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Old 08-25-18, 05:05 AM   #541
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The art of being a good German today lies in demonising any disagreement with the left Zeitgeist as "Nazi", "Right wing populist", "racist", "xenophobe", "homophobe", "Islamophobe", "rapist" etc etc. etc. Ignoring unwanted realities and unwelcomed facts separates the ordinary good Germans from the real master-grade good Germans. The targets of these kind of attacks are demanded to sit still and sureender. and if they dare to defend themselves or even strike back at equal terms, with witty irony or even sometimes polemics, then all heaven and hell should fall upon them and doom them for all time to come. What left zeitgeist is allowed to do - its taregts are not allowed to do at all.

And you, Catfish, even repeatedly demonstrated in the middle of a left, super-"progressive" rant of yours your skill that at the same time, in the same paragraph, you nevertheless can claim that you are not left.

You are the perfect textbook example of the Zeitgeist German: Left. "Progressive". Islamophile. Anti-European but pro-EU. Pro socialism. Anti-identity. Pro unconditional redistribution. Pro strong state. Pro paper money. Sorry, cant go much lefter than this.

Of course neither you nor the targets of Broder's writings like to be shown out as that.

Vera Lengsfeld was one of the leading voices of the cicil rights movement in the GDR. She today is a strict critic of Merkel's desastrous polcies and underhnded lies and law violations. Henryk Broder is an argumentatice, witty publicist of Plish descent, and Jewsih. his family was murdered by the Nazis. He publishes ironic, sometimes polemic, but laways witty, stingy articles and books that criticice the germans for the many silly things they do. In 4 out of 5 cases, I agree with him. He was sued many, many times by left acitvists and Zeitgeist masters, and won the ver ymost of them. Privately, he is a very friendly, polite old manb - he just bites when you try to serve him poo as delicious cake.

And migrants, catfish, are not refugees, no matter how much you try to install your Neusprech-temrinology that Merkel et al are such a masters of. You put empotion iver reaosn, heart over head, and the question of factual causal respnnsibility you do not even ask for, you just claim moral obligation and thinks this frees you from all burden of evidence or resistence from unwanted realities.

You perfectly represent the attitude that dominates the Zeitgeist nowadays, including the schiozophrenic self-contradictions in your positions. And everybody disagreeing with you, is a Nazi. A right-wing populist. A racist. An Islamophobe. a homophobe. And around us, the world that was held together by historically grown identies and value system, not so much fall apart, but get actively destroyed and teared down, to replace it with artificial brain births from the socialist international's identity lab. Its like a sledgehammer of biblic proportions.

Leave me alone, Catfish. Chances are that your side will claim victory and succeed in destroying just everything that makes Germany German. Be satisfied with that, because from me you will get no moral pardoning anyway - not now, not in the future.

"Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of good than malice.
One can protest against evil, it can be exposed, it can be prevented if necessary by force, evil always carries the germ of self-decomposition in itself, leaving at least discomfort in man. We are defenseless against stupidity. Neither protests nor violence can do anything here; Reasons do not catch; Facts that contradict one's own prejudice simply do not need to be believed - in such cases, the stupid becomes even more critical - and if inevitable, they can simply be set aside as meaningless isolated cases. The stupid in contrast to the evil is completely satisfied with himself; yes, he even becomes dangerous, easily attacking with aggression.
Therefore, the dumb must be met with much greater caution than the evil. We will never again try to convince the stupid by reasons; it is meaningless and dangerous.
To know how to deal with stupidity, we must seek to understand its nature. So much is certain that it is not essentially an intellectual, but a human defect. There are intellectually extremely agile people who are stupid and intellectually very heavy-handed who are anything but stupid. We make this discovery to our surprise in certain situations. One gets less the impression that stupidity is a congenital defect, than that under certain circumstances, the people are made stupid, or can be stupid. We continue to observe that closed and lonely people show this defect less frequently than people or groups of people who are prone to rejection or condemnation. So stupidity may seem less of a psychological than a sociological problem. It is a special form of the influence of historical circumstances on man, a psychological accompaniment of certain external circumstances. On closer inspection, it turns out that any strong outward development of power, be it political or religious, cast a large part of people with stupidity. Yes, it looks like it's a sociological-psychological law. The power of one needs the stupidity of others. The process is not that certain - ie intellectual - plants of man suddenly wither or fail, but that under the overwhelming impression of the development of power man's inner independence is robbed and that this now - more or less unconsciously - renounced, to find his own behavior to his own life situations.
That the stupid is often stubborn, must not hide the fact that he is not independent. You can almost feel it in conversation with him, that you have to deal not with himself, with him personally, but with the influences over him over that powerful slogans etc. have. He is in a spell, he is blinded, he is abused in his own nature, maltreated. Thus becoming an instrument without will, the stupid will be capable of all evil and at the same time unable to recognize it as evil. Here is the danger of a diabolic abuse. As a result, people will be destroyed by this, forever.
But it is also quite clear here that not an act of instruction, but only an act of liberation, could overcome stupidity. In the process one will have to come to terms with the fact that a genuine inner liberation in the vast majority of cases becomes possible only after the external liberation has preceded; until then we will have to renounce all attempts to convince the stupid.
Incidentally, in this state of affairs, it will also be justified that in such circumstances we will try in vain to know what "the people" really thinks, and why this question is at the same time superfluous for the responsible thinker and doer - always only among them given circumstances. The word of the Bible, that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Psalm 3:10), says that man's inner deliverance to responsible life before God is the only true overcoming of stupidity.
By the way, these thoughts about stupidity have their consolation to them, that they do not allow the majority of people to be stupid at all costs. It will really matter if rulers promise themselves more of people's stupidity or inward self-reliance and wisdom.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer


