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Old 01-30-24, 07:08 PM   #226
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Cholesterol from eggs may lead to higher cholesterole in the blood or not (studies are divided, maybe it dpeends on who pays for what study), BUT that does not automatically translate into raised cholesterol-calcium plaque in the arteries. But dropping cholesterol levels are associated with higher mortality rates - let that sink in! Cholesterol is a very very important ingredient for building neurons and the brain matter, the brain is much made of cholesterol. Cholesterol is a taxi agent that lets fat board the taxi, it gets driven either from the liver to the organs and cells, or from the organs back to the liver (HDL and LDL), and the more fat you eat, the more cholesterol you have, the more LDL and HDL ou have. Low cholesterol also is associated with degenerative disease like Alzheimer, dementia, maybe Parkinson.

You want a balanced HDL-LDL ratio, and low triglycerides - if that is the case both, then I simply do not care for LDL levels.

Note that LDL is not LDL. There is huge particle LDL, small particle LDL, oxydated LDL, in sequence of growing danger. Large particle LDL is probably not even a risk factor for anythign at all. The better LDL you get from animal-based fats and fatty acids, the more dangerous ones from plant-based fatty acids.

HDL/LDL is unlikely to cause deseases, but it can contribute to their forming out, if other causes trigger these deseases.

Plaque is formed by, for example, high blood pressure leading to micro ruptures of the blood vessels wall tissue. In these scratches, LDL then can accumulate (the smaller the LDL particle, the easier, thats why the small one is more dangeorus than the big one), and since it is kind of like a glue, it then collects calcium from the blood and this growing layer of calcium then causes plaque. Means: control your blood pressure, keep calcium in the blood low, and the cholesterol does not come negatively into play.
You control calcium by taking generous doses of K2, several times as much as the usually recommended 200 mcgr, I take 1600 per day, native tribes and populations in natural reserves are known to have intakes per day of 3000-4000 if they follow a canrivore diet. And they have healthy teeth, big jawbones, and fantastic bones - and usually no plaque, also cardiovascular problems are often pratrcially unknown, so is insuline resistence and cancer. Blood pressure can be lowered only by usually 7-15 points maximum by drugs, something that many people do not know. The rest of BP control must be done via weight loss, healthy eating, real food.


Yogurt and living bacteria, i have my doubts there, too, and I buy and eat it (buying it without sugar or sweetener) because I like it, not because I think its especially healthy regarding bacteria cultures. Yogurt is fermented milk, has little milk sugar, means the lactose in it gets constantly degraded by the bacteria in it, and it gives you nutrients like calcium. I only check that it is made from organic, grass-fed milk, like I check for butter, gee and cheese and cream as well: less antibiotics, growth hormones and a much better ratio between Omega 6 and omega 3. I drink no unfermented milk. The bacteria in yogurt must pass through the HCL acid bath in the stomach and theoretically should get killed there already, and if it ends up in the guts it should already be as dead as evertyhing else that gets moved into the guts. Also, the bacteria strains in yogurt may be present in the guts, too, but the immune cells nevertheless should recognise that those in the yoghurt - if they were still alive after the HCL bath - may be the same family, nevertheless stem from a different origin than those inside the body, and so the immune cells should go after them and kill them. If the bacteria are of value, then that is while the yogurt is still in the glass and they reduce the lactose in it all hours long.

