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Old 12-22-23, 06:20 AM   #211
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Originally Posted by Gerald View Post
Yes it's a Multi M but not Omega in it.

+B-Vitamin in a separate cap
+Magnesium 3×800
+D-Vitamin 5K
It's a start.
And not a bad one!

You take a solid dose of vit D together with a very solid dose of Magnesium, which is needed to activate vit D. Consider to double the vit D dose over the winter months. I would recommend to you to also take vit K2-MK7 (all trans), these three are a trio that belong together, K2 collects calcium in the blood that vit D helps to assimilate in higher ammounts from your food, but calcium should not stay in the blood. K2 activates osteocalcine and GLA proteine that bring calcium from the blood (and from plaques) into the bones and teeth (vit D does NOT do that). D-K2-Mg are three musketeers that should not be separated!

Check your vit D pills, there is a good chance that they already have included K2 in it, many preparations add K2 to their D3 formula. If not, buy some, its cheap. 360 caps á 200mcgr for 12-15 coins. 200mcgr K2 per 5000 IE vit D, that is my rule of thumb. K2's toxicity treshhold is very high, they searched for it and didnt find any, that high it is. Its a good help to prevent osteoporosis.

Linus Pauling is fully rehabilitated by now. Beside vit D, vit C is another "wonder pill" that they try to defame at all cost - because they know it is so effective that it could become a threat to profit interests. It does not hold out for long in the blood stream, so must either be taken in small doses over the whole day, which complicates life sinc eit also affects your guts, or it is taken as liposomale vitamin C, which bypasses all troubles in the gut, and keeps it in the blood for many hours longer. The case for liposomale forms of vit C is a very strong one, I absolutely recommend it over normal ascorbin acid things. It costs more, but is FAR more effective and aovid guts troubles, and stays longer in the blood, for hours and hours. 1gr of liposomale vit-C compares to the efficiency of 2-3 gr of normal vit C, 2 gr of liposomale vit C compares to 4-6 gr of vitamine C, and 3 gr of liposomale compares to 8-12 gr of normal vit-C, so the relation is not linear, but exponential. Plus not guts troubles. Plus longer station time in the blood.

Taking Omega 3 also means: avoid Omega 6. We nevertheless take in a good dose of 6 anyway, we almost cannot avoid it and we even need some, just not at the suicidal ratios to Omega 3 as is common in the Western food regimen: 10:1 to up to 35:1, in some smaller regions and populations even exceeding 50:1. It should be around 1:1 to 2:1. Doses of EPA and DHA reaching 3 gr per day is a very solid mark, a bit more might even be better. Do not take capsules with fish oil, buy bottled fish oil (krill oil is even more expensive). Good fish oil products are expensive. The by far best I found, is a German product, name is Omega 3 Zone. 15ml daily intake provides over 5 gr of EPA, DHA and some DPA. The bottle lasts for 33 days this way, but costs 50 coins, 45 in abonement. I prefer the Ginger-Lemon taste, the others are not bad either. DO NOT HEAT, that goes without saying.

Zinc you also should add. Its cheap. It accumulates, means if you take too much too long, it becomes toxic. The effects are reversible, but take some weeks to up to some months to fully disappear again. 25 or 50 mg should be safe, in case of an infection even 75 to 100mg - but not for longer than 10-14 days!

Its difficult, like with all these pills and capsules, to provide a dose that works according to "one size fits all". People and their metabolisms are different. The one maybe needs not more than 25mg Zinc, the other is such that he needs to triple that dose to have the same benefit as the first one. Without precise blood work one cannot know, and even blood work is no silver bullet, has limitations that the doctor usually does not tell you, its just a snapshot of that one moment, on that one morning, in that one metabolic status you were in: and this status can be very different on two mornings without brealfast and point 7 a.m. Next morning your body may be set up quite differently. In case of Omega 3, the range of needed doses by different people can vary by factors in the range of low and medium hundreds! My reference is the research done by Prof. von Schacky, a German cardiologist. His lab is one of the leading in the world for Omega 3 research and index marking. If one uses fish oil, one really should do an Omega 3 index after 6 months plus a fatty acid analysis, its the only way to really know whether one does it right with Omega 3 intak eor maybe already has started to waste money - as I said, good fish oil is expensive. Investing into an Omega 3 index therefore pays off. After 6 months, and then again after 6 months. Omega 3 levels in the metabolic system change slowly.

