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Old 02-06-20, 09:38 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by 4H_Ccrashh View Post
I've been out of the loop for years and came back two weeks ago when I saw a video on Youtube of a guy attacking a convoy in SH3. It blew me away the improved graphics and widescreen.

I dug out my old SH3 game and installed it only to have my Windows 7 tell me it cannot run the game. We've all seen the error, about how the game only works in XP etc etc...

I poured through forums and despite my many tries I could not get the game to load. Fortunately for me there was STEAM and $3.95 later I was ready.

Of course when I started the game I got the "Cannot Initialize 3D".

I remembered long ago that I had to drop my desktop resolution and the game would start. This I did, The max resolution I can get and still have the game start is 1600 x 900.

So, 1st hurdle down, the game was running.

With the widescreen monitor it looked squashed. I could adjust the monitor and set my display to 4:3 but I HAD to have that pretty widescreen.

I am a reasonably intelligent, bi-pedal, carbon based unit with opposing thumbs so I thought "How hard can this be?"

I downloaded ARB WideGui 1920x1080 with associated files (I thought) and I did get the game to look great but my navigational map was messed up. I had two maps side by side and neither was accurate.

I held my nose and dove back in the forums and tried everything I could find.
Talk about confusing.

I was searching through threads that were many years old.
Threads with links to other posts,, what this guy tried and that guy tried and where this file was needed but the other guy said he got it to work by doing this or that with a link to yet another forum thread with links to even more files. Many of the links to get files to "fix" the problem were no longer valid.
If I had a dollar for every Error #404 "file not found" I'd have enough money to hire some dude from the Best Buy's "Geek Squad" to fix problem.

I was ready to go all "Elvis Presley" on my computer. (Elvis Presley, an American Rock and Roll singer from back in the 1950's who shot his TV, am I dating myself? )

It took a few days and lots of beer (for nerves)but FINALLY, it was working.
Problem is, when I was done I had been through so many forums, been on many tangents that I could not for the life of me remember how I got where I was with a working game. If my computer were to crash and I wanted to set up SH3 I'd be up the proverbial effluent estuary without a means of locomotion. I needed to duplicate my success and write it all down.

There was no easy VERY BASIC step by step guide. so I thought I'd write one.

So here we go.

ONE: My rig is an Intel i7 4790K, 4.00 GHz processor with Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit running 16 Gig of RAM, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti video with a Sound Blaster Z card.

TWO: This will ONLY work with a clean fresh version of the STEAM installed Silent Hunter 3.

C: PLEASE take your time and follow each step VERY carefully. Don't try to jump ahead.

And SIX: We have some downloading to do. I have made sure that the files you are going to download are the ones that will WORK. Please do not think that you already have that file in your library and skip over. I can't tell you the nightmare that was finding a TychoSh3patch, and when I did that link all of a sudden died so I uploaded the one I have THAT WORKS on Mediafire.

EDIT: If at some point some of these links don't work send me a PM and I will upload the files I downloaded from these links to MediaFire. All of the links works as of the date of this post.

You need five things to make this work.

Six, if you want to use Grey Wolves. (optional NOT REQUIRED)

We are going to need a way to keep all of this organized so first things first.

Create a folder on your desktop called TOOLS to put the following files in so they are easy to find later.

1. The HSIE Patch:
The file you want is called "V16B1-Patch-installed.7z"
I know ,, I know.... Every thread I found referred to the patch as the HSIE patch. That caused a lot of confusion. Want to spend an hour or two with your eyeballs melting in your sockets? Do a Google search for the HSIE patch. You will never see "V16B1" anywhere....
It is the file you want. Trust me, I mean,, hey,,, would I lie to you?

2. The 4GB patch that lets SH3 access more of your computers' memory.

3. ARB WideGui 1920X1080
make sure to get both files, the 3.0 and the 3.1 Hotfix

4. Tycho Sh3 Patch
Now I know there are a lot of links for this file. None of them worked. THIS ONE DOES!!

5. JSGME MOD Loader

6. OPTIONAL Download Grey Wolves Gold :

Ok we now have everything we need, ,, except more beer.

So here we go ,, Buckle up and lets "kick this pig"

STEP ONE : Pry open your wallet and spend the $3.95 to purchase and then install Silent Hunter 3 from Steam.

STEP TWO: Go into your Steam Silent Hunter 3 game folder, and copy SH3.exe (application file) to a safe place on your desktop. This is a precaution to save a lot of time if you make a mistake.

You can find it here..
(DRIVE WHATEVER you installed steam into):\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Silent Hunter 3\

STEP THREE: Adjust your windows desktop resolution to 1600x900 (or lower) so the game will start.