However, note that the topic of bacteria and yogurt is still debated and that views vary wildy. I may be proven wrong in the future, that is possible. Right now, AFAIK neither side has a smoking gun argument pro or against yogurt bacteria survivng the HCL bath. Just do your own yogurt with organic milk or buy organic milk yogurt without sugar, sweetener and artifical aromes. If you think you cannot live without greeting your sweet tooth, sweeten it yourself with Aspartam, since Aspartam does not cause an insuline reaction - Most sweeteners do!
Its much nonsense, like fibre ands guts health. Fibre is NOT healthy for the guts, but means additional stress, it leads over the years to an overworking guts, and diverticolitis and the likes. We do not have the secum needed to digest fibre, where our ancestors once had it we only have the appendix where our evolution cut it off and spit it out, so to speak - thats why we even can not digest plants fibre and plants, and so only certain plant-eating bacteria can make use of fibre for themselves. If we do not eat plants, we do not have these bacteria, and so do not need fibre. Fibre does not work like a cleaning brush in a pipe, as some sometimes try to tell people, that is total nonsense. The German word for fibre is Ballaststoffe - ballast stuff - and I tink that describes it best. Its ballast, waste, unneeded stuff, and it stresses your guts, forces it to work overtime day in day out to get rid of all the useless garbage you push into it . And then you wonder why you start to get problems with your digestion over the time of your life...?

Eggs and cholesterol:

Dont forget to have fun. The more fanatical your diet regime, the deeper your fall. You must find a balance that works best for you. However, when switching, a strict regime for a transition time is recommended, and probably also is a must. For me that was the first keto experience I had two years ago, and now again the 90 days carnivor challenge. I am still carnivore, but allow an occasional, mild "violation" of the rules. Just meat, salt and water for the rest of my life does not cut it for me. Switching to carnivore is easier if you already have keto experience.

Dont buy industrially processed stuff. Buy real food. Avoid these: plant seed oils (very, very very bad, all of them), obviously sugar, wheat-based products, glucose and fructose stuff: syrups, HFCS, soft drinks, fruits; diet drinks and smoothies, all kinds of light/lite products, margarines of all sorts, deep fried and fast food. Buy food articles that contain just one ingredient. If there is a sticker and a bar code and a long list of ingredients and E-code numbers - avoid it. Keep carbs on a very, very short line: we do not need carbohydrates, they are not essential, nor recommendable. They just promise great profits for the industry.

Life is not fair. What is great in taste, what we like, often is doing harm. What does not, may not be as interesting in taste. Life sucks.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 01-31-24 at 07:14 AM.
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Old 01-31-24, 07:13 AM   #227
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^ Thanks, Marc - It's my wife Moira who wanted to learn more about this and she actually suggested that I ask you so she will be reading your post shortly
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Old 01-31-24, 09:23 AM   #228
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I suggest she checks out the youtube channels by Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Eric Berg and Dr. Sten Ekberg then. Also Dr. Jason Fung. They did and do incredible valuable work.

For pure carnivore diet, Dr. Anthony Chaffee's channel is a must. Also Dr. Shawn Baker.

I also recommend Dr. Berry's book "Lies my doctor told me" for a start, which has the additional benefit of being extremely accessible. The Amazon customer's feedback to that book speaks volumes. Its a great, simple but well-founded entrance into the matters.

btw: Hi, Moira!
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Old 02-01-24, 04:16 PM   #229
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I bet not many have this on their awareness list. But it is quite dangerous - and almost omnipresent. I fight an eternal battle with it, too: in form of beer. We do not talk about sugar, and not about alcohol.

When I think about it I must admit that it is really quite "difficult", or better: limiting for your choices of variable tastes, to eat healthy. If you really would want to excessively eat "healthy only" food, you are indeed pretty much limited to just fish, meat, eggs, salt and water. I admit I dont see that I could ever become this "extreme". But there even is a name for it: only red meat, salt and water is called lion's diet for sure.

He mentions that the ominous substance is in beer. That is correct, and is true also for german beer that is brewed according to the German purity order. But keep in mind that alcohol-free beer has even more content of this substance, than usual beer. I admit I was not aware of that, too, until recently. Now I have a new problem...

