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Old 03-16-23, 04:15 PM   #1
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Default Diabetes 2

Yesterday I had a blood test - Today I got the sad message from my doctor - Markus you have diabetes
This surprised me as I did not have the most usual symptoms. I am overweight. And it is hereditary. My mother and one of my younger sisters have too this can be the only reason I got it.
diabetes 2 This type of diabetes is also called old man's diabetes


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Old 03-16-23, 04:46 PM   #2
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The good news is it is type 2, not type 1.

The good news also is that you can most likely reverse it by food adaptation.

The bad news is you need to cut down on sweets and other carbohydrates.

The bad news also is you must cut your weight if you say you are overweight.

The bad news is you shoukd better forget convencience food for quite soem time.

Topics and theory you may want to familiarize yourself with:
- mediterranean diat
- keto diet (and no, that is not a canivore diat exclusively)
- low carb diet
- intermittend fasting
- good versus bad oil and fat
- vitamine D, and supplementation in general on a wide front, in depth.

Dont let your head hang down, there is no reason to. Diabetes type 2 is perfectly treatable, managable - and can be healed. My father has type 2 diabetes, and as I already told in the last two years, he is completely beyond it, age 79 now, needs no more drugs, never took insuline anyway, and the doc is perplexed. No signs that diabetes ever was there.

So, if only you want to deal with it you have good chances to control it, probably even get rid of it.

Type 1, now, that would be bad news.

For a start, try with this, I hold that man in high esteem:

Or if you prefer the English edition:

also, this:

Diabetes Type 2 is a symptom for a dysbalance in hormones, namely insuline and grelin, the way to tackle that dysbalance is via tackling consummation of carbohydrates to avoid insuline spikes, and switch energy production from carbs-based to ketone-based. If you get it right, you will eat plenty of healthy fats, must not hunger, and loose weight without falling victim to jojo effects. I dropped from 92 to 77kg in 6 months, and kept that weight for an additional 12 months, without jojo. Then I ate more carbs again, a few sweets but espeically bread - and gained weight again - my own fault. But I know that it works now. I did it, and I kept it. I see it in my father. And I read many other patient cases.

Do yourself a favour when you start to implent measures - do not even start to count calories, thats total nonsense. It leads you nowhere, only kills pleasure. Also, sports is good for many things, for the heart, blood system, lungs, muscles - but forget about trying to use sports to acchieve a calory deficit. Sport is fantastically unsuited for that purpose!

Do not reduce food intake to a degree where you still feel hungry. Take in all energy your body needs - but make it switching energy production from carbs to fats. Your body knows it, it did that for many months when you were a newborn, it must only be reminded of it that it can do that way. Once you get into thismetabolic state - called ketosis - you body then will start to not only use the fat you eat to prodcue energy, but will realise that he can do the same with the fat in your fat reserves. And then you start to loose weight while eating rich and fatty!

Mediterranean diet has no commonly agreed definition, there are many variations in understanding what it actually is. But some similiarities are this: very few carbs (little or no pasta or bread for exmaple!). Plenty of good olive oil and fatty sea fruits. Plenty of vegetables. No sugars.

Avoid all unfermented soy. Avoid plant oil (rape, sunflower, soy, corn etc).

Avoid "Sättigungsbeilagen" like potatoes, noodles, rice. Eat the vegetables, meat, fish, but no carbs like noodles, potatoes, rice. If you want that, do it rarely andf then as a main dish that you do not eat often. If you nevertheless want side dishes, choose hirse or oats.

Have oats days.

If you are on a three meal schemes, reduce it to two meals, say breakfast and lunch. Try breakfast shortened to just a fatty coffee.

DO NOT SNACK between these meals.

Markus, there is much you can do about this diagnosis, and if you get it right, i am certain to 95% that you can get completely free of type 2 diabetes. As long as you have no additional health issues that I do not know.

And please - do not what the health authorities of your government advice you to do or some Danish food or diet association like the German Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung. Their advices sometimes are simply outright toxic.

BTW, plenty of vegetable - but not more than one fruit per day at max! The sweeter the fruit, the more fructose it contains. Not good. Dark berries would be best, they say.

If you do fasting, remember that you need salt. PLENTY of it. NEVER save on salt.

Vinegar helps to keep insuline lower. Vinegar or cheese before the emal is always a good idea. Apple vinegar in water, two spoons already is enough.

Last tip: do not run such a strict regime now that you cannot maintain motivation for longer time to keep it up. There is no use in doing it ultra tough for three months, and then you run out of compliance and stop it. Do it softer, but aim for the longer haul.