Test your game by starting it to make sure it runs. If it does (and it will) shut down the game and you can return your desktop resolution back to its normal setting.

STEP FOUR: Create a folder on your desktop called WORKING.

In your TOOLS folder that you created extract the files from "V16B1-Patch-installed" into your "WORKING" folder. This will create a folder in "WORKING" called "V16B1-Patch-installed".

Go into that folder and CUT and PASTE all of the files (including the "tool" folder) into the Silent Hunter 3 game folder in STEAM..... BUT WAIT!!!!


When you paste / copy them to the SH3 game folder a window will pop up asking you if you want to "Copy and Replace" the SH3.exe.


If you do the patch will not work.

If for some reason you did not read all of STEP 5 before clicking and did replace the SH3.exe don't worry.. Just copy and paste the SH3.exe file that you saved in STEP TWO above and do STEP FIVE again.

If you did not do STEP TWO then uninstall Silent Hunter 3 from your STEAM be sure the folder is deleted and install from STEAM again and start over.

STEP SIX: Go into your Steam Silent Hunter 3 game folder and look for a file called PATCH_SH3.

Double Click on it, A DOS window will open asking you to press any key. Do this a couple of times and the patch will make adjustments to your Steam SH3.EXE file.

STEP SEVEN: You can delete (if any) the files in the WORKING folder.

STEP EIGHT: In your "TOOLS" folder extract the file 4gb_patch " into your "WORKING" folder.

Go into your "WORKING" folder CUT and PASTE the file " 4gb_patch " to your STEAM Silent Hunter 3 Folder.

STEP NINE: Go into your Silent Hunter 3 folder and double-click on the 4gb_patch. It will open a window listing all of the files in your game directory. Look for the SH3 application its a RED icon called SH3 and click on it one time to highlight it, then click "open" in the bottom right of the window. A new window will pop up saying "Executable successfully patched". Click "OK".

STEP TEN: Delete any files in the "WORKING" Folder. (There should not be any if you CUT and PASTED.)

STEP ELEVEN: In your "TOOLS" folder extract the file " Tychos Patch (that works)" to your "WORKING" folder. CUT and PASTE the five files in the "WORKING" to your Silent Hunter 3 game.

STEP TWELVE: Go into your Silent Hunter 3 game folder and look for a batch file called "Tychosh3patch"

There are two files with the same name. You want the batch file that has little gears in the icon.

Double click.. A DOS window opens , "Press any key to continue..."
The window goes away.

STEP THIRTEEN: Delete all the files in your "WORKING FOLDER" (should be empty if you CUT and PASTED)

STEP FOURTEEN: In your "TOOLS" folder extract the file from " jsgme_2.6.0" into your "WORKING" folder.

STEP FIFTEEN: In your "WORKING" folder run the program "jsgme_setup". The install program will ask you to select a destination folder. Click browse and direct the program to your Silent Hunter 3 folder in STEAM.

(DRIVE WHATEVER you installed steam into):\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Silent Hunter 3\
Make sure to check the box to create a Desktop Icon

STEP SIXTEEN: Delete the files in your "WORKING" folder.

STEP SEVENTEEN: In your "TOOLS" folder extract the file ARB WideGui 1920x1080 v0.3 into your "WORKING" folder.

STEP EIGHTEEN: In your "WORKING" folder cut and paste the folder "ARB WideGui 1920x1080" and put it in the 'MODS" folder found inside the "Silent Hunter 3" game folder.

STEP NINETEEN: Delete all of the files in your "WORKING" folder you don't need them unless you want to apply some of the other options. But they are not needed to get the game to run in widescreen.

I don't know if you noticed but there was a folder called " TychoSh3Patch_v3", you don't need it. The one you already installed in STEP TWELVE works. The one you just deleted does not. Go figure....

STEP TWENTY: In your "WORKING" folder create a folder called "ARB WideGui Fix"

STEP TWENTY-ONE: Go into your "TOOLS" folder and extract the file " ARB WideGui 1920x1080 v0.3.1" into the folder you just created in your "WORKING" folder called " ARB WideGui Fix".

After you put the files in " ARB WideGui Fix " go in that folder and delete the "changes" and "how to install" text files.

STEP TWENTY-TWO: In your "WORKING" folder CUT and PASTE the folder "ARB WideGui Fix" to the "MODS" folder in Silent Hunter 3.

STEP TWENTY-THREE: On your Desktop you should have an Icon to starts the JSGME Mod loader program.
It looks like a big yellow "G".

Run that program. A window will pop up. showing the name of you MODS folder. in this case it says MODS Click "ok"

In the left side of the window you will see the available MODS. The two ARB WideGui mods you just put in should be listed.

