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Old 01-21-18, 02:49 PM   #466
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It's (coalition talk) not done yet, but if..

@August i think there was talk about abandoning because the right-wing conservative parties did not like goals that put industry under pressure, but then the coalition plans crashed.
I guess the probability that the goal will not be abandoned, just rose with the planned SPD-coalition.
If they abandon it, it has nothing to do with a change of Merkel's opinion.

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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Old 01-21-18, 04:11 PM   #467
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Originally Posted by STEED View Post
No. It has been leaked from her closest circle that the party seeks a successor already. She has lost too much authority.

Also, the red socialists have only voted to start negotiating about entering a great coalition again (which has been de facto voted out of office, mind you, but it seems that election results mean nothing anymore these days: we just cannot get rid of the scum that dominates the political stage even if we vote them off), giving the reds the lowest election return in their history and the blue and black socialists one of their worst or the worst as well. That these negotiations will be successful - that is a completely other story and not granted at all. Officially, all three parties CDU, CSU and SPD are so totaloly opposing to many of the others' positions and wishes that it practically should be impossible. Merkel will bend and morph like an octopus in a bottle to secure her interests, but she will be significantly weapened. Her m arks have dropped signifiantly in Germany, growing numbers are tired of her opportunistic drivel-talk, and the mass migration and its national follow-up crisises has been pushed under the carpet, but are on everybody's mind nevertheless. Mascronman has taken over her mojo, woth quite some German politicians now be willign to pay German money for France's "vision".

The SPD will not ge tout of the dumnps if they allow to get pulled over the table. Not pulling them over thr table will ruin the CSU's chances in upcoming federal elections later this year for claiming the absolute majority, which is their demand. I think that Merkel from all eleciton on hoped for a great coalition again, but the way they get this repetion moving will weaken her so much that she canot survive the whole legislation period and the SPD will raise demands that should be impossible to accept for the CDU, if the SPD wants to recover fromt heir historc low in the next elections. Their marks have dropped even further since last elections.

Partei, Partei über alles, über alles in der Welt...

And the CDU's Merkel, the CSU' s Seehofer and the SPD's Schulz are three party chefs who all three missed the right time to retire "in dignity" and who all are not wanted and liked over here anymore. This whole national pitiful show is allowed to boil on just because oif these three parasites' ego that think the show cannot move on without their glorious presence. They want to force the masses to love them.

Its not just Macronman hunting Merkel. Its Austria's Kurz And Hungarys'S Orban are hunting her as well. And the raise of "atypical parties" that are a direct reaction to and a linear consequence of Merkel's and the EU's ways. Poland also doe snot like Merkel, but they have no such high-profiled and clever poltical figure head like Kurz and Orban, since Kaczinski's influence outside Polnish society seems to be very limited, he pulls the strings only inside the Polish realm.

Kurz' raise shall be most entertaining, I expect to see. Nobody will weasel as cleverly as he will do.


I do not understand why many people think Alexis de Tocqueville is valid in observation only towards America. Many of his insights and his genius are valid in other places and times as well:

"I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run." - Alexis de Tocqueville

"There are some nations in Europe whose inhabitants think of themselves in a sense as colonists, indifferent to the fate of the place they live in. The greatest changes occur in their country without their cooperation. They are not even aware of precisely what has taken place. They suspect it; they have heard of the event by chance. More than that, they are unconcerned with the fortunes of their village, the safety of their streets, the fate of their church and its vestry. They think that such things have nothing to do with them, that they belong to a powerful stranger called “the government.” They enjoy these goods as tenants, without a sense of ownership, and never give a thought to how they might be improved. They are so divorced from their own interests that even when their own security and that of their children is finally compromised, they do not seek to avert the danger themselves but cross their arms and wait for the nation as a whole to come to their aid. Yet as utterly as they sacrifice their own free will, they are no fonder of obedience than anyone else. They submit, it is true, to the whims of a clerk, but no sooner is force removed than they are glad to defy the law as a defeated enemy. Thus one finds them ever wavering between servitude and license.
When a nation has reached this point, it must either change its laws and mores or perish, for the well of public virtue has run dry: in such a place one no longer finds citizens but only subjects.”

