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Old 10-30-23, 05:27 PM   #16
Molon Labe
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16 February 1942

The S-27 tried to penetrate the landing zone but was depth charged by a destroyer, scoring several damaging near misses.

Off the coast of Brisbane, the I-170 torpedoed and sank an Australian destroyer.

A sweep of Noumea downed 7 P-40s with no loss.

Off the coast of Efate, 4 A-24 Banshees tried to attack the Hiei. Zeroes on long-range CAP took out the single P-40 that was escorting them and shot down one of the bombers. Flak took out a second, and all the bombers that made it to the Hiei missed.

B-17s attacked Luganville, shooting down 1 Zero that intercepted. No damage on the ground.

East Java Sea and Banda Sea, etc.
Nell raid on Darwin scored hits on a British destroyer. I think the intel about bigger ships being here it complete junk.

We routed the enemy unit passing by Nanchang again, 49 devices destroyed. We failed to dislodge the enemy unit in the mountains of Chengting again.

Yet another failure to dislodge the enemy unit on the coast near Medan. But we destroyed 10 devices this time. The might be breaking.

Tacloban captured.
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Old 10-31-23, 08:09 AM   #17
Molon Labe
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17 February 1942
Port Blair captured

Kirishima and Hiei bombarded Efate again. Again, little result. No aircraft disabled, light-moderate facility damage.

There was a light cargo ship he was using as a picket/bait east of Efate. Rather than re-reveal the KB or its covering force, I engaged it with one of the subs guarding the retreat lane north of Fiji, sinking it with gunfire.

Another sweep of Noumea took care of 3 of the 4 P-40s on patrol. No losses.

5 Marauders tried to bomb our 'phibs, but the LRCAP from the KB took care of all 5 of them. 7 A-24s followed that up, the Zeroes got 2 of them, only 1 aircraft made it to the target (the rest turned and ran), and it missed. The S-27 also made multiple attempts to attack this task force but failed each time, sustaining slight depth charge damage in the process.

China got two I-15s to patrol above the Nanyang stack, my bombers' escorting Oscars took one down.

Burma and Andaman Sea
The enemy lost 1 Hurricane trying to bomb Moulmein. No damage on the ground.

Port Blair has been captured. Now to turn it into an airbase for us...
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Old 10-31-23, 08:25 AM   #18
Molon Labe
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18 February 1942

I used the Fuso and Nagato to support my rather small force (2 SNLF companies) in taking Bacolod, allowing them to overcome the shellshocked garrison regiment easily.

I made an attack on Bataan. Forts down to Level 1. Casualties are favoring me with squads destroyed/disabled to 224 of mine to 434, and I already outnumber him 2-to-1 so that's twice as bad as it looks. I did take significant engineer casualties though (42 squads destroyed!), and with his forts reduced so low I don't really need them anymore, so they're pulling out. I'm thinking 2 more attacks should do it.

Only 2 P-40s on patrol over Noumea today, and they managed to escape my sweep.

The enemy force that had blocked my advance in the southeast has retreated toward Kwelin. I'm now advancing again toward Kukong. But, I wouldn't be that surprised if the reason he's pulling back is to consolidate enough troops to make a push here, so my gains may be temporary.

In the mountains near Chenting, we finally dislodged the enemy troop concentration ,201 devices destroyed to 1.

Java and Banda Sea
I'm preparing the ground for an invasion of Java. A sweep of Surabaya took down 2 Buffalos, while 2 Demons escaped.

I tried something a little different--my frontline Oscars ordered to Naval Attack. They attacked a minesweeper and an HDML near Rangoon with no success...except for shooting down 1 Buffalo that tried to protect them.

12th Base Force arrives at Saigon - Frees up a "special base force" to go to Singapore to help with port activities.
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Old 10-31-23, 08:50 AM   #19
Molon Labe
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19 February 1942

Bay of Bengal and Burma

When my bombers finished off the Columbo and two merchants in Rangoon, I decided my submarine blockade was no longer needed there and sent my subs to patrol off Ceylon and the Indian coast. They arrived today, with one sinking an unescorted cargo ship in a night surface torpedo attack.

The Oscars made their 2nd naval attack attempt, hitting the minesweeper outside Rangoon with 2 30kg bombs, starting a raging fire.

Rangoon's bombers once again tried to attack my invading forces at Moulmein, costing them a Hurricane with no gain.

A Kate from Zuiho claimed a hit on a British sub outside Port Blair.

