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Old 04-24-22, 06:42 AM   #3391
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Originally Posted by les green01 View Post
guess we are going have to disagree i was raise my voice is my vote tell you one thing i'm not bowing down to some king or a dicator or being told i got to do this or that or work a certain job or whatever or live my life a certain way most us politicians have their heads up their backsides that a fact
I have been there before, search for "Brennan" in general topics, the old US politics thread until 2020, now locked.

Nowhere I said or implied you should live according to a dictator's will. My - and Brennan's and Hoppe's - argument is that the holy grail of "democracy" - elections - are offering illusory promises only, and do not keep what they promise. That participating in this only provides this corrupted system an alibi to carry on with its corrupted ways, consisting of always spilling the members of the most unscrupulous and unsuited caste into positions of power at the top. We get thus governed by scum, no matter how we voted. Most voters have no deep understanding of the many topics politicis have to deal with, have no deep-rooting understanding of economics, finances, and how one thing is interconnected with many others things and thus when getting changed could ruin so much more beyond the initial scope. How is it to be seen as reasonable then that clueless people are allowed to bring imposters and incompetenmt dillettantees into power?

Again, by diagnosis, Hoppe and Brennan are irresistable and 100% on the marks. They take no prisoners, and rightly so. Their offered alternatives, however, are what leaves me doubting that they could really work. Hoppe wants a so-called private rights society, Brennan an epistocracy. Both do not convince me, both have their inherent weaknesses. Human fault and human evil will always exploit even small design mistakes to the max. I admit I have not yet imagiend a solution. But I absolutely abstaion form cpnclduign that dmeicracy is the smallest of the evils. It isn't. Its the same evil like the others, just with chocolate coating and candyfloss on it.

Of one thing I am certain: a state is not good per se, and the more state there is, the worst things are for the indioviodual, liberty in generla, self-responsibility, self-reliance. Also, any state structure, no matter the ideological orientation, and so even democracy in modern or in Ancient Greek understanding, will allways from day one on shift more and more towards a totalitarian regime and tyranny aiming at controlling the individual in the name of the state-controlled and -defined collective. Even - and especially! - democracy.

So when i or Brennan say "Against democracy", I do not imply or wish for a dictatorship instead. Nor do I say people should not be allowed to think on politics when I say "Political parties should be prohibited, all of them". I am serious. Parties always put their own power interests - and sooner or later: personal conspiracies - over state reason and the common good. Always, without expeption. You see it in all glorious clarity in the Polarized States of America, and you see it in all European states and the EU, without expection. This is what the German former federla president Richard von Weizsäcker meant when he said: "Die politischen Parteien haben sich den Staat zur Beute gemacht" (The political parties have made the state their prey). They do not serve the state or the common good anymore. They exclusively exist to protect power interests of individual "alpha actors", and ideological camps.

This can be known by everybody, and I demand everybody to have realised this if he or she thinks about to terrorise the common good with their unqualified but oh so precious voting ballot. You should and can know that this is what you get when you vote, and nothing else than this. Therefore: nobody legitimising these crooked ways by accepting to play by the system's rules has no right to complain and to criticise. He legitimised the crooked ways by him obeying to them. An in evtiable precnditon of the majoprity vote to serve the common good would be transparency, altruiosm, reaosnability. Most people instead vote by habit. Family tradition. Changing vogue. They better buy a ticket and have a good time in the movies, that way they at leats do not harm the others.

There is an inner contradiciton that possibly is impossible to solve.

Those rejecting to express that legitimization by voting are the ones to whom something is done against their expressed will. So they have any right you can have to complain. Because you either dont vote for laziness or - as I do - due to concern and the above mentioned arguments. You do not just "not care", you make a decision and express your political opinion by not voting. You make a deliberate choice - and that choice is you do not accept the system playing foul against you. In case of the latter, it is an expression of your political thinking and wish. Thats why I insist on that voting results get standardized and relativised by including the non-voters in the final results. All too often the "overwhelming" election victory of somebody turns out to look as what it really is: that this somebody only represents a small minority of the elecatorate in fact, and hardly can claim to speak "for us all".

