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Old 06-06-23, 05:56 AM   #1981
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"When a clown moves into a palace, the clown does not become a king, but the palace becomes a circus."

The story behind this:


"We see little worth supporting in Green politics," he explains. He is particularly critical of the lack of qualifications of top Green politicians: "We see politicians who allow themselves to be elevated to certain positions without any qualifications. We fear a threat to our country as a result of a lack of competence."

While there are less-qualified politicians in all parties, he said, it is "particularly evident in the case of the Greens." In this regard, he takes the parties to task for putting qualified personnel at the top. "The Greens disregard this in a special way and put particularly low-qualified people at their top."

Hess rejects that a rejection of climate protection is also derived from his rejection of the Greens. One could discuss climate protection measures, "but we do not support the principle that the end justifies the means. The end does not justify all means."

In response to the accusation of adopting AfD slogans, Hess counters, "What's interesting is what's being said - not who's saying it."
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Old 06-07-23, 07:00 AM   #1982
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The useless riffraff in Berlin is once again exposing Germany to ridicule. This is the new official emblem of the Facebook presence of the German government. No joke.

No, no joke at all.

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Old 06-07-23, 08:11 AM   #1983
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I've been saying it for years, but hardly anyone wants to believe it, it's such outrageous stupidity that everyone says to themselves: that's so stupid it can't possibly be true. But green party thinking is brutal, fanatical, intelligence-free ideologism in its purest form. Its also deeply hostile to market mechanisms and capitalsm, self-responsibility and liberalism. It wants state control of evertyhing, command and control, and deindustrialisation to - according to quite some Green and always capitalism-hostile chief ideologists - up to 90%.

NINETY percent.

North Korea, anyone?

RWE boss warns of power shortage - Habeck sets "energy diet" on shrinkage course

Parallel to the poll ratings of the Greens, the secure supply of affordable electricity is also declining: all this with announcement and according to the plans of the propagated degrowth. As Ulrike Herrmann says: "Eco-energy will be expensive. And the machines will only run on energy. With expensive and scarce energy, there will be no more growth, but shrinkage."

"Scary warning" at Bild and the head of RWE quoted, who in turn warns of an electricity shortage: electricity will soon be scarce in Germany. According to Bild, Krebber continues, this will drive companies and jobs out of the country.
"Germany's prosperity is based on strong industry," Krebber said. "A shortage of energy leads to high prices - this endangers the competitiveness of Germany as an industrial location. We are seeing the first signs of deindustrialization."

Krebber had already warned against a boycott of gas and oil from Russia after the Russian attack on Ukraine. An embargo must also be able to be sustained, he objected a year ago. He is backing so-called "green energies" and does not question the "energy turnaround." Instead of shouting "nonsense" loud and clear, he says "we" would have to simultaneously manage the massive expansion of the grids and build a "hydrogen economy." "We" would also have to build hydrogen-capable gas-fired power plants so that the coal phase-out in 2030 would succeed.

Nonsense terms like "renewables" pass his lips with ease, sending shivers down the spine of any engineer. Krebber is an economist, not a physicist or engineer, so he doesn't ask whether and how such a century-long undertaking could succeed in principle.

His solution: more money from the state. There must be "massive investment in green energies. The will and the money are there. To ensure that investments are actually made, a reliable framework is needed in the long term that creates incentives instead of setting hurdles."

Speaking of RWE and more money from the state: Instead of investing in Germany, RWE prefers to invest in the USA, and bought the US solar specialist "Con Edison Clean Energy Businesses" for 6.9 billion euros. RWE collected the funds for this through the nuclear and coal phase-out.

If the state has too little money, all nuclear power plants finally shut down, finally helps: Habeck's "energy diet".

His NGO machinery, which has hijacked the "Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection," is unabashedly pushing out the next idea for another law: the so-called "Energy Efficiency Act." At the front of the ramp, Habeck has to laboriously represent that this should reduce Germany's energy consumption by more than a quarter - and already by 2030.

What every company is already doing on its own initiative, namely careful handling of expensive energy, is what those who have done something with "international relations," "public policy" or even "sociology" want to enforce with "mandatory energy consumption controls," among other things.