I swept Batavia from Palembang with Oscars, shooting down 4 of 8 Buffalo on patrol. This was followed by a Betty raid on Kalidjati, which appeared to have a bomber concentration. We destroyed at least 1 L-212 and 1 FK-51 on the ground, while the escorting Zeroes shot down 1 of 3 Buffalo on CAP. Damage to the airbase was moderate. I'm probably not going to follow this up as I'm going to want to take this airbase intact. Surabaya also took a Nell raid from Makassar, resulting in light facility damage, 1 Do-24K destroyed on the ground, and 1 Demon shot down (the only aircraft on CAP).

Yet another rout of the former Madang garrison by my paratroopers.

Another sweep of Noumea, 2 of 3 P-40s on patrol go down.
B-17s attacked my advancing armies at La Foa instead of going after Luganville. I didn't anticipate this, but fortunately this was close enough to the covering force that the LRCAP was able to help out. Neither side lost aircraft, but the harrassment made the B-17s' bombing inaccurate. Also there were only 3 of them, and flying with a reduced load from too small an airbase. Regardless, La Foa is ours, and that was the last stop before Noumea. Before I ever played WITP, I recall players discussing how the capture of Noumea means the Allies are in a really bad position, so this may be a significant win if (when) I take it.

In the east, we routed the enemy force near Nanchang (84th Corps) once again. I'm surprised these guys haven't just surrendered yet.
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Old 10-31-23, 09:38 AM   #20
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20 February 1942

Bay of Bengal
A sub off Colombo picked off another unescorted Allied cargo ship.

No joy in an Oscar sweep over Batavia. Nell raid on Surabaya caused moderate facility damage with several bombers damaged on the ground. Again, no CAP. Does this mean he's running out of fighters, or is he moving them somewhere to keep safe for an attack on my transports?

The B-17s went back to Luganville, just 5, meeting a wall of Zeroes, which shot down 2, then flak took care of a third. 3 of them survived long enough to drop their bombs, but did no damage. Intel says the enemy lost all five.

An artillery bombardment of Bataan caused 23 devices to be destroyed, which is extraordinarily high for this kind of attack. The enemy has to be in dismal shape.

SS I-27 arrives at Hiroshima/Kure - assigned to Indian Ocean

Industry and Strategic Outlook
I'm really disappointed in myself for not being on Java yet, I didn't realize taking Sumatra first was going to cause this great of a delay. I have two task forces ready to go, but I'm expecting enough resistance on the west side of the island that I want to gather as much as I can from Sumatra, which is probably going to take another 2 days or so. I'd say it was a mistake to make this a 2-pronged operation, I'd have been better off just approaching from Sumatra. I have to give serious thought to my next conquest after Java and be ready to do it with speed and efficiency to give myself a chance at an autovictory at the end of the year. I need 4 to 1 victory points for that. I'm at 1.75 to 1 right now.

I also noticed an error in my industry setup--I'm underproducing aircraft engines. I'd gone through the trouble of setting this all up on spreadsheets to make sure I had enough for my planned aircraft production, itself based on expected losses plus new units arriving that needed to be outfitted, plus building up a 500 engine reserve to get an R&D bonus in the 6-12 month range. It appears that while I remembered to check in frequently to make sure my aircraft production was where it needed to be, I forgot to check the engines at some point and never expanded my factories to the extent I needed to. It's probably been about 2 weeks since the expansion I did order stopped. It's possible this has been to my benefit, because the industrial expansion was causing supply shortages all over the home islands, which was preventing research and development centers from coming online. But my engine production has been high enough to support my aircraft production, just not high enough to get that 500-engine cushion for the R&D bonus--which does me no good if I have supply shortages. Anyway, I'm restarting my engine factory expansion, and since that's the only thing expanding my supply situation will hopefully stay stable.
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Old 11-02-23, 09:21 AM   #21
Molon Labe
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21 February 1942

Bay of Bengal and Burma
Our subs took out another AKL off the Columbo coast overnight.

Oscars made a low altitude attack on an HDML outside Rangoon, shooting down one Buffalo sent to intercept them and likely sinking the HDML with a bomb hit.

In the southeast, I'm starting to put some pressure on Liuchow just in case there is going to be a counteroffensive down here. That opened with a sweep by Oscars opposed by 4 Hawk 75M fighters. We got 2 of them, no losses. Meanwhile our army is headed northeast toward Kukong, away from the army that had been blocking us that is now retreating west towards Liuchow. A pair of I-15 fighters appeared over the Nanyang stack, but no shootdowns resulted.