For sake of completeness I again remind of the simply fact that origianlly, according to the Ancient Greek standards, democracy has little if nothing to do with modern democracy, and that the Greek democracy originally is a feudal state form.

I refer to this old thread of mine which has so very many terirble typing faults...
Some principles listed there that are a must in order to have a kind of society that keeps what modern states promised but do not hold. We are too many. Size of social systems has a lot to do with transparency, freedoms - the the pratical possibility of these to even show. Or getting assassinated.

Both the US and the EU are textbook exmaples of how things erode from within, and in parts are wanted by elites to erode former standards for their own party power interests. Putin, Islam, corona, debt crisis, currency crisis all serve as catalysts to speed that erosion up. Wokism, polticla corretcness, overboarding climate protest demanding unrealistic extremes to tackle things, are other factors.

If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 04-24-22 at 07:22 AM.
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Old 04-27-22, 07:09 PM   #3392
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Brilliant Abbott. All he demonstrated is what a complete idiot he is!

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Old 04-27-22, 08:31 PM   #3393
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Originally Posted by Buddahaid View Post
Brilliant Abbott. All he demonstrated is what a complete idiot he is!

My understanding based on what I read:
The governor ordered troopers to thoroughly inspect every commercial truck coming from Mexico in what he described as an effort to stop illegal drugs and migrants from being smuggled into Texas.
So, it seems to appear commercial trucking may not be a primary route. But we thinkers know for a fact illegal immigration AND narcotics are being smuggled across our nations southern border. How do the simple minded idiots on the other side of the political spectrum suggest we stop or slow it?

Do tell
Extradite Deez Nutz in your mouth Commissioner Mark Rowley you fascist pig. Make 1984 fiction again.

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Old 04-27-22, 10:46 PM   #3394
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This cost Texas 4.23 billion dollars and was going to be failure from the start.

"Abbott had touted his April 6 order as a crackdown on drug smuggling and human trafficking. But Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, who like Abbott is a Republican, says the inspections did "nothing to stop the flow of illegal immigration or illegal drugs. I mean, absolutely zero."

"Texas governor repeals immigration order that caused border crossing gridlock
That's because Abbott's inspections looked only at basic vehicle safety, such as the trucks' tires and brakes and lights — not their contents, Miller told NPR's Morning Edition."

"The governor's people have no authority to open the trucks," Miller said. Instead, he said, every truck undergoes inspections by federal and state agricultural agencies, as well as Customs and Border Protection. Those inspectors use X-ray machines, drug-sniffing dogs and other measures to ensure the cargo is legitimate, Miller added."
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Old 04-27-22, 11:19 PM   #3395
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Originally Posted by Buddahaid View Post
This cost Texas 4.23 billion dollars and was going to be failure from the start.

"Abbott had touted his April 6 order as a crackdown on drug smuggling and human trafficking. But Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, who like Abbott is a Republican, says the inspections did "nothing to stop the flow of illegal immigration or illegal drugs. I mean, absolutely zero."

"Texas governor repeals immigration order that caused border crossing gridlock
That's because Abbott's inspections looked only at basic vehicle safety, such as the trucks' tires and brakes and lights — not their contents, Miller told NPR's Morning Edition."

"The governor's people have no authority to open the trucks," Miller said. Instead, he said, every truck undergoes inspections by federal and state agricultural agencies, as well as Customs and Border Protection. Those inspectors use X-ray machines, drug-sniffing dogs and other measures to ensure the cargo is legitimate, Miller added."
…Abbott's inspections looked only at basic vehicle safety, such as the trucks' tires and brakes and lights — not their contents

So whats your argument, are you reading anything you post? Is it, how Abbott is more concerned about vehicle safety or illegal immigrants and narcotics? Vehicle safety, illegal immigration and importation drugs are everyone’s concern. How would you address these issues, or do you think such actions by the State are fruitless? What would you do?
Extradite Deez Nutz in your mouth Commissioner Mark Rowley you fascist pig. Make 1984 fiction again.

