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Old 01-17-07, 02:40 AM   #1
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Default REL - My Great big Tweak Pack for GWX. - Final version

Updated 09March07:

Unless theres some major bug, this is the FINAL version, for real this time.

New to this version:
- adjusted some of the crew files for type 7 and 9 uboats to be a little more single mission friendly

- moved all uboat adjusments to seperate mods (Get one of them, you will need them if you use this mod pack:

- added new observation periscope texture
- misc errata i probably forgot, as usual see readme.
- fixed background on ingame help menu. A big thankyou to Reece for helping me out with my lazyiness to fix it.
- revamped partial fatigue system. No micromanaging required, no muss, no fuss with the radioroom, engine room, or control room.

This mod collection is testimate to someone who's never satisfied with the game. Some items ive changed since the last revision, and some items are new. Ive improved the documentation on this mod collection, allowing you to be able to better identify what does what, and delete the bits you don't like. This is probably the most extensive tweaking of GWX published by an independant modder to date.

Im just going to go ahead and say that nothing inthis mod is original work and is the culmination of many modders work over time. Some bits are borrowed from independant modders, and quite a bit was borrowed from NYGM.


JSGME. This mod has incorporated "GWX - English Nav Map and Grid Refs" mod that came with GWX, so you should disable it before enabeling this one.

In order to properly use the low contrast UZO and periscope textures, you'll need to delete the file RedMask.tga found in the sh3/data/menu/gui directory. Ive backed thsi file up in this mods documentation directory for you.


-Unfortunatly, due to conflicting files, this mod package is not compatible with Intergrated orders.


-Compromised Realism cam. You can F12 free view around your sub, but can't use the Next/previous camera keys to sneak a peak at sonar, radar, and RWR contacts. Sort of a cheat really. This removes that temptation. Gameplay realism values have been changed accordingly.

- A reason to get the VIIC/41 or IXC/40. In GWX the snorkel is normally available in 1944 as is historically correct. However, you can get the snorkel earlier by aquiring these two boats in early 43 - if you have enough influence in the Kreigsmarine to get one that is.

- Time in port increased for upgrades to help advance the game clock/timeline a little bit. Menu items changed to reflect time in port for upgrades. This is an adaptation of same feature found in NYGM, except upgrades still cost you renown.

-23rd/29th Flotilla now starts in 9/41 in La Rochelle. You'll be assigned a grid in the med. So you have to make it through gibralter!. In 10/41 your base is changed to Salamis.

- New leer: (this became neccessary with the clear GUI background)

-Marked Fuel gauge: (now has marks for 3/4 and 1/2)

-increased increments on bearing indicators to single degree's and not in 5 dgree increments
-Low Contrast UZO

Low contrast Periscopes

New obs scope in low contrast (pic taken at dusk before sundown, hence red tint in ocular view)

Intergrated TDC. This functionality is in the Attack periscope and UZO.
( The TDC is in two parts. Both of which slide down independantly)


Clear background on the GUI:

Reduced crew compartments for engine and motor rooms:
(just an optical illusion really, a mask of sorts)

Readme file listing all changes:
//Format wordrap

Personalized tweaks for GWX by Ducimus - FINAL version

I cannot say anything in this mod is orginal work. Its a recompliation of other mods, settings, tweaks, etc, that have been in existance.

Additional credits:
etc etc. Mod community Et all.
================================================== ====

Ideally you should have a clean GWX installation with no other mods enabled excepting GWX's december fixes.

================================================== ====
Known issues & compatiblity:

- due to the size of this mod package it is recommended you install this mod before any other unoffical mod.

- Not compatible with Intergrated orders or any other mod that uses the 1024_768.ini file

- This mod includes 16K atmosphere and English nav map and grid references, therefore you do not need to enable these.