“Every nation that has ended in tyranny has come to that end by way of good order. It certainly does not follow from this that peoples should scorn public peace, but neither should they be satisfied with that and nothing more. A nation that asks nothing of government but the maintenance of order is already a slave in the depths of its heart; it is a slave of its well-being, ready for the man who will put it in chains.”

And as I repeatedly described: the meaning of the ancient Greek word for "citizen" points at free, armed, wealthy men.
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Old 01-22-18, 07:32 AM   #468
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What you are describing Sky sounds like the whole situation is a complete mess.

It is being reported on UK tv that whilst Merkel is being kept busy at home, one of the consequences is a much weakened EU and Macron will attempt to take her place but I doubt he is actually going to be able to because that will threaten the Geman French economic alliance on the EU stage and could well splinter the EU in the eyes of the other net providers such as Holland and Italy.
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Old 01-22-18, 07:39 AM   #469
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Seems what is on the news here SB is slanted in such away putting the Bitch in a good light. Thank goodness for you telling it straight.
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Old 01-22-18, 07:51 AM   #470
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Well, somebody is perceiving rather differently to what I am viewing because I don't see much if any support for Merkel in the media and especially since Brexit.
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Old 01-22-18, 12:37 PM   #471
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What Macron wants, is one thing what France actually can afford by its own power, is a very different. Macron needs German money, and lotds and lots of it, and in recent months potli8ians of all parties have idnicaqted that thy wing around and may be willing to give it to him and accept even further ersosions of earlier rules for the Euro, all what was once forbidde3n, especially one state fianncing the debts of the other state and a collectivization of nationald ebts at teh costs of the net payer, now is acceptable for German opponents who once were strictly against it. Contnental unemployment insurance wil come - and Germans will pay for it. National debt budget fiancing via the ECB will come - at the loss of the Germans paying for it. A higher EU budget will come, at the costs of Germans paying for it. The hole left by the soon ending British fundings will be come up for by the Germans who pay for it. Much of this will not be called by its real name, but will be hidden and will be deceived behind misleading names and complex mechanisms designed for the only excluisve purpose of hiding the truth from the public.
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Old 01-28-18, 06:04 AM   #472
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Bot translation does not work well on this, so I give the German original link. It would be a miss not to post it, due to its "launig" basic tone. Its about what kind of empty dumphead generation is being bred inside the SPD and that promises to bring the party below 10% once they have taken over.

In German only:

We should dumb these intellectual vacuums into Venezuela, I think. They are as needed as an angry appendix. Tjhat tax money will be wasted to feed nills and zeroes like this, is hard to bear.


Meanwhile the plot is thickening that the CDU indeed is mulling to replac Merkel. A likely candidate is Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.

She supports pro-female gender quotas and Merkel's channelling of mass migration into Germany, also was and is against closing of the borders, but is against the equalization of homosexual "marriage" with heterosexual marriage. She supports a strong orientation of Germany towards France. Migrants shall still get imported en masses, but age and identity verification via viable papers or tests shall be mandatory. Her political career started in and focussed on the Saarland. - Usually she is seen as the continution of Merkel's politics.

My prediction: with her not much will change: questions of style at best. Tjats why it is said she is Merkel's favourite.

Meanwhile polls see the SPD once again going into another dive after the decision to open coalition negotations.
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Last edited by Skybird; 01-28-18 at 06:12 AM.
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Old 02-07-18, 06:43 AM   #473
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This illustrates how treacherous Merkwel is to her own "conservative party".

The SPD, dropped in polls far below 20% and biggest looser of the last election, will get the ministries for social isses and labour, and finances.

