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Old 07-19-16, 10:21 AM   #1486
Mr Quatro
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Boy, ten years, is it really that long ago?

Not certain whether you are ironic or serious, if the latter, my hats-off to you . I once have been such a "naive idiot" myself, 13, 15, 18 years ago - I know what a long quest it was to get the puzzle together - and when I had all the pieces in their natural places, seeing all contradictions disappearing all of a sudden. That was good - but nevertheless brought a whole bunch of new conflicts into my life - and costed me some "friend"ships.
What happened to 14, 16, and 17 years ago were they good ones
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Lord help me get to the next plateau ..

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Old 07-19-16, 10:27 AM   #1487
Von Due
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Skybird: As I am sure you are aware, anti-Jewish sentiments go WAY back. I'm also confident you know that there is nothing in Judaism that forbids a Jewish banker from charging interest in loans. You may also be aware that in Islam, charging interest is against the religion. This has always bee true. In old Islamic countries, only Jews were allowed to charge interests in loans. Now explain to me how this intolerance towards non-muslims led to only Jews being allowed to make money on lending out money? How is that intolerance towards Judaism? Isn't this exactly the opposite, namely acceptance? Non-acceptance would have had a very different result but that other result is not what we see happened. Unlucky for the Jews, this acceptance to practice what Islam forbids led to what we now know as anti semittism.

Granted, this was a long time ago now and much have changed in a lot of areas but this really did happen and it really is not the tell tale sign of this eternal non-acceptance you keep repeating.

Look deeper if you have a genuine interest in finding out what is causing all the killings we see today.
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Old 07-19-16, 11:01 AM   #1488
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TIL, it is our fault that a quarter of all muslims would love Shariah law to be the law to rule the world.
Interesting. This thread gets better and better, now even Die Linke has infiltrated Subsim with their apologist-nonsense.
For those who really think "this is our fault", go watch some lovely uncensored videos about all the terror attacks throughout the last 3 years, then visit some relatives and explain to them how their dead mother/father/son/... is at fault for being beheaded, blown to bits, stabbed to death or rolled over by a damn truck.

I start to get the feeling that some people here never even once put their nose into a friggin Quran, let alone did any research regarding why it is considered a dangerous ideology by everyone with a working brain, from Hitchens over Dawkins over Condell over Maher over you name it!
And these guys aren't exactly retarded right wing nuts.
Wake up!
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Old 07-19-16, 11:05 AM   #1489
Von Due
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Originally Posted by Nippelspanner View Post
TIL, it is our fault that a quarter of all muslims would love Shariah law to be the law to rule the world.
Interesting. This thread gets better and better, now even Die Linke has infiltrated Subsim with their apologist-nonsense.
For those who really think "this is our fault", go watch some lovely uncensored videos about all the terror attacks throughout the last 3 years, then visit some relatives and explain to them how their dead mother/father/son/... is at fault for being beheaded, blown to bits, stabbed to death or rolled over by a damn truck.

I start to get the feeling that some people here never even once put their nose into a friggin Quran, let alone did any research regarding why it is considered a dangerous ideology by everyone with a working brain, from Hitchens over Dawkins over Condell over Maher over you name it!
And these guys aren't exactly retarded right wing nuts.
Wake up!
There is no reason to thing Islam plays no part, or only a small part of it. My point still stands though. To really understand why it has become what we see today we can't just look at religion. Still, that is the ONLY thing I see being talked about, everywhere from forums to news to small talk on town. Ignore everything behind that and you are guarantied to not find a solid, sound way out, just like totally ignoring what religion can lead people to do will guaranty the same.
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Old 07-19-16, 11:07 AM   #1490
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Originally Posted by Von Due View Post
To really understand why it has become what we see today we can't just look at religion. Still, that is the ONLY thing I see being talked about...
Because you ignore that Islam is much more than 'just religion'.
It is a culture, a way of life.

That is the problem.
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Old 07-19-16, 11:12 AM   #1491
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Not certain whether you are ironic or serious
I'm dead serious. Too much reality shattered my wishful thinking.

Originally Posted by Nippelspanner View Post
TIL, it is our fault that a quarter of all muslims would love Shariah law to be the law to rule the world.
Actually, about 65% of muslims in Western Europe according to this large survey:

Pew Research Center has made similar surveys in the Middle East, where the percentage was much higher.

BTW, I'm a great fan of Dawkins, Maher and the late Hitch myself. :-)

And by that I exit this discussion, because for a Swede it's safer to walk through a mine field than to have the wrong opinion (even if the "opinion" is a survey by a recognized research institute).
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Old 07-19-16, 11:15 AM   #1492
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Daesh apparently released a video of the jihadist who attacked the train passengers in Germany:
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Old 07-19-16, 11:19 AM   #1493
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Originally Posted by xrvjorn View Post
BTW, I'm a great fan of Dawkins, Maher and the late Hitch myself. :-)
A man of taste!
Originally Posted by xrvjorn View Post
And by that I exit this discussion, because for a Swede it's safer to walk through a mine field than to have the wrong opinion (even if the "opinion" is a survey by a recognized research institute).
Ugh, I remember, the situation in Sweden is severe. One of the last countries I expected to act so foolish. It must suck to drown in PC everyday while surrounded by feminists and the thought police of social justice.
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Old 07-19-16, 11:22 AM   #1494
Von Due
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Originally Posted by Nippelspanner View Post
Because you ignore that Islam is much more than 'just religion'.
It is a culture, a way of life.