- This mod compatible with GWX-harbor traffic light and no medals on crew

WARNING: There is a *nasty* stock sh3 bug that will cause misses in certain situations if switching between different types of torpedoes with differing speeds. In order to protect against this bug, you MUST click the TORPEDO SPEED switch EVEN IF that selected torpedo only has one speed setting after you select the torpedo. This will update the gyro with the new torpedo speed.

EXAMPLE: If you have Tube #1 selected with a Type I Steam Torpedo set to FAST (i.e. 44 knots), the gyro will set accordingly for the speed of the torpedo to correctly lead the target. If you then switch to Tube #3 containing a Type III Electric Torpedo that only has one speed setting (i.e. SLOW of 30 knots), the gyro WILL NOT BE UPDATED to reflect the slower torpedo speed UNLESS THE TORPEDO SPEED SWITCH is clicked resulting in a probable missed shot.

================================================== ==


-The 23rd/29th Flotilla now starts in 9/41 in La Rochelle. You'll be assigned grid's in the med. So you'll have to go through Gibralter first to get there. Your base then transfers to Salamis in 10/41.

******NOTE: If using SH3 commander, start the game in 9/41, not 8/41 even though it allows you to. 8/41 i didnt supply with grid assigments, and starting that early essentiually defeats the purpose of this mod which is to start a med career game, but having to get through gibralter first.

******NOTE: I used the flotilla.cfg from the "GWX-English Nav Map and Grid Ref" mod. Having done that, i went ahread and intergrated that mod with this mod package so you won't have conflicting mods in JSGME. Disable the "GWX-English Nav Map and Grid Ref" mod before enabeling this one.

- added type 21 to 10th flotilla

- changed starting uboat for 1st flotilla, 1939 from type2a to type2D


- Changed entries all entries for type7 and type9's to come fully equiped with available equipment from their first available year to 1945. That way i have No upgrading before first patrol shennaigans going on. That and you wont have to do single missions with an underquiped boat now.

- Sinking a neutral is now -1000 renown.

- corrected IXB's torpedo loadout to 22 torpedo's as is historically correct.

- Changed IXD2 torpedo loadout from 26 to 24 torpedo's by Removing two of the aft external stores. (reason: having that many external stores on the AFT end of the boat annoyed the hell out of me)

- IXC now starts with the turm IX/1 conning tower in 41 as is historically correct.

- changed torpedo loadouts for all uboats except for type's II, and XXI.

- Corrected flak gun assigments. Boat were getting the 2cm FK C/38 flak gun before it was available.

- Moved availability date of the 2cm FK C/38 from 1/43 to 6/42. You'll have to get it in port.

- basically removed the first radar version by dating it available in late 45. My new philosohy, If it doesnt have the newly working matresss style aerial, i ain't using it. After well over a year of waiting its finally fixed, im indulging myself, screw historical availabilty date. Fumo30 avialable in 2/42, and Fumo61 in 3/43

- T IIIe torpedo now available in 1/42 instead of 6/42

- removed renown costs on normal torpedo's. Homing torpedo's renown costs remain.

- Increased shellslots in various uboats so the ammunition list in the inventory screen isn't truncated.

- ALtered time in port on various upgrades

- Equiped VIIC/41 and IXC/40 uboats as an early option to obtain a snorkel in early 43 for 10,500 renown.

- Revamped fatigue system. Same 8 hour system, but I changed compartment effeciency ratings so they require less crew, and not all compartments have fatigue enabled. The premise being to do more with less crew required Less crew means more bunk space, more bunk space means less micromangment.
Special notes,

:Any area that deals with the normal operations of the uboat is fatigue free, so you dont have to manage it.

:deck gun, bridge watch, torpedo rooms, flak guns, and damage control have fatigue enabled.

(no fatigue file also included in documentation directory, i encourage you to at least try this fatigue system though )

- added 1942 entry for type 21 (availabity date remains 4/44, but you can change it to 1/42 if you wanted to)


- Redid all crew configs for type VII, IX and XXI uboats. Again. Crew's were reconfigured to accomidate new crew compartment effiecency settings. Token appearances by Hans Goebeler and Herbert Werner. This was acutaly alot of work, i hope you enjoy.