According to Habeck, "together we must succeed" in significantly and permanently reducing energy consumption in Germany. "Last year, we showed together that this is possible. With the new law, we are now creating a clear framework."

Clearly, this will succeed when the important industry has left the country and the factory halls are empty.

Parallel to the Greens' poll ratings, the secure supply of affordable electricity is also declining. However, all this happens with notice and follows the plans of the degrowth propagated by Greens. As Ulrike Herrmann openly admitted: "Eco-energy will be expensive. And the machines will only run on energy. With expensive and scarce energy, there will be no more growth, but shrinkage."

"Denk mich an Deutschland in der Nacht,
bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht..."
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Old 06-09-23, 10:33 AM   #1984
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Farewell to Germany - doubts are growing as to whether this is still our country.
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Old 06-11-23, 03:48 AM   #1985
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German-French cooperation to build the next MBT is running deeper into a dead end. I'm not sorry to hear that, I never liked the sharing by KMW with Nexter. The French should build fighters, the German tanks and conventional submarines, the Bris nuclear submarines, the Swedes IFVs and stealthed naval units. Something like that as a job-sharing. These international cooperations for one and the same platform make things expensive and take more time. Lets distribute projects amongst nations in the NATO and EU, but keep one project fully under one nation's responsibility. Germany simply does not need the French cooperation on tanks, its a purely political motivation behind this.

When I was student, I HATED work groups. Inefficient to the max, and afterwards I nevertheless still had to relearn everything myself, others cannot learn for you. Waste of time. In companies the idea of brainstorming sessions and group meetings are loosing ground, too, I red some months ago.
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Old 06-13-23, 06:53 AM   #1986
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Church and greed and indifferent state.

German church members also pay mandatory church taxes that gets collected by the state.

Members of any religious community should negiotiate with dsaid community whethe roir not a emmberhsiup fee is to be paid, and the community shoul,d tak ecare opf it all by itself, like if you were a ember of a chess club, for example. Its worth it for you - you pay and play in club rooms. Its not worth it for you - you pass, pay not, and play not in club rooms. That simple.

Germany loves to describe itself as a secular state. It is not not.

We have just had the prptestant church meeting (Kirchentag). It does not get any greener, woker and gay and lesbian than there. The Protestant church is not the church anymore, its the appendix of the Greens. The Catholic church is a money grabber, is corrupt, protects sexual offenders and pedophiles, and does its best to evade investigatrions and leaves victims behind. Many of the German dioceses are amongst the richest wordwide. Money does not stink.Nobody knows this better than the inventor of indulgence trade (Ablasshandel).

Frnak Herbert, in his Dune novels, describes the rise and fall of the Atreides empire. The Fremen warriosr from the desert conquer the galaxy. But in the later books, the degenerate, and in the end are just a ptiiful shadow of their former self. Museum-Fremen they are called. Thats what the churches today are: shadows, carricatures of the Christians of the time around Jesus' lifetime and its immediate past. Museum-Christians.
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Last edited by Skybird; 06-13-23 at 07:06 AM.
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Old 06-13-23, 10:34 AM   #1987
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Germany: Land of the Mathastenics - the Mathematical Illiterates

More and more German states, eleven of them in the meantime, are dispensing with a compulsory mathematics examination for the Abitur. Now Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania wants to join these eleven.

Mathematics is a truly evil subject. Along with physics and Latin, it is the classic subject that students fail to take. In mathematics, the examinee can't just rant and rave like in some subjects in the humanities and social sciences, where a lot of chatter often results in a grade of 3. In mathematics, there are usually clear solutions. There, it is simply "right" or "wrong". Accordingly, the grades for mathematical performance are quite objective and incontestable. You can't make an "A" out of an "F," no matter how much empathy the examiners have. And anyway, as we hear from U.S. universities and their anti-colonialist, anti-racist departments, mathematics is a "toxic" subject because mathematics (allegedly) comes from ancient, white, male Greeks.

