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Old 06-08-07, 05:02 AM   #1
Samurai Navy
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Docu about Doctrine Language


is there any docu about the doctrine language available?

I've found so far the thread in

But it seems to be valid for SC and from my understanding you cannot use the doctrine language in the mission editor, or I'm wrong?

Would be a further topic for OneShot's Wiki :-)
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Old 08-31-07, 01:39 AM   #2
Ocean Warrior
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The complete instruction set.

Note, this was written for Sub Command, so not all of it works entirely as advertised.

AUTHOR: Sonalysts
Additions: JSteed

First a little about how doctrines work:
Every platform has a default doctrine assigned by the object database. It can also be specified per platform in the
scenario file by the DOCTRINE <filename> command. SC will evaluate this doctrine at regular intervals. Whenever a
platform detects a new contact, the platform doctrine is evaluated with "NewTrack" equal to true. Platform doctrine can
chose to assign a particular doctrine file to that contact using the SetTactic command. Thereafter, the original platform
doctrine continues to be evaluated as before, plus the assigned tactic doctrine is evaluated every time the contact is
updated. It's important to understand the distinction: the original platform doctrine is routinely evaluated without a
reference solution, except when a new contact is detected. When a new contact is detected, the platform doctrine is called
only once referring to the new solution. This is the only opportunity to set a tactic doctrine for that contact.
Following are some syntax specifications. Note that neither Sonalysts nor EA will support editing of doctrine files- Sub
Command was intended to run with the files as shipped. What you do with them after that is at your own risk.
Sub Command doctrine is very particular about whitespace. Everything must be separated by whitespace! Parentheses or
brackets not surrounded by spaces or tabs will result in unrecognized terms.
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
= Assignment x = y
+= Addition assignment (e.g. a += b is a = a + b)
-= Subtraction assignment as above
*= Multiplication assignment as above
/= Division assignment as above
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
== Equal to (numbers only)
$= Equal to (strings only, e.g. OwnName $= "Fred")
And Boolean and
Or Boolean or
Not Boolean not
& Logical AND (e.g. 255 & 128 == 128)
| Logical OR (e.g. 32 | 16 == 48)
() Expression delimiters
{} Command delimiters
on 1
off 0
true 1
false 0
Math Funcs:
rnd <value> Returns a random floating point number between from 0 to <value>
abs <value> Returns the absolute value of <value>
sqrt <value> Returns the square root of <value>
<value1> mod <value2> Returns <value1> modulo <value2>
(e.g. 5 mod 3 = 2)
RelativeBearing <value1> <value2> Returns the relative bearing from <value1> to <value2>
XYBrg <value1> <value2> Returns true bearing from 0,0 to <value1>,<value2>
XYRng <value1> <value2> Returns range from 0,0 to <value1>,<value2>
If <expression> Then <command> [Else <command>] [ElseIf <expression> Then <command>] EndIf
The basic conditional structure is:
If <expression> Then
If <expression> evaluates to non-zero, then <command> will be executed. Note that this basic structure only expects one
expression and one command- to work with multiple expressions and commands, the expressions must be enclosed by
parentheses, and the commands must be enclosed by brackets. For example:
If ( <expression1> ) And ( <expression2> ) Then {
} EndIf
There is a also a conditional loop:
While <expression> <command>
As long as <expression> evaluates to non-zero, <command> will be executed over and over again. Be especially careful- an
infinite loop will halt the sim! Note that none of the original doctrines use this structure. Use it sparingly if at all.
Special Terms:
Var <variablename>
You can create as many variables as you like in a doctrine file. All variables are double precision.
func <functionname> <command>
You can define procedural functions to group commands that might be needed often in larger doctrine files, for example:
func Evade {
SetOwnSpd MaxSpeed
SetOwnAlt AltLayer