Click on "ARB WideGUI 1920x1080" to highlight it then click on the little ">" to load the mod. It should move to the right.

Now Click on the mod "ARB WideGui Fix" Click the ">" and load that mod. A warning message will pop up.

It's ok, Click "Yes". This will grey out the first mod you loaded. That is normal.

CLOSE the JSGME Program.

STEP TWENTY-FOUR: Delete (if any) files in your "WORKING" folder.

STEP TWENTY-FIVE: Change your Desktop Resolution to 1600x900 or lower and start the game.
The game will come up in widescreen and your navigation map will look correct.


At this point if you want you can install Grey Wolves GOLD 3.0.

Before you do make sure you first start JSGME and unload all mods. After Grey Wolves is finished installing start up JSGME and load the ARB WideGui file and fix and your all set.

I will now sit back and bask in your adoration of my brilliance.

Just kidding.. I hope this helps.

Good Hunting!!
Does this work also if the game is purchased with Uplay? Furthermore I installed already GWX3.
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Old 02-06-20, 01:43 PM   #167
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Originally Posted by italianmarine View Post
Does this work also if the game is purchased with Uplay? Furthermore I installed already GWX3.

sorry for my stupid question in the other thread!
but activating ARB-mod after GWX worked just fine with me (win7 though)
Life, Liberty and Property!
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Old 02-07-20, 03:50 AM   #168
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Originally Posted by KL-alfman View Post
sorry for my stupid question in the other thread!
but activating ARB-mod after GWX worked just fine with me (win7 though)
Thanks. I made a copy of the whole game file and tried it.
Installed it as per instructions, but somehow I can`t really see a difference.
Guess the Tycho Patcher didn`t work.

Last edited by italianmarine; 02-07-20 at 05:45 AM.
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Old 02-19-20, 06:04 AM   #169
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Default TDC Button not linked with Keyboard

The 3 newly added on/off TDC autoupdate button are not interactive with keyboard input.

For example normally red means manual green means auto,then if I press hotkey"Ctrl+T" once the logic is revesed red become auto green become another it goes back to normal.I tried to mess around with the menu_1024_768.ini dails,cfg and commands_en.cfg but with no luck.anyone have any idea to overcome this issue?

Here are some of the code snippet :


[G26 I174]
Name=Karamazov TDC Autoupdate Dial
Type=1026;Menu group

[G26 I175]
Type=1031;Stat bmp array
Mat 0=data/menu/Karamazov/TDC_parts.tga
Crop 0=0,0.886719,1,0.113281

[G26 I176]
Type=1031;Stat bmp array


Type=56; Toggle_TDC_autoupdate
RealVal=0,1; 0-auto or 1-manuel

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Old 03-10-20, 12:32 PM   #170
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Default Still getting 3D Engine error :/

Originally Posted by 4H_Ccrashh View Post
I've been out of the loop for years and came back two weeks ago when I saw a video on Youtube of a guy attacking a convoy in SH3. It blew me away the improved graphics and widescreen.

I dug out my old SH3 game and installed it only to have my Windows 7 tell me it cannot run the game. We've all seen the error, about how the game only works in XP etc etc...

I poured through forums and despite my many tries I could not get the game to load. Fortunately for me there was STEAM and $3.95 later I was ready.

Of course when I started the game I got the "Cannot Initialize 3D".

I remembered long ago that I had to drop my desktop resolution and the game would start. This I did, The max resolution I can get and still have the game start is 1600 x 900.

So, 1st hurdle down, the game was running.

With the widescreen monitor it looked squashed. I could adjust the monitor and set my display to 4:3 but I HAD to have that pretty widescreen.

I am a reasonably intelligent, bi-pedal, carbon based unit with opposing thumbs so I thought "How hard can this be?"

I downloaded ARB WideGui 1920x1080 with associated files (I thought) and I did get the game to look great but my navigational map was messed up. I had two maps side by side and neither was accurate.

I held my nose and dove back in the forums and tried everything I could find.
Talk about confusing.

I was searching through threads that were many years old.
Threads with links to other posts,, what this guy tried and that guy tried and where this file was needed but the other guy said he got it to work by doing this or that with a link to yet another forum thread with links to even more files. Many of the links to get files to "fix" the problem were no longer valid.
If I had a dollar for every Error #404 "file not found" I'd have enough money to hire some dude from the Best Buy's "Geek Squad" to fix problem.

I was ready to go all "Elvis Presley" on my computer. (Elvis Presley, an American Rock and Roll singer from back in the 1950's who shot his TV, am I dating myself? )

It took a few days and lots of beer (for nerves)but FINALLY, it was working.
Problem is, when I was done I had been through so many forums, been on many tangents that I could not for the life of me remember how I got where I was with a working game. If my computer were to crash and I wanted to set up SH3 I'd be up the proverbial effluent estuary without a means of locomotion. I needed to duplicate my success and write it all down.