Most doctors will not tell you about all this, thats the big desaster here, and will even warn you of it, trying to brign you into compoliance with the official diet advices. Which surely make people ill.

Magnesium you already have, and a good dose. Mg deficiency is widespread, 40-60% of Westenr populations are affected, bioavailability of preparations is ranging from one quarter to one third of the taken Mg volume. Problem is, like with vitamin C, that the intake cannot be just pushed upwards, sooner or later the guts revolt. Alternative is using magnesium oil, which in fact is no oil but Magnesium salt in water, it gets applicated on the skin and bypasses the guts. Good against leg cramps, since it can get applicated close to the "action centre". Skin feels like covered with dry sweat, after 15-20 minutes you want to wash it off.

If vit-D doses get raised, Mg should be raised, too, since acitvation of vit D consumes Magnesium in significant quantity.

C. D3. K2. Mg. Zn. Omega 3. Full spectrum vit B. Thats a profound basis especially for boosting the immune system in the infectious time of the year!

I would recommend to also add to that basics list: iodine, and then selenium is mandatory, else the iodine can run you into serious troubles. Selenium is no option if supplementing iodine - it is a must, since selenium deficiency is the rule. Selenium is very interestign in other regards as well, it has long been overlooked, we just started to understand how important it really is. Regarding iodine, selenium is needed to make gluthateionperoxidase GPO, which counters the forming of hydrogenperoxide inside cells as consequence from iodide (the salt of iodine) entering cells and getting reduced to iodine again. Iodine levels take time, 6-12 months, some up to 2 years, to be brought back into shape. Its not wrong to have levels checked via 24 hours urine excretion test according to Dr Abrams and Brownstein, thats the only form of testing for iodine levels that makes sense, a blood sample or a single urine sample make little sense and tell surprisingly little about whether you have sufficient iodine or not: it tells you only whether you consummed iodine in the last couple of hours, but nothing on the quality of the dose and your general status. Thyroid hormones checked via blood work allow a meaningful picture only if all 6 values instead of just the usual 2 or 3 values around T3, T4 get scanned and considered, many doctors do this simply wrong, ignore such bdoctors. The other 4 values are not to be ignored!!! Regarding doses, different people may need different doses in the range of 12-80 mgr of iodine, according to Dr. Brownstein. He says most of his patients that after a therapeutical "flooding" phase take maintenance doses ranging mostly between 12 and 50 mgr. I long time took 36, then 24, now 12. That equals 2 drops of Lugol 5%.

In Japan, they consume, depending on the region they live in, between 4 gr and 13 gr of iodine per day: fatty sea fish, sea weed and all that. The 13 gr value sometimes is debated and critizised, but Brownstein and Abrams both insist(ed) on that they repeatedly counterchecked with the Japanese health officials on that statistical value and repeatedly got confirmation from the Japanese authorities that the value is correct. Now, compare that to the WHO recommendation of miserable 150-220 mcgr. ! Many deseases and cancer forms associated with iodine deficiency and that are pandemic in the West - are rare and almost exotic in Japan. When Japanese move to the West, namely the US, and they get exposed to US diet, the prevalence of such deseases amongst them starts to steeply climb within just a few years. Two reasons for that: the adding of plant seed oil (high Omega 6, amongst other issues) to the diet - and the deficiency in iodine.