German original: Widerstand und Ergebung. Briefe aus der Haft

"Dummheit ist ein gefährlicherer Feind des Guten als Bosheit.
Gegen das Böse läßt sich protestieren, es läßt sich bloßstellen, es läßt sich notfalls mit Gewalt verhindern, das Böse trägt immer den Keim der Selbstzersetzung in sich, indem es mindestens ein Unbehagen im Menschen zurückläßt. Gegen die Dummheit sind wir wehrlos. Weder mit Protesten noch durch Gewalt läßt sich hier etwas ausrichten; Gründe verfangen nicht; Tatsachen, die dem eigenen Vorurteil widersprechen, brauchen einfach nicht geglaubt zu werden - in solchen Fällen wird der Dumme sogar kritisch -, und wenn sie unausweichlich sind, können sie einfach als nichtssagende Einzelfälle beiseitegeschoben werden. Dabei ist der Dumme im Unterschied zum Bösen restlos mit sich selbst zufrieden; ja, er wird sogar gefährlich, indem er leicht gereizt zum Angriff übergeht.
Daher ist dem Dummen gegenüber mehr Vorsicht geboten als gegenüber dem Bösen. Niemals werden wir mehr versuchen, den Dummen durch Gründe zu überzeugen; es ist sinnlos und gefährlich.
Um zu wissen, wie wir der Dummheit beikommen können, müssen wir ihr Wesen zu verstehen suchen. Soviel ist sicher, daß sie nicht wesentlich ein intellektueller, sondern ein menschlicher Defekt ist. Es gibt intellektuell außerordentlich bewegliche Menschen, die dumm sind, und intellektuell sehr Schwerfällige, die alles andere als dumm sind. Diese Entdeckung machen wir zu unserer Überraschung anläßlich bestimmter Situationen. Dabei gewinnt man weniger den Eindruck, daß die Dummheit ein angeborener Defekt ist, als daß unter bestimmten Umständen die Menschen dumm gemacht werden, bzw. sich dumm machen lassen. Wir beobachten weiterhin, daß abgeschlossen und einsam lebende Menschen diesen Defekt seltener zeigen als zur Gesellung neigende oder verurteilte Menschen und Menschengruppen. So scheint die Dummheit vielleicht weniger ein psychologisches als ein soziologisches Problem zu sein. Sie ist eine besondere Form der Einwirkung geschichtlicher Umstände auf den Menschen, eine psychologische Begleiterscheinung bestimmter äußerer Verhältnisse. Bei genauerem Zusehen zeigt sich, daß jede starke äußere Machtentfaltung, sei sie politischer oder religiöser Art, einen großen Teil der Menschen mit Dummheit schlägt. Ja, es hat den Anschein, als sei das geradezu ein soziologisch-psychologisches Gesetz. Die Macht der einen braucht die Dummheit der anderen. Der Vorgang ist dabei nicht der, daß bestimmte - also etwa intellektuelle - Anlagen des Menschen plötzlich verkümmern oder ausfallen, sondern daß unter dem überwältigenden Eindruck der Machtentfaltung dem Menschen seine innere Selbständigkeit geraubt wird und daß dieser nun - mehr oder weniger unbewußt - darauf verzichtet, zu den sich er gebenden Lebenslagen ein eigenes Verhalten zu finden.
Daß der Dumme oft bockig ist, darf nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, daß er nicht selbständig ist. Man spürt es geradezu im Gespräch mit ihm, daß man es gar nicht mit ihm selbst, mit ihm persönlich, sondern mit über ihn mächtig gewordenen Schlagworten, Parolen etc. zu tun hat. Er ist in einem Banne, er ist verblendet, er ist in seinem eigenen Wesen mißbraucht, mißhandelt. So zum willenlosen Instrument geworden, wird der Dumme auch zu allem Bösen fähig sein und zugleich unfähig, dies als Böses zu erkennen. Hier liegt die Gefahr eines diabolischen Mißbrauchs. Dadurch werden Menschen für immer zugrunde gerichtet werden können.
Aber es ist gerade hier auch ganz deutlich, daß nicht ein Akt der Belehrung, sondern allein ein Akt der Befreiung die Dummheit überwinden könnte. Dabei wird man sich damit abfinden müssen, daß eine echte innere Befreiung in den allermeisten Fällen erst möglich wird, nachdem die äußere Befreiung vorangegangen ist; bis dahin werden wir auf alle Versuche, den Dummen zu überzeugen, verzichten müssen.
In dieser Sachlage wird es übrigens auch begründet sein, daß wir uns unter solchen Umständen vergeblich darum bemühen, zu wissen, was »das Volk« eigentlich denkt, und warum diese Frage für den verantwortlich Denkenden und Handelnden zugleich so überflüssig ist - immer nur unter den gegebenen Umständen. Das Wort der Bibel, daß die Furcht Gottes der Anfang der Weisheit sei (Psalm 3,10), sagt, daß die innere Befreiung des Menschen zum verantwortlichen Leben vor Gott die einzige wirkliche Überwindung der Dummheit ist.
Übrigens haben diese Gedanken über die Dummheit doch dies Tröstliche für sich, daß sie ganz und gar nicht zulassen, die Mehrzahl der Menschen unter allen Umständen für dumm zu halten. Es wird wirklich darauf ankommen, ob Machthaber sich mehr von der Dummheit oder von der inneren Selbständigkeit und Klugheit der Menschen versprechen."
Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.