There was no easy VERY BASIC step by step guide. so I thought I'd write one.

So here we go.

ONE: My rig is an Intel i7 4790K, 4.00 GHz processor with Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit running 16 Gig of RAM, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti video with a Sound Blaster Z card.

TWO: This will ONLY work with a clean fresh version of the STEAM installed Silent Hunter 3.

C: PLEASE take your time and follow each step VERY carefully. Don't try to jump ahead.

And SIX: We have some downloading to do. I have made sure that the files you are going to download are the ones that will WORK. Please do not think that you already have that file in your library and skip over. I can't tell you the nightmare that was finding a TychoSh3patch, and when I did that link all of a sudden died so I uploaded the one I have THAT WORKS on Mediafire.

EDIT: If at some point some of these links don't work send me a PM and I will upload the files I downloaded from these links to MediaFire. All of the links works as of the date of this post.

You need five things to make this work.

Six, if you want to use Grey Wolves. (optional NOT REQUIRED)

We are going to need a way to keep all of this organized so first things first.

Create a folder on your desktop called TOOLS to put the following files in so they are easy to find later.

1. The HSIE Patch:
The file you want is called "V16B1-Patch-installed.7z"
I know ,, I know.... Every thread I found referred to the patch as the HSIE patch. That caused a lot of confusion. Want to spend an hour or two with your eyeballs melting in your sockets? Do a Google search for the HSIE patch. You will never see "V16B1" anywhere....
It is the file you want. Trust me, I mean,, hey,,, would I lie to you?

2. The 4GB patch that lets SH3 access more of your computers' memory.

3. ARB WideGui 1920X1080
make sure to get both files, the 3.0 and the 3.1 Hotfix

4. Tycho Sh3 Patch
Now I know there are a lot of links for this file. None of them worked. THIS ONE DOES!!

5. JSGME MOD Loader

6. OPTIONAL Download Grey Wolves Gold :

Ok we now have everything we need, ,, except more beer.

So here we go ,, Buckle up and lets "kick this pig"

STEP ONE : Pry open your wallet and spend the $3.95 to purchase and then install Silent Hunter 3 from Steam.

STEP TWO: Go into your Steam Silent Hunter 3 game folder, and copy SH3.exe (application file) to a safe place on your desktop. This is a precaution to save a lot of time if you make a mistake.

You can find it here..
(DRIVE WHATEVER you installed steam into):\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Silent Hunter 3\

STEP THREE: Adjust your windows desktop resolution to 1600x900 (or lower) so the game will start.

Test your game by starting it to make sure it runs. If it does (and it will) shut down the game and you can return your desktop resolution back to its normal setting.

STEP FOUR: Create a folder on your desktop called WORKING.

In your TOOLS folder that you created extract the files from "V16B1-Patch-installed" into your "WORKING" folder. This will create a folder in "WORKING" called "V16B1-Patch-installed".

Go into that folder and CUT and PASTE all of the files (including the "tool" folder) into the Silent Hunter 3 game folder in STEAM..... BUT WAIT!!!!


When you paste / copy them to the SH3 game folder a window will pop up asking you if you want to "Copy and Replace" the SH3.exe.


If you do the patch will not work.

If for some reason you did not read all of STEP 5 before clicking and did replace the SH3.exe don't worry.. Just copy and paste the SH3.exe file that you saved in STEP TWO above and do STEP FIVE again.

If you did not do STEP TWO then uninstall Silent Hunter 3 from your STEAM be sure the folder is deleted and install from STEAM again and start over.

STEP SIX: Go into your Steam Silent Hunter 3 game folder and look for a file called PATCH_SH3.

Double Click on it, A DOS window will open asking you to press any key. Do this a couple of times and the patch will make adjustments to your Steam SH3.EXE file.

STEP SEVEN: You can delete (if any) the files in the WORKING folder.

STEP EIGHT: In your "TOOLS" folder extract the file 4gb_patch " into your "WORKING" folder.

Go into your "WORKING" folder CUT and PASTE the file " 4gb_patch " to your STEAM Silent Hunter 3 Folder.

STEP NINE: Go into your Silent Hunter 3 folder and double-click on the 4gb_patch. It will open a window listing all of the files in your game directory. Look for the SH3 application its a RED icon called SH3 and click on it one time to highlight it, then click "open" in the bottom right of the window. A new window will pop up saying "Executable successfully patched". Click "OK".