And the foreign ministry as well, becasue Schultz wants to be foreign minister so that he can form the socialist transfer union with Macron. In the last weeks he intensively contacted Macron, and the French cannot believe how eager Germany suddenly is to give up any financial discipline rules and instead follow France's vision of France's centralism and socialism and Mediterranean union dominating Europe - but letting the stupid Germans pay for it.

Merkel has given up all and evertyhing the CDU once claimed to have stand for.

There is only one option left for reaosnable people: vomitting oneself to death.

Law experts sympathizing with the SPD and the outlook to continue the agony of the great coalition (which was kicked out of office in last elections, mind you, and was kicked with a loud BANG)meanwhile do their share to make sure the SPD party base will agree to the plans . They claim that the party has no right to cast their vote on whether they will such a coaltion again or not, becasue it would erode the rights of parliament.

They road to one-party state and Gleichschaltung is now being openly discussed over here. We just call it by other names.

Three days ago there was a silent jubilee. For as many days as the Berlin wall has stood, it now has been gone again. But the mentality that enabled , allowed and embraced the dictatorship of the Nazis, and the dictatorship of the SED in the GDR, has never been away at all.

Schultz as foreign minister, pushing the E and and the French. Imagine the damage he can do there. The SPD controlling finances and social spendings and labour politics. Imagine the damage they can do. Imagine the damage they can do if they control both ministries, labour and finance, together

Imagine the continuation of a great coalition. Imagine the despair.

How can it be that the biggest looser of the election turns out to be the most powerful governmental faction?

Merkel is the biggest disaster for germany since 1933 and its consequences.


Already in 1863, Otto von Bismarck said in a speech to the Prussian parliament:

The inclination to be enthusiastic about foreign nationalities and national aspirations, even if they can only be realized at the expense of one's native country, is a political form of illness whose geographical distribution is unfortunately limited to Germany." (Die Neigung, sich für fremde Nationalitäten und Nationalbestrebungen zu begeistern, auch dann, wenn dieselben nur auf Kosten des eigenen Vaterlandes verwirklicht werden können, ist eine politische Krankheitsform, deren geographische Verbreitung leider auf Deutschland beschränkt ist.)
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Old 02-07-18, 06:49 AM   #474
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Sky, the above was announced on the BBC less than an hour ago and whilst I don't claim to know German politics in any great detail, I believe I know enough to consider this a backward step for the German people who must surely be dissapointed by Merkel and her scheming and coniving efforts to remain in power.

I wonder if she's related to May?
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Old 02-07-18, 07:02 AM   #475
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Ursula v.d. Leyen shall remain to be miniministress of armed kindergardens, foreign school building and expeditionally bridge maintenance. The raises in defence spendings mostly weill be spend not of defence but on civil projects of foreoign aid ambitions. Calculazted in real buying power and projecting the to be expected rate of price increase, it will be a net CUT of defence spendings that actually are spend on - military - defence.
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Old 02-07-18, 07:30 AM   #476
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The cat is out the bag..

Germany now 'biggest breaker of EU rules', according to official figures
Angela Merkel's government worst offender in Europe
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Old 02-07-18, 08:22 AM   #477
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^ aww wasn Aufreger..

"In terms of the seriousness of the 'crimes' they seem to rank somewhere between not handing your homework in on time and failing to tie your shoes laces properly"

What can be said though is
1. Germany will of course pay the penalty, and adjust its behaviour accordingly
2. The EU court obviously works, and is not intimidated or bribed, so nothing is being swept under the carpet
3. Germany will not enter history to have sent away refugees needing help
(which is despite problems something we can be proud of, even if i did not vote for Merkel)
Other main parties in Germany would have acted likewise. (Not the smallish nationalsocialist AfD Farage is a fan of, of course.)

And ... Germany always wins when it comes down to penalties.

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.

Last edited by Catfish; 02-08-18 at 03:34 AM.
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Old 02-09-18, 06:11 AM   #478
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^So no answer.
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Old 02-09-18, 06:56 AM   #479
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What was the question?

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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Old 02-09-18, 07:01 AM   #480
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BREXIT or Remain
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