We made a deliberate attack on the Nanyang stack, getting the familiar result of relatively even casualties, but with device destruction heavily skewed in our favor. The stack once had 150k troops reported; in this combat they were down to 68k, so those destroyed devices are clearly adding up. Or maybe a few units quietly retreated. In any case, it's a slog, but it's a slog we're winning.

Much further northwest, way up the roads leading away from Sian, we took Kiuchuan away from its meager garrison. There are some minor bases with some oil/resources worth capturing up here, and I'm hoping to accomplish that with a token force--2 cavalry brigades and an armored car company. We'll see how far I get.

Our now-regular sweep of Efate downed 2 of 5 P-40s, no losses. No joy over Noumea.

The allegedly crippled I-172, transiting near Horn Island on its way home for repairs, encountered an AKL and sank her with a torpedo attack.

An Ann light bomber claimed a hit on a Dutch sub outside Port Moresby.

An Oscar sweep of Bandoeng downed a single B-339 of 2 defending. meanwhile a strike on Surabaya was unopposed and destroyed at least one more Buffalo on the ground and damaging several more aircraft.

15th Naval Construction Battalion arrives at Osaka/Kyoto
41st JNAF AF Unit arrives at Tokyo
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Old 11-02-23, 09:48 AM   #22
Molon Labe
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22 February 1942
Noumea Captured

I tried to break through the blocking force near Medan by shelling it with a pair of heavy cruisers and attacking immediately to capitalize on the disruption, but they held us off anyways.

The east prong of my invasion forces is getting close. Probably still 2 days off. West prong a day behind.

We swept and bombed Tjilatjap as it appeared that was now where the enemy air forces were concentrated. The sweep downed 5 of 8 Buffalo on CAP with no losses. The strike destroyed a pair of Vildebeests on the ground while damaging several medium bombers. Looks like I picked the right target this time.

I resumed strikes on Rangoon, this time targeting their airbase. The main goal is to try to prevent further fortification. I'm not sure it's going to be worth it.... We lost an Oscar and a Sally to the CAP, and another Sally to flak. No victories. Very slight damage to the base.

The enemy made a strike of his own, 3 unescorted Blenheims to Rahaeng, where they were intercepted by 4 Tojos that shot all 3 of them down.

Resistance to our sweeps was down to a single P-40 in Efate, which managed to escape.

Our pair of divisions was no match for Noumea's garrison, which had apparently not been reinforced with anything significant. Just 2 base forces and 3 artillery units in addition to the basic garrison. As a bonus, the S-34 was scuttled in port. I'm moving to exploit this as quickly as possible, I've already had a pair of destroyers trying to sanitize Luganville; a task force is headed there to move construction engineers from there to Noumea. I've also got an AirHQ rebasing from Lunga to Luganville; they'll bump to Noumea as soon as the airbase is big enough. For now, the invasion forces included enough aviation support to base Zeroes there for their own protection and to support some scoutplanes.

Fuel is a little bit of an issue, my oilers are close to empty from sustaining this. I've got some help running small tankers to Lunga, and I also had a pair of my oilers leave station to fill back up at Rabaul, they should be back in the main TF in another day. Should be enough to gas the KB back up for its next assignment.

We captured Baybay in the central islands. As far as I know, those are the last troops outside Bataan. There are still several bases officially in American hands, but I believe they're unprotected.

39th JNAF AF Unit arrives at Tokyo
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Old 11-02-23, 11:20 AM   #23
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Going to be interesting following you, to see if you can do what Japan couldn't - win the war.


My little lovely female cat
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Old 11-02-23, 09:51 PM   #24
Molon Labe
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23 February 1942
KIX sinks one of the Kido Butai's oilers, and the Lexington and Enterprise raid the Marshalls

Remember that pair of oilers I sent to Rabaul to top off and then rejoin the replenishment group? The KIX intercepted them on the way back, hitting the Toho Maru with a single torpedo, but that's all that's needed when the ship is a huge tub of highly flammable liquid. That's the most valuable ship he's sunk so far in the war. Operationally, I don't think it matters--the replenishment group is rather large and wasn't empty, and it now includes one ship that's 100% full. But I won't be trying to shuttle these off on their own; after I refuel the KB, the whole task force is going back to Rabaul to fill up.

As for the KB, I was sending it around Noumea to the south, but Kates spotted 3 submarines in her path. And that's just what I see, there are probably more. So I'm going to head north first... quicker to refuel that way anyway.