STEP TEN: Delete any files in the "WORKING" Folder. (There should not be any if you CUT and PASTED.)

STEP ELEVEN: In your "TOOLS" folder extract the file " Tychos Patch (that works)" to your "WORKING" folder. CUT and PASTE the five files in the "WORKING" to your Silent Hunter 3 game.

STEP TWELVE: Go into your Silent Hunter 3 game folder and look for a batch file called "Tychosh3patch"

There are two files with the same name. You want the batch file that has little gears in the icon.

Double click.. A DOS window opens , "Press any key to continue..."
The window goes away.

STEP THIRTEEN: Delete all the files in your "WORKING FOLDER" (should be empty if you CUT and PASTED)

STEP FOURTEEN: In your "TOOLS" folder extract the file from " jsgme_2.6.0" into your "WORKING" folder.

STEP FIFTEEN: In your "WORKING" folder run the program "jsgme_setup". The install program will ask you to select a destination folder. Click browse and direct the program to your Silent Hunter 3 folder in STEAM.

(DRIVE WHATEVER you installed steam into):\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Silent Hunter 3\
Make sure to check the box to create a Desktop Icon

STEP SIXTEEN: Delete the files in your "WORKING" folder.

STEP SEVENTEEN: In your "TOOLS" folder extract the file ARB WideGui 1920x1080 v0.3 into your "WORKING" folder.

STEP EIGHTEEN: In your "WORKING" folder cut and paste the folder "ARB WideGui 1920x1080" and put it in the 'MODS" folder found inside the "Silent Hunter 3" game folder.

STEP NINETEEN: Delete all of the files in your "WORKING" folder you don't need them unless you want to apply some of the other options. But they are not needed to get the game to run in widescreen.

I don't know if you noticed but there was a folder called " TychoSh3Patch_v3", you don't need it. The one you already installed in STEP TWELVE works. The one you just deleted does not. Go figure....

STEP TWENTY: In your "WORKING" folder create a folder called "ARB WideGui Fix"

STEP TWENTY-ONE: Go into your "TOOLS" folder and extract the file " ARB WideGui 1920x1080 v0.3.1" into the folder you just created in your "WORKING" folder called " ARB WideGui Fix".

After you put the files in " ARB WideGui Fix " go in that folder and delete the "changes" and "how to install" text files.

STEP TWENTY-TWO: In your "WORKING" folder CUT and PASTE the folder "ARB WideGui Fix" to the "MODS" folder in Silent Hunter 3.

STEP TWENTY-THREE: On your Desktop you should have an Icon to starts the JSGME Mod loader program.
It looks like a big yellow "G".

Run that program. A window will pop up. showing the name of you MODS folder. in this case it says MODS Click "ok"

In the left side of the window you will see the available MODS. The two ARB WideGui mods you just put in should be listed.

Click on "ARB WideGUI 1920x1080" to highlight it then click on the little ">" to load the mod. It should move to the right.

Now Click on the mod "ARB WideGui Fix" Click the ">" and load that mod. A warning message will pop up.

It's ok, Click "Yes". This will grey out the first mod you loaded. That is normal.

CLOSE the JSGME Program.

STEP TWENTY-FOUR: Delete (if any) files in your "WORKING" folder.

STEP TWENTY-FIVE: Change your Desktop Resolution to 1600x900 or lower and start the game.
The game will come up in widescreen and your navigation map will look correct.


At this point if you want you can install Grey Wolves GOLD 3.0.

Before you do make sure you first start JSGME and unload all mods. After Grey Wolves is finished installing start up JSGME and load the ARB WideGui file and fix and your all set.

I will now sit back and bask in your adoration of my brilliance.

Just kidding.. I hope this helps.

Good Hunting!!

I must say your instructions were amazing, because you left nothing for us to guess. Very thorough instructions. However, I am still getting 3D engine crash, and I'm thinking it must be my video card. I have a HP Pavilion 17 laptop from year 2013 with AMD Radeon HD 8600M Series and AMD Radeon HD 8650G + 8600M Dual Graphics, if that says anything to anyone.

I have also tried Ahnenerbe WideGui mod, but that doesn't work either. Vanilla does work with Full Screen, but 1920x1080 mods don't, for some reason...
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Old 03-10-20, 05:15 PM   #171
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Originally Posted by 4H_Ccrashh View Post
I've been out of the loop for years and came back two weeks ago when I saw a video on Youtube of a guy attacking a convoy in SH3. It blew me away the improved graphics and widescreen.

I dug out my old SH3 game and installed it only to have my Windows 7 tell me it cannot run the game. We've all seen the error, about how the game only works in XP etc etc...

