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Old 02-06-12, 05:02 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Fregattenkapitän View Post
Lol, i destroyed a carrier in Plymouth at the port, but it isnt confirmed on the missiontabe as a kill

and i try to attack 3 AMC's at Scapa Flow, but they also do not count...
somone nows the problem ?
The Aircraft Carrier needs to be at sea to count.....many people have spotted this colosus on different locations and I have NEVER been able to find it. Although many said that they found it cruising between Cherbourgh and Plymouth. As for the AMCs......try your luck at Loch Ewe
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Old 02-07-12, 12:41 AM   #62
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My current campaign has been rather successful due to the fact that when i see a ring of escorts this early in the war I think" what the H*** is that?" and i go check it out. This method has earned me 2 aircraft carriers .
How do you hide a submarine? You sink it sir, they are designed to sink.
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Old 02-18-12, 12:16 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Fregattenkapitän View Post
and i try to attack 3 AMC's at Scapa Flow, but they also do not count...
somone nows the problem ?
To me, two counted (western part), but one other (more to east of the harbour) not - i think there is an imaginary line running through Scapa...
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Old 03-30-12, 12:57 PM   #64
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Default SH5 "Blockade of Germany"

Hello gentlemen, I am a long time reader to the forums and this is my first post, thanks for providing a forum for sub games.

My first question to the forums is in regards to the SH5 mission "Blockade of Germany". I found and sunk all 5 troop ships in the north and recieved my credit for that half of the mission.

But, My concern is the final portion to sink the carrier. I found and patrolled the area indicated on the map within the red shaded area. I searched in a zig-zag pattern for 30 days and even ventured into the straights of Dover. I spotted many planes and tried my searches in those directions with no luck.

I FOUND the carrier in Plymouth, broadsides to open water! So I took advantage and sunk the Ark Royal with 4 torps. I turn and flee to open water. I check the map and I recieved no credit for the sinking of the carrier?

I now crash to desktop everytime I try and leave the harbor and I have not recieved the credit for sinking the Ark Royal???
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Old 04-21-12, 05:29 AM   #65
Pascal Burgwal
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Default Thanks, all of you

Thank all of you, I finnally did it! Now let's get on with the rest..
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Old 05-02-12, 11:52 AM   #66
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Default SH5 mission "Blockade of Germany

because of the SH5 mission "Blockade of Germany I have the aircraft carrier ark Royal, in the port of Plymouth with three sunk torpdos and fully angerechet I get has only the three troop transporter I sink knows where the three truppentranporter hang out more if not the move that is in the can English Scapa Flow general fleet support point because you always find them and are also four to six destroyers and three battleships and several I trade ships you only the tip give very quietly with your boat in the flottensützpunkt Scapa Flow into drive and destroy the torpeos the 3-5 troop transporter and as a bonus, the other ships you zuversenken must still on the ear deep run into the harbor that you do not zestörer you see need very quickly eels abschiesen and after the whole kravall the explodierenen torpodos and the sinking ship very quickly on soft soles of the harbor cut off

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Old 06-22-12, 11:48 PM   #67
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For the five AMC ocean liners, just pull into port at periscope depth, then let off a few, then come back after the armed rescue patrol leaves, and let off a few more.
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Old 09-05-12, 06:46 AM   #68
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Default Sun shone on me today...

Captain's Log.

Well it seems that the information was correct about the location of those new 5 Unknown ships were docked at Lock Ewe.

Went there and after going to 10m deep, with both scopes lowered we managed to slip past the destroyers guarding the bases entrance... my XO suggested that we take a unused waterway to attack from the back, past the navel base. I agreed he has some crafty ideas for an older man.

The ships that were found in there were huge, with 2 desks to fire from on all incoming foes, and large ones at that. I hope they don't try to do that with 3 or even 4 desks or it will be impossible to even get close to use the deck guns on them.

After setting up my bow with those ships I let the torpedoes do their business. I had sunk only 3 of the 4 there, and was out of torpedoes. I decided time go back to base to refit and then return to accomplish my mission of 5.

Getting back I found that all 4 had re-spawned , took out 2 more but they sunk but did not register on my mission stats as a kill.

I decided to leave and use my last 4 torpedoes on the destroyers, as I was leaving very angry. Just as I was making my way past them as I wanted to have deeper water for easy escape, here comes 2 more of those ships running from that base, i followed for about 5 hours until it as dark. got in close and let them have it 2 each one magnetic and one impact. All 4 hit their mark and went down to the bottom. Part 1 done.

Let down at the Sub base as still no upgrades for my ship yet, I see that I also need to send a aircraft carrier to the bottom now, rumors around dock said that one travels a little SE of Plymouth. With no other info out once again. It is Dec 2 now, I hope that those presents I sent to my son, get there alright and in time for Xmas. As it looks like I might not be home in-time, this year

I reached my destination and was planning on what search pattern I was going to use, to find this evasive foe, with decisions made, it was time to start the hunt!

