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Old 09-18-09, 09:49 AM   #3091
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flounder if you haven't already, learn the O'kane fast 90 attack, it cuts down on those annoying off the bow and just astern torp misses. i don't even use the stadimeter anymore .
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Old 09-18-09, 08:34 PM   #3092
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if youll check my luckiest man alive thread youll see i have a story of my own. . but i have another .

December 18,1942
I was trying a new supermod my friend had made.I was in command of USS Angler, a gato sub, with a seasoned crew with high morale and many abilities. it was supposed to actually make your sensorss stop working when heavily damaged. I had just had a bad encounter with a task force. i thought i could sneak in and blow a carrier or heavy cruiser out of the water and sneak back out. I snuck in at 0019 hours, perfect attacking condidtions. i, being dumb, pushed the boat to standard when there was 15 destroyers around. i got within 4000 m of that Shokaku before i hear rapid pinging. i turn my scope and theres a destroyer 400 m away.i had had automatic targetng, and i fired my torpedo at it and immediately i ordered hard to starboard and to dive, but it was too late. he dropped his load with pinpoint accuracy. i used external camera and saw that 5 dc were right on top of me. they knew i was there....time to push to flank. the dcs detonated. immediately 65 hull damage 1 bulkhead destroyed in engine room, starboard propeller 95% damaged, sonar destroyed and multiple sytems hit hard. i had a mod installed that estimated crush depth when damaged. only 100 ft. it would have to do. i dived and ran for my life. thankfully this was the only dd in close proximity so i swerved my way outta that mess.

It was now december 21st, 2 days after encountering the deadly task force. i reapired all that i could. the prop shaft would only god down to 40% damage with decreased speed and manuverability. i needed to sail home. i was too damaged to fight any big cats,but i could still take down some smaller vessels. i decided to take a long route home, seeing as how i had 65 fuel left still. i plotted a course that sort of zig zagged back to pearl. 2 days of nothingness was finally rewarded with a radar contact bearing 029 long range. i decide to see what it is, so i dive to periscope depth and push to flank. i reach the contact 20 minuts later. i indetified it as a large oil tanker. i needed this kill. i open my tubes and at 1200 m i fire. i score a direct hit at 7m depth and it mustve hit her soft spot because she split in two. i do a little victory dance and decide to just end this patrol. i delete all my zig zag course flags and head straight for pearl. on december 23rd i get a radar contact. it was bearing 139 and going "very fast" it was no doubt a aplne. i order dive to periscope depth, but i accidentally pressed e and i immediately surfaced. no time to dive. i ordered man the AA guns and waited as it came closer. it was a betty, and it was pissed. i watched on the bridge the aa gunners useless attempt to shoot it down. it dropped 3 bombs, one of which somehow did only 8 more hull damage but destroyed my A scope AND air search radar. as it was going away, my AA gunners hit the betty and it caught on fire. it didnt die, but it wasnt coming back. there was probably going to be lots of those bettys soon swarming me, so i dive to periscope depth and continue. after 2 hours submerged i decide to surface. the calm seas turned into a violent storm. i couldnt see 100 m in front of my ship. i was surfaced for only 15 minutes when all of a sudden i see maybe 10 flashes of light through the darkness. two seconds later i see giant gushes of water beside my boat and something hit us. it hit hard, doing 10 more hull damage and destroying a diesel engine.i realized what happened. my a scope and air search radar were destroyed, as was my sonar, and the mod made it so that i couldt detect anything. i mustve walked right into a task force. i order crash dive and when we wre 8 m below i ordered periscope depth. i knew i couldnt dive with the amount of hull damage. i needed to run. i pushed my engines to flank and ran. it seemed hopeless. they would outrun me. i checked my damage again and noticed my stern tubes werent damaged. i checked my ammo and saw i only was missing one torpedo. i knew then what i needed to do. i needed to knock out the dds one by one at close still be running but as soon as i could get a lock i fired. there were at least 4 dds. 10 flashes of light means wuite astrong force. i needed to make my torps count. no hitting in the stern or bow. i needed to hit them in the middle, where it would really make a difference. the first dd caught up. it was 500m away before i saw it. i got a lock and fired. luckily it was swirving and it showed it gut. the torpeod impacted and in 20 seconds it died. 2 more attempts to destroy me were foiled as 2 dds went down. there was one or 2 left.i only had 1 torpedo. i also had a mod that allowed you to have all torpedoes at the start, and i used it once. i bought a cuite, as it had come back and saved me in that other patrol. i hoped it would have the same effect. i Spotted yet another dd. 700m away. i opened the tube and fired. after i gave the command to fire, i noticed that the cutie had a running depth of 6m too far down. it would miss. dammit. theres nothing stopping it now. 400m away. if the cutie was gonna do something it needed to do it now. and it did. it somehow impacted, however it impacted on the bow. my expiereinces tell my its not gonna go down. it was now 200m with 0 signs of going down by the head. i swirced franticall, however the prop shaft that was destroyed made my effort futile. i was now on top of me. i prayed for a miracle. if you read my luckiest man alive thread, youll see that one dd sunk by hitting my periscope. and oh lord it hapened again. it hit my periscope hard, casuing it to burst into small flames. it dropped dc's, but they missed. i waiuted for 2 minutes for it to sink, but it didnt. i time compressed and now it WAs starting to lean towards the bwo. however, it never sank. it was coming around again. my chances were slim. there was one thing i could do, it was radical and partially insane but i decided to surface and finish it with my deck gun. my crew was seasoned and my deck gun reloaded in 6 seconds.i did it. i blew ballast and asap i manned the deck gun. i swirved it around and fired. miss. the dd responded with its own volley, however it missed too. i checked my periscope and saw it was 1062 m away, and i aimed at 700. i corrected myself and fired again. hit. i kept unloading shell on that dd. the dd however was missing with its volleys. i fired again. hit. but this time it mustve done something, cause the small blazes turned into firestorms. i hit it hard . time to dive. i dived and just as i reached 11m the dd fired and if i wasnt underwater, it wouldve killed me. i time compress into two, and watch it as it goes down. after 10 minutes of massive blazes, i could see the propellers. it was over. it was finally over. i Happily returned to course encountering no resistance, and i breathed a sigh of relief as i entered paerl and docked. i recieved the purple heart and the silver star. they even offered me a new boat, giving me a balao class. and that is my story. sorry it isnt in paragraphs. ive spent so much time typing i cant edit it right now cause i g2g
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Old 09-20-09, 06:45 PM   #3093
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Second patrol of USS Tambor, January 1942....