This ideology now seems to be catching on in Germany as well. More and more German states, now eleven of them, are doing away with a compulsory exam in mathematics at the Abitur. Now Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has also joined these eleven. The education minister in office there, Simone Oldenburg (Left), set up a "steering group" of practitioners some time ago, which has been discussing the further development of the Abitur in an "open-ended" manner for more than a year. However, there can be no talk of "open-ended", because regional newspapers in the state on the Baltic Sea report that Simone Oldenburg is actually planning to abolish compulsory examinations in mathematics.

The CDU and AfD oppositions see it differently in unison - and without regard to Merz's firewall. "High school graduates should be able to do more than the multiplication tables. Whoever claims that mathematics is dispensable for many professions, and that the exam therefore is, is shamelessly lying to the students' faces," explained the education policy spokesman of the CDU state parliamentary group, Torsten Renz. The devaluation of the Abitur is no contribution to more educational justice. "Whoever grumbles against mathematics can fatally always hope for applause," explained the education policy spokesman for the AfD state parliamentary group, Enrico Schult, adding, "Instead of abolishing exams, schools should teach children: Mathematics is cool."

Quite unemotionally: Without a mathematical baccalaureate basis, you can't master physics, chemistry, computer science, engineering, economics or business studies. And even psychology or sociology studies are difficult without a solid mathematical foundation. The same applies to the subject of "climate research", unless you specialize in how superglue works. Two facts prove the importance of mathematics in a course of study: Firstly, because many students fail in the subjects mentioned because of their deficits. Secondly, because universities have to set up more and more mathematical air courses, especially in these subjects.

In addition, solid mathematical foundations have a political and media dimension that can hardly be underestimated. Specifically, the more diffuse mathematical knowledge or even rudimentary calculation skills are, the easier it is for the Habecks, the Lindners, the Baerbocks and others to fool the public with adventurous numerical comparisons, tricky trend and percentage calculations, and faked charts (histograms and polygons). To fool the public - and the "media professionals". Because the latter are often unable to see behind these number games due to their own lack of basic mathematical education; or else they continue to transport these tricks in an attitude loyal to the government without criticism.

However, it is often not even about higher mathematics. A foreign minister with a feminist and international law mindset sometimes says that the Ukraine war will only end when Putin turns 360 (!) degrees. She was already a minister then. But she wasn't yet a minister when she started spouting the following figures: Every German citizen emits 9 gigatons of CO2 per year. In fact, the figure is 9 tons (end of 2018). But that doesn't matter: You can make a mistake by a factor of 1 billion. Or: "People with low incomes usually consume (sic!) less CO2, are therefore not as strongly affected by the price increases and still get just as much money back as people with a large CO2 footprint who pay more" (June 2021). Which, however, takes us outside the realm of mathematics, because "consume" and "emit" are different physical facts. But never mind. The then candidate for chancellor meant well, and in 2018 and mid-2021 she did not yet have a whispering ministerial apparatus including ex-Greenpeace boss and US citizen Jennifer Morgan as German Secretary of State.

What does this "teach" us: A billion "or so" does not matter. You can also make it into the federal cabinet as a mathastenic/dyscalculic (m/f/d). Because one is also clear: Federal government and Bundestag are to be a representative image also of the stupid German pleb.

Incidentally, even CDU-led federal states are now making every effort to ideologize the school subject of mathematics as well. In a draft of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia from the spring of 2023 for a mathematics curriculum (empty plan?), the goals of math instruction - quasi as an invitation to swagger in exams - include:

Within the framework of the general educational mission of the school supports the subject of mathematics, supports the development of a mature and socially responsible personality and makes further contributions to interdisciplinary cross-interdisciplinary tasks in school and teaching, which include, among others:
[Mind you, this is the school curriculum for courses in mathematics!, Skybird]

- Human rights education,
- values education,
- political education and democracy education,
- Education for the digital world and media education,
- education for sustainable development,
- gender-sensitive education,
- cultural and intercultural education.
(Core curriculum for secondary level II Gymnasium / comprehensive school in North Rhine-Westphalia, mathematics (draft association participation, 23.01.2023) )

The dumber a population, the less critical questions it can ask the politicians in command. Stupidity is very much wanted.

