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Old 02-13-09, 01:34 PM   #1
The Old Man
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Default Laser Phalanx ..

Shame DW does not support beam weapons, could be nice mod.

And it's a semiconductor one ! Just us your laser pointer. I hear US banned laser pointers above 5mw. Had to buy red 200mw in Hong Kong before EU bans them too
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Old 03-02-09, 01:46 AM   #2
Ocean Warrior
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Maybe you could mod a missile to fly VERY VERY fast and just use a tiny graphic for it. Depending on what the max speed limit is for DW, you could make the thing leave the barrel and then almost instantaniously impact on the target. The catch is to make the thing only able to travel about the same distance the beam could theoretically travel. It's far fetched but it may be doable through work around and suspension of belief.
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Old 03-02-09, 03:23 AM   #3
The Old Man
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CIWS bullet could work too .. I remember playing with them. But I was actually slowing them down (to give 76mm AA capacity).
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Old 03-02-09, 03:36 AM   #4
The Old Man
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[quote=Kaye T. Bai]
Originally Posted by Dr.Sid
I hear the United States banned laser pointers above 5mw.
I don't think so, I've never heard of such a ban.

Couldn't find the specific regulation, but this is what they write on the site I ordered it:

due to new regulations enforced by the US FDA and PayPal, orders of >5mW lasers units shipped to the United States are no longer accepted.

The other problem is that these Chinese lasers are often mislabeled (but usually stating higher power than they really have).

Also in fact we too have such regulations, but not actual ban. There is classification, safety rules, handling rules .. but nothing which would regulate ownership, selling, or even no recourse if you don't obey the rules. I mean 200mw laser can do permanent eye damage in a blink, and blind you for minutes. Some ******* uses it on highway, people can die. I would totally support any such regulation.

But then I saw some video with guy who built CO2 laser in his cellar, able to cut sheetmetal. The main glass tube was over 1 meter long. Guess the poor guy is blind already, if he didn't cut his head off
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Old 03-03-09, 04:25 AM   #5
The Old Man
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I guess it is.

Wiki (couldn't find anything more specific):

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires all class IIIb and class IV lasers offered in commerce in the US to have five standard safety features: a key switch, a safety interlock dongle, a power indicator, an aperture shutter, and an emission delay (normally two to three seconds). OEM lasers, designed to be parts of other components (such as DVD burners) are exempt from this requirement. Some non-portable lasers may not have a safety dongle or an emission delay, but have an emergency stop button and/or a remote switch.

But clearly this is not real ban. But those chinese stuff would have mostly problems with these too. I guess they had troubles with some purchases, so they canceled the whole product class.

Edit: here's something more:
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