We left Pearl after refitting with orders to deploy to Honshu. I made the decision to stop in at Midway en route to make sure we had the maximum fuel possible on board (last time was too close, getting back to Pearl Harbor under 10%). We shaped a westward course to Honshu, gliding through the clear deep blue Pacific at just under 10 knots. The ship gracefully slides through the large rolling waves and the air is cool and crisp on a series of beautiful, stark, winter days. The nights are bedazzling with crystal clear skies and gods little lanterns just twinkling on and off in their myriad patterns. I allow the whole crew the opportunity to stand half hour watches on the bridge, just to give their morale a boost. It's that beautiful.

After several days, though, the pleasure cruise turns to business and the crew sharpen to their tasks. We're within 500nm of Honshu when the radar operator sings out for the first time... "Radar contact, 20nm and closing fast!"

We dive to periscope depth and now, truly, we're in the war zone. The men are working well and need little direction from the officers. It's only been a little under two months since we were last in these waters. We report in to ComSubPac when we reach the designated point near Honshu. They order us to engage shipping and keep an eye out for warships.

We begin patrolling, dodging below the waves repeatedly every day and cruising for long stretches at night. After three days of this, we've not seen much traffic off the coast of I change our course.

I order the navigator to plot a course to the Yokosuka harbor and settle in for the two day cruise to get there. As we approach, the weather gods smile on the Tambor and the skies open in an intense rainfall. The ceiling drops to under 1000ft and the air patrols cease. It's impossible to see more than maybe 300 yards at the peak of night, visibility is extremely low. We work our way along the main channel at under 8kts, feeling our way in...

As we clear the breakwater, lighting flares and one of the lookouts spots the outline of something HUGE at the dock. We slow and the sonarman can't hear any sounds of escorts anywhere nearby. We creep in on the surface when another flare of lightning reveals the outline of a huge aircraft carrier. I silence the crew and we complete a quick changing of the watch. We then submerge partially to reduce our outline and sound signature and I guide us from the periscope.

We maneuver carefully around to a firing position when lightning flares again...and again and again...suddenly it's clear that we're taking fire from somewhere...shells are whizzing past the bridge. They cease, but it's clear that someone's caught sight of us...they must be close. We've been spotted so we better make it count!

We get turned into firing angle and another bolt illuminates the hulk at nearly 90 AOB (really hard to tell, but it's a good broadside shot!). The tension is mounting quickly as we wait for searchlights or more gunfire. I prep a spread of four torpedoes and get them out quickly. I don't wait to see the results, and begin angling for the breakwater's edge! As we're gaining speed, the torpedoes begin to after another, four huge explosions. The secondary explosions were too numerous to count and, with the backlighting of her death pyre, we watched that fleet carrier collapse and roll. Scratch one flattop!!!

The egress was...eventful! As you might imagine, the four destroyers who had been moseying around on the north end of the sound suddenly went to flank and headed directly for the Yokosuka naval dock. We made best speed to get around the breakwater and evaded them cleanly...almost...

One destroyer (Fubuki, I think, from the outline) was close enough to get a sniff of our sound trail heading away and gave chase...I spotted him charging up our wake with the periscope. His searchlights gave him away. Realizing that he now knew he had a submarine directly ahead in shallow water ... I knew he was flat out. So, I did the only thing I could...I put a torpedo out of tube 7 directly under him in the desperate hope it might do some damage. It went cleanly under him and detonated under his stern quarter... he fell off lamed, but not sunk. He still had a read on our location with his sonar and was sweeping searchlights and occasionally popping a few AA rounds our way in the hopes of getting a lucky hit.