I poured through forums and despite my many tries I could not get the game to load. Fortunately for me there was STEAM and $3.95 later I was ready.

Of course when I started the game I got the "Cannot Initialize 3D".

I remembered long ago that I had to drop my desktop resolution and the game would start. This I did, The max resolution I can get and still have the game start is 1600 x 900.

So, 1st hurdle down, the game was running.

With the widescreen monitor it looked squashed. I could adjust the monitor and set my display to 4:3 but I HAD to have that pretty widescreen.

I am a reasonably intelligent, bi-pedal, carbon based unit with opposing thumbs so I thought "How hard can this be?"

I downloaded ARB WideGui 1920x1080 with associated files (I thought) and I did get the game to look great but my navigational map was messed up. I had two maps side by side and neither was accurate.

I held my nose and dove back in the forums and tried everything I could find.
Talk about confusing.

I was searching through threads that were many years old.
Threads with links to other posts,, what this guy tried and that guy tried and where this file was needed but the other guy said he got it to work by doing this or that with a link to yet another forum thread with links to even more files. Many of the links to get files to "fix" the problem were no longer valid.
If I had a dollar for every Error #404 "file not found" I'd have enough money to hire some dude from the Best Buy's "Geek Squad" to fix problem.

I was ready to go all "Elvis Presley" on my computer. (Elvis Presley, an American Rock and Roll singer from back in the 1950's who shot his TV, am I dating myself? )

It took a few days and lots of beer (for nerves)but FINALLY, it was working.
Problem is, when I was done I had been through so many forums, been on many tangents that I could not for the life of me remember how I got where I was with a working game. If my computer were to crash and I wanted to set up SH3 I'd be up the proverbial effluent estuary without a means of locomotion. I needed to duplicate my success and write it all down.

There was no easy VERY BASIC step by step guide. so I thought I'd write one.

So here we go.

ONE: My rig is an Intel i7 4790K, 4.00 GHz processor with Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit running 16 Gig of RAM, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti video with a Sound Blaster Z card.

TWO: This will ONLY work with a clean fresh version of the STEAM installed Silent Hunter 3.

C: PLEASE take your time and follow each step VERY carefully. Don't try to jump ahead.

And SIX: We have some downloading to do. I have made sure that the files you are going to download are the ones that will WORK. Please do not think that you already have that file in your library and skip over. I can't tell you the nightmare that was finding a TychoSh3patch, and when I did that link all of a sudden died so I uploaded the one I have THAT WORKS on Mediafire.

EDIT: If at some point some of these links don't work send me a PM and I will upload the files I downloaded from these links to MediaFire. All of the links works as of the date of this post.

You need five things to make this work.

Six, if you want to use Grey Wolves. (optional NOT REQUIRED)

We are going to need a way to keep all of this organized so first things first.

Create a folder on your desktop called TOOLS to put the following files in so they are easy to find later.

1. The HSIE Patch:
The file you want is called "V16B1-Patch-installed.7z"
I know ,, I know.... Every thread I found referred to the patch as the HSIE patch. That caused a lot of confusion. Want to spend an hour or two with your eyeballs melting in your sockets? Do a Google search for the HSIE patch. You will never see "V16B1" anywhere....
It is the file you want. Trust me, I mean,, hey,,, would I lie to you?

2. The 4GB patch that lets SH3 access more of your computers' memory.

3. ARB WideGui 1920X1080
make sure to get both files, the 3.0 and the 3.1 Hotfix

4. Tycho Sh3 Patch
Now I know there are a lot of links for this file. None of them worked. THIS ONE DOES!!

5. JSGME MOD Loader

6. OPTIONAL Download Grey Wolves Gold :

Ok we now have everything we need, ,, except more beer.

So here we go ,, Buckle up and lets "kick this pig"

STEP ONE : Pry open your wallet and spend the $3.95 to purchase and then install Silent Hunter 3 from Steam.

STEP TWO: Go into your Steam Silent Hunter 3 game folder, and copy SH3.exe (application file) to a safe place on your desktop. This is a precaution to save a lot of time if you make a mistake.

You can find it here..
(DRIVE WHATEVER you installed steam into):\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Silent Hunter 3\

STEP THREE: Adjust your windows desktop resolution to 1600x900 (or lower) so the game will start.

Test your game by starting it to make sure it runs. If it does (and it will) shut down the game and you can return your desktop resolution back to its normal setting.

STEP FOUR: Create a folder on your desktop called WORKING.

In your TOOLS folder that you created extract the files from "V16B1-Patch-installed" into your "WORKING" folder. This will create a folder in "WORKING" called "V16B1-Patch-installed".

