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Old 06-03-20, 04:46 AM   #136
u crank
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Originally Posted by vienna View Post
I wonder if Secretary Of Defense Mark Esper may have read this letter before he gave that interview distancing himself from Trump's photo-op debacle:

Former Defense official resigns from Pentagon post, slams Esper for role in Trump photo op --
From Mr. Miller's statement reported in CNBC article.

Law-abiding protesters just outside the White House were dispersed using tear gas and rubber bullets — not for the sake of safety, but to clear a path for a presidential photo op. You then accompanied President Trump in walking from the White House to St. John’s Episcopal Church for that photo.

President Trump’s actions Monday night violated his oath to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” as well as the First Amendment “right of the people peaceably to assemble.
United States Park Police acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan ...

On Monday, June 1, the USPP worked with the United States Secret Service to have temporary fencing installed inside Lafayette Park. At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.

To curtail the violence that was underway, the USPP, following established policy, issued three warnings over a loudspeaker to alert demonstrators on H Street to evacuate the area. Horse mounted patrol, Civil Disturbance Units and additional personnel were used to clear the area. As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.

“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”

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Old 06-03-20, 05:27 AM   #137
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Originally Posted by Mr Quatro View Post
My my vienna has teeth to fight back with

At least I got you to read your bible (online that is)

I will turn the other cheek and post the truth:


Today's bible study is seed thought to end these riots in NA

‘Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God’s'. 2 Chronicles 19:15

God Lord, did you even read the full link you posted..., at all? Here's the very first paragraph:


After a storm of criticism, the Trump campaign on Tuesday argued that police officers didn’t use tear gas on a group of protesters the day before in Lafayette Square before the president appeared for a photo-op—but that appears to not be false: police did admit to using a pepper irritant, which the U.S. Centers for Disease Control classifies as a type of tear gas.

The article isn't supporting the claim no tear gas was used at all; its stating the police and military on site did in fact use chemical weapons to clear the way for the grand entrance of president Chump. Trying to split hairs over whether it was tear gas or pepper spray or some other chemical is ludicrous; its like arguing someone who was shot dead is really dead because the reports were he was shot with a .38 and the wound that killed him was a .45; the caliber doesn't matter, the effect is the same, he's dead, and being gassed with tear gas or with pepper spray isn't a significant difference unless you are trying to tap dance your way to excusing the idiocy of Trump and his minions...

The article is not a vindication of the story line Trump's trying to to foist on his gullible Trumpette lemmings; to the contrary, it goes on to bolster the claims of excessive use of force and abuse of power...

And there is this pithy bit you quoted:

A Trump campaign spokesman asked media outlets, including Forbes, to retract stories stating that tear gas was used to clear a group of protesters so President Donald Trump could participate in a photo-op in front of a church Monday.

The spokesman pointed to a statement from the U.S. Parks Police, which said officers did not use tear gas and instead deployed “smoke canisters and pepper balls” on a group of “combative” protesters after they “continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons.”
I mentioned Fox News in an earlier post and the raking over the coals they are taking for reporting what you bolded in your quote; a very large number of persons have noted, and in some cases, have used actual Fox News footage and reportage to prove the protestors were neither threatening nor combative; the footage taken just prior to the troops/police opening fire and following on through the rest of the incident shows clearly the protestors were either sitting around or standing around in peaceful order and really rather quiet; Fox News has neither responded to the questions about why their own footage differs so drastically with the story they tried to push on Trump's behalf. Not even Fox News can produce anything to back up the Trump Administration's lies...

As far as the first paragraph of your quote, the ask for retraction has been met with barely concealed amusement by the news media; I have seen the retraction ask noted in a couple of other reports on the incident and no retractions were made; in fact, one news outlet made a pointed remark at the end of their reportage that no retraction was to be made by them; and there is this from the very link you provided:

The conservative website The Federalist published a story Tuesday declaring the media “falsely claimed” tear gas was used against protesters—which Trump then retweeted—but no major media outlet has issued a retraction.
(Bolding mine)

Please note the Forbes article you linked likewise did not offer a retraction; the silence is deafening...

Perhaps you can provide a cite of a major news source making a full retraction of the claims...?...

A far as reading the Bible, I have indeed read the the Bible, cover to cover several times; remember, I have in the past noted I spent nine (9) years in Catholic school and, whaddaya know, they made us read the Bible...often; whodda thunk...?...

...and, at one point in my younger years, gave very serious consideration to becoming a Jesuit, but any hypocrisy I may be inhabited with does know its limits; oddly, I now find myself living alone, almost always dressed in black, and given to self-contemplation, so maybe I have become a Jesuit after all...