As the damage took its toll, he fell off to port and suddenly I had a beautiful target, even in the fog...two searchlights, one at the front and rear of his superstructure bracketing him for I put a torpedo through the uprights and blew him in half!

With him gone and no other escorts nearby, I ordered us to the surface and made 16 knots out of the harbor and then out to sea... I was quite proud of my boys when I called in our report to ComSubPac. We're off to Iwo now, where the Intel boys think we'll find some shipping activity. The crew is confident and excited...I hope it lasts!

C.O., USS Tambor...out
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Old 09-21-09, 06:31 PM   #3094
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Fire saturn 5!!
Captain!, there's a destroyer on the por........ periscope is flooded Sir!
Darkness is only the absence of Light; Ignorance is only the absence of knowledge ©
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Old 09-23-09, 12:34 PM   #3095
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Running out of money, the Democrats are providing some new equipment to our troops.

All terrian vehicle

New Bomber

New AA machine guns

New Jeep

Better spotters

and to save water, all male spa's.
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Old 09-24-09, 11:17 PM   #3096
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Edit: Sorry for the size. They are just a touch bigger than I had planned. Zooming out in the page will make the whole pic fit in your screen without any blur.

Big Blue

Dead of Night

Full Moon

Moon Over Deck Gun

Rising Sun

Setting Moon

Setting Sun Over Oil Slick

Setting Sun Over VIIB

Sunny Day

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Old 09-26-09, 02:44 AM   #3097
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Need to cut the lights off inside the plane

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Old 09-27-09, 12:00 PM   #3098
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Night Gun Action......

USS Spearfish, Night Gun Action:

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Old 09-27-09, 12:12 PM   #3099
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Another "Dead Samurai":

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Old 09-27-09, 07:56 PM   #3100
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Last edited by Armistead; 09-27-09 at 11:11 PM.
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Old 09-28-09, 02:48 PM   #3101
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I was tracking the Y in a storm. I had already hit it with 3 torps by sonar.
Not paying attention setting up another attack I ran into it's sight zone

Course I hit crash dive as it's smaller guns fired, but those big 18's were turning. They fired and missed. I did get under, but suffered 76% damage


Escaped, but so did the Y, couldn't catch it. Ran from several dd's on the surface.
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Old 09-28-09, 03:48 PM   #3102
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Originally Posted by Armistead View Post
Now that is one cool shot. Well made!

Von Hinten
UC3 Nautilus' engineer for 45 minutes!
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Old 09-29-09, 11:02 PM   #3103
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We had a close call after attacking a TF, thought everything was working out well got away clean, took out 3 of 4 of the Destroyer escorts with a crazy manuever. They start closing in on my position one at a time from their patrol points, weaving in pinging, slowly closing, set the fish for fast, shallow and influence, pop the periscope wait till they cross the thousand yard threshold and time out the turns and fire one. By the time they spot the torpedo its too late. Well the last Destroyer decides to come back and look for me after traveling 9,000 yards away. This Captain must be ticked cause he's coming at 26 kts.

Back to battle stations we have one mk10 and one mk14 forward and one mk10 aft, same drill except this guy is not swerving or slowing down, 900 yards out fire the mk10, Now at this point a smart Captain would dive quickly just in case, not me, to overconfident three for three doing this . The fish is a friggin' dud Steep dive ahead flank hard to port, crud prop sounds, not good, splashes, oh **** not good.

We got lucky. But he scratched the paint on my boat and a dent, my turn to be ticked blow ballast, periscope depth, hurry not much time. Set for shallow open tube 7, sonar contact moving slow and away, perfect. Pop the scope, there he is moving at 3 kts at 170 fire tube 7. Put a dent in my boat will ya (even though it was my fault) Big Explosion with a massive secondary empty lifeboat. Satisfaction

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Old 09-29-09, 11:20 PM   #3104
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@ flounder

piece of work, man! Nicely done. Enjoyed that tremendously! Write some more!

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Old 09-30-09, 05:51 AM   #3105
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Just some pics from U-37's first war patrol...

Leaving Wilhelmshaven in early September 1939, south-bound towards warmer waters:

U-37's first victim of the war sunk in the Channel near Portsmouth:

U-37 was surprised on the surface by an aircraft about 20 seconds after this was taken. The plane was probably nearby
and responded to the freighter's SSS alarm. The unidentified British plane dropped bombs but they missed to starboard.
U-37 crashed dive without damage and resumed her patrol:

Stormy weather on the way to our patrol area off the coast of Portugal:

Showing off the new paint job on the conning tower. The crew really enjoyed painting those on. They're technically against
regulations but they're good for morale. Some of the men think the emblems are good luck and helped us escape damage
from our earlier encounter with the British plane. I suppose time will tell:

To be continued...

11 War Patrols / 56 ships sunk or damaged for 212,022 tons
Zero casualties throughout the war
Scuttled on 8 May, 1945 in Sonderburg Bay, after German surrender
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