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Old 01-17-24, 10:50 PM   #5791
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Originally Posted by LUKNER View Post
Я знаю как работать в редакторе игры.

Я спрашивал о другом. Но вы подтвердили мои предположения. Для вас, историческая справка:

С 15 марта 1943 года в действие была введена новая, номерная система обозначения флотов. Флот южной части Тихого океана реорганизовали в 3-й флот во главе с адмиралом Вильямом Хэлси, флот центральной части Тихого океана - в 5-й флот во главе с вице-адмиралом Раймондом Спрюэнсом, флот юго-западной части Тихого океана - в 7-й флот во главе с вице-адмиралом Карпентнером. Для оперативного взаимодействия и безопасности при соприкосновении в боевой деятельности между союзниками и различными подразделениями родов войск на Тихом океане весь театр боевых действий был размечен на оперативные зоны.
С этой даты и появились я думаю квадраты Ablaze, Convoy College, или Fish Pond.

I know how to work in the game editor.

I was asking about something else. But you confirmed my assumptions. For you, historical reference:
On March 15, 1943, a new, numbered fleet designation system was put into effect. The South Pacific Fleet was reorganized into the 3rd Fleet led by Admiral William Halsey, the Central Pacific Fleet into the 5th Fleet led by Vice Admiral Raymond Spruance, and the Southwest Pacific Fleet into the 7th Fleet led by Vice Admiral Carpentner. For operational interaction and security in contact with combat activities between the Allies and various units of the military branches in the Pacific Ocean, the entire theater of operations was marked into operational zones.
From that date and came I think squares Ablaze, Convoy College, or Fish Pond.
Were you referring to the German "K-Grid" system then, combined with the Campaign_NMS.mis file? The K-Grid set-up for SH4 is in the "\Data \Menu \KGrid" folder, but I never did fully comprehend the data. There was a thread years ago where someone worked with it... There are a few cartographer sites that sell the maps, and I used to have a rough draft of a worldwide version, but I do not know how accurate it was... The names that you see on the NavMap are a function of the MapLocation, and linking that to a dds image, as described above, controllable by date. Campaign_LOC.mis controls the cities, docks and associated locations.

Originally Posted by LUKNER View Post
Attachment 5911

Мне кажется более похожим на настоящий такой вид всплеска от взрыва.

Подскажите как добавить к текстуре взрыва, опадающие облака дыма и разлетающиеся осколки?


It seems to me more like a real kind of burst from an explosion.

Tell me how to add to the texture of the explosion, falling clouds of smoke and flying fragments?
Some of the explosions you see in the game are referenced by their "name" in the "\Data \Library \particles.dat" file. They link to like-named files for their "sound" and other control links. Usually, those explosions and fires would be "called" from the "Data \Zones.cfg" file, which are linked to individual Gun, Ammunition, Ship, Airplane and other zon files in their respective folders. It depends upon what you are wanting to have happen, as to how you "build" it.

As an example, open that ship's zon file, and then from the upper-right menu, open its dat file. Click on one of the ship's 3D named nodes, and then click on the "Model Preview" link in the lower part of the right window. Now click on the sixth icon from the left, above that preview window, the icon with the "Toggle zones editor" tooltip. Notice that the node you selected will show its "collision" spheres. The "F" section will have all spheres associated with it, the "B" section all that are associated with it, and the "Cabina" nodes, or the "Catarg" nodes might all have spheres associated with them also. Those are what determine if a collision has occurred. Working in conjunction with those, are the boxes. Those are of varying "types", such as "48" or "46" or "74", or whatever. If you then open the Zones.cfg file in the Data folder, you will find like-numbered entries there. 46=FloodFrontb, 48=FloodFrontf and 74=ShipBubbles (etc.) that are listed in the Zones List (index or TOC) near the top of the file. Below, you will find those names used as "headers" for those boxes you see inside the ship. Some do not have an "Effect" line, while others have multiple effects associated. Those "Effect" lines are what determines what happens with a "collision", and what effect is called.

If you shoot a torpedo, and it hits in a location that does not have an underlying effect, you won't see anything other than the torpedo explosion (and maybe an associate ship-damage decal). But damage is usually incurred by the ship... The torpedo sim file is what controls the "torpedo explosion" (which is what your picture shows), and those are called by ID numbers, such as 0xe37ec3e300ec4ba5, which is a water explosion. Trace that number, and you end up with the "@ref_torp_great_explosion" in the "particles.dat" file... you might notice that there are seven sections to that particular "explosion" effect, and each has a ParticleGenerator, each configured differently for the various aspects of the effect...