And some really bad news: better ban alcohol for a year or so. Body takes plenty of energy from it, sabotaging your attempt to switch to fat-based energy metabolism.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 03-16-23 at 07:10 PM.
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Old 03-16-23, 05:19 PM   #3
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And forget the term "old man diabetes", that is nonsense. We have a pandemic in diabetes in young adults in all the world where Western food habits have taken the regime. Especially American fast food is a disaster. Taking cyanide would be more practical, and cost-economic. We have kids in schools that are as fat as a dugong - and have diabetes type 2 at age 10. Type 2 comes from an derailed metabolic handling of insuline levels, and these come from bad food habits and way too many carbohydrates.

The best general golden rule I can give, is this:

Eeat in such a way that you avoid high frequencies and amplitudes of your insuline production.

Less spikes over the day by eating less often. Lower spikes by eating certain things and others not: avoid carbohydrates.

Less often. Intermittend fasting. Cut down on carbs.

Push your Vitamine D...!!!
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 03-16-23 at 07:20 PM.
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Old 03-16-23, 05:24 PM   #4
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Thanks for writing all of that down for him, Sky - very good-hearted of you
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Old 03-16-23, 05:26 PM   #5
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Thank you so much for taking your time to give me some well placed recommendations.

My elder sister who's an educated Nurse-Told me this evening, when I had a talk with her, almost the same, except she didn't mention this Keto-diet.

My Doctor has sent me to a dietician-Awaiting a call from them.

I have been studying this Keto-diet and for some reason haven't paid for a subscription to receive their recipes. I've been thinking about it and when I read the stuff on the page I doesn't come further..than just read.

My head is not hanging-It could have been worse you know.


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Old 03-16-23, 05:45 PM   #6
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Yes it certainly could be worse!! Retraining your body will take a while but is eventually becomes the new norm and start to feel good about yourself and quite satisfied with the new "Markus".
I am quite sure you can beat this, all the best mate!

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Old 03-16-23, 05:49 PM   #7
les green01
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Markus don't feel bad i been type 2 for 3 years you will want to keep your blood sugar between 89 and 120 don't go below 89 or you will end up flat on your back i been there and done that one rest of it pretty much like sky can use artifical sugar in stuff if you get a sweet tooth soda pop be diet or sugar free 3 square meals and a snack excirise helps keep the sugar down if you got to prick your fingers be ready for sore fingers if you dont bleed much and have tough skin
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Old 03-16-23, 06:24 PM   #8
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I must hold back myself a bit, markus, because I am not your doctor, you cannot hold me accountable if I give youa dviose that doe sharm to you, and finally I do nto know wether you have any other health issues that contradict what I would additionally like to say.

Some time ago, alm ost three year or so, I had a blood test due to ambulant jaw surgery , the test on heart, blood and lungs was needed for the anesthesia, that I could sustain it. Some of the indices told me that I was at risk of developing a socalled metabolic syndrome, or non-alcoholic fatty liver - either I was at risk or already was at the early stage of it. I weighed 92 kg, at aheight of 177 cm. Way too much. When i was young, i always was thin like an eel.

I started first with changing eating habits. I had no more bread and nougat creme for breakfast but bacon and eggs and plenty of salt, then a mug of coffee with only little milk and very very little sweetness, but a full teapsoon of coconut oil. 1-2 slices of Goudy cheese, oin the eggs. Then 3 walnuts or so, a tablespoon os sunflower seed, linseed (never the oil, alway the seeds, guys!), and a tablespoon of pumpkin seeds. Nexyt for breakfast, an apple of a low-.sweetness but quite soar character, but then switching to Braeburn which I simply like best. NO BREAD. Now that was one of the sacrifices I had to accept, I olove bread I bakle dit myself for most of my life. But truth is man is not made to digest wheat, rye, it ALWAYS causes an inflammation in our guts, in everybody,a nd iot boosts insuline, it makes us fat. Sad, but true. I also started intermittend fasting, I have breakfast above at noon, and a warm meal around 6-8 pm. No snacks, no sweets, no beer or wine.

For the warm meal I had a piece of meat or fish, mostly, and some vegetables - I must admit: not as much vegetables as I should, I am no friend of vegetables and must always force myself to eat them. I do, but I cannot enjoy it, its purely rational, nothing lustful. No potatoes, noodles, rice or anythging: none. Also, again a hiuge dose of fishoil and Omega 3. I consume 4 gr netto of Omega 3 per day, thats 16 gr of that oil I use.

Addiutonal to these two meals, I started to supplement, over the day, in mainly three doses to keep certain minerals apart int ime a bit. A take the fujll braodside, a full volley, but not blidnly, Ideveloped myslef into this by leanrign and readings more and more. I do it for reasons, not for hopes.

