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Old 09-21-10, 03:57 AM   #91
Grey Wolf
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Default It Luchs like there's none!

Hi Friedrich!

It seems to me that there's single mission for the Luchs in the single mission menu( you'll find one single mission for the Panther, one for the Tiger II ausf B, one for the JS2 as well as the formwer single missions for a variety of tanks introduced in previous mods and the original single missions.However with the Luchs now in the ME you can easily make your own. I think we will have to wait for the campaigns and some user-made missions perhaps with new maps( that's what the modders were hinting on the forum) to see the Luchs, Panzer 39t, the T28, the Panther, Jagdpanther,Elefant, the T34/76 1943 and Marder.Expect single missions with the Panzerschreck, bunkers and MG34 squads as well( my hunch).Again it seems that the Flakpanzer Vierling in not playable.We are missing flamethrowing tanks as well( it woudl be cool to have the Flammpanzer and it's Soviet equivalent in the game...).

There should be a way to have the grass and trees burning in the game.It 's unrealistic that during a mission with intensive firefights the houses, tanks, vehicles and soldiers burn but the trees and vegetation don't?????As well why is it that the tanks turrets never blow up like in TvsT, PE and other games.When you watch newsreels from the war you see tanks which blew apart and were decapitated by direct hits or internal explosions.????Another problem I have is with the explosions.Artillery barrages make paltry , puff sounds.There are no loud explosions when shells hit the grounds or crash on a target.The amount of flames and smoke coming off a burning tank/vehicle is also inadequate. I remember watching various documentaries and news reel and you can see plumes of smoke very high in sky and the tanks totally engulfed in flames. If I knew how I would tweak the game to have these elements of realism added to the game.The damage fx are also subdued. Tanks only show shell holes or scars where a shell has grazed the armour. No dent, no bent or twisted metal, no broken guns, torn turrets or parts.If this could be added the game play atmosphere, already good ,would be greatly enhanced....

There are excellent features in the game's effects, the cloud or mist of particles when a tank is hit, the ball of fire puffing into the air when the fuel tank or ammunition load ignite, the smoke coming out of tank that has been hit in the engine, the burning crew bailing out and running away, the tracers, the density of the explosions is satisfying, the haze of smoke during an intense battle is also amazing.The noise ambience with men screaming,machine guns rattling, tank or AT guns barking , tanks smoking or in flame etc is very compelling.But there'sstill room for improvement.

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Old 09-21-10, 05:22 PM   #92
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Hi Frinik,

I agree with you in regard to the kind of atmosphere/immersion enhancing improvement that I would like to see in the game as well. However, this probably represents considerable effort on the part of whoever would be taking this on, revisions to the damage model and to the graphics components would probably have to be included. Lot's of work that I have not the slightest idea of how to do. Thus, I am very grateful to what the mod-makers have already provided us with, at no cost, too.
However, I do have a few techincal questions about SP 1.5 beta. I checked my Single Missions folder; the one in the game-install, as well as the one that comes with SP 1.5 beta. I did see a single mission for the Tiger II and the JS-122, but none for the Panther and the Luchs. Do you have them in your install?
Furthermore, I noticed that the "levels" folder for the missions includes a folder called "cocpits" (without the "k"). This includes files for a T-34/85 cockpit. However, that, too does not show up in my game.
Did I perhaps botch something in the install? I installed the SP 1.5 beta package to a "New Folder" on my desktop and then placed the folder "Steel_Panzer_Mod_v1.5_beta" from the new folder in the "MODS"-folder of my game and activated the mod via JSGME. These are the mods I have activated, in this order:

Steel_Sound_Mod_v1_1_fix_eng; Steel_Panzer_Mod_v1.5_beta; Unofficial_patch_SF_v0.1_eng; PzVI_Tiger_Epack

Instead of using JSGME, should I simply have manually placed the files from SP 1.5 beta into their appropriate folders in my game install and overwritten any files when asked (permanent install)? I haven't tried that, yet.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Old 09-22-10, 01:53 AM   #93
Grey Wolf
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Default mod 1.5 instal

Hi Fried!

I'll have to check my game menu again but I am positive I saw a single user mission with the Panther it's the Peschanoye one which used to be played with the T34/7r beutepanzer.As for the Luchs I may have been deluded.It may have been a single user mission with the Panzer II C that I saw.