Selenium turns toxic from certain doses on, literature usually mentions 400mcgr as safe maximum daily dose. Preparations usually have 200 mcgr per pill, and with 200 or 300 mcgr per day you are most likely safe. I say "most likely" because I base on the assumption you have no pre-existing health conditions. "He who wants to know for sure, must measure", is good advice, however. You do everything at your own risk. Even following the doc's advice is at your own risk, in case he is wrong. So, do not just believe me - find information and educate yourself!

Iodine is one of the more complex topics amongst nutrients. Before embarking on iodine I would strongly recommend to get some education on it (that most doctors will not provide you with and even warn against). Else you end up causing a thyreoiditis or especially Hashimoto syndrome that to prevent was your intention when starting to take iodine. I dont want to scare people off from iodine, I even recommend to consider iodine, but I also say: if doing it, then take care you do it right. Health practitioners who are open-minded for supplementation and especially iodine, are rare, at least in my part of the world, if you found such a person, consider him a precious ressource and dont let him go again. I have fired two of my former doctors in four years, plus two more doctors of my parents!

Heck, many doctors and/or their assistants do not even take the needed time to correctly measure blood pressure... I bet many people get set on blood pressure drugs without sufficient reason.

Oh, there is a reason, for a moment I forgot. Profit interests.

A tip: Ubiquinol, that is the so-called reduced form of Coencyme Q10, and is not to be mistaken with the much cheaper Ubiquinon (the unreduced form of Q10, which is much harder to get metabolized). Its expensive, but helps, amongst others in boosting ATP production in the cells' mitochondria. And that makes itsel felt, I tellm you! In the first days you can feel a mild euohoria form it, like havign had a mild drinkm, not being drunk, but s very little bit tipsy. It feels good! Unforunately the body adapts and then filters this sesnation out, sort of. - Mitochondrial medicine imo is one of the coming big things in medicine, and rightly so.

Make sure your vit B complex is indeed a complete one, and then consider to take it twice a day. Dont worry the dosage, if it is prescription-free then the doses are such that you find it hard to overdose them ever.
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Last edited by Skybird; 12-22-23 at 07:33 AM.
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Old 12-22-23, 08:18 AM   #212
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Yeah it's a jungle in marketplace to get the customer the "right service" and yes economic and business is a must and crucial at least from the stockholders perspective.

Swedish text,

Links from my supplier to come:
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Old 12-22-23, 09:31 AM   #213
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The B complex looks alright and comparable to the drugs we have over here, only small differences. If you ever consider to go after iodine however you may want to consider separate preparations to boost B3 and B6, it helps detoxification that may be an issue if you start bwith iodine: when it is about to get rid of the other halogens poisening your body and blocking iodine out. The B12 content could be higher if you approach higher age. - I would take 3, maybe 4 of these B pills. But thats me.

The Magnesium is fine. You said you take 3 of these. Good, if your guts play ball: stick with it.

The Multi-Vit.: its comfortable but I always recommend to supplement all thes e lements individually, for two reasons: first, you can dose them all individually, second, some nutrients compepte for the same secondary agents the body must invest to assimilate them, if you take these nutrients together, you reduce both their availability. Usually its not dangerous, just uneconomic. In worst case the content of one nutrient may get completely neutralised.

2500 mcgr Vitamin A is around 8330 IUs . Thats fine, it must not get more, probably, myself I stick with 5000. Safe limit in literature often marked at 10-12 thousand, but that may not be engraved in stone, the debate rages.

25 mcgr Vit D is 1000 IE. Thats is way too little. 5000 is my minimum recommendation. 10000 would be better.