Karl Popper
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Last edited by Skybird; 08-25-18 at 05:26 AM.
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Old 08-25-18, 01:30 PM   #542
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Nice try @Skybird.
Whose mask fell here, should actually realize any reasonable thinking people now.

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Old 08-27-18, 06:13 AM   #543
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Left-green anti-americanism unites with Muslim anti-semitism. Not just stabbings and rapes have risen in Germany, with Muslim migrants beign massively overrepresented in the perpetrator group, but mobbing and violence against Jews is acceptbale almost, politics remain inactive and produce nothing but rhetorical lip confessions,

Recently, I talked about anti-Semitism at Oxford University (St. Jones College). I distinguished three types of anti-Semitism: > the old Nazi anti-Semitism;
> the "New Antisemitism" that thrives in the world of Islam and its diaspora in Europe;
> the left-wing anti-Semitism that is flourishing in Europe.
I focused on the case of Germany, where the Left, in solidarity with Islamists as alleged victims of the Jews, seeks to purge themselves of the German guilt of the German murder of six million Jews. The new anti-Semitism, both of the left and the Islamists, disguises itself as anti-Zionism and as "Israel bashing". The victims of yesterday, the Jews, become perpetrators.
So far, the Left Greens have used the moral pressure of the 2015/2016 refugee crisis to stigmatize dissidents as Nazis. Even those Democrats who did not share the stranger's left-green refinement and pointed to the fact that the majority of newcomers from the Middle East were anti-Semites were treated that way.
Slowly, this narrative crumbles and people realize that the Left Greens are silent about the new anti-Semitism. The Jewish scientist Michael Wolffsohn denounces in the NZZ "the radicalized Muslim minority" and their "growing anti-Semitism" and gives to consider: "Many Jews want to emigrate."
Original Swiss source: LINK