The German purity order for beer has one advantage, still. It bans an awfully long list of E-coded chemical agents, sweeteners and sugars from being put into beer, and many other artificial additives as well. It was not meant to be like that, but indeed was meant as an order to not put rightout dirt, feces, blood and toxic stuff (we talk about the 16th century) into it. Much of the exotic flavours you get from non-German beers often are the result of simply, adding chemical agents. The idnustr yover here says this is the reaoisn why German beer is increasingly popular outside Germany (while in Germany the consummuation rates are dropping). But this excursion just as a sidenote. The morlöa by the end of the day is: if you want to lose weight, contor,my pour weight, you have no other choice, you miust abandon beer, no matter whether it is full beer, alcohol-free beer, or light beer. Of these three, acohol free beer is the worst (!!!, due to the maximum of content of this ominous substance), and (German) light beer does the least evil - but good it is not.

Yeah, I know, sometimes life sucks. I feel it, too, believe me.
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Last edited by Skybird; 02-01-24 at 04:51 PM.
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Old 02-01-24, 05:59 PM   #230
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This thread is about health and food.

Found this interesting food historical article via a Danish newspaper.

Early human hunter-gatherers ate mostly plants and vegetables, according to archeological findings that undermine the commonly held view that our ancestors lived on a high protein, meat-heavy diet.


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Old 02-01-24, 06:31 PM   #231
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@ Marc

I just went and checked our beer and it contains nothing from Dr Berg's naughty list. It's "Rheinbacher Pilsner 0%" and we buy this from Aldi for our boy, so he doesn't end up like me

It's beginning to feel like we can't safely eat anything now, but surely Dr Berg's diets are always going to be a luxury (maybe not the right word) most of us have neither the time, willpower or money to adhere to. He's a bit of a genius in his field for sure (I watched his piece about Apple Cider Vinegar the other day) but for most people I'd guess these eating regimes will not survive the first contact with real life?

PS - Moira's been busy today but does intend to read your previous post asap
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Old 02-01-24, 07:45 PM   #232
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Yes, its difficult if needing to stick with what the supermarket usually offers. And its even worse since it is not a sif the stuff does not taste - it often does taste.
Also, they make meat more and more expensive to bring people away from it without being accused of having banned it, and the EU wants to do like this with all animal foodsd and animal prpotein: milk, eggs, chicken, pork - everything animal protein should ebcome unaffordable. Thats why I do not buy organic meat, it costs twice as much than beef from conventional lifestock - and more. And they wan tto make it even much more expensive. At the same time schools and kidnergardenm morer and mroe enforce veganism. The kids must grow, their brains and nerovus systems still develope - and thes ebastards have nothignb better to do than to cut down nutrients that are essential for brain developement. I already know now how this will end, the costs will become visible in elss than a generation, and even already are ovvious in form of many psychological and cognitive disorder that spread in our young generations like a pandemic.

We have these wonderful big farming monocultures and oil seeds, you know, and the agricultural lobby wants to make sure that their stuff gets bought by people. These agricultural companies and cereal industries often are proxies of or are linked to the 7th Day Adventist Church, like Kellogs and Graham are, for example. And this sect wants to enforce all people turning vegan, eatoing the garden Eden diet as they call it - they work since 100 years to get there, and bidne nwo has made their goal official health policy in the US, the dietariuan guidelines are fully reflecting their demands now. They also have bought themselves in at the WHO. So, health arguments meet ideolgocial-sectarian conspiracy. Its like a Philip K. Dick novel.

On critical food items, however, some things are worse than others, and when it comes to sweetening, this is true twice and three times. At the very top of the red list is high fructose corn syrup, and maltodextrin, followed by the others. Refined white sugar is not worst! Its very bad, absolutely, but a few things are even worse than it. HFCS. Maltodextrin. Glucose corn syrup. And this stuff is in practically everything these days - everything.

Also, ingredients that are not exceeding certain vol% of a given package content - must not be declared. A loophole that the industry massively abuses and that the politicians have granted them, like they often do. Tell the voters that you regulated something as demanded, and allow the regulated party to nevertheless escape.



the biggest empire known in history were the Huns/Mongoles. They were strong, fearful people from the Asian steppes and formed the biggest territory any empire ever accumulated. They were fearsome, strong, very resistent to weklanes and desease, and as warriors they were feared and stronger and tougher than the men of the people they haunted and conquered. They lived of meat from their horses, blood of their horses, and milk of their horses.

