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Old 09-27-09, 08:01 AM   #1
Navy Seal
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Default Angreifen! (BoBII:AAR)


Pilot: Wilhelm von Lübeck
Luftflotte: Luftflotte 3
Geschwader: Sturzkampfgeschwader 1
Gruppe: III
Aircraft: Junkers Ju 87
Airbase: Peuplingne
Leader: Hauptmann Helmuth Mahlke
Sorties: 2
Ships hit: 1 (+1)

July 10

Our commander called us in the morning and told us that we are being sent to bomb the Jaunty convoy with 40 dive bombers, escorted by fighters, while it is in the eastern English Channel.

I was flying number 2, with the squadron commander in the lead. We took off and headed northwest toward the convoy. Our escort joined us over the coast and shortly after we saw the convoy. Flight lead ordered us to begin our run and I headed straight for the convoy.

The English ships soon disappered below my view, so I inverted to have a better view. The convoy was directly below me, and the destroyers haven't even opened fire yet. I activated my dive breaks and dived directly on the nearest ship.

Bombs were now falling all over the convoy, but the English fighters were still nowhere in sight. I lined up on the merchant ship, waited until it filled my sights and dropped my bomb.

I pulled up and turned around to have a good look at the damage. My bomb hit the English ship directly, though I could not see it through the smoke, it was clear that it was heavily damaged. I pulled away to rejoin my flight.

I looked back and saw that the ship I bombed was now lying in a pool of oil and smoking heavily, soon after I saw tracers flying over my canopy and thought that the English fighters have finally arrived, but it turned out to be the destroyer, finally opening fire on the withdrawing bombers.

The flight home was uneventful, the English fighters never showed up. Unfortunately, as I was coming up to land, I came in at a bad angle and my plane was thoroughlly wrecked, though luckily I survived with only minor bruises.

Later I learned that our flight hit another ship besides the one I hit, and mine was the only plane lost. 2 more attacks were staged on the convoy that day, hitting another 7 ships, both were intercepted by the RAF.

We lost 10 aircraft on July 10, and our pilots claimed 10 shot down, an even score.
Current Eastern Front status: Probable Victory

Last edited by Raptor1; 09-29-09 at 03:42 AM.
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Old 09-27-09, 08:09 AM   #2
Lucky Jack
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Oi commie, want me to add my LW AARs to this thread or make a new one?
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Old 09-27-09, 08:11 AM   #3
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by Dowly View Post
Oi commie, want me to add my LW AARs to this thread or make a new one?
Eh, you could add them here.
Current Eastern Front status: Probable Victory
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Old 09-27-09, 08:16 AM   #4
Lucky Jack
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Dont 'eh' at me mister.

Right, I'll add them here then.
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Old 09-27-09, 09:46 AM   #5
Captain Birdseye
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Guys, what is AAR?
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Old 09-27-09, 10:15 AM   #6
Lucky Jack
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Originally Posted by Captain Birdseye View Post
Guys, what is AAR?
After Action Report
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Old 09-27-09, 10:38 AM   #7
Captain Birdseye
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Thanks mate, going to start a Stuka pilot campaign during the convoy period, may post some AAR's here
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Old 09-27-09, 11:46 AM   #8
Lucky Jack
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Pilot: Erwin Neuerberg
Luftflotte: Luftflotte 2
Geschwader: Jagdgeschwader 3
Gruppe: I
Aircraft: Messerschmitt 109E-4
Airbase: Colombert
Leader: Major Günther Lützow
Sorties: 1
Claims: 0

July 10

Finally, some frontline action. Early this morning we got a word that there'd be some Stukas from the III/St.G.1 going after an Tommie convoy that was sighted entering the channel last night.

I checked my watch as I was walking to my plane; 8:14, hmm.. with any luck the Englishmen are still sleeping tight. I climbed into my cranked pit and started going thru my checklist. All good, I turned to my flight leader and gave him thumbs up.

Few minutes later, our flight was airborne and already looking for the Stukas that were supposed to take off from the nearby airfield.