- removed *some* of the fluff messages added by GW11a / GWX. (computing solution for aft tubes, sweeping ahead, sweeping astern, etc) They were just annoying.

- Added a Goback to previous view hotkey, ( Ins key on keypad with num lock enabled. )

- remarked out the Next and previous external camera keys. (search for CMD50 and CMD51 to renable)

- CNTRL + ENTER hokey combination fires torpedo's.

- CONTROL + T toggles the TDC Auto update on or off so you can make corrections in the AOB, range, bearing, etc from the periscope or UZO.

- added entry to support new bearing indicator

- added weather report hotkey CNRL + W. How now you can get your weather reports submerged, go go gadget cheat! :P

- added hotkey to lower radar antenna SHIFT + R


-Removed the 10 value from free cam off, and added it to realistic fuel. If you turn the next_previous cam back on, id highly recommend removing the gameplaysettings.cfg from this mod


Brighter night enviormental Dats for people cursed with dark monitors. When upping the gamma and increasing monitor birghtness, just isnt enough.


- Tossed the motion sickness enducing camera file, and put in a slighly modded stock one.New magnification levels:

Obs scope goes to X4.5, Attack periscope goes to X8, UZO to X8, and binocular view should be at X 10, although i havent been able to tell the difference honestly.


- New Ashcans!
you'll feel them a bit more. Increased explosion range from 34 to 50. Reduced the min radius from 4.5 to 3, increased max radius from 14 to 15, decreased accuracy from 18 to 20 meters.
-adjusted T2e to a max range of 5000 meters and the T3e to 7500 meters.

according to stastics on this site.


- added tube selection lables to support perisope/uzo TDC

- added hull integrity readout back.

- added time in port labeling for ugprade descriptions.

- adjusted info for new T2 and T3 ranges.

- changed loading screen message to reflect reality.


- added Periscope TDC that was featured in NYGM TW 2.2

- changed draggable chrono to NYGM's 2.2's version.

- Added engine and motor room compartment size reduction mod from NYGM. (basically masks over 3 crew slots so you dont feel compellelled to unneccessarily place crew there.

- improved/ fixed clear GUI mod. Special thanks to reece for his help.

- Graphic files for the engine and motor room compartment reduction mod.


- added support elements to periscope TDC.

- Removed annoying clicking sounds while using the periscopes and UZO


- changed flotilla selection screen to support the 23/29th starting in la rochelle


- Low contrast textures for UZO, obs persiscope and ATK periscope. For these to work properly you'll have to delete the file (SH3/DATA/MENU/GUI/REDMASK.TGA) If you don't like the low contrast textures, fear not, ive backed up the Redmask.TGA for you in this mods documentation directory.

- graphical files for new draggable chrono

- graphical file for more accurate bearing indicators for uzo, bino's, atk scope and obs scope

- graphical file that is a nomograph for easier manual speed calculations.

- added new obs scope texture


- Graphical files for periscope TDC

- clear background

- New leer

- Changed CE guage readout to something which more accurately shows fuel levels.

- Changed slideout CE guage readout to include 3/4 and 1/2 marks on the fuel gauge.


-New loading screen


- Return of stock damage decal. (black scorch marks) Other one was just didnt work unless you use external view and stared at the ship. I like to see my damage from the bridge of my boat. Also the GWX decal was lag enducing if you ever create a massive naval engagement mission and watch them slug it out.

- Sobers' 3d waves.


- Disables both the intro movies


- added the following uboat emblems: u-65, u-94, u-103, u-105, u-110, u-108, u-371, u-505, and u-605

- Added my personalized uboatswappen (Carribean_pirate.tga) that i used to use alot while playing TypeIX career games. Goes great with Fubar's IXC Late war skin. (the real rusty one with the white weatherbeaten conning tower)

-side note, if you ever want U-230's just rename U-96's insignia and there you go.
Also, this site is a great refererence:


-bug i reported in beta thats STILL there. This fixes that.


