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Old 12-28-20, 04:09 AM   #151
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My beard has more white in it
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Old 02-13-21, 06:01 PM   #152
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Listening to preppers can be worthwhile

From Gabriela Keller

Has the pandemic turned us all into preppers, prepared for disaster? Anyone who researches in the milieu will encounter end-time warriors, fanatics and survivors.
February 13, 2021, 6:19 p.m.

This text is an abbreviated and edited excerpt from the book: "Ready for Downfall: Prepper".

Security starts with a solid investment strategy, some gold and silver, a cash box with cash, a well-diversified share portfolio, Oliver Hornung knows that. "I'm not the prepper you find in the media who hops through the forest doing military exercises ", he says. It's Saturday afternoon, Hornung, a slender man with short brown hair who looks much younger than his 37 years is sitting in his apartment in a prefabricated building complex in the Marzahn district on the eastern edge of Berlin .

He says what many preppers don't have in mind are everyday, personal crises: losing one's job, for example. Or disability. “For example, I have a herniated disc and I'm out for a few months. That's why my employer fires me, ”he says. "Those are two problems that could have been provided for."

Hornung's answer to such risks is to save enough money to last six months. At least half of it should be at home in cash. He also stores precious metals and has invested part of his money in securities. In this way provision is made for all cases.

In prepperslang it says SHTF: ›**** hits the fan‹ - when the **** slaps on the fan.

The term prepper is derived from the English "to prepare" and describes people who prepare for the day when nothing is as it was before. In prepperslang it is called TEOTWAWKI, "The end of the world as we know it", the end of the world as we know it, or SHTF: "**** hits the fan" - when the **** slaps on the fan.

When journalists report on preppers, they are mostly about paranoid bunker freaks, nerds camping out in the wilderness, or politically confused Tag X strategists who bury food supplies in the ground. Since right-wing extremist groups such as the “Nordkreuz” network in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania or the “Group S.” were exposed, the prepper has also come under the protection of the constitution; and in fact, in parts of the scene there are ideological and personal intersections with right-wing extremist milieus.

End-time militant warriors and neo-Nazis hoarding weapons have shaped the public image of preppers. This circumstance makes a differentiated representation of the scene difficult, one that does justice to reality and captures its heterogeneity. But those who only think of marginal figures wearing flecktarn with weapons depot are falling short: The movement has long been and not just since the corona crisis stretched far into the middle of society.

There are preppers from a wide range of educational backgrounds and income groups; many have academic degrees and an above-average income. In America , where the phenomenon originated, trend researcher Gerald Celente identified “neo-survivalism” as a new movement as early as winter 2010: “Every new horror creates a new, different group focused on survival, and so the spectrum expands from paramilitary stereotypes and now includes concerned citizens on all socio-economic levels, «he writes. »Survivalism«, so it goes on in his trend report, survival in emergency situations is advancing to mainstream.

In the USA , of course, the topic has a completely different dimension: prepping is a billion dollar industry there. The corona crisis has made private crisis prevention a mass phenomenon in Germany as well: There is hardly a German household that did not at least set up a small warehouse with food and hygiene products in the first days of the pandemic.

The prospect of not being able to leave the apartment in the event of a quarantine also drove careless minds, who otherwise have little more in the fridge than mustard, butter, a half-empty bottle of gin and a pack of buffalo mozzarella, to careful storage. Canned bread sellers reported a rapid increase in demand at the beginning of the lockdown in spring 2020, suppliers of convenience food and emergency equipment barely kept up with their orders, and the number of prepper groups on social media exploded.

"You really have to have everything there because, in an emergency, they'll buy everything empty and would probably beat each other to death."

Oliver Hornung, born and raised in East Berlin , has been prepping for a good ten years. But he stays to himself, he prefers to stay out of the prepper groups on social media, he says: “Because the majority are not only right-wing, but partly real Nazis. Reich Citizen. I don't want to have anything to do with people. ”In his cramped apartment he leans back on his couch, all around white Ikea shelves on light laminate. The trained wholesale and retail salesman works as an e-commerce consultant and runs his own web shop, through which he sells plastic-free packaged natural sponges. On his blog “City Prepper” he publishes tips for crisis preparedness in large cities.