Vitamine E, now that is a complicated topic. There is a band of 8 brothers who together form "vitamin E". These are called isomers. Think of them as the seven notes of the for example c major scale - you need them all to form a melody, just having one or two does not allow you to do much. Their names are alpha, beta gamma delta tocopherol, and alpha, beta gamma, delta tocotrinols. Some of these isomers are better behaved than the others. The bully in the block unfortunately is alpha tocopherol, and it is the one the industry can build in huge quantity and extremely cheaply, thats why it is so popular as servign as a "vitamin E supplement": small ivnrestment, huge profit return. Unfortunately it is dangerous. First, frequent consumpation of alpha tocopherol raises the likelihood of having life expectancy shortened, especially amongst males. Second, its presence has a severe suppressing effect on the other seven isomers, and if its volume content is beyond 25 or 30% of all included vitamin e isomers, it completely neutralises all the others's positive effects. Unfortunately, as I said, the industry loves to pump alpha tocopherol out, and these levels in a mix of isomers thus are easily reached if the other isomers are present. The vitamine E solution in this capsule to me is an absolute No-Go. But thats me. Alpha tocopherol already is in many things, added as an antioxidant, then I do not want to artificially supplement it. For improved heart and cardiovascular health, focus instead on something that excludes or minimises this isomer, and that maximises gamma and delta tocotrinol instead, these are the two you really want most. They usually can be had in form of so called DMT3-oils. The one I use has 96% of the two wanted isomers, only 4% of the other six, including alpha tocopherol. Unfortunately this is one of the most expensive supplements around. The bottom line of this message: avoid further supplementation of alpha tocopherol - chnaces are you already get more than enough via other industrial food.

Vit-C: way too little. Waaayyyyy too little.

Vit-K. They dont say whether it is K1 or K2, and if K2, which one: there are 14 or 18 different ones (called MK1-MK14), all of them in two "symmetrical" conditions (called cis and trans). K1 and K2 have two very different foci, the K1 focusses on blood coagulation, K2 mainly is about the calcium metabolism. You want in precise terminology this: K2-MK7 all-trans. Not MK4. Not K1. Not "K" - that could be just about anything, K1, K2, a mix, even K3.

Iodine content is waaayyyyy too low.

Zinc and Selenium could be a bit more, but okay, they do it this way...

On the plant-based ingredients I am obviously out, as a carnivore. My guts microbiome is completely different by now. Note to you: if you indeed go carnivore, expect a few weeks of guts troubles when the biome in your guts gets exchanged. Bacteria living of fibre go out, bacteria needed for digesting meat and fat go in. Your guts relearns to work with fat, and to extract that plenty of fluids withotu fibre beign around. You MUST eat fatty if you eat carnivore - you do not want lean meat!!! Still everything can be overdone or underdone, so here. Your liver produces a certain quantity of bile per day, no matter what and when and how much you eat, it gets stored in the gallbladder, the latter does not produce bile, it just stores it. This bile must suffice over the day, and whether it does or not depends on whether you had too much, too little or optimal fat input in your food. You also will see an effect from the fluid absorbtion in the guts being changed from fibre-heavy diet to meat, the guts must adapt to it. All this affects whether you have thick and hard or loose and greasy stool. most people changing to carnivore have the latter, the transition phase can last from 10 to 40 days, it depends on the individual. In any case it is important to eat a good amount of salt. They scaremonger us with salt and say we should avoid it. No, we shouldnt, we should embrace it, the low salt regimen has killed probably so many peopel like only few other modern medicine myths have. But we also should drink, and not according to timetables and numbers, but thirst. If you eat more salt, you will likely feel more thirst - so allow to drink more! Life can be so simple. Use that salt shaker according to your taste, have no bad conscience, and have a bottle on the table. With salt, I am varying between 8 and 15 gr per day. Taste, you know.

We do not need fibre as carnivores, we even cannot digest them. They cause our guts to work overtime, and only bacteria feed on them - we do not. It even causes us health problems.If the guts must work overtime all time long because you do not stop pushing crap into it that it must push out again, then it suffers from breakdowns, gets worn out, is exhausted.