When Thomas Jefferson met Indian chieftains once, and this is documented, he exclaimed afterwards, full of enthusiasm, how huge these men would have been, towering over him by one or one and a half head lengths, he couldn't get his head around it. Now Jefferosn himself was a damn tall fellow, he would have been a baskertball star today before he became president. The white settlers also reported that the Indian men were still hunting buffalo with the young men at the age of 90, 100 and beyond, and that many of them lived to be around 120.

In recent years, most anthropologists have stopped the narration that our ancestors prospered when agricultural farming was invented and introduced. Instead it is clear that tribes living a harsh life in desert-like, infertile regions that allowed no farming, were tough and phyisclaly strong, and needed to move around since they depended on animal lifestock they ate and had learned to herd. You can see very often in history on all continents, that where such animal-eating people "collided" with people that had moved to eating cultivated plants that allowed them to live a stationary life, the attackers often were tougher, stronger and the better warriors. The yha dbetter pshyaicla stamina. The plant eaters over time suffered form physicla degewnration. Their body height shrunk. The jawbones shrunk, they had bad teeth that did not find enough space anymore (like with so many modern people today). They got easier sick. They wre not as strong anymore. Heck, even brain size shrunk over the past 6000-12000 years, we have lost around 12-15% of the brain size our ancestors before that time had.

A famous field study from almost 100 years ago (I think 1931) compares the Massai to their direct neighbours, the Kikuju. Its a textbook study of such high exemplary value that it often gets quoted. Both tribes lived in the same habitat, so environmental factors did not explain any pohysi8cla differences between them. But their dietary habits did: the Massaid lived of the meat, blood and milk of their cows and buffalo, the Kikuju were vegetarian.

The Massai of that time were very high, tall people, muscular, tough, feared warriors with great endurance and stamina. They got rarely sick. The Kikuju were grown much smaller, had smalle rheads, were of lesser physical power, stamina, endurance, and tooth problems and faulty tooth positioning in the jaw bone were frequent. They got easier and more often sick, too.

They now did that archeological work in that place the article your link describes. Well, that is one place in this whole wide world, and we know not wiyh the people who lived mtheir ate what they ate. Maybe they had no other choice, no animal food was available. However, that Southamerican indians lived of Quinoa and Amaranth, whcih ahs its benefiots in nutrient content, but we do not know HOW wlel the ylive dof it, hwo their dogestion was, for exmaple. We do nto know if they volunteered for it, or lacked alternatives, had no lifestock. Considering the size of their empires, lackign animals to eat might have been a problem. We do know however that they were small in body height than the ordinary European person back then or today.

Note that there is a strong ideological publication bias nowadays in all media to write about how healthy and good and how climate-friendly and how animal friendly vegetarian food is. Its a propaganda war goign on. You read almost never in these media about the nurtient deficiency, the toxic nature of plant seed oils (which get sold to us as espoecialyl halthy...). I rea dmany warnigns of eggs. Eggs! That is hiolarious, but some years ago Taft university rled that the nutriotnal vlaue of candy-saweet breakfats cereals by Kellos were multiple times healthier than eating an egg and a slice of meat! Can one take that serious anymore? We now get frightned that red meat causes cancers (BS, btw.), and the Harvard university is especially infamous now for time and again supporting the war against eating animal protein.

The EU now tells us we should get used to eating cultivated insects. I could write a long essay on why that is not really a good idea both regarding health and energy consumption, this idea is as foolish as it sounds on first hear.

