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Old 03-07-07, 09:22 AM   #1
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Default Our 1st attempt at Dynamic Mission Objective MP / Download Available

Conflicting Interests v1.0 - by suBB and MaHuJa (kage)

Features List as of 3-06-07

Downloads available:

A. MaHuJa’s download mirror, available immediately: Interests v1.0.rar

B., also available at


A. Purpose:

In the beginning, this map was one big laboratory experiment. I (suBB) wanted to see if the concept of dynamic mission objective could be done on the MP level. This also turned into an incredible learning experience in editing, of which I had no prior knowledge. Now that the learning curve is behind us, we are now convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that with the right idea and planning, dynamic mission objective is a reality on the MP level. Initially, we made it for ourselves as an alternative to DW death match MP. But as it turns out, we are meeting more and more people who are feeling the same way we do about this, and we want to take this time to say thank you all for your encouragement, support and motivation, especially when the chips were down.

B. Objective:

To create a dynamic environment, a practical one at that, on the MP level, for AI as well as human controlled platforms, where anything is possible, at anytime, with or without notice or prior warning, where the outcome is variable and subject to change at any moment. In doing so we’ve done everything to the best of our ability with the knowledge we gained in editing to do away with anything / everything directly / indirectly related to predictability, while in the same time achieve optimal in-game dynamics (randomness).

C. Installation, Requirements and Game Settings:


This file includes Conflicting Interests_v1.mup, 3 .txt files and 18 .wav audio files.
EXtract the contents of Conflicting Interests v1.0.rar into dw/scenario folder.


DW patch >= 1.04

LWAMI >= 3.072

Games Settings:

Link data, wind, wave riding, current = on, rest off

Submarine active intercept, radar = on or optional by player, rest off

Air ESM, radar, cm = on or optional by player, rest off

Surface EW, CM = on or optional by player, rest off


D. Features:

We would like to think of the following features included in this map as a new standard (at least) that will be followed in more maps to come from us in the future. Of course if anything else comes up in the future that can / will 'raise the bar' of this standard, then we're all for that.

1. Dynamic Mission Objective – We like to define this as any sort of random event that affects standing orders of a platform based on an ever–changing situation. At any possible moment, on virtually every controllable platform included in this map, the situation can affect your standing orders provided in tasking. It will then be up to the individual how he / she decides to accommodate the situation using his / her best judgment and his / her sense of priority.

2. Asset Management – This offers human influence over AI platforms, including air, surface and subsurface platforms. Be mindful how you ID (contact’s intentions) contacts without being clear of it’s intentions. If you ID a contact as hostile when it has not committed any sort of hostile action, AI platforms will attack and possibly violate ROE(more on that later), meaning the mission can’t be complete by both sides. If you are not sure of the contact’s intentions, ID it as unknown until otherwise.

3. Multi-Mode Capability – this map can be played in SP / MP / COOP modes and probably multi-station.

4. Dynamic Situation – at any possible moment, on every platform included in this map, the situation can at any moment affect the chances of success / failure of mission tasking.

5. Dynamic Location & Random Spawn Box – all platforms, including neutrals and bios, except the helo will be spawned on the map using dynamic location and / or random spawn box within the playing field. The AI helo will resume passive and dipping search using random search tactic, more on AI helo later.

6. Dynamic Mission Outcome – due to the level of in-game dynamics and random contributions of humans, neutrals, bios and AI, there is more than one possible outcome that can occur at any given time.

7. Dynamic Intelligence Gathering / Sharing – all of this randomness places both AI and human players in a position of possible intelligence gathering and providing it to allied platforms if the opportunity presents itself. Intelligence is gathered and ‘possibly’ shared in real-time if / when available.

8. Dynamic AI Behavior – we’ve made our best attempt at making AI disciplined, aware and thoughtful of it’s AI / human counterpart. In testing AI tends to have a mind of its own and has done things it wasn’t even coded for in scripting.