Last edited by Rockstar; 04-27-22 at 11:50 PM.
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Old 04-28-22, 08:57 AM   #3396
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I would let the Feds do their job and not waste money on a stunt when Texas needs it for better uses such as improving their power grid. But let me play your game, what would you do?
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Old 04-28-22, 01:28 PM   #3397
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I believe the States have the right to protect their own borders and enforce all applicable state laws within it. Texas governor directed Troopers to conduct “enhanced safety inspections”

Because guess what cupcake, the feds do not enforce state highway safety laws. Evident by the report that in 8 days Texas State Troopers inspected 4,100 trucks and took 850 unsafe vehicles and drivers off the Texas roads before they caused an accident or killed someone. That’s what the state of Texas was doing after the Feds did their job.

Which if you bothered to read the actual orders to his troopers instead of stupid headlines written by the real brainless idiots. Here’s the meat and potatoes of the order:

Dear Colonel McCraw:
As you have explained, the cartels that smuggle illicit contraband and people across our southern border do not care about the condition of the vehicles they send into Texas any more than they care who overdoses from the deadly fentanyl on board. In response to this threat, which is projected to grow in the coming months, I hereby direct the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to conduct enhanced safety inspections of vehicles as they cross international ports of entry into Texas. These inspections should begin immediately to help ensure that Texans are not endangered by unsafe vehicles and their unsafe drivers.
Thank you for serving the great State of Texas, and for leading the brave men and women of DPS who work tirelessly to protect us all.
IMO they did their job making Texas highways a little safer.

I think your argument what these inspections were about is absolutely ridiculous and so far off point it’s not worth continuing.
Extradite Deez Nutz in your mouth Commissioner Mark Rowley you fascist pig. Make 1984 fiction again.

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Old 04-28-22, 03:07 PM   #3398
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Thank you butterfly.
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Old 04-29-22, 01:24 PM   #3399
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Originally Posted by Buddahaid View Post
I would let the Feds do their job and not waste money on a stunt when Texas needs it for better uses such as improving their power grid. But let me play your game, what would you do?

Except the feds aren't doing their job. All they do is waste money.

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Old 04-29-22, 01:46 PM   #3400
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Originally Posted by August View Post
Except the feds aren't doing their job. All they do is waste money.
Isn't that just what Abbott did with that idiotic inspection that never was going to find anything from the start? Isn't that what he's doing with Operation Lone Star which while at least doing something is being justified with significantly padded claims while abusing the National Guardsmen?
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Old 05-01-22, 06:50 PM   #3401
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2000 MULES
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Old 05-01-22, 06:54 PM   #3402
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Originally Posted by em2nought View Post
2000 MULES
2000 Mules for Sister Sarah?
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Old 05-01-22, 07:13 PM   #3403
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Originally Posted by Buddahaid View Post
Isn't that just what Abbott did with that idiotic inspection that never was going to find anything from the start? Isn't that what he's doing with Operation Lone Star which while at least doing something is being justified with significantly padded claims while abusing the National Guardsmen?

There would be no need for any of it if the Feds did their job in the first place.

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Old 05-01-22, 08:15 PM   #3404
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Originally Posted by Buddahaid View Post
2000 Mules for Sister Sarah?
Don't worry, none of them will make the mistake of carrying their cell phones with them when they do their dirty deeds in 2024.
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Old 05-01-22, 08:23 PM   #3405
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It seems to me that with all the political interest in proving fraud there would have been some legal action that would have stuck by now. All we get are claims and statements by the losing side.
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Last edited by Buddahaid; 05-01-22 at 08:36 PM.
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