Day 1 (Dec 4) Nothing but merchant ships, but its good target practice for the crew to keep them busy. The cook even made his special stew, it was the best yet, still wished he would tell me the mystery ingredient.

Day 2 (Dec 5) Wondering if it would be a better day than yesterday with the search. Went into Plymouth and saw an aircraft carrier docked there and that this would be easy, but it did not have that Unknown markings on it, as those 5 ships up north. I decided to leave it alone and went back to my spot and was about to plan a different pattern today.

Suddenly, my sonar man comes running in telling me about half a dozen ships coming down on us. I ran to the periscope to have a look and this armada was coming my way. Over half a dozen ships easily, but they are turning slightly and will pass us easily.

Then I see it, keeping herself the middle of the group, there she was, my target, barely able to see her with darkness falling and a thick fog rolling in. This was my one chance...

Battle stations, full speed ahead, but they were heading out to sea, and fast at least 15 knots. I had to stay submerged in order not to be found out and attract attention, but can only get this bucket to move at 8.

I plan now was to try and intercept them, it was all working out perfectly, but 50 meters from where i planned to attack from, they all turn away. They are heading for open waters and at already 4500 meters away, I can not keep up, falling back more and more.

I decide to just let loose 2 of my forward tubes. This is a decision that made in a moment of time, partly from guesswork, but mostly from frustration of planning an attack that took hours to get right.

First one made it past a destroyer's (which I thought it was going to hit, and missed the Aircraft Carrier by 20 meters.

But seems fate, luck, karma call it what you want, but my second one hat her directly in the backside. Here I was waiting to see and hear the explosion, but only thing we heard was silence, I mean she was hit because she stopped dead in her tracks.

And her escort kept traveling on. (When its a good day, it really does shine)
Guess it was the fog and no explosion, weird thou, hmm maybe it was a dud and just got lodged in her props was the only thing that came to mind. Not wasting an opportunity I quickly loaded tubes 2 through 4, which I fired, for by this time I caught up. She went down fast.

With all hopes, of me getting to her in that split second, the crew saw something that is rare on my ship, they saw me smile.
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Old 09-17-12, 03:23 AM   #69
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Hey, people. First post for me. Nice to be here.

I have to admit this particular mission never gave me any trouble.

The Northern Patrol Line was teeming with traffic. Both naval and merchant. Though out of luck or sheer coincidence the 5 AMC ships I managed to pin down were all troop carriers. Two torps each, they went down.

Now, I found the carrier part even easier, and I even sunk it once without saving, then got killed on the way back to base and had to do it again!

Anyway, both times I found it in the western half of the patrol zone. Once in the northwest quadrant and the second in the southwest.

1st time, it was the sound guy that picked up the task force coming straight to me. I was on 2512X t.c., in travel mode, so before I had time to slow down to 1X, get into position and run all my TDC calculations, the task force was already speeding by me. I hunted them on surface and managed to keep up with them but never managed to get into attack position, but I noticed that we were coming back round to where I first made contact. So, basically the carrier task force was on a designated patrol route. I let them go and I just sat there, waiting to intercept them next time they come around. Worked like a charm! I managed to position myself just right, and fire a salvo of four right into her. She went down.
Then running on 27% fuel and being in the middle of the Atlantic I had to make my way back through the Strait of Dover, where I got nailed by british destroyers.

Second time around, I just sailed to the patrol zone, run up and down the western half, picked up the sound trail in the southwest quadrant this time, got into position to intercept, the task force slipped away, but I just waited there for something like 3-4 days and sure enough they came around! Fired a salvo of four against her only this time I was going for an under the keel shot. Indeed, the first fish killed the carrier and the other 3 just put the icing on the cake.
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Old 10-18-12, 11:27 AM   #70
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I think I am stunk on this mission

the AMC ships are easy to find, they hideout in Lock Ewe (I think its called that)

either enter the lock or get them entering and leaving the lock

there are 2 in the lock at any one time, when you sink them more arrive
I sneaked into the lock, there is a line of 4 ships, the 2 furthest away (from the lock entrance) are the AMC's

I sunk them with torpedoes, then moved behind the island (in the lock), surfaced as it is safe and waited, then just repeated the process, they always moor in the same place and always seem to be there every night.

they look like normal merchants they have a white superstructure and a black hull with two funnels but fly white ensigns rather than red ensigns, they are also classed as warships, you will be able to see their hidden guns up close

so basically ignore what the BDU say about patrolling the north line thing, go and sink them in their port it is a lot easier takes half the time, and they are guarenteed to be in, the only problem is the enemy destroyer screen. If you don't want to risk being depth charged you can sometimes meet a lone AMC going into/out of the lock in a northerly direction