By the way I created a small try mission to play with that Luchs and the Panzer 38 ausf G and the new Soviet tanks T28 and the T34/76 1943 model. The Luchs is nice and cool and I killed 4 tanks with it (T34 1941, a T28, a Mark III and a T26).However it's too smalll for me and not my kind of playable tank.I also tried the Jagdpanther and quite an impressive beast.I love it.It will go well with the Stug III F and G, and the Hetzer to fight off Soviet armoured offensives.The Elefant is OK n but frankly not as aplayable tank for me.However to make good defensive missions it will be a good addition.The Tiger I SS mysteriously I was able to play it once and since it crashes my missions and the ME with a white screen error????This new mod is very strange it allows me to play some of the missions I made with the unofficial 1.5 release and even make modifications without problems but some of the others I made with the same unoff 1.5 just crash with a white screen!!!!! I haven't been able to figure out why???I even created a trial mission with the 1.5 beta release on my laptop but when I transferred that mission into the beta release on my pc it crashed with a white screen????It's the same install!!!

Anyway I am keeping 3 distinct mods. The 1.4, the unofficial 1.5 which is not as comprehensive but very stable and offers more than the 1.4 and the beta 1.5.This way I can dab with 3 different types of mods.I''ll recyckle your Tiger missions and use them to make new versions to go along with the beta release.I may even remake your Tiger mission 04( defending Taranovka village) with a ring of bunkers, panzerschreck teams hiding in the forest by the village, MG34 emplacements to fight off the infantry attack and allow the AT guns and the lone tank( may be a Tiger II or a Panther instead of the Tiger I) to focus on the tanks.

2 cool additions; the panzerstoerersgruppen which consits of a team of panzerschreck soldiers. I tried them and they managed to kill 2 tanks.Very useful to make ambush-type missions or defend a village or fortified position. There's also a MG34 team which I haven't tried but will be useful when you are attacked by infantry.There's also what they call tower in the ME and which are small bunkers with a MG and a soldier equipped with a MP40.Thus you can now create new defensive position swith MG34s nests, bunkers, panzerschreck groups, AT guns and jagdpanzers .Very Nice work that these guys did!

I haven't played the stock missions yet( to tell you the truth I am starting to modify them to tailor them more to my action-oriented taste but I'll give it a go since you T34/85 story intrigues me....

The new Panther is not as nice as the experimental one they had with the Panther-Hetzer mod.However it's adequate and I have started to modify some of my existing missions replacing the Tiger with it.

RE the mods install; I have 2 methods.One is to extract the mod into a separate folder. Then I take the resulting application folder which I paste straight into my game's mod folder.With vista if your game is in the C drive it's the onyl way to go. You have no choice but to use the JSGME to enable your mods it's the only way to go.Me too I have that cocpit feature which I did not touch .However remember this a beta release which means that there are impecfections and missing files.I suspect in a few weeks they will release an Alpha 1.5 mod which will replace the one we have and may include campaigns.I don't think you did not instal properly your mod.BTW I'll email you some of my best unoff 1.5 release missions.

Or another method is to install the zip file into my game main folder and extract it on the spot and the application folder goes straigth into the mods folder of the game .This you can do with windows 7 or XP.

Cheers FW
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Old 09-22-10, 12:36 PM   #94
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Default SP 1.5 beta

Hi Frinik,

Thanks for the detailed reply. I would really like to try some of the missions your created with all these new goodies. My old SP 1.4 +Tiger-mod missions don't run on eiterh SP 1.5 unofficial, or on SP 1.5 beta. I keep getting the white error screen. Your approach of keeping several separate installs is probably best suited to testing different new releases. i wanted to avoid having more than one install to save some space, but I'll proabably will have to go that route, too. I used to do it with the desert mod and the winter mod, but then, after recent PC troubles, I scrapped all those extra installs.
Please do email me your new missions. I'd love to try them, but let's see whether they will even open on my install.
By the way, after installing SP 1.5 beta, plus the English-language fix, most of the menues in the mission editor are now neither in Cyrillic, nor English, but mostly just question marks and other garbled characters.


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Old 09-23-10, 03:07 AM   #95
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Default SP beta

Hi FW, I have a Panther mission in my single user menu.Oddly it's with the Panther G model(which I liked better than the one they made for SP 1.5) and it's the Peschanoye mission.I haven't played it.No mission for the Luchs as you saidf.My mistake.

The T34/85 has new missions and this is great because frankly I was a bit annoyed when they recycled the old stock T34/76 missions and simply replaced the T34/76 by the 34/85 model and left the poor Germans unchanged with Stugs III C or D and Panzer IIIs or IVE having to fight 1943/44 Soviet tanks...The missions were so easy and predictable ....Now the game is balanced with Panthers and Tigers and Panzers IV F2( still waiting for my G or H model...) and late war Stugs.