When the corona crisis began and he saw people in the supermarkets frantically buying hamsters, he sensed that he was right with his precautions. "I was very surprised by the people's reactions because I thought: It's still nothing." He was above all amazed by the people who became aggressive in the Rewe aisles and got into arguments because there weren't enough on the shelves Noodles were. "I found it very bizarre and almost a little frightening how mindless people act," he says. "Which shows me: You actually have to have everything there because, in an emergency, they buy everything empty and would probably beat each other to death."

Since the pandemic spread across the world at the beginning of 2020, the prepper scene suddenly appeared in a new light. The New York Times ran the headline in March: “You have prepared for the worst. Now everyone is a prepper «. A headline in the Guardian read: “We laughed at preppers and survivalists. Until the pandemic struck. «It was an exceptional situation that most people in Europe had never imagined before. Images from hospitals in Italy and Spain looked like scenes from an end-of-time film: overworked intensive care units, half-naked, artificially ventilated patients who fill rooms and corridors, next to doctors in protective suits, nurses who collapse at their desks - suddenly it was all reality.

These impressions run deep and have shaken many people's feeling of security. In addition to the fear of the virus itself, there were far-reaching restrictions on public life. In the initial phase of the lockdown, it was also not clear to what extent the crisis would affect the supply situation: The media saw images of perplexed customers in front of empty supermarket shelves, desperate mothers looking for milk powder, and miles of queues of trucks stuck at the borders. The newspapers reported of hamster purchases and delivery problems, everyday goods such as baking yeast or toilet paper were hardly available for weeks.

The generations born after the war had never seen anything like it. In normal times, the only problem is choosing between dozens of variations of toilet paper. But these weren't normal times. Suddenly the concern about bottlenecks and temporary emergencies was real. The days in February made it clear that the flow of goods in Germany is also stalling and that temporary shortages can arise. Preppers have known this for a long time.

Oliver Hornung has enough supplies to support himself, his girlfriend and his child for six months. He's also written a book called Prepping. One-year plan «. In it, he describes how to build up a long-term supply within a year, which things belong in the bug-out bag, i.e. the emergency backpack that is always available, and how to develop skills that could be helpful in a crisis: baking bread, dried fruit establish first aid. "For many people, unemployment, natural disasters or other emergencies would cause fear and panic," he writes. "But if you've stocked up supplies for your family and you know you could survive in an emergency, you don't have to worry."

Many preppers are constantly working to improve their crisis-relevant skills
; at Oliver Hornung it is mostly about financial know-how. He taught himself how best to proceed when it comes to pensions. He has watched YouTube videos on investment strategies for retail investors, listened to podcasts, and read guidebooks. "That is one thing that is not taught at all in our education system: financial education - that is completely missing," he says. "But what if what happens then?" For him, it's not about a day or the collapse of all systems, but rather about temporary disruptions or supply bottlenecks.

That does not mean that he does not consider major catastrophes to be conceivable, such as meteorite strikes, super volcanic eruptions or lengthy power outages. Most likely, however, is an economic crisis, he says: “That will come. We are just at the beginning, I think. The next year or two will likely be very challenging for many people. "

When the crisis comes, whatever it should be, Hornung knows what to do. He is not going to stay in this apartment. He has a second one that he is currently using as an office. He would be there on foot in 20 minutes. There he would barricade himself with his girlfriend, his child and the dog, barricade doors and windows and behave as inconspicuously as possible so that nobody notices that they are still there. Looters and burglars do not worry him very much: "The good thing about these Marzahn apartments: They are already very safe," he says. “They have security doors. You can't just open it. "

"Preppers may think a little further than normal people."