That is the problem.
You see, the problem I have with that idea when taken whole sale is that there are cases where religion was blamed when it turned out it was a national, or regional, tradition. Not more than 3 years ago was it the truth that female genitals mutilation was a "muslim thing". Now reality has spoken up and set it straight: It's a "thing" in fewer than a handful African countries. It was practiced there before Islam as it is practiced there now.

Yes, religion is, by how we define culture, part of culture and as such, absolutely, Islam is "more than religion". Of course it is. But WHAT cultural things are we talking about? Hijabs? Say hello to the Jordanian Royal Family
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Old 07-19-16, 11:40 AM   #1495
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Ah nice, some "moderate" Muslims (who aren't muslims - read the damn book!).
Your point?
I mean, do you have one?

again, read the book and then tell me again how muslim they are. What a joke.
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Old 07-19-16, 11:55 AM   #1496
Mr Quatro
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I just found out that Syria has drones ... who's next isis?
Israel on Sunday fired missiles towards an unmanned drone that entered Israeli-controlled airspace from Syria and it turned back, the military said in a statement.

“Two Patriot air defense missiles were fired towards a drone which infiltrated Israeli airspace in the central Golan Heights. The drone returned to Syria,” the Israeli army said.
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Lord help me get to the next plateau ..

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Old 07-19-16, 12:09 PM   #1497
Von Due
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First, on Jordan: Jordan is indeed a muslim country. Quote "The 1952 Constitution grants freedom of religion while stipulating that the king and his successors must be Muslims and sons of Muslim parents."

Surely you are not suggesting the king is not a muslim, or that if he is, he is obliged to intolerance towards non-muslims and will demand any wife of his to cover her hair. Not to mention the citizen must go absolutely gun crazy having a non-hihab wearing queen. Oh wait..... They don't.

Now, you are indeed in a mood where you WILL brush off any sign of non-unity in tradition among muslims as oddballs, "moderate" (what does that even mean that wouldn't mean the same for any other religious follower?), single isolated examples and on and on.

One can lead a horse to water and all that but you will have to look it up yourself, I'm afraid, to see that there are "traditions" that are less about Islam, or any other religion, and more about traditions from that area. I can keep trying but by the sound of it, you will continue to brush everything off with "those are isolated cases".

My point was and still is, learn the difference between those cultural issues, like hijabs, or burkhas, see that not every muslim woman everywhere is required to wear anything other than anyone else would have to wear anywhere else. Right now all I see is a merry jumbled mess of all traditions from everywhere we find muslims, and pin all of it on all of them.

And don't even get me started on Jihad and what that means. Did you know there are several points to describe Jihad and only one of them are about "holy war". As a well read individual I am certain you can lecture us all about all points which total up to what Jihad is.
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Old 07-19-16, 12:19 PM   #1498
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
I am about...
Sorry, mate! You disqualify yourself for any further discussion, by your suppositions of my lack of knowledge, my intentions or background.

Please withstand any further unpolite and triggered response.


I'm not defending Islam or any other religion, but show the faults and latent or open ambiguities in our western religion - capitalism.

It is founded on our Christian religion, we are proud to have overcome in daily politics. Something we expect Muslims to do. They shall end their theocracy - as we did it. Well, we bomb their more open Muslim societies back into stone age constantly, but we are good in formulating expectations.

So we have overcome our religion in daily politics - but we just replaced Jesus Christ for Mammon - and some of us even try to serve both gods.

Our religion - our new religion - is fighting their religion as it was before. We are simply told, it is no holy war we are performing, but a justified provision of a better life, a better future, a better political system, modern lifestyle - by force.
We want their ressources and their people to follow our religion. Their oil, their warriors, their consume, their financial systems and debt servicing...

Just follow our god and you shall have a bright life - and for the double servants additioanlly a bright afterlife - if you fight for us.
They only have 72 virgins - by now pretty old eternal virgins, I guess.


Our former Christian priests have lost their weekly influence on our (atheist) motivation, but our new religion's media priests have full access, several times on a daily basis. And they use it. Muslims are to be attcked, because they are evil heathens - still believing in their brutal god. They are terrorists!

We are good in alleging, they do all those bad things we do. See these terrorists terrorize civilians - our civilians.
Well, we terrorize theirs, but we are told these are no religious ambitions. We want to bring freedom, human rights and democracy... bla bla bla...

These media priests are paid experts in explaining us the world, wherever we can't witness ourselves. With the internet their power is decreasing, as we have broad access to alternative truths. The provided controlled eyewitness-dom per TV screen has been switched to an uncontrolled eyewitness-dom via Youtube and consorts.
Controlled public discussion via newspapers and readers letters has been replaced by uncontrolled public discussions in chats, blogs and forums.

The control over our perception has been shifted from regular, traditional media priests - controlled by - I don't know - maybe 300 media popes around the globe - to a few corporations like facebook and twitter, microsoft and adobe, controlling our personal pocket screens and internet monitors. And they have a direct feed back - some sort of confession deprivatized. We agree on their power to rule us, by giving them access to our personal data.

These new crooks - crosiers - lie to us, just as usual in their business. They collect our data to provide peronalized advertising. Advertising is just one sort of information - to be shown or hidden from us. They control it - we accept it.

And when the old media priests and the new corporate algorithms both tell us, those Muslims are terrorists, we eyewitness this truth again.

10 happy wolves rear 90 blinded, ensnared sheep. 90 happy sheep banish the wolves.

Arrest the 1% -
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Old 07-19-16, 12:27 PM   #1499
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Old 07-19-16, 12:49 PM   #1500
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Impressive, what conformity you can achieve with the control over perception and motivation.

10 happy wolves rear 90 blinded, ensnared sheep. 90 happy sheep banish the wolves.

Arrest the 1% -
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