I have the same problem you do with SP 1.4 being incompatible with 1.5 unoff and 1.5 beta....This is really annoying because for me too I cannot play or even modify my or your user-made missions to adapt and update them!What I suspect is hapenning is that because of different type of tanks, guns and APCs have been introduced with both the unoff and beta 1.5 and old ones have either been modified or given new vesions and this creates conflict within the ME and your game when you try to play or edit SP 1.4 user-missions on the newer mods.The techncfg and other sub folders have been modified to a point they are no longer compatible from one mod to another one.I really wish this could be addressed for continuity's sake!This means I'll have to redo from scratch some of my 1.4 user-made missions to update them.Good opportunity to rework them but I have over 80 so it ain't going to fun!!!I'll just keep the best ones I guess.

I have played the Jagdpanther.What a beautiful beast.Tough and nasty for Soviet tanks...Excellent supplement to the Stugs and Hetzers.The Ferdinand( Elefant) is also something but I am surprised the modders introduced that vehicle of which only 90 units were produced instead of say the Hummel or Wespe which were produced in greater numbers and had a greater impact on the War. I have yet to try playing the Brummbaer/Strumpanzer and the Marder.The T34/76 model 1943 looks very nice and interesting.On the other hand I can't say that I am impressed by the boxy T28 or Panzer 38t.Still useful additions when creating early war missions.One point of sorrow the Tiger e pack is not compatible with the SP 1.5 beta.I enabled it but all I hear is the game stock sound of the German MGs and the great yellow/green camo is gone!!!! I'' ll if he can modify his epack to make it compatible with the 1.5 beta!!!Funny cause it works with the unofficial 1.5?????

I have 5 installations 2 beta 1.5 , 2 1.5 unofficial and 1 sp 1.4 on my pc + my 5 backup installations on my Toshiba laptop.The annoying part is that for some odd reason some of my unoff 1.5 missions also give me the white screen on the beta 1.5 and some missions I tried to create on the beta release also give me the white screen????? I am starting it suspect that it's becasue some of the models in the ME are not yet in the game menu thus is creates a conflict because some files are not found by the game engine and thus it crashes..Hopefully an Alpha release with campaigns and missions being added will solve the problem.

Always goood to tak FW I'll email you by the weekend at the latest!

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Old 09-23-10, 11:44 AM   #96
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Hi Frinik,

I checked the single-missions folder in my SP 1.5 beta install. There, the Panther did not replace the captured T-34/76; but at least the captured T-34s have now German late-war camo.
On my SP 1.5 beta install, the Tiger E-pack seems to run just fine (Late-war camo for the Tiger, new MG-42 sound). It is enabled as the last mod in my install.
In regard to the popularity of the Elefant/Ferdinand in Russia, I assume that it has acquired somewhat of an emblematic status, representing the Battle of Kursk. When my wife and I visited friends in Kursk, a few years ago, the local-history museum's section on WW II was full of images of the Elefant. They had a big diorama of the battle that nicely faded into a mural. This wall painting included plenty of burning Elefants as well. Apparently, the Soviets captured several of these vehicles and, of course, there were the ones that had been knocked out during combat, that could be retrieved from the battlefield afterwards. I believe, there even is an Elefant at the tank museum in Prokhorovka (spelling?), but unfortunately, we didn't have time to go there on our visit. Thus, I think that the Elefant has become a bit of a symbol for the Soviet vistory at Kursk. It's in just about every memorial for the Battle, representing German armor, much more so than the Panthers or Tigers, never mind the Mark IV's, etc.
But I agree, it would be great to have the Nashorn/Hornisse, the Jagdpanzer IV, or maybe even Dicker Max and Sturer Emil in the game, although these last two only existed in the form of two prototypes each, if I remember correctly.

Looking forward to your email,

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Old 09-24-10, 02:38 AM   #97
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Default Kursk

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM you visited Kursk???Interesting. Official Soviet Hagiography has turned this battle or rather series of battle in a Soviet victory and many publications describe it as a German defeat.It was more or less the opposite.The Germans indeed stopped the offensive( Hitler 's decision based on the Invasion of Sicily) but the Soviet manpower losses 750 000 KIA,Wded,MIA were 5 times those of the Germans 157 000 KIA,Wded,MIA
In terms of armour it was 7 times!!! Strategically it was a German failure because they abandoned before completing their objectives.But in terms of sheer losses it was a clear Soviet defeat.