There is much more involved in this, and almost all of it beyond what my feeble brain can comprehend...

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Old 01-18-24, 12:04 AM   #5792
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post

As an example, open that ship's zon file, and then from the upper-right menu, open its dat file. Click on one of the ship's 3D named nodes, and then click on the "Model Preview" link in the lower part of the right window. Now click on the sixth icon from the left, above that preview window, the icon with the "Toggle zones editor" tooltip. Notice that the node you selected will show its "collision" spheres. The "F" section will have all spheres associated with it, the "B" section all that are associated with it, and the "Cabina" nodes, or the "Catarg" nodes might all have spheres associated with them also. Those are what determine if a collision has occurred. Working in conjunction with those, are the boxes. Those are of varying "types", such as "48" or "46" or "74", or whatever. If you then open the Zones.cfg file in the Data folder, you will find like-numbered entries there. 46=FloodFrontb, 48=FloodFrontf and 74=ShipBubbles (etc.) that are listed in the Zones List (index or TOC) near the top of the file. Below, you will find those names used as "headers" for those boxes you see inside the ship. Some do not have an "Effect" line, while others have multiple effects associated. Those "Effect" lines are what determines what happens with a "collision", and what effect is called.

If you shoot a torpedo, and it hits in a location that does not have an underlying effect, you won't see anything other than the torpedo explosion (and maybe an associate ship-damage decal). But damage is usually incurred by the ship... The torpedo sim file is what controls the "torpedo explosion" (which is what your picture shows), and those are called by ID numbers, such as 0xe37ec3e300ec4ba5, which is a water explosion. Trace that number, and you end up with the "@ref_torp_great_explosion" in the "particles.dat" file... you might notice that there are seven sections to that particular "explosion" effect, and each has a ParticleGenerator, each configured differently for the various aspects of the effect...

There is much more involved in this, and almost all of it beyond what my feeble brain can comprehend...

Спасибо за оказанную помощь!!! Thank you for your help!!!
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Old 01-19-24, 11:58 AM   #5793
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Tell me how the bug is treated when they look up after saving the instrument arrows?
Подскажите как лечится баг, когда после сохранения стрелки приборов смотрят вверх?
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Old 01-19-24, 07:18 PM   #5794
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Originally Posted by LUKNER View Post
Спасибо за оказанную помощь!!! Thank you for your help!!!
You are welcome!

Originally Posted by LUKNER View Post
Tell me how the bug is treated when they look up after saving the instrument arrows?
Подскажите как лечится баг, когда после сохранения стрелки приборов смотрят вверх?
I do not understand the question... who are you referring to with "they" and the "saving the instrument arrows"??

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Old 01-19-24, 08:32 PM   #5795
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post

I do not understand the question... who are you referring to with "they" and the "saving the instrument arrows"??

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Old 01-20-24, 09:47 AM   #5796
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I put mod in SH4 and the file in the mod file and started game. I even tryed clicking on the file in the mod folder to see if it would prompt a instal noting apeend thats when I started game How the heck do you do this? Clear instructions pleas like C programes User Steam App data loco low so on so on pleas.
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Old 01-20-24, 10:41 AM   #5797
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I didn't see your post in here GrayWolf3rdXO. Couldn't see the tree for the forest... Look at your post over in your other posting Help with Fall of the Rising sun mod pleas for the "details".

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Old 01-20-24, 11:13 AM   #5798
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Originally Posted by LUKNER View Post
Nice video. I am not able to understand the question completely. I saw your video pan across the area depicted in your screen grab, but the screen grab is too small for my old eyes to see the details. I will guess though, that you are showing all of the gauges stuck at 12 O'Clock, correct? If such is the case, run the JSGME.exe, then click on the blue "Tasks..." link in the middle, then choose "Export activated mods list to -->", and then "Clipboard". Use <Ctrl><V> to then "paste" that list into your next response here. You could also send it to a text file, copy and then paste that here.