All this gets firther pushed by the eU under the claim of fightign agaunst CO2 and in the name iof its green deal policies. While the UN says the food production must get inbcrwased by 50-60% until 2050, the EU wants to reduce famrignb ground in Europe - while 30-40% of the potnetiually famrign ground in the whikew world is not beig cuktivate dbecasue it is unaccessibke for mahcienry of more prmjtive menas fo farming. why do we not sow grass, put cows and buffalo on it, and let nature do its thing? That woudl be the most natural food production imaginable. We have done it for thousands of years. Same in Europe where spoils are depleted and almost sterilized. We could renew the soils - by allowing grass and cattle taking care of it. Take just a few years. But no... That is against the inetrests of the cereals lobby. the agricultrurla lobby. The wowener of the mbiog monocultzurss that are such a big damage. The oil seeds indiustry. The sugar industry.

They want you to buy that bad stuff so that you get fat and sick. And they want you to then buy their drugs. And the systenm wants you to need hospital treatment. In other words: everybody expects you to generate him profits - at your own cost. The looser in all this is you. You loose in health. In life quality. In labour chances. In income. In social life quality.

And in the end: in life expectancy. The meanign of your life is: to generate them endless profits all your existence long.

I cannot explain the specific details, but I read that somethign with the telomeres in our genes (that shorten a bit with every celluar replication round and trigger apoptosis once a critical lenght has been reached) allowed biologists to conclude from them the natural life expectncy that humans could enjoyif all goes well: its around 120 years. And there we recall what I said about the Northameircna Indians, that the ylived up to 120 years,a dn went on bufalo hunt with 100 years, so obvipously they did nto sit in a wheelchair the last 50 years of these 120 years. THEY HUNTED BUFFALO.

And how do we end these days? Dementia. Atrophy. Diabetes and obesity. And we get hit even long before halftime of these 120 years.

Or they oput us into a caretaking home, an d they feed us "food" wirth 1,20 a day, and then we wonder why people in there are so hopelessly depleted in essential micro and macro nutrioents and trace elements so that every little virus casts an extinction verdict - becasue the oi ndustry wnats to seel drugs until the coffin instead of having the elderlxy beignimmunsied by raising their Vitamine D levels beyond 50 ngr/ml - with a vitamine pill worth less than 2.5 cents per day.

Mass murder. Genocide.

If you feel betrayed for your life now, you should ask questions then, dont you think? For exmaple what is it that makes the difference between them Indians who got 120 years old, and us?

Less toxines in the environment, maybe.

Or more appropriate food.
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Last edited by Skybird; 02-01-24 at 08:06 PM.
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Old 02-04-24, 06:13 PM   #233
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My old friend, the D-vitamin...

Slowly it becomes common knowledge, even if the industry and its political minions try to suppress it.

Also take a solid dosis of Magnesium, a solid dosis of K2 , and - wonder oh wonder, I thought I would not see it happening - they now also start to quote Zinc in context with Vit D , so take Zinc as well, and if your daily dosis of Vitamin D is not above 40,000 IU or that high bolus dosis you took did not exceed 100,000 to 150,000 IE, you are with highest probability SAFE. Let no doctor or politician tell you something differernt as long as they cannot specify a dedicated diagnosis for a health problem you have that forbids taking Vitamin D in these doses. If you do not have any contradicting health conditions, a daily dosis beyond 20,000 however is most likely in vain, and a waste of it. Normally the body stops producing beyond this daily limit, which means: a.) the body is prepared to handle around 20,000 IE per day, and b.) the body seems to not make beneficial use of any more than that.
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Old 02-04-24, 06:31 PM   #234
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I made a little research on this D-vitamine thing.

I asked google if it a person can get to much of D-vitamine

Here's the answer
(translated from Danish)

The symptoms of too much vitamin D are manifested by too much calcium/lime being transported into the blood. It can cause nausea, headache and constipation. If you have overdosed on vitamin D in very large quantities for a very long time, it can cause kidney stones
Then I asked what is the daily dosis:

You must not consume more than the recommended dose of vitamin D daily, i.e. between 5-20 micrograms depending on your age and behavior in and around the sun. Side effects from overdose are only seen in practice with too high a dose of dietary supplements (typically over 100 micrograms per day)
Which I find somewhat wrong-My doctor told me to buy D3 Vitamine 35 microgram.