I have also read the Torah, the Koran, a number of Eastern religious writings and have enjoyed discussing those writings with various clergy of various faiths; I am not a religious scholar nor do I make any claim to be at all, but I have tried to seek out the why of how people believe what they believe and I neither disparage their beliefs nor do I try to persuade them they are wrong in their beliefs and they, in turn, have pretty much extended me the same courtesy; one thing I can say about those experiences is they were able, each in their own way, to teach me a lot...

I'm still waiting on your cite for that "biblical quote' you made in the past and saw fit to PM me about when I called you on it; maybe its just not in your version of the Bible, eh?...

..and about God's battles: I'm pretty sure God can fight his own and I'm even more sure the very last person he would enlist to help him is a lying, deceitful, adulterer who is an overly prideful, vain, greedy, blasphemous mega-sinner who takes His name in vain like Trump...

...unless you can find a Bible quote to prove otherwise...

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Old 06-03-20, 05:49 AM   #138
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So you and the media think that smoke and pepper balls mixed together = tear gas ... technically your right,
but were you also aware that just one Covid-19 person in all of these riots now has been able to share through the use of tear gas his or her virus?

Respiratory disease ... Cough, cough

Vengeance is mine says the Lord

Are you going to blow a fuse when President Trump defeats Joe Biden in November?

Never mind you take the bait so easy it's not fair
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Lord help me get to the next plateau ..

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Old 06-03-20, 05:50 AM   #139
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Originally Posted by u crank View Post
From Mr. Miller's statement reported in CNBC article.

United States Park Police acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan ...

I refer you back to a link in one of my previous posts:

US Park Police denies using tear gas on peaceful protesters. Evidence suggests otherwise. --

It wouldn't be a stretch of the mind to consider, like many Police Chiefs or other high ranking police officials who have found themselves probably facing investigation or civil legal action for some act(s) they or their force(s) may have committed, the US Park Police Chief and his ranking officials realize they have stepped into a steaming pile and are going to have to answer; we've seen it before, where some police misconduct or overstepping or outright brutality has come to light and the person(s) in charge go into their 'deny, deny, deny' tap dance and, more often than not, devolve into their 'let's make a deal' shuffle; I suspect, given all the visual evidence contradicting the claims made by the Park Police brass, there will be resignations, if not firings, and, in the process, not a few of those involved will 'fess up about the incident to save their own hides; also, given that this stems from a Trump-inspired root, the very high probability of lies and deceit exists on the part of those doing the denials. It will be interesting, when the lawsuits and Congressional probes start up, how those involved in Donny's Little Photo-Op will fare when confronted with the footage and testimonies...

BTW, the Vox article contains this paragraph:

The Trump reelection campaign, though, is sticking with the Park Police, asking reporters — including me — to “retract and correct” published stories that say tear gas was used. (Vox is not retracting its reporting at this time.)
Seems like the media is pretty sure their reportage, unlike the Trump-backed claims, will stand a 'sniff-test"...

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Old 06-03-20, 05:55 AM   #140
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Originally Posted by Mr Quatro View Post
So you and the media think that smoke and pepper balls mixed together = tear gas ... technically your right,
but were you also aware that just one Covid-19 person in all of these riots now has been able to share through the use of tear gas his or her virus?

Respiratory disease ... Cough, cough

Vengeance is mine says the Lord

Are you going to blow a fuse when President Trump defeats Joe Biden in November?

Never mind you take the bait so easy it's not fair

Odd, I've been so enjoying watching you dance on the end of my hook...

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Old 06-03-20, 06:05 AM   #141
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Old 06-03-20, 06:35 AM   #142
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Originally Posted by vienna View Post
I refer you back to a link in one of my previous posts:

US Park Police denies using tear gas on peaceful protesters. Evidence suggests otherwise. --
So what you are saying is that acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan is a liar. Hmm, well you can take that up with him.

As for Vox, I consider that publication to be one of many leftwing equivalents of Breitbart News and as such I would be suprised to find anything they publish to be free from the dreaded OrangeManBad bias. And because of that I read much of what they say with a wary eye.

But hey we all have to affirm our confirmation bias to feel good. I know I do.

Was it a dumb thing for Trump to have that photo op? Yea I would say it was but pols do this kind of thing all the time with varying degrees of success. You know like ripping up a copy of the SOTU address on national TV. Sometimes these things don't have the desired effect. And speaking of Mrs. Pelosi, she one ups Trump by actually cracking open a Bible and reading from it to attack her political opponent. Try to imagine for even a second what would happen if Trump did that. Will Vox publish a scathing article criticizing Pelosi's lack of church/state seperation? I'd read that article.