As for the Elefant according to Thomas Jentz, the number one expert of the German-Soviet War, no Elefant was lost to Soviet fire.One broke down after hitting a mine and about 15 were disabled because of mechanical failure.The captured Elefants you see in the FSU states are simply captured vehicles.Despite Communist propaganda they were never able to destroy one! Don't beleiev too much what you see in the Eastern Europe.Thanks to propaganda, fiction has become history until it is accepted as facts.

You're right about the Panther.It says Panther G in single mission menu but when you open it it's only the T34/7r with new camo.However you can go into the mission editor and chnage the tank to the one of your liking.I am going to do that for some of the single and campaign missions.

I tried the new mission with the T34/85 and it's refreshing.Nothing really challenging but at least it's not the same old stock missions recycled with a simple change of tanks!The KV2 missions seem to have changed too

The Tiger epack even enabled last does not work for me!I'll try to re-install it perhaps it might work again

One thing I have noticed my fps have dropped with SP 1.5 beta compared with the unoff icial and even morew with SP 1.4????

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Old 09-24-10, 07:32 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by frinik View Post
One thing I have noticed my fps have dropped with SP 1.5 beta compared with the unoff icial and even morew with SP 1.4????

same here.
Hope someone can post this on the russian forum!
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Old 09-24-10, 08:43 PM   #99
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Hi everybody !!

I have done a quick and very basic translation of the Steel Panzer 1.5 beta mod.

I want to remark that it is very basic, using previously translated texts of SPM 1.4 and Google translator. The T34-85 and the Trophy campaigns are not translated, but the rest is translated AFAIK.

Initially, I have done the mod for my personal use but now I have thought that perhaps somebody could benefit at least a bit from it, so I have decided to share it. It is packed to be used with the JoneSoft Mod Enabler. Enable it after Steel Panzer Mod 1.5 beta.

Download it here:

Please, take into account that it is a very basic translation done using just Google translate !!

If somebody wants to improve or complete the translation he is wellcome to use my mod as a starting point.

If somebody can upload this mod in a better place he is wellcome to do it.

Enjoy !!!

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Old 09-25-10, 02:10 AM   #100
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Thank you, Txema.

This is very, very helpful. Much appreciated.

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Old 09-25-10, 02:18 AM   #101
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Txema... Thank's for the patch... it works great!
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Old 09-25-10, 04:05 AM   #102
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Originally Posted by Txema View Post
Hi everybody !!

I have done a quick and very basic translation of the Steel Panzer 1.5 beta mod.

I want to remark that it is very basic, using previously translated texts of SPM 1.4 and Google translator. The T34-85 and the Trophy campaigns are not translated, but the rest is translated AFAIK.

Initially, I have done the mod for my personal use but now I have thought that perhaps somebody could benefit at least a bit from it, so I have decided to share it. It is packed to be used with the JoneSoft Mod Enabler. Enable it after Steel Panzer Mod 1.5 beta.

Download it here:

Please, take into account that it is a very basic translation done using just Google translate !!

If somebody wants to improve or complete the translation he is wellcome to use my mod as a starting point.

If somebody can upload this mod in a better place he is wellcome to do it.

Enjoy !!!

Thanks for your hard work ...
im just postin link in World of Tanks forum to link here for Steel Fury and also T34vsTiger.......the world should know these are still alive and kicking
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Old 09-25-10, 07:23 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by Txema View Post
Hi everybody !!

I have done a quick and very basic translation of the Steel Panzer 1.5 beta mod.

I want to remark that it is very basic, using previously translated texts of SPM 1.4 and Google translator. The T34-85 and the Trophy campaigns are not translated, but the rest is translated AFAIK.

Initially, I have done the mod for my personal use but now I have thought that perhaps somebody could benefit at least a bit from it, so I have decided to share it. It is packed to be used with the JoneSoft Mod Enabler. Enable it after Steel Panzer Mod 1.5 beta.

Download it here:

Please, take into account that it is a very basic translation done using just Google translate !!

If somebody wants to improve or complete the translation he is wellcome to use my mod as a starting point.

If somebody can upload this mod in a better place he is wellcome to do it.

Enjoy !!!


Hi again !!

I have improved this english patch adding the translation of the names corresponding to the new units present in Steel Panzer Mod beta 1.5. This is specially usefull for mission designers

You can download it here:

Enjoy !!!


Last edited by Txema; 09-26-10 at 02:39 PM.
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Old 09-26-10, 01:40 PM   #104
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Sounds good but the

Download link is broken (reached 10 dl limit).

Please upload again!
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Old 09-26-10, 02:37 PM   #105
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SPM 1.5 beta translation mod file uploaded again:

Rends, if you want to upload the file to your web site to avoid this problem in the future, you are wellcome to do it.

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