9. Dynamic AI Navigation – Without use of waypoints, all AI platforms will assume random course, speed and depth settings, which are also subject to change and are affected by the situation. I want to say the DW engine and LWAMI combat / evasion algorithms have been harnessed to work for us in this regard, contributing more so to unpredictable AI navigation.

10. 'Reasonable' Dive Time - From previous experiences in MP dives over the years, roughly 4 to 5 hours seems reasonable to us, and was very common in MP dives. Dive times have been optimized so as to avoid either long drawn out dives where map isn't playable or short-lived dives not really worth playing.

11. Use of Stealth – There are numerous possible outcomes, and the mission tasking for platforms isn’t always resolved with the destruction of platforms or buildings. In some cases, the mission outcome can / will depend on how well you use stealth as your weapon in order to complete mission tasking.

12. Rules of Engagement / Violation of ROE – Rules of engagement are provided in mission tasking to all human platforms as well as AI platforms. If in the event the situation has changed affecting ROE, changes in ROE will be sent to both AI and human platforms. If violation of ROE occurs, the mission will result in can’t be completed by either side. Even sometimes AI has an itchy trigger finger.

13. Missions Made to Justify Platforms - As far as we know, in real life a skipper doesn't reserve the right of choice of his / her platform, only to choose if he / she accepts the mission or not. Same thing applies here; platforms are assigned to you. Whether you choose to assume command of the platform is solely up to you.

14. Mission Status Deliberately left Out – in an effort to do away with predictability, mission status has been deliberately left out to try and prevent human players from plotting around unfinished goals usually listed in mission status screen. Depending on the actual outcome, a report message w audio will be sent globally to all controllable platforms.

15. Chance of Success
- By default the chance for success for both AI and human players is 50%, the other half depends on you and your abilities and collaboration with your allies if / when possible. Dynamic mission objective, dynamic situation, accountability, responsibility and skill set will define your chances of success in this unpredictable
environment. I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, but there aren’t any guarantees or promises here. I’ve (suBB) had a personal experience in play testing where chance of success literally made someone emotionally upset and / or disappointed - we can't help that.

16. Minimum Safe Distance – all platforms, both human and AI, where applicable, will be required to attempt to reach minimum safe distance once mission tasking is complete. Since mission status has been deliberately left out, a message w/ audio will be sent globally announcing the actual outcome to all human players.

17. AI Situation Awareness – Depending on the circumstances we’ve made AI submarines conduct comms checks to share intelligence with allied platforms as well as to stay abreast of the situation. AI submarines will also conduct TA sonar baffle checks, hull and sphere baffle checks, as well as promote links to allied platforms when necessary.

18. AI Helo Passive Buoy / Dipping Search – The AI FFG / AI helo (not ffg controlled) in this map has been fixed not to crash since LWAMI 3.02. Because of that, the AI helo workaround includes passive search in a random fashion using difar buoys while at peacetime. If / when peacetime changes to wartime, the AI helo will not only continue to ‘drop buoys’ but will start sonar dipping search. Once the weapons start flying, LWAMI pretty much intervenes for the moment. Afterwards, and if time and the situation permits, the AI helo will return to the ffg, re-arm, re-fuel and resume combat.

19. AI Support – If contact is made of opposing forces, AI platforms will provide support if the opportunity presents itself. Support can be in the form of long-range attacks, coordinated torpedo attacks, or however AI decides to offer support. Again, AI tends to have a mind of its own.

20. Disciplined AI - AI has been made not to be too reactive especially to human active sonar transmissions.

21. AI Escort - At any given time a human 688 can rendezvous with the AI FFG escort, if not escorted at time of spawn.

22. LWAMI Compliance - We've made our best effort in making sure that this map built on this standard complies with LWAMI. This map was made especially for LWAMI, and is recommended for use with LWAMI only. This map can be played on stock DW 1.04 but we cannot guarantee quality and / or integrity of the map.

That’s pretty much it.

We hope you all enjoy Conflicting Interests v1.0


Freelancers Guild: DW Mission Objectives MP

MaHuJa’s Blog Page


Last edited by suBB; 03-14-07 at 09:42 AM.
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