"Stukas, 1 o'clock low. Follow leader and assume position over the formation, over", the radio crackled. Here we go then.

At around 8:30, we reached our objective. Damn those stukas make sound when they attack, wouldnt want to be in the receiving end of those. Due to reports of possible RAF fighters in the area, our flight stayed well above the Stukas making it hard to see the destruction our little friends were doing down below.

RAF was nowhere to be seen during all this or maybe they didnt risk attacking us. Intel kept sending us reports of atleast 24 Spitfires in the area, but we sure as hell didnt see them.


Home sweet home.

II/JG3 & III/JG3 took over the escort duties for the remainder of the day.

Last edited by Dowly; 09-27-09 at 12:18 PM.
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Old 09-27-09, 03:06 PM   #9
Lucky Jack
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Pilot: Erwin Neuerberg
Luftflotte: Luftflotte 2
Geschwader: Jagdgeschwader 3
Gruppe: I
Aircraft: Messerschmitt 109E-4
Airbase: Colombert
Leader: Major Günther Lützow
Sorties: 2
Claims: 0

July 11 (11:58-12:45)

Verdammten Tommies! Where are they? The situation might be great for the Stuka pilots but I'm sure I'm not the only one to say that we need action. Be more aggressive and show the Tommies that they cant match our experience nor our technological advantages in the air! Today a mixed group of Stukas hit the 'Whisky' convoy just off the Thames, we had the babysitting duty. We havent gotten intel on how they fared, but I did observe massive geysers of water, shot up in the air by the countless bombs that rained on the poor merchantmen. The word is we lost one Stuka in the raid... but I dont know whether to take it as a rumour or a fact.

The flight before ours was hit hard by the RAF, I believe it was the St.G.2. Four or so Stukas went down. I dont understand it. That flight had no escort whatsoever. If I am to believe everything I've heard about Luftwaffe's strenght, we should have more than enough to spare and keep our bombers escorted. Ah well, it's not my job to analyze and question, just keep my 109 armed and fueled and I'll be happy.

PS. Came hard in during the landing; Landing gears busted and lost part of my left wing.
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Old 09-28-09, 01:10 PM   #10
Lucky Jack
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Pilot: Erwin Neuerberg
Luftflotte: Luftflotte 2
Geschwader: Jagdgeschwader 3
Gruppe: I
Aircraft: Messerschmitt 109E-4
Airbase: Colombert
Leader: Major Günther Lützow
Sorties: 3
Claims: 2

July 12

We had to wait for our mission today. It was already past noon before we got the word to take off for an escort mission against the 'Egg' convoy. 12 Stukas with 12 109s reached the convoy at 12:11. Another uneventful sortie for us it seems. The Stukas had been hit hard last night, again, they were unescorted for some darn reason.

I watched the Stukas as they began their attack on the convoy. Marvelous flying from them I might add, every column rolled over one by one in a perfect sync. They seemed to score quite a few hits too, good for them!

I snapped out of it to my radio coming to life 'Bandits! Dead ahead!'. The tommie got us this time, they were already on our Stukas before the 109s could react.

We went straight in, the hell with the altitude, the bomber pilots would all be dead before we could climb high enough to use it as our advantage. I picked my target, a hurricane that had just made it's pass on the Stukas. Perfect for me, I got right into his six and gave him a good burst, the Hurri started a tight turn and by doing so exposed his full plane to me. Another burst and a flash of light. The Hurri shot up into a steep climb, before rolling over and plummeting towards the water. I followed it to 1000 meters, when I noticed it had lost it's vertical stabiliser. I saw a bright flash and a plume of water to my left as I pulled up, no chute.

At around 2000 meters I observed a small dot to my 2 o'clock. Closer look revealed it as Hurricane. The poor bastard had no idea what hit him, first burst shattered his vertical stabiliser and rudder. I lost him into the clouds, but saw foam and parts floating in the water below the clouds, I presume it was him.