Whether living bacteria cultures can survive the HCl bath in the stomach and still live when reaching the guts, is hotly debated and unclear. I side with the camp that says No, most likely not, but we may be shown wrong one day. Until then I eat yogurt because I like the taste and consistence, not for health reasons. I think when it reaches my guts then everything that once lived in it already is dead. So, I do not care for probiotics, living bacteria cultures and the likes, even more so if they serve the needs of a herbivore's biome. I care more about animal nutrients like creatin, carnosin, carnitin... and protein of a quality that only animal protein provides, and that you can never get from plants in this bioavailable quality. Proteins are needed to form amino acids. Be deficitary in protein and you are deficitary in amino acids. And that can and will have severe health consequences.


The Vit D: your capsules seem to not include K2. Take two of those pills in winter, one or two in summer, and you should be fine with vit D, but get a separate K2-MK7 preparation and take 200 mcgr per 5000IEs of Vit D. More is better, helps to decalcify your plaques. - Oh yes, plaques can be build back by GLA protein and osteocalcin. They showed that in a clinical trial. When 41 or 42% of the calcium in the plaques had disappeared , they broke off the trial. Either they had a fixed time table already before, or the trial became too successful, threatening the sales of expensive drugs and therapies against arterosclerosis. - You most likely cannot overdose K2. . Its like blowing out a running candle. If you would have let it burn on, it would most likely have burnt down all the way...
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Last edited by Skybird; 12-22-23 at 11:02 AM.
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Old 12-22-23, 11:01 AM   #214
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Thanks. D vitamin I take regulary 5k in October to April in these North hemisphere. But since you brought up K-Vitamin I have no clue more than I have read about that however I have eaten leaf so that will compansete...
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Old 12-22-23, 11:18 AM   #215
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Originally Posted by Gerald View Post
Thanks. D vitamin I take regulary 5k in October to April in these North hemisphere. But since you brought up K-Vitamin I have no clue more than I have read about that however I have eaten leaf so that will compansete...
No, no and no, leafs do not provide K2, only K1, and that is a huge difference. Only animal food sources can provide K2. K2 and K1 are not the same, as I described somewhere above, even if some vegetarians continue to claim that. It simply is wrong. To remind of it: K1 is about blood coagulation in the main, whilke K2 is about the nclacium in your blood that may get boosted by the Vit D intake.

And while I am at it, halflife and bioavailabiliuty of K2 Mk-2, sometime still sold, is very low and disadvantegous, thats why taking Mk7 is so much better.

In nordic countries you can safelyx assume that you will not suffer if taking vitamin D in summer as well. When our ancestors moved from the equator region to the poles, they lost pigments, becasue the ability of their skin to make vit D suffered the further they went north or south, ,due to weaker sunlight. Thats why you northerners are so pale and white skinned. Still, it is not enough. Ypou can even show that the yearly disirbutiuon of flu and cold pandem ics are linked to the exposure to sunlight in various places and the UV radiation level reached. That reaches as far as to changing death rates, in relation to sun energy levels in a giovne region.

Of course its your decision. I stick with my tip: 5000 in summer, 10000 in winter. The daily limit of the skin to make vit D under most ideal conditions, is around 20,000 IE. I take that as a hint from mother nature that we are able to deal with such volumes safely. Beyond that, further production steeply declines, so then taking more pills beyond 20,000 IEs probably only produces expensive urine.

Nothing wrong with having a calcidiol-in-serum level of 100 ngr/ml (after corona trsditoinalists said it shoud, be just 40-60, then you are fine. Well, you are safe, but further benefit can be had for a penny or two, so: why not? Even a bit more than 100 most likely will not become dangerous. The motto with vit D and C really is: MORE IS MORE. Its not always and with everything like this. But here it is the case.

How does kidney function react to high vitamin D levels?
How does serum calcium react to rising vitamin D levels?

These questions are analyzed here using scientific graphics. There is even a poisoning study from Turkey. Here, children were observed who were given 4000 times the dose of vitamin D over a longer period of time because a preparation was produced incorrectly: Intoxication.