A single command "Evade" will perform all 3 commands. Grouping commands into a function isn't any faster (nor is it
appreciably slower), but it can make doctrines more compact and easier to read in some cases. Functions must be defined
before they are referenced, and are only available in the doctrine where they are defined.
Init Automatically set True the first time doctrine is accessed. Thereafter it is set False.
NewTrack Platform doctrine will be called with NewTrack true when a new target is detected
LostTrack Platform and tactic doctrines are called with LostTrack true when a target is about to be removed
Engaging Tactic doctrines are called with Engaging true when a platform is attempting to engage a target (this feature must be enabled in the .ini file)
WeaponAway Tactic doctrines are called with WeaponAway true at time of fire
Target Terms:
TgtBrg True Bearing from platform to target
TgtRng Range from platform to target (in yards)
TgtCrs Course of target
TgtSpd Speed of target (in knots)
TgtAlt Altitude/Depth of target, in feet, negative means below sea level
TgtX Target X position, in yards from bottom left of map
TgtY Target Y position, in yards from bottom left of map
TgtID ID of target. Possible values listed below. This is a string value, and must be tested using $=, e.g. IF TgtID $= "HOSTILE" THEN ...
TgtClass Class of target. Possible values listed below. This is a string value, and must be tested using $=, e.g. IF TgtClass $= "AIR" THEN ...
TgtMissileClass "<value>" Returns true or false based on whether "value" is a member of string expression TgtMissileClass listed below.
TgtAOB Target angle on the bow. This is the target's relative bearing from platform's course
TgtSILOS Target speed in line-of-sight (closing speed)
TgtSource Target sensor source. Possible values listed below. This is a string value, and must be tested using $=, e.g. IF TgtSource $= "Radar" THEN ...
TgtAge Time since last detection
TgtConf Confidence, 0-100. This level is based on detection strength, and for passive sonar, number of platform legs
AttackRng Optimal range to attack target from using best available weapon
ThreatRng Optimal range for target to attack platform from using its best available weapon
TargetName Target's name. This is a string value, and must be tested using $=, e.g. IF TargetName $= "Asheville" THEN ...
AssignedTarget True if the current target is the platform's assigned target (from the mission editor "TargetMode" feature)
OwnShip Terms:
OwnCrs Platform's course
OwnSpd Platform's speed (in knots)
OwnAlt Platform's altitude/depth, in feet, negative means below sea level
OwnX Platform's X position, in yards from bottom left of map
OwnY Platform's Y position, in yards from bottom left of map
PeriDepth Platform's periscope depth, in feet
MaxSpd Platform's max speed
LoiterSpd Platform's loiter speed
MinSpd Platform's min speed (0 except for aircraft)
MaxAlt Platform's max altitude
MinAlt Platform's min altitude
Pitch Platform's current pitch, -90 to 90
Alliance Platform's side (0-8)
OwnName Platform's name. This is a string value, and must be tested using $=, e.g. IF OwnName $= "Asheville" THEN ...
Order Platform's current order. Possible values listed below. This is a string value, and must be tested using $=, e.g. IF Order $= "Track" THEN ...
DBCMFlags Bitfield of platform's countermeasure capabilities. Bit values listed below. Use logical operators to test these bit values, e.g. IF DBCMFlags & 1 THEN ...
DBTargetFlags Bitfield of platform's target capabilities. Bit values listed below. Use logical operators to test these bit values, e.g. IF DBTargetFlags & 1 THEN ...
DBOBjectFlags Bitfield of platform's object attributes. Bit values listed below. Use logical operators to test these bit values, e.g. IF DBOBjectFlags & 1 THEN ...
DBUser1Flags Platform's user1 database value.
DBUser2Flags Platform's user2 database value.
GetEntVar "<platvar>" Returns value of variable <platvar> in platform doctrine (from target doctrine)
Misc Terms:
Time Time in seconds from start of scenario
Layer Depth of thermal layer
TerrainAlt Altitude/Depth of ground at platform or target position
TacticName Name of target tactic doctrine
Reserved Variables:
WaypointReached True when a helo has reached a random box waypoint
PreEnableCourse Weapons preset pre-enable course
PreEnableSpeed Weapons preset pre-enable speed, in knots