How did he get into prepping? Hornung says that he was often out and about in the forest as a child and that he experienced two tsunamis while backpacking in Australia . But none of that really explains why the crisis issue is so central to him. He ponders for a moment, then says, “I would almost say: logical common sense. That may sound arrogant, but preppers might think a little further than normal people who only care about themselves and the here and now. ”As Hornung sees it, many people give up responsibility for their lives, and when they face setbacks they give up put the blame on others and expect others to take care of their problems.

For him, the prepper is the active, prudent opposite of this dependent, wretched citizen. Storage is also not as expensive as it might look. In the beginning it takes some effort to accumulate the supplies, but now there is little more to do than regularly replenish the shelves and update stocks. So lack of time is not an argument. "The majority of people waste a lot of time, watch RTL in the evening, look at their cell phones, look at Facebook or Instagram and just waste time that can be used differently."

Oliver Hornung has worked his way up. His family lived in poor conditions, the lower middle class, there was no financial planning, but debts. At first he let himself drift, had what he calls a "Larry job" in the call center. Only the birth of his child made him ambitious. Today he is successful with his online business, business with natural sponges is going well, and his sales figures are even benefiting from the corona crisis. But he still has a lot to do. His goal is to develop the webshop into a plastic-free drugstore.

Hornung has already organized most of the prepping, his provisions are in place. Nevertheless there are still things that he wants to develop further; he would like to develop his survival skills. In the long term, he plans to buy a plot of land in the surrounding area. Hornung says he is an introvert and that he does not feel comfortable around people. His wish is to be able to grow fruit and vegetables himself, in other words: "a more natural life". How exactly should that look like? "Little house, in the forest, by the lake, where you really have peace."

Now we are all preppers - or at least at the beginning of the crisis the impression took hold that it can be smart to prepare for tougher times. Many of those who stocked up on tinned ravioli, pasta and dried meat in February 2020 broke their supplies just a few weeks later. But the crisis has shattered many people's trust in the reliability of just-in-time supply chains, and the preppers, who were previously treated with ridicule and disdain, feel confirmed.

The pandemic has triggered some paradoxical developments: on the one hand, the prepper idea spread among the German middle class, on the other, the radicality increased on the outer fringes of the scene: conspiracy theories are mingling in the semi-public of the prepper chat groups on Telegram and hatred with fantasies of an approaching collapse of society - and sometimes also looking forward to the catastrophe.

In the first few weeks of the pandemic in particular, observers feared that right-wing extremists and militant prepper groups might see the time for a violent overthrow in the corona crisis. As the Berlin Office for the Protection of the Constitution wrote in an analysis in spring 2020, crises "for constitutional enemies are signs of the flawedness of the democratic system". The "supposed weakness of the state" could "spark an uprising, a" day X "or other acts of violence represent «.

Sometimes it is just a step from telling stories about the coming system collapse to actively planning actions that are supposed to promote it - the mental games of the "Gruppe Nordkreuz" or the "Gruppe S." have proven this.

Most preppers aren't right-wing extremists . More often, one encounters a mixture of libertarianism and an ecological back-to-nature ethos in the scene. At the same time, however, the belief in the instability of our systems and the susceptibility of digitized, globalized modernity extends deep into majority society. Prepping is always a form of analysis of the present, at the same time an expression of identity consumption and consumer criticism. It is precisely with this particular dialectic that the preppers represent a pointed cipher for the contradictions of late capitalism. So it is worth listening to them. Your preparations for collapse say a lot about the state of the world as we know it.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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Old 02-13-21, 06:16 PM   #153
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No one in their right mind is going to trade food and fire wood for gold and silver. You can't burn them or eat them, so what's the point?

I find it hard to believe that a post-apocalypse society is going to have a central bank.

At least with cash, you can burn it to start a fire.
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Old 02-13-21, 08:01 PM   #154
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^ Blödsinn.