The results of the Turkish study show that a problematic increase in calcium and creatinine levels occurred from around 300 nanograms/milliliter. Conversely, this means that vitamin D levels below 300 were fortunately still without problems for children.

It is also reassuring to learn that all the children's laboratory values have returned to normal. So there was not a single child who was permanently damaged. This is remarkable in view of the fact that vitamin D levels of up to almost 1000 nanograms/milliliter were achieved.
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Old 12-22-23, 12:28 PM   #216
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It appears that my wallet have to expand. 🤔 Now have this gone to an high level of experience in my mind. Increase my already high intake of egg will do the trick.🧑‍🎄
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Old 12-22-23, 02:46 PM   #217
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Eggs are always good. On random days I have 6 or 8 eggs, scrmabled eggs at mild tmeprature, with plentky really plenty of butter and only a little bit of salt, then constantly scrambling, putting ever new layers of egg on each other, not formign any crust or brown parts. Then when it is done, fat buttercheese on top of it. Oh does that taste well, the butter alone! I have half a dozen ways of doing scrambled eggs. This is the simpliest - and maybe best.

If you must choose and prioritize: 1. real food trumps over industrially processed food, 2. real food before supplementation. I mean they are not called supplements for no reason, they are not called "food replacements". But quality food it should be then: plenty of meat and fish, butter (!), eggs -absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I would only always supplement a solid dose of vitamins D and C and K2, plus Zinc and Magnesium.

Avoid known sources of Omega 6, and transfats, and glucose and fructose.

With this advice alone you dramatically push the sliders in your favour!

Tip: ground beef /cheaper than ribeye steaks/entrecote), and here: beef burger patties (cheaper, and usually fattier than loose ground beef). Avoid lean steaks. Steaks must be fatty. Beef fat is delicous. Different to pork fat, which I cannot stand. I dont have pork in general, its not my taste.

Wild game, if you hunt, is fine although it is not fat, but lean. But it has no antibiotics and other medical drugs used in lifestock farming. Thats the big plus with wild game meat.
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Last edited by Skybird; 12-22-23 at 02:56 PM.
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Old 12-22-23, 04:19 PM   #218
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Eggs are always good. On random days I have 6 or 8 eggs, scrmabled eggs at mild tmeprature, with plentky really plenty of butter and only a little bit of salt, then constantly scrambling, putting ever new layers of egg on each other, not formign any crust or brown parts. Then when it is done, fat buttercheese on top of it. Oh does that taste well, the butter alone! I have half a dozen ways of doing scrambled eggs. This is the simpliest - and maybe best.

If you must choose and prioritize: 1. real food trumps over industrially processed food, 2. real food before supplementation. I mean they are not called supplements for no reason, they are not called "food replacements". But quality food it should be then: plenty of meat and fish, butter (!), eggs -absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I would only always supplement a solid dose of vitamins D and C and K2, plus Zinc and Magnesium.

Avoid known sources of Omega 6, and transfats, and glucose and fructose.

With this advice alone you dramatically push the sliders in your favour!

Tip: ground beef /cheaper than ribeye steaks/entrecote), and here: beef burger patties (cheaper, and usually fattier than loose ground beef). Avoid lean steaks. Steaks must be fatty. Beef fat is delicous. Different to pork fat, which I cannot stand. I dont have pork in general, its not my taste.

Wild game, if you hunt, is fine although it is not fat, but lean. But it has no antibiotics and other medical drugs used in lifestock farming. Thats the big plus with wild game meat.
Thanks for your advice.
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Old 01-05-24, 07:44 PM   #219
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Wowh, someone is talking tachless here. And he calls a spade a spade: Mass murder. This video touches on health issues almost in passing and after the first 40%, around time mark 07:50, focuses much more on the political global efforts to fix people, to get rich from the poison they are sold, and then to make money again by selling soothing remedies that of course do not cure, because they want people to stay sick so that they can continue to make money from them. Diabetes at 10, high blood pressure in their mid-25s, a lifelong drug user - it doesn't get any better than that! And all the side effects that their pills and injections demand! More drugs to sell them!

