages and leaving damage regulation and repair to others, and to their victims?

I think if people do not start to resist yb all means necessary, they will just get what they truly deserve. But I woujdl appraicte it if it would be delayed at least until I have died in some years. I have no desire at all to live in such a totalitarian world, and no own family to fear for.
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Old 02-02-20, 12:44 PM   #950
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The history of German currencies (yes, plural, severla times). A neverneding drama of epic proportions.

Bestenfalls lässt sich der Einstieg in den Euro einer falschen Theorie zuschreiben – die da lautet: Frieden und Wohlstand in Europa lassen sich nur mit einem monopolisierten Einheitsgeld schaffen. Schlimmstenfalls ist der Einstieg in den Euro Ausdruck des Bestrebens, in Europa eine kollektivistische-sozialistische Befehls- und Zwangswirtschaft quasi durch die Hintertür einzuführen.

Leider ist der Verdacht für Letzteres geradezu erdrückend: Die Krisenträchtigkeit des Euro und die Krisenzwänge, die er verursacht, bewirken nämlich genau das. Seit dem Ausbruch der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2008/2009, spätestens aber seit der Banken- und -Staatsschuldenkrise 2010 liegt der Euro auf der Intensivstation. Die EZB und die „Rettungspolitiken“ der Regierungen schalten die Korrekturkräfte der Marktwirtschaft zusehends aus und ketten die Nationen immer enger aneinander – durch den Europäischen Stabilitätsmechanismus, die Target-2-Salden, die Bankenunion etc. – und erhöhen damit die Scheidungskosten.

Die Regierungseliten, die Bürokraten und der EZB-Rat werden früher oder später vorgeben, was wann wo und wie zu produzieren ist und wer was wann und in welcher Menge konsumieren kann. Man überspannt den rhetorischen Bogen wohl nicht, wenn man sagt, dass Karl Marx vermutlich begeistert wäre, könnte er den Euro und dessen Folgewirkungen sehen.
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Old 02-05-20, 07:52 AM   #951
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A little earthquake in Thuringia:

Bodo Ramelow, a man of Die Linke, wanted to continue government after last elections by forming a left minority cabinet made of SPD, Die Linke and the Greens. For that he would have needed to be tolerated by opposition parties FDP, CDU, AfD. He lost round one and two, however. In round three of the voting for minister president, the FDP named a candidate, but since simple majority now would have suffice, it was expected that Ramelow now would win. Instead the FDP man was voted for, and the number imply that the AfD completely voted for him.

Thuringia now is governed by a FDP-CDU alliance that won by tolerance of the AfD, and that nobody wanted or expected - except the AfD. Its no official coalition, but the FDP-CDU alliance needs to be tolerated by the AfD - or the block of the three left parties.

Jubilation day for the AfD. Their political enemies are foaming, but must accept their help today. The AfD saw a gap between the scales of their enemy's armour - and immediately drove its poisonous sting into it deep.
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Last edited by Skybird; 02-05-20 at 08:01 AM.
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Old 02-06-20, 08:54 AM   #952
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The political establishment in Germany shows an interesting, though by now not really unknown, understanding of what elections and democracy means: if you do not get the result that you wanted, nullify it.

The Landtagt in Thuriniga is abotu to be dissolved. the voted MP stepped back after massiove pressure form Merkel who once again had to accept total defeta of her wanted polticla "heritage", if one is not ashamed to call it a heritage, and there shall be new elections. A "dam break", they clal it, a brekaing of a taboo, the say.

Peter Grimm wrote this:

There was a dam break and a taboo break in Erfurt. But that was not on February 5, 2020, but on December 5, 2014. On this day, the Thuringian state parliament elected Bodo Ramelow as Prime Minister. It was the first time that the SED successor party had led a government since the end of the SED dictatorship. At that time, the SPD and the Greens had no intention of forming an unpopular coalition with the other undoubtedly democratic parties in order to prevent the left from marching to the top of the country. What the CDU, SPD and Greens in Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony and Brandenburg nowadays call as so-called Kenya coalitions to keep the AfD out of power was not taken into account with regard to the SED successors.

Of course Bodo Ramelow himself had nothing to do with the SED and also tried to appear more as a country father than as a comrade. However, this weakening of the boundary between undoubtedly democratic parties of all stripes and a party that was the bearer of a dictatorship and had no undoubtedly positive relationship with a liberal-democratic order was a breach of the dam or taboo. As a result, there was an election result in Thuringia last year in which, for the first time in democratic post-war Germany, the traditional democratic parties were together in the minority.


The SED-successors should be feared a smuch as the Natzi facxtion inside the AfD. Nevertheless, they practice dpouble standards once again when it comes to left and right extremism. The first is acceptable and en vogue, the latter is being blown out of proportions. Thurinigia February 2020 is not the only example for this left-leaning bias.

What do we learn from all this? Let people debate, endlessly. Le tthem vcote. Let them have their say. But only as long as they nevertehless at the end do what you demand them to do. If they do not, break the rules, ignore your own claism and laws, and sned them back to thei table until they neverthelss finally do what you demand them to do.

Interesting understanding of "democracy" and "elections" and "majority vote".

The last eleciton results in thuriniga were the reuslt of right this obscene perverting of dmeiocratric standards and the dissolving of potlicla meanings of any kind by the Merkel regime. The next elecitons in thurio9niga priomise to be even more nlightening. I stick to it: the rise of the AfD at this speed wou,l.d nto have been possible without Merkel's conspiratory political acting. By now, Merkel is a zombie, she has overlived her own political death. And I am more convinced than ever before that future historians will mark her as the worst political desaster in germany and Europe since 1933-45. Her destructive overall effect is hard to overestimate.
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Old 02-10-20, 08:46 AM   #953
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Germany is taking course for early elections.

