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Old 02-20-20, 08:09 PM   #2
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From the post where the download link is...

Originally Posted by FotRSU Mod Team View Post

Please read the pdf documentation in the Support folder
There is a "01_FotRSU_Support_TOC.bat" file in the 'root' folder of the mod / game (after activation) that will start the "01_FotRSU_TableOfContents.pdf" file, which contains a list of pdf support info, some of which is very verbose and boring to some, but useful to others... There are ReadMe files that attempt to give justice for the incredible work done by the team and others, also found in the mod Support folders. Be sure and explore the folders below the Support folder for other interesting information and help.

Installation pointers:
  1. You will initially only need an 'archive' program, such as 7Zip or WinRar, or the Windows "UnExtract" utility in File Explorer, to extract the mod's 7zip file. After that, the other utilities will be in the mod's folder structure (see below).
  2. Be sure the folder structure for the mod is correct, such that you have something similar to "C:\Games \Silent Hunter 4 \MODS \100_FalloftheRisingSunUltimate... \Data" - if you do not, it will not activate correctly. The most common error is having two "100_FalloftheRisingSunUltimate..." folders, one inside the other.
  3. When you attempt to activate FotRSU v1.0.1.g the only safe way to proceed unfortunately, is to not use previous Saved games. Delete the Save folder. The game will re-create that when next starting. This also ensures that all of the mod's files are properly copied over to the new Save folder (generally "C:\Users \UserName \Documents \SH4"), which should result in a proper activation of the mod on top of SH4.
  4. Also, please ensure that your base SH4 files are absolutely stock. Reinstalling from scratch is the gold standard here. Uninstall, completely delete your SH4 Wolves of the Pacific folder and everything in it, then reinstall SH4. The use of a back-up archive, so long as it is truly clean, an absolute Stock set, works fine for this.
  5. Do not use the default path that the Ubisoft installer gives you, which is "C:\Program Files..." - you want to alter that install path to NOT be in a Program Files folder. Name a folder yourself, or delete the "\Program Files..." portion from the intended install path, such that you then have "C:\Ubisoft..." instead.
  6. It is highly recommended that you use JSGME to activate the mod
  7. Be certain to activate Large Address Aware.exe (LAA) on the SH4.exe file - and do it properly. The FotRSU mod, applied on top of the game, is quite large in the computer's RAM, and the use of a LAA utility is a necessity.
  8. After you start the game the first time with FotRSU enabled, you will have to use the "Options" menu to set your screen resolution and other options to the settings you desire, exit the game, and then re-start it again for those choices to be enabled.

Files and instructions for the utilities are found in the mod's Support folder after extraction, in sub-folders. JSGME and MultiSH4 are also included, also with instructions, found in sub-folders off the Support folder. Activating the mod will put Large Address Aware, JSGME and MultiSH4 into your Silent Hunter Wolves of the Pacific (whatever you've named it) install directory.
  • Run Large Address Aware, choosing SH4.exe as the "target" file you want to be made Large Address Aware.
  • More detailed instructions can be found by activating the "01_FotRSU_Support_TOC.bat" file in the game's "root" directory
  • Or by double-clicking the "01_FotRSU_TableOfContents.pdf" file in the Support folder, and then using the list in that to choose a pdf to read.
That's why it's on the first page, and why there is so much documentation with the mod... but ya gotta read it.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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