I ate very fat, pkenbty of thes eoils and iolive oil, butter, cream. Never aythign that has "Light product" written on it. Nver! I allowe dmyself two pieces of butter chocolade and two butter cookies per day, and I ate them close to the wamr meal so that it woudl be just one insuline spike, not more. I sorted out all plant opils, and replaced them with coconut oil, and gee. IUn the firts year I had to repalce some of my vitamine supplements due to learning how to do certain things better.

I also fastened two days the week, I did not eat after sunday evening, and not avgaion beforte Tuesday evening. I got used to that quite fast, the first weeks it was not so nice, but not due to physical stress, but psychological revolts in my mind.

I did this for six months, and soon started to loose weight. Around a pöij dper week. Makes 2kg per month. After six month, i had lost 13 kg, was at 77kg. I did another blood test, and the values were much better. Then and in later tests especially my fatty acids analysis showed bombastically good values, and my Calcidiol levels (Vit-D) are now exceeding 80 ng/ml). The doc swallowed when seeing it, he did not like my ways anyway, and when I told him that I followed Brownstein's approach to the topic of iodine he almost became angry. I meanhwile have changed my doc.

I kept on reaodng. I owe a very lot to the names of Dr. Fung (insuline and diabetes, obesity, inter,ittend fasting, fasting, Dr. Dinicolantonio (fats and oils, salt), Prof. von Schacky (Omega-3), Dr. Brownstein (iodine), Prof- Hollkick and other son Vitmaine D, Prof- Spitz (Vitmaine D and fats and oil) and various authors on keto food, intermittend fasting and all kinds of supploemntaiton (vitamines, minerals, trace elements).

I have lost amny helath siusues I had for most of my life. I have not been ill sicne three yeras, were before I had at least four times a year a flu at least. I redcued my blood pressure medication. My heart rate normalised. Severla skin isuuses are no more. severla mouth issues are no more.

After the intial 6 mon ths, I did not loose wight anymore, it did not dop further. I oc ninuted what I had done, and kept that weight of 77 for another year, easily. No yoyo.

Then somethiug nappened, I lost complaince. after all, even if all what I did was just a mild form of sacrificing taste and joy, it nevertheless is a sacrifice. Adn I wanted back mro of what I had given up: snack at the mdionight film. Habe bread again. Pasta as main dish. And a bit more chocolade and marcipane. Occasionally a beer again.

Thats why I am now at 85kg again, 18 months later. I kn ow wehnat happened, and why, its all competely my own fault. Still, my intial way to loose wieghtr by eating penty and fat, worked.

Fats do not make you fat. Insuline makes you fat. Eat stuff that raises insuline, and you become fat and increasingly insuline resistent (=diabetes). Control your insuline, and you loose weight and become healthy again. Diabetes is a hormonal dysbalance.

tell yout his, Markus, so that you see that you can infleunce your status, and that I have good reaosns why I preach the thigns that I have explaiend, and often so now. It snot just the content of aorudn two dozen boosk I have red abot these thigns in recewnt trhree years - itsd also the poratcial expoeirnce: my own, and tta I see in ym ftaher, anbd my mother. They follwoed my advices, and thery are mcunb ebtter off, age 79 and 75. Both dropped their meds significantly.

Thats why I give you the tips that I give you! BTW, my last blood test, depsite my too hig wight again, were good, and my new doc also was perplexed a bit , he said it were quite uncommon that a man of my age and BMI has zero indices of inflammations in his body. Usually a man of my status would have at least very few, minor signs, even if these were so low that they had practically no meaning for my health currently. Well, what should I say. Plenty of Omega 3, Vitamine-D, Ubiquinol, Iodine, and their needed supplements, and others.

Its up to you, Markus. You have all options in your hand. If I were you, I would, consider that diagnosis as something temporary only!

I will not comment on this topic any further, but if you have questions, ask, then I will try to answer to my best ability. But do not forget, my scope is very specialised and thus: also limited. I lack the wide general education of a general doctor and can challenge a doctor only within that clearly defined and narrow perspective I learned - not beyond.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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Old 03-16-23, 06:39 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by les green01 View Post
Markus don't feel bad i been type 2 for 3 years you will want to keep your blood sugar between 89 and 120 don't go below 89 or you will end up flat on your back i been there and done that one rest of it pretty much like sky can use artifical sugar in stuff if you get a sweet tooth soda pop be diet or sugar free 3 square meals and a snack excirise helps keep the sugar down if you got to prick your fingers be ready for sore fingers if you dont bleed much and have tough skin
Be advised that artificial sweeteners also produce insuline spikes, some as high as that from sugar, varying according to the choosen sweetener (some also have even more calories than sugar). The mechanism is different to that of consuming sugar and carbs and is not yet fully understood. Miscommunication between guts and brain and "irritated" neurotransmitters seem to have to do with it. Research goes on, but the incidences are now quite big that sweetener also cause insuline production, like sugar.