3 Banshees escorted by a single P-40 attempted an attack on my ships picking up construction units from Luganville. We wiped them out. A few B-17s followed that up, one of them took down a Zero, while flak got one of the bombers. The first wave of B-17s came in at 5000 feet, violating a house rule giving most 4-engine bombers a hard deck of 10k feet for naval attacks. (I should probably mention that to my opponent now that I remember.)

A single I-15 somehow managed to shoot down a pair of Oscars over the Sinyang stack. The way his air war is going, I hope they give that guy a medal.

A deliberate attack on Wenchow, with pretty much all available reinforcements now contributing, failed to overcome the garrison. But as we often see, the enemy had many more squads destroyed than I did even though total casualties looked even or in his favor. So I'm willing to try again after resting.

Near Nanchang, we took our last swing at the retreating 7th and 84th Corps, inflicting 129 destroyed devices at them as they fled to the other side of the Gan River.

Taking advantage of knowing the KB is deployed well southwest of the Marshalls, Enterprise and Lexington reappeared, attacking an ASW patrol and the airbase at Maloelap. The naval attack sank 2 of 3 PBs in an ASW task force, while the attack on was mostly ineffective, causing moderate facility damage but completely missing the Claudes and Mavises based there.

D-day -1. We bombed Tjilatjap, destroying another medium bomber on the ground. On the east side of Java, Betties found a minesweeper to attack and blow up, and another was destroyed by a sub lurking of Denpasar.

Despite the several raids targeting their airbases, the enemy managed to spot one of my trailing invasion task forces and sent 7 medium bombers after it. Because this group hadn't caught up with the main force yet, it did not have fighter cover. But, the bombers missed. The fact that both main invasion forces will be landing tomorrow but have not yet been detected speaks volumes about the current state of the Dutch Air Force.

The Devilish Mr. Lodrik stopped by my subchannel on Jochen Heiden's discord to chat about the Marshalls raid. Eventually we talked about my industry status and he pointed out an error that in hindsight seems rather obvious. It's a little in the weeds if you haven't managed Japan's economy in WITP, but the short version is that my R&D plan for Zeroes was suboptimal due to my error. It's too late to truly fix anything but I did make an adjustment to try to make it a little better. At least I know for next time.

Repairs and Reinforcements
Repair of the I-1 has completed, she's headed back to her old station near Hawaii.
Yokohama Ku T-1 Det arrives at Yokohama/Yokosuka - a pair of Emily flying boats, I sent them to Wake to spy on shipping lanes near Midway
45th I.F.Chutai arrives at Keijo - 12 Idas; training squadron
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Old 11-03-23, 03:38 PM   #25
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24 February 1942
Lexington/Enterprise CVBG raids Marshalls for a second day; Java invaded; Bataan falls

Landings began at both sides of Java. In the west, one of our cargo ships hit a mine causing moderate damage. In the east, we flushed out a minesweeper that was sunk by our covering force. Both groups came under air attack, and both groups had Oscars circling overhead waiting for them. In the west, the enemy lost 11 CW-22s, 5 139WH-1s, plus one more 139W and a Vildebeest to flak. In the east, our air cover was less effective, shooting down a T.IVa, while several 139WH-1s got through, one of which was shot down by flak, but another scored a hit on a cargo ship and sank it.

The CVBG detached CA Chester and CL Danae to shell Kwajelein, the main port of the Marshalls... but I evacuated it the previous turn, so they did little damage. For their trouble, coastal batteries pounded both ships, probably causing moderate damage.

The Lex and Enterprise sent their bombers to pound Maloelap and Wotje, and again the damage was unimpressive. The Mavises had been evacuated, but we still had 9 Claudes at Maloelap which again went unharmed--perhaps because they tried to escort a flight of Nells out of Roi, which failed to find the enemy CVBG. Both bases suffered light facility damage.

We attacked Bataan and the holdouts surrendered. That's 17,514 to the POW camps. My forces here did not lose a lot of strength; I'll let them rest a bit at Manila while we clear out the mines and then ship them to another theatre.

SS I-29 arrives at Port Arthur - assigned to Indian Ocean
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Old 11-04-23, 11:23 AM   #26
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25 February 1942
Lexington and Enterprise vanish, but Yorktown now raiding Wake; the last stand of the Dutch Air Force


The destroyer-minesweepers I brought with the western invasion force got to work on the minefield they landed inside, clearing 40 mines.

