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Old 01-14-20, 10:12 PM   #354
CTD - it's not just a job
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Yes, an issue was discovered in some of the escorts, and they will be "aggressive" in the next release, but that word is a matter of opinion. They will see you easier and will use more than one tool to try to find you. The thermal layer is stronger than in TMO, but not as strong as Stock.

If memory serves me correctly for a "Depth charges in the water" warning, there is a "splash" sound that you have to listen carefully for, but the vocal warning is generally not there. I have not hunted down all possible ways for it to be triggered, but I have not heard it for a while. I wish there was a way to get a "Incoming torpedo!" vocal warning, but alas... This is why there is no penalty for using the Event Viewer camera in FotRSU. That is like your sound man letting you know what is attacking you.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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