Some years ago I heard on radio that somebody was demanding to delete 1 and 0 from the numbers because these were sexualised numbers reminding of Lingam and Yoni and therefore they were sexually discrimination of non-heteros.

Cultural degeneration.
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Old 06-16-23, 08:42 AM   #1988
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KMW and Nexter are no more.

I'm not a fan of this. Never was. I am not against such fusaions, but agaiunst the fusion of German KMW with French Nexter. Plenty of know-how will go from Germany to France. Not so much the other way around. Germany does not need this deal, France very much needs it, also to externalise some of the French costs to Germany.

The two nations will next collide on export regulations to third countries outside NATO, where Germany traditionally wants a much tighter regulation than France, and Paris wants a very loose handling.

The rivalry of Rheinmetall with former KMW and now KNDS will also produce thrilling results. RM cooperaters with KMW in the Leopards, at the same time raises compoetition to this project by propducing a rival to both the Puma IFV and the Leopard 2 MBT. The heads of both companies can't stand each other and are also engaged in a trade of personal hostilities.
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Old 06-17-23, 06:16 AM   #1989
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East Berlin, June 17th 1953

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Old 06-22-23, 02:54 PM   #1990
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Didn't I say it? A year ago, I said it. I called it Olaf's verbosity, his loudmouthedness. And that he never had the intention to put his drivel about Zeitenwende into action. Never, not for one day. He lied from day one. The NZZ writes:


Boris Pistorius is not getting the money he needs to quickly make the Bundeswehr defensible. Six months after taking office, the country's most popular politician hits the hard ground of reality.

Boris Pistorius and the Germans - what a nice honeymoon that was! Since taking office in January, the defense minister has been by far the most popular politician in the country. As a man of open words and a hands-on problem solver with a great zeal for making announcements, he outshines all his colleagues in the "traffic lights," which are dim at best.

Now, however, he is in danger of being disenchanted as a great illusionist. The culprit is himself - and his success. Pistorius must realize that being the country's most popular politician does not only have its advantages. The envious are working diligently to bring him down from his pedestal of popularity.

To do so, they are working on him where it hurts the most: with the money. There is basically no need to say anything more about the state of the Bundeswehr. But after the general statement a year ago that the armed forces were "bare," the next disastrous result follows after large quantities of weapons and ammunition were handed over to Ukraine, which is fighting for survival: the army is even more bare.

It therefore seems bizarre what the German government is now planning. It is true that the budget for the Bundeswehr is to be increased by 1.7 billion to 51.8 billion euros next year. But Pistorius had demanded 10 billion more to make the armed forces defensible again. Now he has nothing left in addition. That's because, after the collective bargaining agreement in the public sector in the spring, the increase will go entirely to higher pay for soldiers and civilian employees of the Bundeswehr.

Pistorius is now learning the consequences of making big announcements. His talk of 10 billion more raised expectations. But it should have been clear to him that this cannot be done with this government.

The "traffic light" may be rhetorically up to the mark. But in terms of budgetary policy, their decisions counteract the announcements of a "turnaround" in security policy. Certainly, the country is in a recession, and revenues are falling. But is there anything more important than Germany's security at the moment?

Anyone who doubts this should read through Putin's statements on his imperial intentions once again. According to them, Ukraine is just the beginning.

But for Germany to quickly become defensible again, more savings would have to be made elsewhere. That would leave individual ministers in an even worse position than they already are. It would also cause even more stress for Chancellor Olaf Scholz in his divided coalition. So it's better to leave everything as it is.

Boris Pistorius and his Bundeswehr have to make do, just like everyone else. Big words, little action - that's how it's been for decades in Germany's security policy.

So now the illusionist from the Ministry of Defense has to show whether he can also play illusion theater. The first attempt seems to have succeeded. The fact that Pistorius has quietly rowed back from 10 to 1.7 billion has in any case hardly upset anyone in German politics or the public. Nor, apparently, did the fact that the Bundeswehr is now running into a dangerous funding gap.