“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”

― Arthur C. Clarke

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Old 06-03-20, 08:50 AM   #143
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The fact that you compare media like Vox to far-right hate media like "Breitbart" speaks volumes. Look at what you hear in witness reports, see in films, personal videos and what is now erupting all over the internet. Hard to deny.

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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Old 06-03-20, 09:03 AM   #144
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
The fact that you compare media like Vox to far-right hate media like "Breitbart" speaks volumes.
That is just more left wing propaganda. When the left does not like a news source, they try to "demonize" it, Nothing wrong with Breitbart, I read it all the time..along with Politico, CNN, FOX, BBC, the Guardian, etc...

Breitbart is actually pretty much the same as CNN these days, except that one is pro-Trump and one is'nt...
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Old 06-03-20, 09:30 AM   #145
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I cannot take Bannon seriously, not then and surely not now

What Bannon said about the Trump/Russians meeting:
“The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers. “Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad ****, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.”

And wasn't it him who boasted that the ultra-conservative news organization he has led was the platform for the alt-right, and that he wanted to "bring down and destroy the state"? Seems they did not need him.

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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Old 06-03-20, 09:48 AM   #146
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
I cannot take Bannon seriously, not then and surely not now

What Bannon said about the Trump/Russians meeting:
“The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers. “Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad ****, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.”

And wasn't it him who boasted that the ultra-conservative news organization he has led was the platform for the alt-right, and that he wanted to "bring down and destroy the state"? Seems they did not need him.
err...Bannon left Breitbart 2 years ago. He has no influence on its content.

I read Breitbart for the news articles, not the opinions. CNN and Breitbart cover a lot of the same stories, but obviously with different viewpoint.

Last edited by Bilge_Rat; 06-03-20 at 10:08 AM.
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Old 06-03-20, 10:05 AM   #147
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
The fact that you compare media like Vox to far-right hate media like "Breitbart" speaks volumes. Look at what you hear in witness reports, see in films, personal videos and what is now erupting all over the internet. Hard to deny.
I think that you have confused my comparison to agreement with Breitbart. You'll have to prove that. What I do know is that the Left/Right divide in media is now complete. If you read Vox, Slate or any number of left leaning publications you would see that. They are completely in the tank for anything the left believes in and diametrically against any right wing, conservative thought. And the same goes for right leaning outlets. What more proof do you want?

The truth is the media is not your trusted friend. They can be used to find out some facts and data but if you don't realize that all of them are constantly spinning a narrative that agrees with their politics then you are in a fools game that they have created. And what is remarkable is that people will cite left leaning media to prove that there is no bias.

The belief that there are neutral media sources is just plain naive.

“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”

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Old 06-03-20, 10:31 AM   #148
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Originally Posted by u crank View Post
The truth is the media is not your trusted friend. They can be used to find out some facts and data but if you don't realize that all of them are constantly spinning a narrative that agrees with their politics then you are in a fools game that they have created. And what is remarkable is that people will cite left leaning media to prove that there is no bias.
Would you trust the media for which fruit and vegetables to purchase in the market?


Then who would you trust?

Your nose and your experience and your knowledge and your preferences and your intuition

We tend to do a lot of that in the subconsciousness when watching the news
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Lord help me get to the next plateau ..

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Old 06-03-20, 11:00 AM   #149
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Originally Posted by Bilge_Rat View Post

I read Breitbart for the news articles, not the opinions. ...

Hmm, really? We thought you read it for the centerfolds...

It looks like Defense Secretary Mark Esper is moving further along the road to unemployment over the civil unrest issue:

Defense secretary opposes deploying active troops following Trump threat --


Defense Secretary Mark Esper declared on Wednesday his opposition to sending active-duty troops into U.S. cities to deal with violent protesters, two days after President Donald Trump threatened to do so if governors don't call up National Guard troops.

"The option to use active-duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort and only in the most urgent and dire situations. We are not in one of those situations right now," Esper said in his first public comments since the protests erupted.

"I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act," Esper said, referring to the president's authority to deploy active-duty troops to respond to protests.

Expect a Trump tweet storm any time now...

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Old 06-03-20, 11:49 AM   #150
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Since Trump is the centre of gravity and the navel of the universe, its important to know that he unfortunately can call in troops.

Whether he would potliclaly and practically survive it, is somehtign different, but as the German proverb goes: "Ist de rRuf erst ruiniert, lebt's sich gänzlich ungeniert." (if your reputaiton is spilked anyway, you can misbehave without any scurples.)
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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