The fight had started to ease up and the last RAF fighters were being chased over the coast by our 109s. I was too far away and decided to head home. While climbing through the clouds I was faced with a surreal scenery, everything was white apart from few blotches of blue, giving me somekind of idea which way was up and which was down.

RTBd without any further to report.

Last edited by Dowly; 09-28-09 at 02:01 PM.
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Old 09-29-09, 04:03 AM   #11
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July 11

The morning hours passed with our squadrons sitting anxiously, waiting to be called up. 2 attacks were flown against convoy Whiskey, both were driven back with heavy casualties. It was not until noon that we were called to bomb the Midget convoy, off the eastern coast of England.

The weather was not bad, but littered with low-flying clouds, a nightmare for dive bombers. We got to our planes and started them up, heading north.

We were just passing the mouth of the channel when we flew by another flight of Stukas, returning from the attack on the Whiskey convoy. Unfortunately, these were followed by a flight of Englander fighters, Hurricanes, themselves followed by the escorting Bf 109s of the other flight.

The Hurricanes jumped on our squadron, I saw several Stukas starting to smoke, though I do not know how many went down. A Hurricane headed straight for me, I banked hard and it overshot, but soon 2 more of it's friends decided to attack me. I struggled to avoid their fire, and strafed them as they passed, though scoring no hits.

After a while the Hurricanes were engaged by the passing Bf 109s, leaving our squadron to continue to it's objective.

We got to our objective, unfortunately it was obstructed by a heavy layer of clouds. I flew to the point where I thought was best and dived through the clouds.

Turns out I was nowhere near the convoy, I pulled up to perform a glide bombing attack on one of the nearset merchants.

Moments after I dropped my bomb, a huge explosion engulfed the ship. I don't know whether that was my bomb or one of the other aircraft's, but the ship was smoking heavily and capsizing fast.

We started the long flight back to base. One of our planes was struck by fire from the ships, but otherwise the flight was uneventful.

I came in to land, but unfortunately, I pulled down my flaps too early and they became stuck. It took me 3 runs, but eventually I managed to get the plane down without any further damage.

We hit 3 ships during that sortie, another 2 attacks were mounted against Whiskey and Midget, and damaged them more successfully.

We lost 36 aircraft that day.
Current Eastern Front status: Probable Victory

Last edited by Raptor1; 09-29-09 at 05:39 AM.
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Old 09-29-09, 11:34 AM   #12
Lucky Jack
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Pilot: Erwin Neuerberg
Luftflotte: Luftflotte 2
Geschwader: Jagdgeschwader 3
Gruppe: I
Aircraft: Messerschmitt 109E-4
Airbase: Colombert
Leader: Major Günther Lützow
Sorties: 4
Claims: 2

July 12

Sortie number 2 for today was a joint escort mission with the II./JG3. Total of 72 bf109s were to escort a flight of Ju87's to the mouth of Thames; convoy busting.

Someone, in his infinite wisdom had made our flightpath go over Britain itself, the southeast peninsula to be exact. We were greeted with a hellish barrage of AAA fire from below, luckily it was very inaccurate and atleast from where I was, I saw no one go down.

The convoy's suspected location was 10km north of Canterbury, but due to heavy cloud cover we couldnt find it. The Ju87's didnt risk it and continued on their path without attacking.

It was now their turn to be doing nothing while we had all the fun. The RAF had made a very crucial error; they were late, pretty darn late. Flight leader spotted movement on the airfield down below, the RAF was scrambling fighters eventho we were right on top of them!

Our flight took the initiative and dived in. The first pass engulfed the airfield in flames, but still the remaining RAF pilots stayed in their pits and tried to take off. Brave but foolish, their planes were struck on the next pass.

My bird suffered damage to the engine and tail during my pass and I had to begin my trip back home earlier than I had wanted to. The gusting wind didnt make the landing any easier, but I managed somehow to ease her down smoothly.

The Stukas had observed our attack on the enemy and counted atleast 8 enemy fighters destroyed with undefined number of trucks and enemy personnel that we took out. Still, it came with a heavy cost; 8 Messerschmitts didnt return from the sortie, another 4 badly damaged...
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