However, there is someone who should not fall for this illusion theater. Vladimir Putin will have realized what kind of performance is being given in Berlin and will know how to use the staging for his propaganda about a "soft Germany. In this context, the attempt by the "traffic light" to link the regular defense budget with spending from the special fund in order to conceal the country's departure from NATO's two-percent target is also a transparent maneuver.

Germany has abandoned its security policy "turnaround." The 100 billion euro special fund was not intended to supplement the regular military budget. It was to be used to make urgently needed major investments in weapons such as helicopters, combat aircraft, tanks, air defense systems and combat ships.

The defense budget should have increased in parallel, as announced by Scholz in his "turn of the times" speech in February 2022. This is necessary if only to finance the operation and maintenance of the new weapons and the personnel they require.

But the government is now putting this on the back burner and transferring responsibility for it to its successors. Many of its predecessors have done the same. Germany's security policy is in a time warp.

The outlook is bleak. For the Bundeswehr, because it will not get what it needs to fulfill its mission in the foreseeable future. For the allies, because once again they must fear that they cannot rely on Germany. And for the country, because it is permanently unable to defend itself.

After the honeymoon, disillusionment has set in. Boris Pistorius, too, is doomed to be a backdrop shifter, with everything remaining as it was. It seems that he, too, is just a defense minister who has rejoined the ranks of those who managed Germany's armed forces. In times of crisis, that is dangerously little.


And there was something else I said from the beginning: that Pistorius would fail. Or rather: that he would be allowed to fail.
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Old 06-23-23, 04:49 AM   #1991
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I know there is absolutely no chance of it happening but perhaps a period of suspension from NATO might suffice.
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Oh my God, not again!!

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Old 06-26-23, 10:00 AM   #1992
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German central bank risks bailout after money printing spree.

Germany’s central bank may need a bailout to cover losses on the debt it hoovered up as part of the European Central Bank’s (ECB) massive bond-buying programme, the country’s federal auditor has warned.

The Bundesrechnungshof said losses faced by the Bundesbank on more than €650bn (£570bn) of bond purchases were “substantial” and “could necessitate a recapitalisation with budgetary funds”.

The critical report of the ECB’s so-called public sector purchase programme (PSPP) – akin to quantitative easing in the UK and US – throws future bond-buying sprees to prop up the single currency bloc in doubt.

Economists have blamed bond-buying programmes for stoking inflation amid a series of negative supply shocks that have increased the risk of economies overheating.

Steep rate hikes by the ECB meant that the Bundesbank suffered a €1bn hit to its bond holdings last year alone.
Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.
Oh my God, not again!!

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Old 06-29-23, 06:18 PM   #1993
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Unfortunetly Mr. Buna the U.S. and the U.K. are in it deep for the same reasons. And it has nothing to do with wage increases or brexit

Extradite Deez Nutz in your mouth Commissioner Mark Rowley you fascist pig. Make 1984 fiction again.
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Old 06-30-23, 12:37 AM   #1994
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Default Embrace your Government

Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Didn't I say it? A year ago, I said it. I called it Olaf's verbosity, his loudmouthedness. And that he never had the intention to put his drivel about Zeitenwende into action. Never, not for one day. He lied from day one. The NZZ writes:


Boris Pistorius is not getting the money he needs to quickly make the Bundeswehr defensible. Six months after taking office, the country's most popular politician hits the hard ground of reality.

Boris Pistorius and the Germans - what a nice honeymoon that was! Since taking office in January, the defense minister has been by far the most popular politician in the country. As a man of open words and a hands-on problem solver with a great zeal for making announcements, he outshines all his colleagues in the "traffic lights," which are dim at best.

Now, however, he is in danger of being disenchanted as a great illusionist. The culprit is himself - and his success. Pistorius must realize that being the country's most popular politician does not only have its advantages. The envious are working diligently to bring him down from his pedestal of popularity.

To do so, they are working on him where it hurts the most: with the money. There is basically no need to say anything more about the state of the Bundeswehr. But after the general statement a year ago that the armed forces were "bare," the next disastrous result follows after large quantities of weapons and ammunition were handed over to Ukraine, which is fighting for survival: the army is even more bare.