PreEnableDepth Weapons preset pre-enable altitude/depth, in feet
Enabled True when a weapon is enabled
RunToEnable Weapons preset run-to-enable range, in yards
Runout Weapons preset shutdown range, in yards
Floor Weapons preset floor, in feet
Ceiling Weapons preset ceiling, in feet
AcousticMode Torpedo preset - true for passive mode
These next 2 variables must be declared in Var instructions before they can be used.
DestX Missile preset target x, in yards from lower left of map
DestY Missile preset target y, in yards from lower left of map
SearchDepth Weapons preset search altitude/depth, in feet
OrderedDepth Weapons preset ordered altitude/depth, in feet
DetonateDepth Weapons preset destruct altitude/depth, in feet
CircleSearchPattern Torpedo preset search pattern - true for circle, false for snake
DoctrinePriority Target-dependent recommended priority
SetCrs <value> Set own course to <value>
SetSpd <value> Set own speed to <value>
SetAlt <value> Set own alt/depth to <value>
SetAltLayer Set own alt/depth to opposite side of layer
SetPitch <value> Set pitch to <value>
SteerAbeam Set course to put contact abeam
SteerTo Set course toward contact
SteerOblique <value> Set course toward contact with AOB of <value>
SteerAway Set course to put contact astern
SteerEvasive Steer contact off rear quarter
SteerXY <value1> <value2> Steer to point <value1>,<value2> (yards from lower left of map)
Intercept Set intercept course
TerminalHome Set collision course
WakeFollow Set course to follow target's wake
TacticCenter Move search pattern to center on current position
Identify "<value>" Set solution classification to value. Possible values listed below, must be in quotes.
Attack "<value>" Attack target using weapon <value>, must be in quotes
AttackBest Attack contact using best available weapon
FireBest Fire best weapon at target, ignoring firing constraints
Drop Drop current target
Countermeasure "<value>" Launch specified countermeasure
Detonate Explode platform
TimedDetonateTgt <value> Explode target at time <value> (in seconds from start of scenario)
Shutdown Shut platform down, without detonating
Enable Enable all sensors
PreEnable Disable all sensors
Snake <value> Perform a snake pattern centered on course <value>
Circle Perform a circle pattern
PassiveEnable Enable all passive sensors
SensorEnable "<value1>" <on/off> Turn sensor <value> on or off
Launch "<value>" Launch aircraft of name <value>
LaunchWithLoadout "<value1>" "<value2>" <value3> Launch aircraft of name <value1> with mission <value2>. Possible mission values listed below. What value3 represents is unknown.
Land Land at parent airstrip
SetDoctrine "<value>" Set platform doctrine to <value>
SetTactic "<value>" Set target tactic doctrine to <value>
SetPriority <value> Set current command priority to <value>
SetPersist <value> Set current command persistence to <value> seconds
DebugOut <value> Output <value> to debug stream
DebugValueOut "<value>" Output <value> to debug stream, must be in quotes
SetEntVar "<value1>" <value2> Set variable <value1> in platform doctrine to <value2> (from target doctrine)

String expression values:
ASW, SUW, AAW, Strike, Recon, Comms, MineSweep
Active Sonar, Active Intercept, ESM, Visual, MAD, Infrared, Passive Sonar, Radar, FCRadar, IFF, CM

Bitfield values:
DBCMFlags Types of countermeasures a platform is equipped with
DBTargetFlags Types of targets a weapon is capable of targeting
1=AAM This object is an air-to-air missile
2=ASM This object is an air-to-surface missile
4=SSM This object is a surface-to-surface missile
8=SAM This object is a surface-to-air missile
16=Tanker This aircraft is a tanker capable of refueling other aircraft
32=Terrain Follow This weapon can terrain follow
64=Guided This weapon is guided by the firing platform
128=Thrown This weapon has no propulsion, but is thrown by the firing platform
256=Refuelable This aircraft can refuel in-flight
512=Feedback This weapon feeds its target info back to the firing platform
1024=Prelock This weapon must acquire before it fires
2048=Smokeless This weapon doesn't leave a smoke trail
4096=Reattack This weapon can re-attack if it misses
8192=Remote This weapon can be fired on remote targeting info
16384=Snapshot This weapon receives a snapshot of the target at time of fire
32768=Ballistic This weapon follows a ballistic trajectory
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