But here is a tip. The reward centre in the brain has a neurostructure that reacts to salty taste, sweet taste and hard drugs like opium, cocain, heroin. Its all the same structure. When this structure is excited and makes you scan for something sweet, put some salt in your mouth instead. The craving for sweetness will maybe not completely disappear, but will ease signficantly!

They were able to show a statistically very significant link between the salt status of pregnant women, and the likelihood of their babies later becomign drug addcits or diabetes patients (due to sugar-focussed food habits). When the mother does not eat enough salt (and iodine), there is not enough salt she can "pump" into her baby short before birth. This usally happens because it is extremely important for the baby to have high ammounts and reserves of both salt and iodine, the mother is practically empty of both after she has delivered.

Now, when baby has not gotten enough salt, the brain structure I mentioned has an inbuilt set focus (for all life!) for salt due to the deficit, but since the same brain structure controls the craving and rewarding regarding sweetness or drug induced "happiness", the craving for salt can be eased by eating sweets instead - or taking drugs. That raises the vulnerability for abusing sugar, and drugs, and thus the raised likelihood that salt-deficitary babies later in their life develope drug addiction or diabetes.

It works the other way, too. If you feel appetite for something sweet, cure that by tasting salt. Salt is harmless (there are so many myths about how dangerou salt is, dont get me started...) - sugar is not.

We can live healthily and survive completely without sugar and carbs - if onyl we eat enough fat and salt. We are born in a state in ketosis, and stay in that for many months. The body must not learn it - he must remember that he already has that ability. Try the same trick the other way around - try to survive by carbs only, but no fats and salt. You'll be dead before the year is done.

Thick, tasty grains of stone salt or sea salt. Thats the trick! Its always on my TV table, instead of sweets. Works.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 03-16-23 at 06:57 PM.
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Old 03-16-23, 06:44 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post

I have been studying this Keto-diet and for some reason haven't paid for a subscription to receive their recipes. I've been thinking about it and when I read the stuff on the page I doesn't come further..than just read.
You said you speak German as well.

Very competent authors, I know three of the four ladies from other readings and youtube videos as well. They know their stuff.

The most relevant is that you understand the principles and the logic behind keto and low carb (and intermittend fasting). It may not be needed to excessively follow it in a pure form - I did not, I took some of its principles for generalla orientation. I benefitted from that already. Only the time table of the intermittend fasting plan you mabye will choose should be obeyed for sure. 16:8 means you do not eat in that 16 hours window, only in that 8 hours window, every day. No exceptions. And you do not overeat then, of course, you do not eat "in advance", but normally.

My head is not hanging-It could have been worse you know.
Indeed, it could have dropped off.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 03-16-23 at 06:58 PM.
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Old 03-16-23, 10:09 PM   #11
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Markus, hang tough and think of this as a wake up call.

It takes three days to learn a new habit. Don't fixate on it or over-think it, just let it happen. Just do me one favor and touch base with your Dr. before you pick a diet.
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Old 03-17-23, 05:53 AM   #12
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I was diagnosed Type 2 over ten year ago and honestly this should not and need not be a big deal. Take the sensible steps you will receive from your medical practitioner and everything should be okay.

I take two tablets a day and all is well.

Now Type 1 is a totally different ball gam. My friend Sailor Steve was Type 1 and some of the stories he shared with me were quite concerning but still controllable as long as the medical advice was adhered to.
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Old 03-17-23, 10:06 AM   #13
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I'm very sorry to hear of your diagnosis, Markus. still, between the advice your sister gave you and the great advice from Sky, Les , Jimbuna and others and following the directive of your health care practitioners, you should be ok.

In reading what Jim said, you have someone here living with it everyday and it's not slowing Jim down at all. Wishing you all the best, Markus.
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Old 03-17-23, 02:25 PM   #14
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I have had it since 2004 A1C 7.4. Now doing the right things A1C has been 6.1 for 15 years.Just get the routine thats works for you stick with it.Took a couple years to balance out, but it will.
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Old 03-17-23, 02:26 PM   #15
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Hello Markus,
also sorry to hear this but after reading some texts and a book i take it Skyird and the others are right. Just have a talk with your doctor and maybe let you advise some lectures to listen to. If the spikes are not excessive there is a very good chance to live without even taking pills like Metformin and such.

Apart from this ketogene "diet" (you really do not have to suffer when taking this way) movement is very good for you, as is getting your weight to a reasonable number (no idea if this is even necessary).

Exercising (which i hate lol) or just moving your body brings down any sugar/carbohydrate spike instantly. So if you like wandering, bicycling or just strolling a bit helps immensely, it does not have to be for a long time.

I understand you read german, so here is a quite good link (there are thousands of others of course)

All the best! Keep your head up

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