Go into that folder and CUT and PASTE all of the files (including the "tool" folder) into the Silent Hunter 3 game folder in STEAM..... BUT WAIT!!!!


When you paste / copy them to the SH3 game folder a window will pop up asking you if you want to "Copy and Replace" the SH3.exe.


If you do the patch will not work.

If for some reason you did not read all of STEP 5 before clicking and did replace the SH3.exe don't worry.. Just copy and paste the SH3.exe file that you saved in STEP TWO above and do STEP FIVE again.

If you did not do STEP TWO then uninstall Silent Hunter 3 from your STEAM be sure the folder is deleted and install from STEAM again and start over.

STEP SIX: Go into your Steam Silent Hunter 3 game folder and look for a file called PATCH_SH3.

Double Click on it, A DOS window will open asking you to press any key. Do this a couple of times and the patch will make adjustments to your Steam SH3.EXE file.

STEP SEVEN: You can delete (if any) the files in the WORKING folder.

STEP EIGHT: In your "TOOLS" folder extract the file 4gb_patch " into your "WORKING" folder.

Go into your "WORKING" folder CUT and PASTE the file " 4gb_patch " to your STEAM Silent Hunter 3 Folder.

STEP NINE: Go into your Silent Hunter 3 folder and double-click on the 4gb_patch. It will open a window listing all of the files in your game directory. Look for the SH3 application its a RED icon called SH3 and click on it one time to highlight it, then click "open" in the bottom right of the window. A new window will pop up saying "Executable successfully patched". Click "OK".

STEP TEN: Delete any files in the "WORKING" Folder. (There should not be any if you CUT and PASTED.)

STEP ELEVEN: In your "TOOLS" folder extract the file " Tychos Patch (that works)" to your "WORKING" folder. CUT and PASTE the five files in the "WORKING" to your Silent Hunter 3 game.

STEP TWELVE: Go into your Silent Hunter 3 game folder and look for a batch file called "Tychosh3patch"

There are two files with the same name. You want the batch file that has little gears in the icon.

Double click.. A DOS window opens , "Press any key to continue..."
The window goes away.

STEP THIRTEEN: Delete all the files in your "WORKING FOLDER" (should be empty if you CUT and PASTED)

STEP FOURTEEN: In your "TOOLS" folder extract the file from " jsgme_2.6.0" into your "WORKING" folder.

STEP FIFTEEN: In your "WORKING" folder run the program "jsgme_setup". The install program will ask you to select a destination folder. Click browse and direct the program to your Silent Hunter 3 folder in STEAM.

(DRIVE WHATEVER you installed steam into):\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Silent Hunter 3\
Make sure to check the box to create a Desktop Icon

STEP SIXTEEN: Delete the files in your "WORKING" folder.

STEP SEVENTEEN: In your "TOOLS" folder extract the file ARB WideGui 1920x1080 v0.3 into your "WORKING" folder.

STEP EIGHTEEN: In your "WORKING" folder cut and paste the folder "ARB WideGui 1920x1080" and put it in the 'MODS" folder found inside the "Silent Hunter 3" game folder.

STEP NINETEEN: Delete all of the files in your "WORKING" folder you don't need them unless you want to apply some of the other options. But they are not needed to get the game to run in widescreen.

I don't know if you noticed but there was a folder called " TychoSh3Patch_v3", you don't need it. The one you already installed in STEP TWELVE works. The one you just deleted does not. Go figure....

STEP TWENTY: In your "WORKING" folder create a folder called "ARB WideGui Fix"

STEP TWENTY-ONE: Go into your "TOOLS" folder and extract the file " ARB WideGui 1920x1080 v0.3.1" into the folder you just created in your "WORKING" folder called " ARB WideGui Fix".

After you put the files in " ARB WideGui Fix " go in that folder and delete the "changes" and "how to install" text files.

STEP TWENTY-TWO: In your "WORKING" folder CUT and PASTE the folder "ARB WideGui Fix" to the "MODS" folder in Silent Hunter 3.

STEP TWENTY-THREE: On your Desktop you should have an Icon to starts the JSGME Mod loader program.
It looks like a big yellow "G".

Run that program. A window will pop up. showing the name of you MODS folder. in this case it says MODS Click "ok"

In the left side of the window you will see the available MODS. The two ARB WideGui mods you just put in should be listed.

Click on "ARB WideGUI 1920x1080" to highlight it then click on the little ">" to load the mod. It should move to the right.

Now Click on the mod "ARB WideGui Fix" Click the ">" and load that mod. A warning message will pop up.

It's ok, Click "Yes". This will grey out the first mod you loaded. That is normal.

CLOSE the JSGME Program.

STEP TWENTY-FOUR: Delete (if any) files in your "WORKING" folder.