It therefore seems bizarre what the German government is now planning. It is true that the budget for the Bundeswehr is to be increased by 1.7 billion to 51.8 billion euros next year. But Pistorius had demanded 10 billion more to make the armed forces defensible again. Now he has nothing left in addition. That's because, after the collective bargaining agreement in the public sector in the spring, the increase will go entirely to higher pay for soldiers and civilian employees of the Bundeswehr.

Pistorius is now learning the consequences of making big announcements. His talk of 10 billion more raised expectations. But it should have been clear to him that this cannot be done with this government.

The "traffic light" may be rhetorically up to the mark. But in terms of budgetary policy, their decisions counteract the announcements of a "turnaround" in security policy. Certainly, the country is in a recession, and revenues are falling. But is there anything more important than Germany's security at the moment?

Anyone who doubts this should read through Putin's statements on his imperial intentions once again. According to them, Ukraine is just the beginning.

But for Germany to quickly become defensible again, more savings would have to be made elsewhere. That would leave individual ministers in an even worse position than they already are. It would also cause even more stress for Chancellor Olaf Scholz in his divided coalition. So it's better to leave everything as it is.

Boris Pistorius and his Bundeswehr have to make do, just like everyone else. Big words, little action - that's how it's been for decades in Germany's security policy.

So now the illusionist from the Ministry of Defense has to show whether he can also play illusion theater. The first attempt seems to have succeeded. The fact that Pistorius has quietly rowed back from 10 to 1.7 billion has in any case hardly upset anyone in German politics or the public. Nor, apparently, did the fact that the Bundeswehr is now running into a dangerous funding gap.

However, there is someone who should not fall for this illusion theater. Vladimir Putin will have realized what kind of performance is being given in Berlin and will know how to use the staging for his propaganda about a "soft Germany. In this context, the attempt by the "traffic light" to link the regular defense budget with spending from the special fund in order to conceal the country's departure from NATO's two-percent target is also a transparent maneuver.

Germany has abandoned its security policy "turnaround." The 100 billion euro special fund was not intended to supplement the regular military budget. It was to be used to make urgently needed major investments in weapons such as helicopters, combat aircraft, tanks, air defense systems and combat ships.

The defense budget should have increased in parallel, as announced by Scholz in his "turn of the times" speech in February 2022. This is necessary if only to finance the operation and maintenance of the new weapons and the personnel they require.

But the government is now putting this on the back burner and transferring responsibility for it to its successors. Many of its predecessors have done the same. Germany's security policy is in a time warp.

The outlook is bleak. For the Bundeswehr, because it will not get what it needs to fulfill its mission in the foreseeable future. For the allies, because once again they must fear that they cannot rely on Germany. And for the country, because it is permanently unable to defend itself.

After the honeymoon, disillusionment has set in. Boris Pistorius, too, is doomed to be a backdrop shifter, with everything remaining as it was. It seems that he, too, is just a defense minister who has rejoined the ranks of those who managed Germany's armed forces. In times of crisis, that is dangerously little.


And there was something else I said from the beginning: that Pistorius would fail. Or rather: that he would be allowed to fail.
Well damn, Quit crying and get to marching, Don't whine,Yes it is time to bend the knee and know and accept what is coming to Germany again. Hey here in the United States we have as a collective alphabet and we have turned all power over to The Democrat Party.Yes they are killers and they burn cities to the ground.They love war, war is their life .And from America all of your countries, Germany included and all of the so called European Allies your land mass is expendable. Bend the knee and fight a country, Russia that was going to provide you with energy. Welcome to the hivemind. Your sons and you will be marching into Ukraine before Christmas.

Last edited by Gorpet; 06-30-23 at 12:47 AM.
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Old 06-30-23, 12:59 AM   #1995
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[QUOTE=Skybird;2873224]Didn't I say it? A year ago, I said it. I called it Olaf's verbosity, his loudmouthedness. And that he never had the intention to put his drivel about Zeitenwende into action. Never, not for one day. He lied from day one. The NZZ writes:


Boris Pistorius is not getting the money he needs to quickly make the Bundeswehr defensible. Six months after taking office, the country's most popular politician hits the hard ground of reality.