A total social wellfare state does nto attract the best and most qulfied and civilized from other places (becasue they do not need it and Germany and Belgium are the two most heavily taxing countries in the world), but the loosers or/and the unqualified, those at the lower end of the social food chain. If this meets racism and anti-semitism as preached by Quranic doctrine (according to which islam should seek and shall take as natural the rule of Islam over all others: death for all infidels and atheists, and submission and slave status for Christians and Jews), then nothing good can come from this. In three or four decades at the latest those newcomers who may have worked indeed so far will become pensioneers, and it has been shown in calculations from Switzerland that then the little money they added to the social state, will more than called up then, the pendulum will swing back in full force. Means: in the long run, the costs outweigh the short-time gains.

This is not to say that most migrants indeed work. Most do not. And will not in the next generation as well. We have half a century of experience with the Turkish migration into Germany, and calculating all costs, it is a net loss for Germany. Later generations will be even more orthodox and conservatve, than the generation that move din first, we have learned. Todays migration is a net movement into your social systems. We may gain short termed benefits - and much higher long-termed costs and losses. Like we do with money, we now do with migration buying time at the cost of accepting much more dramatic collapse at the end.

All this pendulum will swing back already uch earlier, when the boom we have running, comes to an end before those 30-40 years. Becasue the majority of this emigrants who found a job indeed, work in branches and jobs that are very weak, will suffer dearly from a recession, will get lost first.

Germany behaves as if the best of times will last forever, and no wortsneing or even just weakening of the economical situation is even imaginable. All this hype and super-idealistic stuff - it will not forget us and will take bitter revenge. And I am very certain it will not be 30-40 years. More likely less than 10 years.
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Old 08-27-18, 11:22 AM   #544
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German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said "vigilante justice" will not be tolerated after far-right unrest over a murder in the eastern city of Chemnitz.

Scuffles have broken out during two days of protests by hundreds of people in the city centre since a German was stabbed to death early on Sunday.

A Syrian man and an Iraqi man have been arrested on suspicion of murder.

Police were still out in strength on Monday evening, braced for new demonstrations by both right and left.

They are also investigating alleged assaults on an Afghan, a Syrian and a Bulgarian during the unrest.

Reports have spoken of aggressive protesters chasing foreigners, though there are few details, and police have appealed for witnesses to the assaults hand over any video they may have recorded.

A far-right football fan group called Kaotic Chemnitz had earlier called out supporters to show "who is in charge", while protesters on Sunday could be seen chanting "We are the people!" and "This is our city!".

Bottles were thrown on Sunday by protesters at police, who were reinforced by officers from other cities.
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Old 08-27-18, 12:37 PM   #545
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I heard on the radio that right-wing mobs were chasing people in Chemnitz who "did not look german", with one man chased dead by now. No further info.

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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Old 08-27-18, 02:29 PM   #546
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Originally Posted by Jimbuna View Post
Th five new Eastern federal states that formed up after reunification even after almost 30 years have not fully caught up with Westgerman standards. While loans are lower, so are living costs, so that equalises each other somehow. But there are not enough jobs, the young and willing/capable ones move out, the old ones remain behind, and what you have by that is a vicious circle of demographic decline and contracting economy conditions, falling investments, and shruning perspectoves for the young. This is why the East of Germany is generally a more fertile ground for nazi ideologists than the West.

However, in general a growing trend is to be seen that mroe and more people are sick and tired of the Merkel regime's lies and sweet talking and glossing over all and everything.

This is to be seen everywhere in Europe, it seems, lastly in Italy. There will be several elections in Sweden soon, and never since WWII has the extreme right in Sweden had so good chances to win the elections. Since 2006, the party called Sweden-Democrats (SD) has doubled its election result at every election, some weeks ago only scporing in polls 22% - with the leading party of Social Democrats scoring just 23%, and the Moderate Conservatives scoring 20%. The SD was formed by remains of the Neonazis in Sweden of the 80s. That the raise of the right is so substantial that the socialist govenrment saw itself forced to stop the migraiton policy of 2015 and cutting asylum acceptances by dramatic levels, and much more seriously than the Germans (who also still eject just a microscopic fraction of asylum seeker who were refused).