The Dutch Air Force hit us with pretty much everything they could today, which wasn't much. They did manage to slip in some medium bombers in on the west force, low under our fighters, scoring a hit on a cargo ship. But we absolutely dismantled their other raids, wiping out a raid of 6 Vildebeests and a Buffalo, and shooting down another 3 139WH-1 and 3 T.IVas.
We captured both our landing areas, Banjoewangi and Kalidjati, destroying 11 FK-51s and 11 L-212s at Kalidjati, which presumably were too damaged to evacuate. Total air losses for today across all theatres were 5 to 41.

Bay of Bengal/Burma
I-123 took a serious depth charge hit from a minesweeper off Columbo.
We shot down a single Hurricane raiding Rangoon's airbase. Damage on the ground was minimal.

I ordered my two commerce raider AMCs to rendezvous east of the Solomons to begin a patrol to the south to try to find merchant lanes to then send my subs after. One departed Guadalcanal and was immediately torpedoed by the Gato, so it turned right back around to attend to damage control in port.

The KB and its covering force are fully refueled, and the replenishment group is now headed for Luganville to give the rest of its cargo to my amphibious shuttle operation to Noumea before heading back to Rabaul to top off.

In the north central region, I noticed a concentration of fighters at Yenan and became worried they might try to CAP trap my bombers. To try to preempt this, I pulled a few fighters off escort duty to sweep the base, which reduced the enemy fighter force by 3 with no losses.

Meanwhile, the Nanyang stack looks like it wants to retreat, but my armored force is blocking the road to the west, leaving them trying to off-road through the mountains as their only choice. I'm going to attack next turn, but if it fails I think I'll just let them. They'll be effectively immobilized, isolated from supply, and building up fatigue if they do this, leaving me free to make an attempt at Sian and then come back for them when they're even more worn down.

We no longer hold contact on the Lex and Enterprise; I can only assume the left headed east at full speed. But now the Yorktown has shown up, raiding Wake's airbase with SBDs, causing light damage. It's a bit harder to evacuate here because I don't have much fighter/bomber coverage to retreat behind. I had 3 submarines in reserve in the Marshalls that I sent after the first CVBG, I'm going to try to have them swing north now to try to get in the Yorktown's path if she returns to Pearl.
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Old 11-06-23, 04:37 PM   #27
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26 February 1942
USS Yorktown survives Nell attack from Roi

A destroyer-minesweeper cleared 10 mines out of Noumea, and that might be all there was.

A Dutch sub tried to attack a retiring amphibous task force headed back to Singapore, but our PBs got the better of it, dealing moderate depth charge damage.

I hit Bandoeng with a Sally strike, expecting this to be the main holdout area in the west (or maybe Batavia); escorting Zeroes took out one Buffalo on CAP.

Southwest of Java, an RO-class sub destroyed a minesweeper at Christmas Island.

Burma and Bay of Bengal
The I-28 sank a cargo ship off Sri Lanka with 3 torpedo hits.

Yorktown hit Wake again with a port strike with VS-5, causing light facility damage. All ships had been evacuated. But then a flight of Nells arrived from Roi-Namur in the Marshalls, 14 of them escorted by 19 Zeroes. Yorktown had 10 Wildcats on patrol. We each lost a fighter in the intercept, with each side apparently losing one more fighter to damage after the fight. The Nells all got through unmolested by the F4Fs. I was a little surprised to see old, slow battleships in company with the Yorktown, but Idaho and New Mexico were here, and the Nells divided their attention rather evenly between the 3 capital ships, hitting New Mexico twice and Idaho and Yorktown once each. There were no secondary explosions or major fires breaking out, so all 3 ships appear to be "fine", although they'll certainly require lengthy repairs.

I took another swing at the Nanyang stack, and the result yet again was a lack of breakthrough with disproportionately high device destruction for the enemy. The enemy is now only about 1/4 my strength here.

I also made an attack at Wenchow, and this is going to be the last for awhile. We just had the last available reinforcement for awhile join the attack, and we only managed 1-to-2 adjusted assault strength ratio, which simply isn't going to be enough to make the budge. I'll come back later if something gets freed up. For now, my forces are headed back to a base I control to try to heal up.

Last edited by Molon Labe; 11-07-23 at 08:42 AM.
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Old 11-07-23, 08:41 AM   #28
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27 February 1942
Lost contact on Yorktown CVBG

Burma and Bay of Bengal
I-164 sank another cargo ship off the tip of India as the feeding frenzy continues. A raid on Rangoon resulted in a Hurricane shot down, while minimal damage inflicted on the airbase.