As a consequence of the Thuringia "incident", if it were that, CDU hopeful Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (short AKK) announced she quits as head of the party.

Her "leadership", if it were that, was always overshadowed by her Holy Zombieness Angela the Great, and while she was handled as candidate for the chancelor's seat, she was not formally nominated. also, overwhelming majoritie sin the CDU and in the public rejected her. As defence ministress she is not one piec ebetter but is as bad as Super-Uschi was. As minister president she was a dud. Ergo: nobody will miss her.

Whoever follows her in summer: if he wants to not suffer the same fate, he must insist on chancellor candidacy and party bossing beign unite din bhis hand, and no longer accepting her undead grey eminence Angela I, to move around in the shadows behind the official stage. Its Merkeldämmerung. And that , means an early - and yet too late - end of the great coalition.

All ion all what we see is that after the SPF's flal now the other of the two former big popular parties, the CDU, is doj g the dive. The old political system seems to be dying. The Merkelian revolution eats its parents. The children it gave birth to, are the extreme left and extreme right, sinc eht emodewrate left ands rioght in the former middle has been dissoolved by Merkel completly ion her biod for power by running a principle-free policy of "Gleichschaltung" of CDU and SPD. We have had this kind of block parties in the GDR.

With SPD and CDU slowly dying, Greens, SED-Linke, and AfD as well as street yellers and overcharged kids take over the political scene. And the brownies crawl around in the background.

There were plenty of comparisons made in recent days with Weimar'S end. That cionparison doe snot work for many reaosns, its two different things, still the events in Thurnigia are the most obvious symptoms that an era is ending over her. Not that we shopuld want to cry for it, I still call Merkel the worst political disaster in Europe and Germany since 1933 and the twelve dark years after that. Its just that what is coming now gives no reason to raise hopes for improvement.

The divisions within the former "West" are deepening. The polarization everywhere leads to growing extremism and fanaticism. Which prevents overcoming the growing divisions. A vicous circle. As I see it it all is set to break apart, and the growing demamage will raise increaisng determination to use force, whatever may be needed, to keep things together with iron fists. This way, whatever will be done on behalf of what is claimed "good", will achieve right the opposite.
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Old 02-12-20, 06:08 AM   #954
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Circles closing? At least the language of the past is back today. The following letter was mass-distrubuted by the SED party in 1946, they sent it to former members of the NSDAP.


Nominal Pg.,

the SED calls you
to help rebuild Germany!

It will call you if you once went to the NSDAP not out of material selfish reasons, but out of conviction and idealism, when you went there believing in the good and to find socialism. Then come to us!

Because what Hitler promised you and never kept, the SED will give you:

Nationalization of banks, breakdown of interest bondage, destruction of corporations and trusts, abolition of educational privileges, equal rights for all workers, land reform, protection of peaceful development and peace in general,

The SED made it happen!

If you followed Hitler to serve Germany, you are our man. Because the SED. is the only party that consistently campaigns for a united and large Germany, for a Germany of peace and work.

Do you want to help build one,
so choose list 1!

Klaus Bunzel

Found on an education website by the federal edcuation ministry about the youth opposition to the GDR tyranny.

Sounds not different to what makes the round today again.
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Old 02-13-20, 06:28 AM   #955
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On the political party named "Die Linke". It is neither a new party, nor a newly founded party that was build from scratch, but is the formal and official legal successor of the SED. The SEd chnage dits name into PDS, then chnaged its name into Die Linke. Its the same party still, and is infested from top to bottom with former SED and Stasi names.

Still, more and more it gets respected again, although it never has done anything to distance itself from the dicatorship and the deeds of evil in the DR, and today maintains ties and relations to quesitobable, soemtime cirminals ocialist reigmes across the globe, especially Chavez' Venezuela. The crimes of the GDR regime get marginalised until today.

In plain German: they are scum.
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Old 02-13-20, 06:39 AM   #956
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For me, "Die Linke" was and is nothing much else than the old "SED". Even if i like part of their ideas at times i think one cannot vote for them.

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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Old 02-20-20, 06:20 AM   #957
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Gunman kills nine in German shisha bar rampage; extremist motive suspected

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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Old 02-20-20, 06:37 AM   #958
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Apparently there are people who are even angrier than me.
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Old 02-20-20, 10:27 AM   #959
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
Gunman kills nine in German shisha bar rampage; extremist motive suspected
More gun control needed.
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Old 02-20-20, 02:13 PM   #960
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Originally Posted by Onkel Neal View Post
More gun control needed.
Cant get much tighter over here than it already is - not without banning any private owning of weapons alltogether, which the usual suspects indeed want.

The killer indeed seems to have been a quite mentally ill nuthead. i do not repeat this "diagnosis" by official statements, but I conclude it on grounds of some details they released on his world view, his conspiration theories, dark powers haunting him, secret services controlling his life since he was a baby, massive paranoia, and so on. In a psychologist, this brings all lamps to blinking mode. His racist views just fall into a place in the greater view of his derranged psyche.

This was not the classical assaulter "by conviction", or just a realistic political extremist from the right. It was a mentally derranged person indeed. Insane, maybe reaching into the realm of schizophrenia, some of the described details could be seen as symptoms for it.

Thats how it looks to me by what is currently known and released.
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