I predict that this trend will continue, uncoordinated, unstructured more or less - but it will continue the louder the EU and the socialists and the European self-haters yell and stomp their feet.

When these national trends start to coordinate themselves and become a united intenraitonal movement, thigns will get really interesting, becasue neither these right poltical movements nor the EU will shy away from using manipulation or violence to see their ideological goals through. The question is who is more potent to use force, and more willing.

If you grab sand with your fist, the tighter your grab becomes, the more sand escapes between your fingers. And all that sand that falls into the bucket below - that is the political right that the fist of the self-rightous tries to control and prevent.

Its the counterstroke of the pendulum. Every action has reaction, and the force the political correct elites enforce, inevitably returns.
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Old 08-28-18, 06:28 AM   #547
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From hero to pariah.

25 years ago, migrant houses in Rostock were set ablaze. The author was the TV cameraman filming it form inside, being trapped like the Vietnamese that there lived. I remember the media frenzy, and how the courage of the TV crew was celebrated.

25 years, the same man voiced something true though critical and since then gets punished with social assassination.

Thats the climate in Germany, 2018. Well. It reminds of this quote by Alexis de Tocqueville:

"Tyranny in democratic republics does not proceed in the same way, however. It ignores the body and goes straight for the soul. The master no longer says: You will think as I do or die. He says: You are free not to think as I do. You may keep your life, your property, and everything else. But from this day forth you shall be as a stranger among us. You will retain your civic privileges, but they will be of no use to you. For if you seek the votes of your fellow citizens, they will withhold them, and if you seek only their esteem, they will feign to refuse even that. You will remain among men, but you will forfeit your rights to humanity. When you approach your fellow creatures, they will shun you as one who is impure. And even those who believe in your innocence will abandon you, lest they, too, be shunned in turn. Go in peace, I will not take your life, but the life I leave you with is worse than death.”
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Old 08-29-18, 06:42 AM   #548
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The following was originally published in Die Tagespost, whcih is a national conservative-Catholic weekly news magazine loyal to the Vatican. Their archive cannot be accessed without subscription, so I qoute it by Die Achse.

The author is a poet, writer and journalist ,Ulrich Schacht, and was born in 1951 in Hoheneck Women's Prison in East Germany. In 1973, sentenced to seven years imprisonment in the GDR because of "anti-state hate speech", he was ransomed in 1976 by the Federal Republic.

"Criticism" becomes "Hounding" (Hetze) again.

What made Bonhoeffer so theologically - the historical work of Diabolos, the jumble, in the form of the bright, benevolent, the morally necessary realizing-man, the philosopher Karl Jaspers knew a short decade after the war to translate into the terminology of the historical thinker, by viewing the prototypical change of form of evil in the social space of the totalitarian: „Totalitarianism is not communism, not fascism, not National Socialism, but it has occurred in all these forms ... It is a phenomenon of the age, detached from all that policy, which is determined by principles of national, historical, constitutional-constitutional existence ... To see through it is not easy. It is like an apparatus that sets itself in motion, in that even the actors often do not understand it while they are already realizing it. " Referring to the Nazi regime, Jaspers then asks: „But how did it happen?" His answer: „Not by majority, but by fraud, the population did not see through. With constant emphasis on legality, the unconditional validity of the constitution, the goal was achieved. „To whom these Jasper’s sentences of 1954 in 2018 do not seem like a Déja-vu still lives in that political-propagandistic confusion like Bonhoeffer diagnosed, who makes the good of evil, the lie of the truth, of destruction salvation. The finally wrong in the law and declared anyone who rebelled against it, the enemy. To the enemy of good, truth, morality and progress.
Since the constitutional and illegal border opening in the fall of 2015 - past legislative and judicial by a power engineering process authorizing the then Interior Minister in the consequence of a self-empowerment for image reasons of the still ruling Chancellor (meticulously reconstructed in the book „The Driven“ of the capital correspondent of „Welt am Sonntag“, Robin Alexander) - which in principle lasts until the hour - even though the political-media complex in Germany has been asserting the opposite in dull propaganda lanterns around the clock since then - we are experiencing a fundamental one in the Republic of the Basic Law Attack on the same. Not by his declared enemies, wherever, but by politicians up to the highest offices, who are sworn in to this Basic Law, or lawyers who try to legitimize such a breach of law. Not least by the incumbent President of the Federal Constitutional Court, as one could take from a report of the „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“ about a private meal between the head of government and the highest judge of the country from 2016.