An oligarchic-neofeudal new world order that is in fact quite old.

A dictatorship of the few vampire lords who feed off all the many of their subjects.

I think just like him, I just didn't expect to see someone saying it so clearly.

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Old 01-06-24, 08:32 AM   #220
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"When it comes to just the care and feeding of the average human walking the streets, the little training that we got was atrocious, and so there's that excuse and I think that is partly a reason for doctors being awful nutrition advisors, but I also think its partly excuse as well, because the word 'doctor', if I'm not misinformed, kind of means 'teacher' in Greek, and so everybody who is going to be a good teacher - which every doctor should aspire to be - by definition you got to have to be a good student, and if you are indeed a student of human health, which I think every doctor should be or strive to be, you should be a student, you should be curious (...) Its like doctors have lost all their curiosity, and I think a whole lot of just regular guys just dont realize how much medicine has changed over the last decades for sure, and even just since 2020."

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Old 01-26-24, 09:23 AM   #221
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Old 01-28-24, 01:14 PM   #222
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Eating eggs will kill you.


These corrupt wannabe "scientists", who are willing to serve manipulative lies to people for money, with the sole aim of bringing them into compliance with ideologically contaminated nutritional selfdamaging paradigms so that someone else can make money from the deficiency diseases they create, are really the very worst. Scum. They belong in prison because they are inciting self-harming behavior. Every propagation of the vegan diet is ultimately just that: a guide to self-harming behavior.

I eat 2-4 eggs per day, depending on my appetite for it.

This constant propagation of not eatign animal protein and animal food and only go vegan, serves the policy of the 7th Day Adventist Church lobby that - with its "Garden Eden diet", which is their name for pure veganism - is dominating the US government's health and nutrition policy sicne many decades, and since that is so influential it is being heard world-wide, unfortunately, it also serves the interests of the farming and cereals industry lobbies. The latter massively invests in - pharmaceutical companies with a strong focus on producing diabetes and obesity medication - what a coincidence! An unbelievable coincidence...!

Millions and dozens and hundreds of millions are being talked into getting fat, getting sick, suffering pain and illness, suffering work and social consequences, suffering financial troubles, loosing their health, and ultimately experience a shortenening their life expectancy.

Is there a bigger crime imaginable? Compared to the scale of that, criminalised drug trade is the far minor offence.

I am absolutely getting enraged about the vegan and food mafia. And the ignorrance of so many people just buying their lies. And the corrupt "scientists" opening their hands for gold and then spitting out endlessly the always same lies and man-harming propaganda . Its not just a scandal, it is a crime against humanity. It damages hundreds of millions. It causes financial damages to the state worth two and three digits billions and billions in dollars and euros every year as well.

They all belong behind bars for life. The scale of their crime is hard to be overestimated.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 01-28-24 at 01:25 PM.
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Old 01-30-24, 04:29 PM   #223
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Default Gut Health

Knowing what we do about eggs in the diet, i.e. that the cholesterol you consume when eating them has no bearing on the amount contained in in your blood - since it's burned up & digested just the same as everything else you've eaten - doesn't this also hold true for all these yogurt pots supposedly full of "friendly" gut bacteria? Aren't these things just a cynical deception? My mother-in-law swallows vast quantities of the stuff thinking it's good for her and won't be told. Does it have ANY benefits?
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Old 01-30-24, 04:55 PM   #224
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Trying to remember where I read a science article about eggs and Cholesterol affect on people.

If I remember correctly the examine showed that it was a huge different.
While there was an increase of a certain type of Cholesterol on some of the test group, there wasn't any increase on others in the test group.

Think they ate 3-5 eggs per day during this test period.


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Old 01-30-24, 07:04 PM   #225
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60 or more eggs can easily go down in a months I love those white in mixed dishes!
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Marie Curie

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