There are several ways to get the gauges stuck like that. The first, which we worked very hard to eliminate, is a conflict with another submarine. SH4 especially does not like AI submarines that use Player submarine parts, nor does the game like when parts that have the same ID numbers or names are used. It took a LOT of work from CapnScurvy and s7rikeback to eliminate all those issues. So any additional mods with any AI subs can cause this conflict. The second way that can happen is player induced. If you shell-out to Windows and do other work, such as email or calculator, or anything else, that will cause data corruption when the game regains focus from Windows. If you Save the game, completely exit, then re-start the game and load that Save file, those type of issues should be re-set and things will be "normal" again. Shelling-out can also be caused by Windows itself, if it interrupts gameplay with a background app from the systray.

I notice that you have a text translation in the game. If the author of any such translation wants to share it with the SubSim community, we can post a link to it for you on the first page of this thread.

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Old 01-20-24, 11:33 AM   #5799
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post

There are several ways to get the gauges stuck like that. The first, which we worked very hard to eliminate, is a conflict with another submarine. SH4 especially does not like AI submarines that use Player submarine parts, nor does the game like when parts that have the same ID numbers or names are used.

Это верно. Особенно конфликт проявляется с Data/Submarine/AI_JyunsenB_Sub
That's true. Especially the conflict manifests itself with Data/Submarine/AI_JyunsenB_Sub
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Old 01-20-24, 12:47 PM   #5800
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- which is why we did not activate it in any mis files in the game - there are still player type parts on the submarine. Only the surfaced version of that submarine is active in the v1.8 mod. If you added it to any of the campaign files, you should remove those instances, and wait for the next released version of the mod.

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Old 01-20-24, 08:18 PM   #5801
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The Objects folder contains the wheelhouses of all submarines. Initially, in the stock version of the game, this folder contains the wheelhouses of the player's boats. Could there be a connection to my problem?


В папке Objects находятся рубки всех подводных лодок. Изначально в стоковой версии игры в этой папке находятся рубки лодок игрока. Может быть связь с моей проблемой?
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Old 01-21-24, 12:05 PM   #5802
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
- which is why we did not activate it in any mis files in the game - there are still player type parts on the submarine. Only the surfaced version of that submarine is active in the v1.8 mod. If you added it to any of the campaign files, you should remove those instances, and wait for the next released version of the mod.

Я разобрался с проблемой! Для того, чтобы не было ошибки со стрелками приборов на 12 часов, в файлах кампаинга не должно быть юнитов которые брались бы из папки субмарины!
I dealt with the problem! In order for there to be no error with instrument arrows for 12 hours, there should be no units in the campaigning files that would be taken from the submarine folder!
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Old 01-23-24, 05:13 PM   #5803
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Old 01-26-24, 01:15 AM   #5804
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Default Game wont start

i boot the game and it almost finishes loading and gives me a couple error codes, data/menu/gui/tdc/tdc_metric.tga, data/menu/skins/american/gui/layout/navigationtools.tga, data/menu/data/black80.tga, data/menu/data/ then with a 3, data/menu/skins/american/gui/careertransfer/, data/menu/skins/american/gui/careerstart/, data/menu/skins/american/gui/careerstart/, there is a new (not implemented) page <Page PlayerRank> ! , data/menu/skins/american/gui/player rank/left it keeps going for a while and im playing on steam with uboat installed and when i check the integrity of the files i am missing some files and it takes the mod off when i install them back and gives me the vanilla game. any help would be great
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Old 01-26-24, 08:38 AM   #5805
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Originally Posted by TheDinosuar01 View Post
i boot the game and it almost finishes loading and gives me a couple error codes, data/menu/gui/tdc/tdc_metric.tga, data/menu/skins/american/gui/layout/navigationtools.tga, data/menu/data/black80.tga, data/menu/data/ then with a 3, data/menu/skins/american/gui/careertransfer/, data/menu/skins/american/gui/careerstart/, data/menu/skins/american/gui/careerstart/, there is a new (not implemented) page <Page PlayerRank> ! , data/menu/skins/american/gui/player rank/left it keeps going for a while and im playing on steam with uboat installed and when i check the integrity of the files i am missing some files and it takes the mod off when i install them back and gives me the vanilla game. any help would be great
First of all, download the mod again. Your installation lacks files...

Do not install your Steam games in C:/program files or C:/program files (x86)...Install the Steam app in C:/....or another unit if you have one.

Delete all the files of your previous installation, including those in .../my documents/SH4.

And try...Tell us if this works. You need to install de mod using JSGME.

Good luck.


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