There is great variance in the quality of Google's Bot Translations. I wonder why. In past days, many articles I used it on worked every well, this one however is a bit coarse in result, though the German langauge used is not an especially difficult or complex one in formualtions.

originally from Die Tagespost, quoted by LINK
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Old 08-30-18, 08:14 AM   #549
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There is a tradition of trivialisation of the extreme right-wing by right-wing conservative political majorities not only in Germany. And without political tailwind it is very difficult to face the problem.

When politicians here speak of the far right-wing as smaller, manageable groups, it may be true for the driving force or the organisers, but it completely understimates the movement (movement/'Bewegung' is b.t.w. pure Goebbels Nazi jargon) character of what has just happened in Chemnitz.
The connection of the right-wing extremists to a part of society where racist and anti-Semitic attitudes have always fermented has been getting closer, and is now breaking out. This has been formed politically, has become eligible in a way and is now out on the road.
The distance of 'normal people' to the extreme right-wing hardcore groups has been lost.

This movement in Saxony is being denied up to the political top of the Saxon state government to this day. The analysis of Germany's situation is thus wrong, and we will have more and more of what has happened in Chemnitz

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.

Last edited by Catfish; 08-31-18 at 03:03 AM. Reason: typos
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Old 08-30-18, 08:33 AM   #550
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When watching the images on TV, what worries me is that the crowd seems to mix indeed hardcore Neonazis - and ordinary people from the burgoise middle class, not being Nazi, but angry. If I were an ordinary career poltician like there are so many, i would find the latter's tolerance for the presence of the first most alarming. Its what happened to the AfD as well when Lucke just foudned it: he did not get contorl of the attempts fromt he right wing to in filtrate it, and so the AfD as a whole after Lucke's attempt turned far more provoking and populist indeed.

Its what i have predicted several times: that the anger for the arrogance of the ruling elite one day will become so big that even ordinary, modest middle class citizens will tolerate extremists to take command just to have them sweeping away the corrupt elites that just do not listen and always carry on as if nothing happened and knew all and everything better, with any critics and different opinions being ridiculed, defamed, pathologized, criminalized.

Jaspers whom I quoted before, had it totally right in the part I marked red.

Reality denial can be a symptom of psychopatholic relevance. The poltical elites are filled from their toes up to their lower lips with it. But may I ask: what is tougher: the head in denial, or the concrete wall that is for real?
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Old 08-30-18, 10:27 AM   #551
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When did we get so squeamish? - Always refreshing when reading something like this in a news magazine where you would expect it last.

The short memory seems the sign of our time. It may not be present to many, but it's only been 14 months since a violent mob moved through the Hanseatic city of Hamburg to destroy everything that somehow looked like capitalism. Does anyone remember the G-20 protests? Or, among the older ones, to the elevators in Hamburg's Hafenstraße? An Brokdorf, the runway west, the annual removals in Kreuzberg? Even then, the Bengali fire was burning. Even then, the police were so surprised by the overwhelming power of the demonstrators that it looked like the road was now ruling. Is that why the rule of law has gone to its knees? Is not he.

If you absolutely want to search for historical parallels to today, then the 1970s are much closer than the thirties. The people faced each other irreconcilably. There was so much hate and violence that the government was forced to give security agencies more and more powers. Rasterfahndung, Radikalenerlass: all results of the seventies.
German original source: LINK
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Old 08-30-18, 11:09 AM   #552
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Ausnahmsweise mal nur in Deutsch:

a short German video interview - in exclusively German language! -, 6 minutes: Henryk Broder, this despicable populist and fearsome right winger, on the failure of politics and the Nazi mob on the streets. How dare he!

The man speaks so straight plain reason that it hurts.
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Old 08-30-18, 11:55 AM   #553
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Mhmm - is like almost a hundred years ago.
How was it in the Weimar Republic, had not it started so similar and creeping?

And as you can see, the new "Goebbel`s" are already strikingly public.
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Old 09-03-18, 02:34 PM   #554
Ocean Warrior
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was this article discussed here?
Grumpy as always.
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Old 09-03-18, 02:55 PM   #555
Dipped Squirrel Operative
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^ Otte is an incompetent idiot.

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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