Boris Pistorius and the Germans - what a nice honeymoon that was! Since taking office in January, the defense minister has been by far the most popular politician in the country. As a man of open words and a hands-on problem solver with a great zeal for making announcements, he outshines all his colleagues in the "traffic lights," which are dim at best.

Now, however, he is in danger of being disenchanted as a great illusionist. The culprit is himself - and his success. Pistorius must realize that being the country's most popular politician does not only have its advantages. The envious are working diligently to bring him down from his pedestal of popularity.

To do so, they are working on him where it hurts the most: with the money. There is basically no need to say anything more about the state of the Bundeswehr. But after the general statement a year ago that the armed forces were "bare," the next disastrous result follows after large quantities of weapons and ammunition were handed over to Ukraine, which is fighting for survival: the army is even more bare.

It therefore seems bizarre what the German government is now planning. It is true that the budget for the Bundeswehr is to be increased by 1.7 billion to 51.8 billion euros next year. But Pistorius had demanded 10 billion more to make the armed forces defensible again. Now he has nothing left in addition. That's because, after the collective bargaining agreement in the public sector in the spring, the increase will go entirely to higher pay for soldiers and civilian employees of the Bundeswehr.

Pistorius is now learning the consequences of making big announcements. His talk of 10 billion more raised expectations. But it should have been clear to him that this cannot be done with this government.

The "traffic light" may be rhetorically up to the mark. But in terms of budgetary policy, their decisions counteract the announcements of a "turnaround" in security policy. Certainly, the country is in a recession, and revenues are falling. But is there anything more important than Germany's security at the moment?

Anyone who doubts this should read through Putin's statements on his imperial intentions once again. According to them, Ukraine is just the beginning.

But for Germany to quickly become defensible again, more savings would have to be made elsewhere. That would leave individual ministers in an even worse position than they already are. It would also cause even more stress for Chancellor Olaf Scholz in his divided coalition. So it's better to leave everything as it is.

Boris Pistorius and his Bundeswehr have to make do, just like everyone else. Big words, little action - that's how it's been for decades in Germany's security policy.

So now the illusionist from the Ministry of Defense has to show whether he can also play illusion theater. The first attempt seems to have succeeded. The fact that Pistorius has quietly rowed back from 10 to 1.7 billion has in any case hardly upset anyone in German politics or the public. Nor, apparently, did the fact that the Bundeswehr is now running into a dangerous funding gap.

However, there is someone who should not fall for this illusion theater. Vladimir Putin will have realized what kind of performance is being given in Berlin and will know how to use the staging for his propaganda about a "soft Germany. In this context, the attempt by the "traffic light" to link the regular defense budget with spending from the special fund in order to conceal the country's departure from NATO's two-percent target is also a transparent maneuver.

Germany has abandoned its security policy "turnaround." The 100 billion euro special fund was not intended to supplement the regular military budget. It was to be used to make urgently needed major investments in weapons such as helicopters, combat aircraft, tanks, air defense systems and combat ships.

The defense budget should have increased in parallel, as announced by Scholz in his "turn of the times" speech in February 2022. This is necessary if only to finance the operation and maintenance of the new weapons and the personnel they require.

But the government is now putting this on the back burner and transferring responsibility for it to its successors. Many of its predecessors have done the same. Germany's security policy is in a time warp.

The outlook is bleak. For the Bundeswehr, because it will not get what it needs to fulfill its mission in the foreseeable future. For the allies, because once again they must fear that they cannot rely on Germany. And for the country, because it is permanently unable to defend itself.

After the honeymoon, disillusionment has set in. Boris Pistorius, too, is doomed to be a backdrop shifter, with everything remaining as it was. It seems that he, too, is just a defense minister who has rejoined the ranks of those who managed Germany's armed forces. In times of crisis, that is dangerously little.


And there was something else I said from the beginning: that Pistorius would fail. Or rather: that he would be allowed to fail.[/QU

Skybird, isn't this the future you dreamed of ? or thought would happen.Old man.I certainly didn't But i will tell anyone these people we have elected are the absolute smartest high IQ people we can turn our lives over to.

Last edited by Gorpet; 06-30-23 at 01:08 AM.
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