My grandparents on my father'S side, their family and villagers had to flee from the Russians and Czechs at the end of WWII, they were Sudeten. I know for certain that on several occasions they had to barter with their women'S jewelry, rings, and silver coins with farmers to get something to eat (because the Reichmark did not buy anything anymore...), and to bribe policemen or guards or officials. They got ripped off, of course. But they made it through, though with luck, a Russian patrol once caught them, but the leader was a man with a heart and did not want to murder babies and kids, so let them go.If thery would niot have had somethign of value to barter with, I would not sit here and type this in, because I would have never gotten born.

And if it is an ounce of silver for tweo eggs and half a loaf of bread. Bartering needs somehing you can barter with.

As long as no meteor hits the earth, near future crisis will always have those who have something, and those who have nothing, or at least far less. The bartering value of precious metals and jewelry will drop zo zero only when nobody sees any future anymore when the light will return to the world.

And if this still does not make you think twice about what you just said, then explain why gold and silver and jewelry have maintained their value storage function and are being held in high esteem by humans not since just centuries, but since MILLENIA. Is there any stock paper or paper currency that can claim the same?

The next crisis we face, will be the endgame of the financial crisis that runs since the 70s, and the showdown for the paper money system, and a resulting economic crisis. The latter I think could last for YEARS. And states will try to plunder people off their private property as best as they can, will steal where they know something of value is there that can be stolen. You said gold and central bank in on sentence, implying that it needs central banks to trade with precious metals. Thats Blödsinn, too. Central banks were only founded to replace gold - that one did not have enough of anymore - with in principle worthless paper "money"! When central banks and paper money are long since in ruins, gold will still be held in high esteem. Promised. So valuable that states will try to prohibit private ownership, and confiscate (=plunder) it from private people.

That worthless and useless gold is. So worthless that everbyody of sane mind wants it.

Its a safety to keep and conserve bartering power you have accumulated and saved, do not want to spend it right now to have reserves for the future. Though a safety it only is if the state does not know you own it. thjats why you should buy and hold it anonymously, andnthat si why the mwerciells redecue the ammount of gold allowed to be bought anonymously. The state wants to know where he can plunder in the future, you see.

Originally Posted by ET2SN View Post
No one in their right mind is going to trade food and fire wood for gold and silver. You can't burn them or eat them, so what's the point?
If I have enough firewood and food supplies, I possibly am willing to take your bars and coins if they are of real gold and silver, and give you wood and some eggs for it. Because i have it and you seem to need it. Come better times again, I will be rich, and you will be poor. What you bartered to get, will have been consumed up and your hands are empty, but I will go and have shopping tours again, and yes: plural.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 02-13-21 at 08:34 PM.
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Old 02-14-21, 04:44 AM   #155
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Silver is damned heavy. Having a little pirate chest full of it is kinda fun though. Too poor to do that with gold.
em2nought is weird
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Old 02-14-21, 05:29 PM   #156
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In full prep mode starting now. Arctic blast coming down into South Texas, temps expected to below freezing for 48 consecutive hours!

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Old 02-15-21, 10:57 AM   #157
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Originally Posted by Onkel Neal View Post
In full prep mode starting now. Arctic blast coming down into South Texas, temps expected to below freezing for 48 consecutive hours!
Good job you don't live where I do in 'Geordieland' then

50 degrees, Texans turn the central heating on...
Geordies plant their gardens

40 degrees, Texans shiver uncontrollably...
Geordies Sunbathe

30 degrees, Texans cars will not start....
Geordies drive with their windows down

20 degrees, Texans wear coats, gloves and wooly hats...
Geordies throw on a t-shirt(Girls start wearing mini-skirts)

10 degrees, Texans begin to evacuate...
Geordies go swimming in the North Sea

Zero degrees, Texan landlords turn up the heat...
Geordies have the last barbecue before it gets cold

Minus 10 degrees, Texans cease to exist...
Geordies throw on a lightweight jacket

Minus 80 degrees, Polar bears start to wonder if its worth it...
Geordie boy scouts start wearing long trousers

Minus 100 degrees, Santa Claus abandons the North Pole...
Geordies put on their long johns

Minus 173 degrees, alcohol freezes...
Geordies become frustrated as the pubs are shut

Minus 297 degrees, Microbiological life begins to disappear...
The cows on the Town Moor complain that the vets have cold hands

Minus 460 degrees, All atomic motion stops...
Geordies start to stamp their feet and blow on their hands

Minus 500 degrees, Hell freezes over....
Trump wins the election after a recount
Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.
Oh my God, not again!!