Java and Banda Sea
An air raid on Tjilatjap shot down a defending Buffalo while doing light damage to the airbase. We've got a decent sized force now in Bandeong but probably not enough to defeat the defenders just yet. I'm bypassing the base with some armor to the east to take some relatively undefended looking airbases off the table. I'm also sending another infantry force to the west of Bandeong just to cut it off from Batavia. No need to rush.

A Jake flying out of Ambon claimed a hit on a submarine.

I was hoping Yorktown's flooding would reduce her speed enough that we'd still see her today, but no such luck.

I'm redeploying the bulk of my subs around Pearl to guard the western approaches. I expect her to arrive between 5 and 10 March. If she tries to go straight home, it might not work out well for her.

SS I-30 arrives at Port Arthur
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Old 11-07-23, 09:17 AM   #29
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28 February 1942

Have I mentioned I'm going to turn the Australian coast into a sea of fire? I don't think I have. Anyways, that's the KB's current assignment, and we're getting close to our station from which to bomb Melbourne and Sydney. Slight problem: I also have a pair of midget sub carriers and an aircraft-carrying sub standing by to try to attack Sydney's port (the floatplane was supposed to tell me if Sydney's harbor had anything worth attacking, but got shot down by CAP on its first flight, so since then the SSXs are waiting on my carriers to tell them when to attack Sydney). These guys got spotted and are being harassed by at least 3 ASW vessels now, enough that I need to move them to evade. The KB is going to pass close enough to this patrol area to attack them--which I DON'T want, because the more surprise I'm able to get when I attack, the less fighters I'm likely to encounter. So I'm actually restricting my bomber's attack range to prevent an airstrike on these guys. Sorry subs, you're on your own for at least another turn.

Burma and Bay of Bengal
One of those 4 subs returning to base was damaged off Calcutta this turn. I-158 was engaged by a highly accurate depth charge attack by the PG Lawrence. I'll try to remember that little ship is a problem.

A minesweeper arrived at Bataan and cleared 40 mines. Might be a lot more.

One of my submarines shifting patrol areas to intercept Yorktown got spotted an attacked, sustaining a solid pattern hit. So she's RTB... Allied ASW skill is improving; I now have 4 subs returning to base due to depth charge damage and at least 2 currently under repair.

Java and Banda Sea
Pretty quiet as our troops advanced without resistance. A flight of 3 139WH-3 tried to bomb our eastern amphibious task forces; one was shot down and the others aborted the mission.

Another claim of a hit on a sub outside Ambon, this time by an Ann light bomber. Probably not the same one as yesterday, since the Jakes and Anns have different patrol areas.

Reinforcements, upgrades, and withdrawals
Hong Kong Det disbands
47th Naval Guard Unit arrives at Tokyo
44th JNAF AF Unit arrives at Tokyo

March upgrades will include lengthy refits for the Takao class heavy cruisers, which are getting their AA mounts and depth charges upgraded. I'll be sending 2 for upgrades right away while the 3rd waits a month for the first two to complete. The Tomozuru-class torpedo boats will be converted to kaibokans, a 45-day evolution that will double both their AA and ASW ratings. I'm sending all 4 for the full upgrades immediately. Lastly, many of my subchasers will be upgraded to carry deep-water depth charges, which will take 2 weeks. This is a critical upgrade and I think I'm sending about 2/3 of them to have it done immediately.
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Old 11-09-23, 04:42 PM   #30
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1 March 1942
Straight-line ambush for Yorktown

AP Hugh L. Scott was spotted moving south down the Australian coast near Newcastle and hit with a torpedo by I-25, but the torpedo failed to detonate. The ship is already crippled, presumably from the raids on Cairns, and is probably limping to Brisbane for repairs. Hopefully I'll finish her off, that's a valuable transport.

I-24 sank an ACM near Lihue with gunfire.

Our floatplane carrying subs spotted the Yorktown approaching Pearl on what appears to be a straight-east line. So, I'm lining up 9 subs between Yorktown and Pearl on that direct course.

We lost an Oscar to an I-15 over the Nanyang stack. Pretty amazing these obsolete fighters are taking on Oscars in greater numbers and not just getting blasted.

A bit north of Hong Kong, we attacked Kukong, with light casualties inflicted on the enemy while sustaining negligible casualties. We should be able to win here.

Splashed a Buffalo over Bandoeng. 3 139WH-3 bombers attacked our tanks outside Tjilatjap, no damage. 9 Falcon light bombers tried to attack our forces at Bandoeng, we shot down 5 of them. No bombers reached their targets.

Last edited by Molon Labe; 12-13-23 at 03:48 PM.
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