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Old 02-05-24, 12:17 PM   #235
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^ Drivel. What do you expect if you ask such a question to Google? The search results are manipulated, btw, Google gets paid for pushing search results up and down on the list with results. He who pays the most, gets listed on top.

There is also a general publication bias in favour of industry-lobbied conventional paradigm-compliant results. And it is right these paradigms that I so heavily criticise in this thread, dont I.

I also gave plenty and plenty of video links where doctors and scientists shredder these biased, industry-friendly paradigms. They base for the most on simply fraudulent science. Industry-financed fraudulent science.

Or go back to the Covid thread, Jim keeps on uodatign the vidoe list by Dr. John Campbell.


I say it again: toxicity with Vitamine D is something you can safely ignore if staying below a daily dose of 40,000 or a bolus dosis of 100,000 to 150,000. And even then it is fully reversable if it woudl be reached. 10-20 thosuzand poer day, together with K2, Magneisum, Zinc? Perfectly fine.

Some weeks ago I linked to a video where they by mistake gave hundreds of babies in Turkey 3000 times as much Vitamine D as was recommended, its somewhere earlier in this thread. What happened? Nothing. A value went up, a value went down,a nd that wa sit, end of story. These horror stories on kidney stones and destroying your kidneys and livers and all that - they are myth-busted nonsense stories that have been debunked many, many times already. But the industry and its political allies want to bring people away from taking Vitamine D, or C, or anything, the EU even works on effectively prohibiting it (kindly advised from "experts" from Big Pharma and Big Agriculture), so that people get and stay ill and buy expensive drugs from Big Pharma and buy corns and crops and carb stuff and sugar from the food indusrtry. They want you to get fat and ill - dig it! When you are healthy, they can make no money out of you! The ymake money by selling your junk food that makes you ill, and then they make money by selling you drugs to "treat" that illness they broguht upon you! They porevent oyu from eating helathy stuff - species adequete food - by demonsiing it as climate killer and ethical crime, and this they do in overkill dosis due to their dominance in public media and official policy making. The lies get endlessly repeated, no matter what evidence is being given to counter them, until people believe it. Or alternatives to their ways get outright legally banned. They control education. They contorl university. They control and corrupt "science". Thgey privatize scinritic debate, by that they porevent scientific disucssion and the scinetific methodology. They prevent the endless search fir truth, but delcare the search as fulfilled and ended -a dnthem being the guardians of that final penultimat truth . That claim alone is the total antithesis to the very essence of how science works!

heck, in the 80s in the US they even banned the sale of Vitamine C for some time, for this reason! And until today many US hospitals have forbidden their ERs to store vitamine C as ready infusions for emeergencies, they should instead use expensive Big Pharma drugs that create profit both for the hospitall and the industry. How inhumane are such practices...?

Its organised crime, and corrupt politics and heavy industry lobbying conspire against the common good - and the individual'S health interests.

They want you ill and sick, will you finally get it! They dont want you to eat natural healthy food adequate for our species - they want you to eat their mass-produced dirt so that they can make money with your resulting suffering! Agricultural and parma industry: They are drug dealers.

As an introduction, read "Primal Panacea" by Thomas Levy, 2011, and "The Big Fat Surprise" by Nina Teichholz, 2012.

Link 1
Link 2

Both books are serious crime stories, documenting international crime on a scale that is beyond most people's imagination. Its frightening, sicne their power is almost undisputed. And so many corrupt officials and profiteers can instead argue that the crime lies in that these heretic books even exist.
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Old 02-05-24, 08:13 PM   #236
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Old 02-12-24, 10:42 AM   #237
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Three quick shots en passant, to make your day.
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Old 02-14-24, 07:46 PM   #238
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She is a hero of investigative health journalism. Her book was a bomb.

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Old 02-20-24, 05:23 PM   #239
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Creative reasoning. I learned quite a lot that was new to me.

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Old 03-05-24, 07:59 AM   #240
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Power for people.

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