-Cause a C2 is a C2, and a C3 is a C3, and a T2 is a T2, and a T3 is a T3. I never did like a C2 as a "mediem cargo" or whatever.


Reduced tonnage awarded for the following ships to values awarded in past SH3 mods (UC vanilla, GW11a, NYGM, etc):

-Medium Tanker
-C3 Cargo
-C2 cargo
-Large Merchant
-Large Tanker
-T2 Tanker
-T3 Tanker
-Passenger Liner (PPL)
-Passenger Liner (LPL)
-Heavy Transport
-Victory Cargo


- Changed creaks to something a bit more atmosphereic.

- Lowered ambient hydrophone background noise to make contacts easier to hear when manually using sonar.

- diving sound changed to one where no language is spoken. Just the sound of the hatch closing and the sub diving.

- New AI sonar ping sound from dasboot.

- dasboot fanfare.

- muted submarine bell

- slighly increased volume on engines to make them a little more audible.

- increased volume on stopwatch ticking sound.


- Added back background combat music, and JUST the combat music. ALL other music is disabled.

- Extra gramaphone files:

Rina Ketty's "J'attendrai"
Mons Gars from dasboot
"do right" from GW11a
Ken Burns, ww2 jazz
Glen miller, more ww2 jazz
Albot & castello's "who's on first"


- Muted german version of "Yes sir" for CE.

- changed cheer to a more gutteral "JA!".


- misc speech files in das boot in english.

- "Yes sir" muted for CE

- changed crew cheer to make to a more beleiveable "Yeaaahh!!" when a torpedo hits. The crewman who were sucking on the end of a Helium tank have been booted from das boot.


From GWX 16K mod. Included because the new, env textures are 16K. Slighly increased unDerwater visible range for my fellow masochists who like to watch death explode around them.


I went ahead and intergrated "GWX - English Nav Map and Grid Refs" offical mod into this one since i used said mods flotilla.cfg. Disable the "GWX - English Nav Map and Grid Refs" before enabeling this one, as it now includes it.


Gouldjg's special effects. See this thread for details:

- resampled stock submarine diving sound and dasboot submarine diving sound.

- Stock Master menu music and dasboot master menu music.

- dasboot crew cheer in english.

backup file because you have to delete this file from the "data/menu/gui" in order to get the low contrast periscopes and uzo to work properly.

- previously unreleased modlet -Files to support the VIIC/42 if you want to play with one.

-this readme.

Download link:
(36.3 MB)

Last edited by Ducimus; 03-09-07 at 05:41 AM.
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Old 01-17-07, 02:56 AM   #2
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You've done what I do, since the game came out.....gee when was that? all I ever done is mod and download mods. Too date I still have not finished one patrol and I've had this game for 3/4 years..3 more like it. I've got every mod ever made and then my own. I look at a mod, study the files and have a go at it myself. This has basically taught me how to use my PC, 3 years ago, if you asked me what was a TGA/DAT file, merge/paste items with in a file, OOG/WAV files, I would have given you a look like this , but now all I do from sun up to sun up the next morning is mod. I'll download your mod ASAP, I saw the part about the limited visual look around, which is what I've been after for some time, the ability to admire your U-boat but nothing else.

Thankyou for your time & effort in collating this package.
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Old 01-17-07, 03:12 AM   #3
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Nice work mate. d/l now.

Is my IX going to be called 'Iron Coffin Type' from now on? (see crew management screenie)
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Old 01-17-07, 03:33 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by danlisa
Nice work mate. d/l now.