DO NOT ENGAGE AN AMC ON THE SURFACE you will get a nasty surprise

pro tip/ glitch exploitation (its a glitch because the crew which leave conning tower when submerged disappear but you can remain underwater),
instead of going to peri depth, press ctrl and use advanced, select 8m (or until only top of conning tower shows) make sure you are not inside the sub, 8m is classed as peri depth even though the top of the conning tower is still showing, so you can use the binoc things rather than periscope when submerged, but enemy warships cannot sea you

you can also go really deep and be outside the sub when submerged (using same method, start at 8 then order a deeper dive), even man the guns but it doesn't let you shoot.

Carrier mission (part of blockade of Germany)

Ark Royal doesn't leave Plymouth and if you sink it in Plymouth it doesn't count, then it gets ressurrected and the game crashes

help what do I do?

at the moment I am south of Plymouth but when does Ark Royal go to sea?

(in another save, I stumbled across Ark Royal she was protected like Fort Knox, i think the only way to get to her is to say submerged and let her go to you, lost the save though as it got all glitched after I sank her in Plymouth and it didn't count

I sunk her mwha ha ha ha

December 14th 1939

(I couldn't remember how to do them properly so I just wrote down what the grid says...)
7 degrees W
49 degrees N

it is in the top of the 'box'

now I have to wait until Norway, do any of you know how to get to next campaign because I have all the stars apart from one so is that still a 'pass' or do I need to get all stars?

I found her next to a large merchant convoy

Last edited by fdsdh1; 10-18-12 at 05:51 PM.
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Old 10-18-12, 05:46 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by sideways View Post

Anyone else have similar experiences?

well when I did that computer said no,

it didn't count as an AC kill and it made the game crash

they took 'on patrol' out of the mission orders literally for me!
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Old 04-21-13, 08:50 PM   #72
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Well I died for the first time in this one. I went over the North of England and decided I would go hunt for that carrier to the Southwest of England.

Pretty much, I don't know how long I was out there, but I did a lot of looking, and kind of neglected my poor crew evidently. Well I noticed that they were starting to get kind of lazy and were not doing a good job but did not think much of it. Evidently the entire crew was at 0 morale.

Was moving along time compressed and the time compression when to 1, usually I get out and have a look around but even I was getting lazy to I pumped it up to like 1024 to see what they saw and I heard a loud Ding, then it took me to the bridge looking at the floor with about half a foot of water in it and the score screen saying I was dead!

I guess it was just my time, but I did notice out in that patrol circle there are a lot of plane sightings, that carrier has to be close doesn't it? That patrol area is pretty far from land. Never caught sight of it though.
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Old 04-22-13, 04:59 PM   #73
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Hi Guys
This is one frustrating mission as it seems to pop up after 2 missions. The 5 ships you are looking for are ARMED MERCHANT CRUISERS big jobees with 2 funnels and go in and out of Loch Ewe and are supposed to travel close or along the patrol line to the arrows. I made the mistake of looking for merchants and these are not they are classed as warships. I selected the mission and went to the patrol area and after a time I was given another area to patrol and then given a third area to patrol when I was then summoned back to base by BDU. What is that BDU message BE MORE AGGRESIVE what the hell does that mean? If you are patrolling areas that they give you what more can you do?
I think it is difficult to complete these missions within the time factor. It is quite easy and enjoyable getting the 100,000 and 50,000 tons of merchants as there are plenty of convoys but those 5 AMC,s and that aircraft carrier plus the travel times to re-arm etc is just really frustrating.
Best wishes to all Peter
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Old 04-23-13, 04:45 AM   #74
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Yeah it is hard to get the mission done. I ended up getting 2 of the AMCs or maybe it was just one, and I figured I should try and get the carrier down south, never found it and my crew was ready to skin me over the morale by the time I left there, not to mention I somehow died once because my crew wouldn't do anything anymore.

Plan on restarting the campaign once I get the CD version though so I will get another crack at it.
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Old 05-23-14, 08:50 AM   #75
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Default Arcraft carrier

i found 2 aircraft carriers 52.8 km S-SW from playmouth heading towards the playmouth harbor from the south at the date of 24th Januari 1940 at 04.51 (night time) sank the first one, an eagle fleet carrier, at 06.36 worth 21000 tonnage with 5 torpedo hits and counted instantly after the sinking for the blockade mission.

both carriers were surrounded by 7 destroyers. with a distance between them of about 15 km.

i possitioned my sub so i could hit the carrier with all fishes in 1 salvo, and able to hit with the back fish aswel. one salvo of 4 fishes, then the finishing blow with the "late" (about 13 sec later) to give the first carrier some diving lessons.

then raced my way out.
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