STEP TWENTY-FIVE: Change your Desktop Resolution to 1600x900 or lower and start the game.
The game will come up in widescreen and your navigation map will look correct.


At this point if you want you can install Grey Wolves GOLD 3.0.

Before you do make sure you first start JSGME and unload all mods. After Grey Wolves is finished installing start up JSGME and load the ARB WideGui file and fix and your all set.

I will now sit back and bask in your adoration of my brilliance.

Just kidding.. I hope this helps.

Good Hunting!!
I'm following this guide almost to the letter, but the nav map refuses to display correctly. It did work a few days ago, but I deleted SH3.exe, grabbed a vanilla one, patched it again to change some of HSie's options, and it hasn't worked since. Not even after a full clean reinstall.
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Old 03-10-20, 07:07 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by Skinny_Huesudo View Post
I'm following this guide almost to the letter, but the nav map refuses to display correctly. It did work a few days ago, but I deleted SH3.exe, grabbed a vanilla one, patched it again to change some of HSie's options, and it hasn't worked since. Not even after a full clean reinstall.
did you uncomment the necessary lines in the .map file before applying tycho patch?

@@@ Expand Nav and Attack maps render limit, from 1024x1024 to 2048x2048.
000A8E75: 00 00
000A8E76: 04 08
000A8E77: 00 00
000A8E78: 00 00
000A8E7A: 00 00
000A8E7B: 04 08
000A8E7C: 00 00
000A8E7D: 00 00
00109003: 00 00
00109004: 04 08
00109005: 00 00
00109006: 00 00
00109008: 00 00
00109009: 04 08
0010900A: 00 00
0010900B: 00 00
000739E4: 04 00
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Old 03-11-20, 05:56 AM   #173
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I'd recommend not editing the tycho .map-file yourself but using the tycho-files (including the map-file) that come with the ARB wideGui instead.
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Old 03-11-20, 01:17 PM   #174
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Originally Posted by Tricky View Post
did you uncomment the necessary lines in the .map file before applying tycho patch?

@@@ Expand Nav and Attack maps render limit, from 1024x1024 to 2048x2048.
000A8E75: 00 00
000A8E76: 04 08
000A8E77: 00 00
000A8E78: 00 00
000A8E7A: 00 00
000A8E7B: 04 08
000A8E7C: 00 00
000A8E7D: 00 00
00109003: 00 00
00109004: 04 08
00109005: 00 00
00109006: 00 00
00109008: 00 00
00109009: 04 08
0010900A: 00 00
0010900B: 00 00
000739E4: 04 00
Nope, I didn't uncomment the lines. But neither did I do when it worked. How was it working then??

Looks like that was it. It's working fine now. Thanks a lot!
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Old 03-11-20, 01:25 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by Levyathan89 View Post
I'd recommend not editing the tycho .map-file yourself but using the tycho-files (including the map-file) that come with the ARB wideGui instead.
Hm, maybe those are the ones I used before, and that's why it was working
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Old 03-11-20, 02:44 PM   #176
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I haven't uncommented any lines and mine works fine. What does this mean and how do you uncomment lines. Just for curiosity sakes and future references. THANX Jerry
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Old 03-12-20, 07:16 AM   #177
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Originally Posted by Levyathan89 View Post
I'd recommend not editing the tycho .map-file yourself but using the tycho-files (including the map-file) that come with the ARB wideGui instead.
Now I'm confused. The files that came with the ARB WideGui MOD didn't work "out of the box" for me. I had to go into the .map file and edit it to get it working. What are these other files you speak of? Are there two sets or something?

Originally Posted by Doolar View Post
I haven't uncommented any lines and mine works fine. What does this mean and how do you uncomment lines. Just for curiosity sakes and future references. THANX Jerry
If you look at the .map file, you will see lines that have a @ in front of them. Example below

@000A8E75: 00 00
@000A8E76: 04 08
@000A8E77: 00 00
@000A8E78: 00 00
The @ "hides" those lines from the program so it doesn't read them. Removing the @ exposes them to be read.
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Old 03-13-20, 06:32 AM   #178
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I see ... Thanx Jerry
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Old 03-13-20, 04:09 PM   #179
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I should be ashamed of myself
but I'm not.

requesting ARB in 1360 X 768...please
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Old 03-16-20, 11:35 PM   #180
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i know it's in the title (1920x1080) but i was wondering if anyone knows a way to make this mod work on lower resolutions aswell (mi laptop can go only up to 720p and my pc is busted atm) i found a .ini file where i was able to modify the resolution, it got past the start up crash, but the gui is croped.. are there any other files i can mess around with to maybe downscale the mod? thank yooou ^_^
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