Is my IX going to be called 'Iron Coffin Type' from now on? (see crew management screenie)
LOL no. I created a test mission at somepoint, and i named the player starting location "iron coffin" for some odd reason. *shrug* read the book like three times.
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Old 01-17-07, 03:42 AM   #5
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Kudos Ducimus mate! I've had an eye on this pack since you put it up and now i'm tempted to give it a go, since its sound more than prommising!
Still Sailing....still Deep

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Old 01-17-07, 05:59 AM   #6
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Very interesting, Ducimus. Will have a go!
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Old 01-17-07, 06:42 AM   #7
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Me too. Tanks!!
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Old 01-17-07, 09:20 AM   #8
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Old 01-17-07, 09:27 AM   #9
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Great work here, like that it is easy to install. One question, anything that you would like to keep, do you just remove from your file, I like the German voices, etc, do I just delete the english stuff in yours?


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Old 01-17-07, 12:41 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by reallydedpoet
Great work here, like that it is easy to install. One question, anything that you would like to keep, do you just remove from your file, I like the German voices, etc, do I just delete the english stuff in yours?

If you prefer german voices, then just delete the Speech_EN directory from this mods directory. You don't have to really though, you have to tell the game to talk in english anyway. You could install the mod as is via JSGME and not notice any difference at all in speech except for the submarine diving sound, where no language is spoken. You can however delete the file "Dive Sequence.wav" from ths mods sound directory if you prefer the german voiced diving sequence.

I should probably note it just occured to me that if you prefer German as the PRINTED language in the game, the labels for the periscope TDC wont be diplayed, hull integrity readout will not be displayed, and some of the functionality in the EN_commands.cfg obviously won't be in the DE_commands.cfg since i didnt touch that file or the DE_menu.txt.

If i need to add german language support, your going to have to kick me in the jimmy.
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Old 01-17-07, 01:02 PM   #11
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lol! No just the language in German, print in English is what I prefer. Funny thing is, when I was in university, early 90s, I took German, never finished it though.

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Old 01-17-07, 01:13 PM   #12
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Great work Will d\l now and give it a go. THX

I Play GWX. Silent Hunter Who ???
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Old 01-17-07, 02:53 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Ducimus
Marked Fuel gauge:
(now has marks for 3/4 and 1/2)

Finally! Marks on the fuel guage. Thank you. It works well in NYGM 2.3 also.

Just minor note, I think you're up one mark to high.

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Old 01-17-07, 03:32 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by zzsteven
Originally Posted by Ducimus
Marked Fuel gauge:
(now has marks for 3/4 and 1/2)

Finally! Marks on the fuel guage. Thank you. It works well in NYGM 2.3 also.

Just minor note, I think you're up one mark to high.

The top of the float, is what you look at (not the body of the float or the bottom of it). Without realizing that, it makes the guage misleading. Match that to the top of the line ive drawn. Ive never liked that gauge honestly. Its abit more tolerable to me with other lines.

To get the marks what i did, was run the tell i had 3/4's fuel left, and at 1/2 fuel left using the other CE gauge ive included that is far far more accurate then the slideout. Taking a screenshot at both times of the slideout guage. Then i loaded the slide gauge and the screenshots i took t into the gimp, ran a comparison, and marked the lines. Im confident that they are fairly accurate. But again, its the top of the float that is the real measuring point.
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Old 01-17-07, 04:54 PM   #15
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Hi Ducimus, sounds good but hope you don't mind me asking a few Q's ..

"- changed crew cheer to make it sound like the WO's is going, "Yeaaahh!!" when a torpedo hits, instead of hearing "out of the way, we hit heeerrrr" every damn time. A bit more believeable, and not annoying."

Cannot stand the high pitched 'Girly' "Yeaaahh!!", does it now sound more like the deep guttural German voice ?

"- Added back background combat music, and JUST the combat music. ALL other music is disabled."

Is the background combat music running in the background ALL the time ? If so, is there a way of disabling it ?

And to end with a conclusion..

"Glen miller, more ww2 jazz"

Oh yes, now you're cooking with gas !

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