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Old 02-15-21, 11:34 AM   #158
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Power has been out since 02:30, outside temp is -8.3C / 17F

Temp in the house got down to 8C/48F before I woke up and hooked up the gennie. Generator has been powering the furnace and the PC, so it's 18C/66F now. I can hang on for 4 days.
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Old 02-15-21, 01:24 PM   #159
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Man that's cold ... I don't think I've been below 10 degrees back in 2012, but this storm is a huge storm.

Surprised more people aren't trapped in it

As the plains continue to grapple with the Arctic chill, the National Weather Prediction Center said numerous new record lows were established Monday, including minus 6 in Oklahoma City and 5 degrees in Dallas.
pla•teau noun
a relatively stable level, period,
or condition a level of attainment
or achievement

Lord help me get to the next plateau ..

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Old 02-15-21, 01:29 PM   #160
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When I was growing up in northern Maine, I remember going out to play when it was -50F. In order to get that cold, there couldn't be any kind of wind or breeze.

Of course, that was before I moved to Iowa.
Minus 10 and a "slight" 30 MPH breeze is something to behold- but not for long.

Still, the coldest I ever felt was in Pusan/Busan Korea in the winter. That was flat-out nasty.
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Old 02-15-21, 01:42 PM   #161
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Galveston, Texas this morning (just got it off of FB)

pla•teau noun
a relatively stable level, period,
or condition a level of attainment
or achievement

Lord help me get to the next plateau ..

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Old 02-15-21, 01:57 PM   #162
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I think global warming was all that was staving off the next ice age. All those people who stayed home this summer made a measurable dent in air pollution and this is the result.
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Old 02-15-21, 02:09 PM   #163
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Three or four nights ago it was -16C but today it was +10C
Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.
Oh my God, not again!!

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Old 02-15-21, 03:39 PM   #164
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Neal and all who live in this "special" weather area: Stay safe.
@ Neal: has the power returned? Which generator do you use?

If we get a power-out here we really have a problem. Chimney for the installed oven not ready yet, all pumps and ignition of the heater/boiler done by electricity. At -15 degrees celsius it may be the heater pipes might freeze, and this would be real fun ...

I wanted to convert the old canola Elsbett engine of the VW to a power generator, but it is way too much hazzle - the dynamo alone would cost as much as a whole Diesel generator. So i am thinking about a Diesel/fuel driven one. Should be 220 Volts and around 5 kilowatts for emergency, and last for at least three days
A combined heat and power unit would be better of course (exhaust gases heating the water via heat exchanger as a by-product while producing electricity), but those are really expensive, and i would have to integrate this into the house heating system.

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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Old 02-15-21, 04:02 PM   #165
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Originally Posted by Onkel Neal View Post
Power has been out since 02:30, outside temp is -8.3C / 17F

Temp in the house got down to 8C/48F before I woke up and hooked up the gennie. Generator has been powering the furnace and the PC, so it's 18C/66F now. I can hang on for 4 days.

Something I just remembered , if its significantly below freezing and that's REALLY novel to your location, as long as your have water pressure in the pipes its best to slightly crack open one or two faucets. Not a drip, more like a minimal stream of water. You want to do this for both hot and cold water.
The reason being, you want to maintain a minimal flow of water in your pipes if there's a chance your pipes could freeze. This is really important on the inlet side of your water system (this is why you also want to crack a hot water tap, even if you have power).

It could be worse, at least the Gators are hibernating.
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